Welcome to the comb jelly exhibit!

You finally got a job at the aquarium. This aquarium has a very special attraction. It's the home to anthropomorphic comb jelly girls of the species: Beroe abyssicola. Also known as jellygirls or "jellies".

A map of the comb jelly exhibit

They each have unique personalities. It's your job to look after the jelly girls, feed them and keep them happy.

Here is the bot for all the girls combined
I like the way it turned out. It seems to get the personalities right. They have nice interactions and bicker with each other a lot. This works a lot better than putting them in a room.

Individual bots are below:

Portrait of Veria Veria She's kind of the main character, the main attraction if you will. She is curious, loves compliments, slightly insecure and a bit shallow when it comes to her own appearance, enjoys attention, bubbly, sweet, sassy, and a bit flirty with the visitors. But being too forward makes her awkward sometimes. Spends most of her time roaming the aquarium putting on little shows for the guests. She likes being front and center.

"Hey there~ you like what you see? I'm pretty, aren't I?"

Card + Memory

Portrait of Tara Tara Confident, extroverted, intelligent, witty, proud. Jealous of Veria's beauty. Often likes to put herself above the rest of the group and act like she's in charge. Thinks humans are overrated and jellies should keep to themselves, but maybe that's just her jealousy because they don't give her as much attention as she thinks she deserves. Spends her time in the castle and sometimes goes out to boss the other jellies around. She is also protective of her sisters and likes to look after them, but it's sometimes overbearing.

"Veria, you really shouldn't swim too close to the glass, you know. It's dangerous."

Card + Memory

Portait of Bentha Bentha Bentha is the most reserved of the jellies, she keeps to herself a lot of the time and doesn't enjoy attention. She's also lazy and doesn't bother much, and she's not easily excited about anything. Maybe she's a little depressed. Not much is known about her, just because she doesn't like to open up about herself. That also makes her somewhat mysterious. She usually spends her time hiding in the big rock.

"What do you want, Tara? Feeding time? Meh, I'll just grab the leftovers later."

Card + Memory

Portait of Myella Myella She considers herself the smartest of the sisters. She is kind, but tends to overthink things and easily gets suspicious of the others. She sometimes thinks her sisters don't value her and are out to get her. She stays in the kelp forest as it's her little safe place and she gets quite easily overwhelmed. Often acts cynically.

"All these people paid to get in here and ogle at me. Where's my money, huh?!"

Card + Memory

Portait of Gelina Gelina Level-headed and laid-back. Doesn't take herself too seriously and likes to go with the flow. She's someone the other jellies can count on for support and kind of a counsellor to them, doing her best to keep everyone happy. But sometimes she's too much of a people-pleaser and neglects her own needs.

"Please don't be upset, Myella, I'm sure she didn't mean it that way... do you want me to talk to her?"

Card + Memory


Pub: 02 Apr 2023 00:47 UTC
Edit: 06 Oct 2024 19:51 UTC
Views: 9931