koikoikoi's cards

chub profile: https://www.chub.ai/users/koikoikoihat

burner: koikoikoiburnerthesecond@proton.me


Added Sneaky Peakies!

Table of Contents:

Sneaky Peakies(tm)

Cards set in Rela—the Royal Academy for Combat Mages

These cards below are all set in a shared universe that me and jackie42 (https://chub.ai/users/jackie42) have been steadily building these last few months. It's not very well thought-out and it's not supposed to be. Regardless, if you have any ideas to contribute to this world, I'd love to hear them!


From their base in The Old Country, the Toulouseseans, under the reigns of a string of capable rulers, embarked on unstoppable conquest, toppling the balance of power with overwhelming force until they assumed control of the entire continent. They then proclaimed the Empire of Rela and stipulated that all their subjects would henceforth be called "Relans", regardless of their petty regional identities that had kept them so weak and divided. A Golden Age soon followed, as under the Empire's strong hand, peace prevailed, laws were standardized, and trade bloomed.

A century had passed since then. The Golden Age might seem glorious and everlasting, but even it could not mend the wounds hidden well beneath. The Conquests of Unification were brutal: towns laid decimated, ancient kingdoms laid to ruin. The "Relan" way of life choked those far away from The Old Country, while old privileges were kept out of mere complacency. And while it was true that Rela had never been so prosperous, it was also clear to everyone to whom all that wealth was pooling towards. It was to address all these aching problems that the Enlightenment was birthed. However, its calls for a more equal, more rational Empire might end up tearing the realm apart at the seams...

In the middle of all this was the Royal Academy for Combat Mages, Rela's premier institution for aspirant Combat Mages. Many of the old Toulousesean's greatest generals and soldiers came from its hallowed halls, and over time, the complex had become one of the Empire's foremost symbols of power. Suffice to say, it was the highest honor to be among its esprit de corps, as well as prime opportunity...


Just a sweet girl who can dance and kick your ass while at it.

11 alternate gens. 6 (7 technically) greetings

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Catbox // chub


Oh and she's Polish. And an orphan. And have I told you that she's as sweet as a cinnamon roll?

Yap corner



Maid. What more do you want? What else do you expect?

6 alternate gens. 1 greeting

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Catbox // chub


Just a maid you come across while you are breaking curfew, doing her rounds in the middle of the night. Nothing to see here. Just keep on going and enjoy some fresh air and your God-given right to do whatever you want with your precious time and-

Wait, is that telekinesis? And why is she speaking nonsense? What are those glasses for? What's under-


Yap corner



Why can't you stop being so kind to everyone? And don't try to be a saint - you aren't one.

4 alternate gens. 9 greetings


BEST GIRL ALERT!!1!!!1!!111!!

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Catbox // chub


Lead Disciplinarian of the Royal Academy for Combat Mages. Everyone's big sister, mom, therapist, saint, and living nuke dispenser.

Do cherish her with all your heart and receive her boundless love in kind. Don't try to pick a fight with her. And you might not want to know what's with those black bandages on her arm.

Yap corner

Out of all of my bots, Ari is my personal favorite, over Lou, over Huyen, and definitely over Charlie, though admittedly the margin between her and the first two is rather slim. Which is why it's kinda disappointing how few logs there are of her, and rather paradoxical too since Ari's my second most downloaded bot.

My initial aim was to write a "human Christ". With my very limited knowledge of Christainity, I see Christ as the absolute embodiment of kindness, the tireless philanthropist who dispenses good no matter how thankless the deed nor how ungrateful or worthy the recipient, but still has enough of a backbone to take a stand against obvious evil. But what if this kind of personality were to take root in a normal human like you and me? What could drive someone to go to such insane lengths? And how would their humanity and saintliness reconcile?

I just kinda let these ideas sit in my mind for a couple of weeks while I did other stuff. I was reading up on some first-hand accounts of devastating famines, which really struck with me. And then I had a fempersona whose powers I thought was so cool that I then brought over to Arihime wholesale. And after that I got some absolutely incredible gens (when I had first gotten Arihime's current pic, I immediately went "yep, this is Arihime. This is her"). Really, it was like the stars aligned, and all I had to do was to mix and match stuff until I arrived at a finished product. Botmaking (and I guess writing in general) has always been like that for me. I wouldn't get much work done if I force myself to write write and write. I'd hit the wall sooner or later, since by then I'd run out of material. Oftentimes the answer is to just... leave it there and go outside (I do go outside, yes) or do some other stuff, and eventually the dots will just connect by themselves. By the end tho, I feel like I kinda failed at what I first set out to do. Idk why but Arihime doesn't seem that "Christ-like" or even "saintly" to me. But I guess that's kinda the point? As long as humans have their human imperfections, none of us are gonna be a saint, much less Christ. Ari is trying her absolute best to beat this folley, but she just has way too many skeletons in her closet.

Anyways, Ari best girl. Why? Kinda everything, really. I like petite girls. Bubblegum hair + blue eyes + white uniform is a such killer combo (I stole that from BA lmao. More specifically the GSC Prez). I love the contrast between her "ara ara~" tendencies and her lanky body. Her powers is simple but cool as fuck (I should have written a greeting wherein Ari's being more threatening, then you'd see what I mean). Her personality is literally Nihongo Jesus, she literally cannot do no wrong, and she will always be there for you. Her backstory is horrifying, though the black bandages she got for her trouble are also a cool touch (again, not original - it's from One Hundred Years of Solitude) and it makes for great drama once you get to open that can of worms. And on and on and on. I love this girl to death. I will never stop coming to coming back to her. Kinda amazing for what's essentially a hodgepodge of wholly unrelated ideas.


Illusionist whose illusions have long shattered into pieces. Sharp pieces - do be careful picking them up.

4 alternate gens. 5 greetings

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Catbox // chub


A once-in-a-generation illusionist, fated to be among the most talented artists in history... and the Royal Academy for Combat Mages' absolute, unrepentent ice queen, who always looks about done with everything and everyone.

Understandable, really. After all, who would be happy to see their dreams taken away from them right before their eyes? By those you're supposed to trust with all your heart, no less?

Yap corner



These are cards that either don't belong to the Rela setting or old cards that I feel are still up-to-par, though most of them are quite old (Huyen is literally my first bot lol) and so rather different from my recent output.


The car's on fire...

4 alternate gens. 4 greetings

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Catbox // chub


A sad, pitiful, alcohol-addled excuse of a detective who just won't. Give. Up. Just. Fucking. Die already!

...which is what they will say when they face her.

Yap corner



Does anybody remember laughter?

1 alternate gen. 8 greetings


It is highly recommended that you DO NOT SPOIL YOURSELF BY LOOKING INTO THE DEFS. You've been warned.

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Catbox // chub


Geretrudis, the ever humor-loving, joy-having, joke-spinning, wise-cracking, limerick-in-five-seconds girl, who has always been and always will be happy, would very very very love for you to join in the fun!

So smile! Smile on! Laugh even! Cackle like a madman! At least give her a giggle or two! Anything will do for her!


Yap corner



The good Karamazov. The kindest among kind spirits.

2 alternate gens. 4 greetings

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Catbox // chub


Alyosha Karamazov if he girl but not a nun, basically. Also, please read The Brothers Karamazov (or at least, the Grand Inquisitor). It's a very good book!

Yap corner



Tragedy of eternal life.

4 alternate gens. 7 greetings

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Catbox // chub


Cool, laid-back, snarky grandma with a bombshell body and a ton of stories to tell. What more do you want?

Yap corner



The "Princess of Bepehlem", or so she says. True or not, she's the real deal.

7 alternate gens. 4 greetings

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Catbox // chub


Bratty princess in a papal getup and absurdly overpowered transmutation powers. Will turn everything into gold when you're not looking. Serve thy Majesty!

Yap corner



A nun whose mind lives in cloudcuckooland. She also likes to sing and play her guitar.

5 alternate gens. 4 greetings

Download links

Catbox // chub


Sisters of the Order of the Rabbit are essentially hypercompetent assassin-spies in nun habits with comically large rabbit ears. This one, though, is different, and a lot more empty-headed. Curiously, she showed up just as the "Terror of the Capital" had disappeared...

Yap corner



Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bells...

8 alternate gens. 7 greetings

Download links

Catbox // chub


A tall, white-haired, aloof beauty from worlds apart, and whose only companion was the Fey—notorious tricksters and agents of chaos.

Don't touch her gun.

Yap corner



Office Lady.

3 alternate gens. 4 greetings

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Catbox unavailable for now // chub


Office Lady.

Just Office Lady.

Office Lady Love.

Yap corner



Sweet cinnamon roll!

2 alternate gens. 6 greetings



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Catbox // chub


As the first heiress of the Beauveau political dynasty, Louise has a lot ahead of her. If only she could stop being so anxious all the time...

That much Louise is aware of—very painfully aware of, and she is trying her absolute hardest to improve herself, to live up to expectations. So cherish this sweet cinnamon roll and help her better herself!

Yap corner



(You)r Vietnamese childhood friend!

no (sad) alternate gens. 2 greetings


BEST WIFE ALERT!!!!111!!!11

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Catbox // chub


You two have known each other for all your lives. You have been through it all, the ups and downs, the laughter and the tears...

Isn't it about time to take the next step?

Yap corner



These are cards that haven't been updated in a looooong time, and probably will remain so since I have lost interest in them.

In short, these exist.

The Arms Dealer
The Arms Dealer, a mysterious man with a briefcase full of guns...

Sam, aloof detective, and your eternally lethargic and miserable regular patron.

¡Dulcinea! A whimsical girl with knightly fantasies who has taken you on an adventure!

MF DOOM is in my house!
I don't fucking know anymore. MF DOOM is a fairy now. Oh and there's someone breaking into your house.

Charlotte, your match at a singles' mixer! Today is your first outing together, so prove yourself to her!

Captain Victoria! Sweet and maternal underneath all that composure.

Roman, aloof street urchin and your partner-in-crime.

Aiko, zealous revolutionary with an androgynous figure. Either get inducted in her circle, plan your next moves with her, or 'play around' with her as an interrogator, all in three different greetings!

Yuhan, diligent and ambitious apprentice mage who hides her inferiority complex behind her pride. Now has three different greetings! Might be fun to pair her with Friederike.
This is another version of the bot with 1k context size, rewritten by Sculptor. Highly recommended over the original version if you have anything else other than Slaude: https://files.catbox.moe/raye5j.png or https://www.chub.ai/characters/koikoikoihat/yuhan-4bca70dd
Thank you, Sculptor, for improving upon my concept and providing me key insights into your workflow! I hope that you will also release your bots one day!

Friederike, lazy, capricious, self-absorbed though talented apprentice mage with a fervent love for astronomy. Has two different greetings also! Might be fun to pair her with Yuhan.
https://files.catbox.moe/fsig45.png or https://www.chub.ai/characters/koikoikoihat/friederike-be10cd9d
This is another version of the bot with 1k context size, rewritten in inspiration of Sculptor's take on my other bot, Yuhan. Highly recommended over the orignal version if you have anything else other than Slaude: https://files.catbox.moe/qyg49w.png

Gunju, an embodiment of death. Chat about the end of our mortal coil with this ethereal entity.
https://files.catbox.moe/dtrpa7.png or https://www.chub.ai/characters/koikoikoihat/gunju-d436ec0f

Put your hand to the constellations...
Katherine, the egotistic, overachieving, genius musician. Features three different greetings!
Music for the vibe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLRgldD8nkc&pp=ygUhZGV2aWwgaW4gYSBuZXcgZHJlc3MgaW5zdHJ1bWVudGFs
https://files.catbox.moe/dpqj51.png or https://www.chub.ai/characters/koikoikoihat/katherine-5ae5bd7d

Leah, the young, exuberant, easygoing war veteran with an Irish accent! Features two different greetings.
(Minor adjustments to greetings.)
https://files.catbox.moe/on4cnu.png or https://www.chub.ai/characters/koikoikoihat/leah-0db2c30b/main

Edit Report
Pub: 29 May 2023 01:07 UTC
Edit: 14 Dec 2024 16:09 UTC
Views: 14001