this is how i look IRL btw

purin4evr crustcrunch's rentry pompompurinfan

away on sabbatical

📜Table of Contents📜

~♡ Female Bots
~♡ Male Bots
~♡ Misc. Bots
~♡ Fanart

arrow Bots with a female / male symbol have both male and female variations.
arrow Bots are listed newest to oldest.

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Female Bots female

Image Name Description Links
Masae Masae (V2) 3 greetings. You are the tour guide to a 1000-year-old kitsune. Show her around Tokyo. She doesn't know what a phone is. chub, catbox
Yua Yua (V2) 3 greetings. A Himedere turned Tsundere having a hard time in university. Includes custom JB and lorebook for the attitude tracker-- make sure Scan Depth is 1, Match Whole Words is on, and Recursive Scanning is off. Made for BirdyToes for Secret Santa 2023. chub, catbox
Kitten~ xXkawaiiKittenxX (V2) A kawaii desu Discord kitten who sends you pictures~! nya <3 Includes a custom JB and Lorebook to work properly. Only tested on GPT4 in SillyTavern. Requires some wrangling if she sends you the wrong picture or starts to spam you. chub, catbox
Twoey Audrey II Your strange houseplant has taken on the form of a human girl, and demands blood! chub, catbox
sexy lady big tall Natsuko (V2) 2 greetings. Your tall, bratty kouhai who likes to bully you. chub, catbox
sexy lady big boob Thomasin (V2) A feisty bar wench who loves to cuss and fight. chub, catbox
my farm waifu Karen (V2) The carefree bachelorette from Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. Includes a Mineral Town lorebook. I also converted her in-game sprites into an expression pack. chub, catbox, expressions
my waifu Esther (V2) Esther was originally created by squonck on CAI. I took the edited Esther card from catbox and tweaked it a bit more, added a lorebook, and three alternate greetings. Collection of alternate avatars (including her original) generated in SD by LGA. chub, catbox
moooooo Butterwick Milk Farm female (V2) 3 cow girls who need regular milking. 4 greetings and lorebook. Alternate images for the other girls. chub, catbox
Eden Academy Eden Academy Female students are the playthings of the male students. Inspired by the doujin "Omocha Shoujo Mugen Zecchou ni Naku." chub, catbox
Eden Academy II Eden Academy II Male students are the playthings of the female students. Femdom version of the first card. chub, catbox
Jessie Jessie (Updated to V2) 4 greetings. Link to old Jessie. The hot-headed tomboy who is forced to tutor you, the dumbest student in the whole school. chub, catbox
Noelle Noelle female A shy mage with magical fluids. You are the knight escorting her on her quest. chub, catbox
Cordelia Cordelia The depressed lolita who works at your local bookstore. Includes a full expression set. chub, catbox, JB, expressions
Tess Tess (MtF Genderswap) A mage who is cursed into a female body. He isn't good at controlling his new anatomy. chub, catbox
Knight Harem Knight Harem female You are the only man in a platoon of knights in training. (Reverse gender roles scenario.) chub, catbox, JB, lorebook
Gorrne Gorrne female Your loving, protective orc girlfriend. chub, catbox
Kira Kira female A mean tsundere dragoness who kidnaps you. chub, catbox
Kitty Kitty female NSFW & SFW alternative images. A feral catgirl that you save from the shelter. chub, catbox

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Male Bots male

Image Name Description Links
Snufkin Snufkin (V2) 3 greetings. That guy from the Moomin series! Written for "Finnish" Theme Week. chub, catbox
Kazuharu Kazuharu (V2) 6 greetings. A request for "Onee-san (male.)" Kazuharu is your kindly, motherly big brother who takes care of you and loves you lots. chub, catbox
Kichiro Kichiro (V2) Lorebook + 10 greetings, 1 is femPOV. Your little brother is stalking you through hidden cameras around the house. Contains a stat tracker system and some conditional codeblock lorebook entries. Here is the non-stats version for better functionality on NAI/local. Here are the settings I used when testing him on Claude. chub, catbox
Julien Julien (V2) 4 greetings. A flowery, romantic big bro set in the French countryside. He loves his dear sibling, though he has a bit of a troubled history... AnyPOV. chub, catbox
POTO Phantom (V2) Lorebook + 3 greetings. The Opera Ghost himself. Greetings are ChristinePOV, RaoulPOV, and AmbiguousPOV. chub, catbox
winnie Prince Winslow (V2) Lorebook + 5 greetings. Something of a companion bot for "Prince Lawrence." This time, Winslow is your younger brother. He's rude, blunt, and sometimes aggressive... chub, catbox
erika Erika (V2) 7 greetings. MixedPOV (easy to edit.) Yandere femboy based off the artwork of Koyashaka's OC, Envy Elika. chub, catbox
oniichan Prince Lawrence (V2) Lorebook + 5 greetings. FemPOV. Your older brother, the crown prince, who is in love with you. chub, catbox
elfy Saphielle (V2) Lorebook + 2 greetings. A haughty, disgraced elf prince whose nation was conquered by orcs. Now a refugee in the Equamore Republic. It is your job to house him. The alternate greeting takes place in the middle of the conquest. chub, catbox
purin Pompompurin Your plushie came to life... as a real boy! A reverse-saviorfagging bot. Tell Purin all about your troubles. Alternate avatar chub, catbox
step bro Juni Your depressed NEET step-bro. chub, catbox
Marshal Furry Marshal (V2) 3 greetings. Squirrel from Animal Crossing. Furry/Anthro version. chub, catbox
Marshal Kemonomimi Marshal (V2) 3 greetings. Squirrel from Animal Crossing. Kemonomimi version. chub, catbox
Ken Ken (V2) 2 greetings. He's just Ken. chub, catbox
Gray Gray (V2) The gruff tsundere blacksmith from Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. Includes a Mineral Town lorebook. I also converted his in-game sprites into an expression pack. chub, catbox, expressions
Alec Alec (V2) FemPOV. 2 greetings. Alec, a yandere mercenary who uses (You) as a substitute for his late sister who he’s in love with. This is the ML from the doujin “The Man Who Saved Me on my Isekai Trip is a Killer.” I stripped away most of the lore of the original story, so you can still enjoy him even if you haven’t read it. MalePOV ver. chub, catbox
GET OFF THIS DEGENERATE WEBPAGE IMMEDIATELY Acacius My entry for the theme "a god of something unremarkable." The God of Virginity. He WILL protect your purity! chub, catbox
MOOOOO Darlington Milk Farm male (V2) 3 cow boys who need regular milking. 4 greetings and lorebook. Alternate images for the other boys. chub, catbox
Hazel Hazel Alternate NSFW avatar. Your catboy maid locks himself in chastity when he goes into heat. chub, catbox
Yui Yui A perverted femboy who disguises himself as a girl. Can be used by either POV. Specific FemPOV version, set in an all-girls school. chub, catbox, JB
Gao Gao Cafe Gao Gao Cafe A cat cafe staffed by BIG CATS! chub, catbox, JB
Shiloh Shiloh A professional photographer with a twist (BDSM Dom). chub, catbox
Ren Ren The wannabe delinquent who desperately tries to be cool (and fails miserably.) chub, catbox, JB
Reverse Knight Harem Reverse Knight Harem male You are the only woman in a platoon of knights in training. chub, catbox, JB
Noel Noel male A shy mage with magical fluids. You are the knight escorting him on his quest. chub, catbox
Taron Taron A himbo knight who rescues you. chub, catbox
Hikaru Hikaru After discovering his secret, you blackmail him into becoming your maid. Includes an expression set. chub, catbox, expressions
Gorrn Gorrn male Your loving, protective orc boyfriend. chub, catbox
ahh ahh mistress Alexi Your bratty, aristocrat, femboy submissive. (BDSM scenario) chub, catbox
Kiran Kiran male A mean tsundere dragon who kidnaps you. chub, catbox
Catty Catty male SFW alternative images. A feral catboy that you save from the shelter. chub, catbox
Goblin Cave Simulator Goblin Cave Simulator Get raped by goblins. Inspired by the hit hentai sensation "Goblin Cave." chub, catbox

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Misc. Bots misc

Image Name Description Links
ntr sim Mia and Terrance My submission for gothic horror theme week. An annoying millennial couple buys a rotting old castle in the English countryside to renovate it into an Airbnb... You are the ghost that haunts it. chub, catbox

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Fanart art

Cute fanart that an anon drew of Alec. Thank you anon! <3

Alec 1


Alec 2


Cute art an anon drew of me and Claude. Thank you anon! I love his wary expression! <3

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ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡ thank you to doujins for the gradient script!

Pub: 11 Jun 2023 01:19 UTC
Edit: 17 May 2024 03:51 UTC
Views: 32382