Table of Contents
- Worldbuilding
- Character Profiles
- Zed - Zoroark♂
- Mutt - Arcanine♂
- Gulpin
- Veg - Mismagius♀
- Dit - Espurr♂
- Mewt - Mewtwo Y⚦
- Twitch - Zorua♂
- Nox - Noivern♂
- Chai - Eevee♀
- Ray - Relicanth♂
- Zeta - Zorua♀
- Aella - Pikipek♀
- Jackall - Type:Null♂
- Vex - Tyranitar♂ (Formerly Larvitar♂)
- Unnamed Eevee♂
- Sylphie - Sylveon♀
- Rohan - Zoroark♂
- Sanaa - Smeargle♀
- Lilith - Salazzle♀
- Powder - Rattata♀
- (Temporary name) Vio - Glimmora
- Kuiper - Alolan Vulpix♂
- Sammy - Dewott♀ & Otta - Dewott♂
- Damian - Sneasler♂
- Wisp - Hisuian Zoroark♂
- Nina - Serperior♀
- Gin - Alolan Marowak♂
- Nurse Audrey - Audino♀
- Cato - Buizel⚦
- Holden - Malamar⚦?
- Defunct Characters
- Greentexts
- Partner desensitizes Anon to Pokemon nudity
- Anon(♂) and Auntie Kangaskhan(♀)
- The Fujoshi Gallade♂ Is Trying to Make Me Her Yaoi BF !
- Eevees'? Mutt's ...
- Mutt takes Anons mission
- A day in the life of Vex the Larvitar
- Vex gets Aella a gummi
- Anon visits Mutt in the morning
- Guild Board Dispatches
- Abandoned mine thread adventure
- Sanaa just wanna have fun !
- A new brew for the askwew crew
- Braixen does a job
- New guild board requests batch
- Previous Thread Questions
General Information
The majority of the setting takes place in the Oasis guild, located in an unnamed settlement in the Sand Continent so expect lots of sand and heat.
The settlement was originally run-down and abandoned, lacking any proper guild, only having a few 'mons that lived at the crossroads. A few Anons then slowly came together to start up a guild and rebuild the settlement. Missions at this point were focused on gathering materials while prioritizing food.
You are free to have your character join during any point in the Oasis timeline. You are also free to choose if your character has any form of amnesia or not. Be aware that the majority of Anons have chosen to have their character remember about their human life and about Pokemon.
There are no established NPC partners as the other guild members are Anons, but NPCs do exist in the town and as visitors.
does anyone have any ideas for the Guild name?
The guild has a council of leaders, where the squad leaders convene and debate for guildwide decisions.
The original plan was to have one leader for the dominant Pokemon, one for the Submissive pokemon, and one for the Asexual Pokemon, but that idea has mostly been abandoned in favor of just having a council.
The current leaders are: Zed & Mutt (Zed's assistant(?))
Aella Also works as an assistant to the leaders.
The guild receives the usual set of missions but also takes erotic/clandestine requests, which are then put on the backside of the guild board.
Guild Badge
Hard enamel pins with a Citrine in the centre, meant to resemble a pokeball while representing the Oasis.
Wow Oasis, how come everyone in your guild gets a free Citrine?
Oh yeah, we have a mine full of them. They're practically as common as sand.
Depicted, Top to bottom:
Guild hall, which is located inside the mountain. Inside is also the guild Cafe, which serves Pokemon-adapted Human cuisine.
Small broken down buildings at the crossroads.
A saloon, where Pokemon come to drink.
A set of 3 ruined homes.
The final building at the bottom is the Town hall.
[Not shown on map] The dungeons are through magnagates around the town. Magnagates are basically a bunch of blue stargate looking portals that open into them and send you to a dungeon entrance.
So this is Oasis. This place was abandoned before we got here so a lot of the town and the Hall are in various states of disrepair. There are stone circles that generate magnagates around the town. There's a map next to the Job board out front as to which ones lead to which dungeons, though they seem to shift about on a weekly basis. Regular Jobs go on the front of the board, lurid ones on the back facing the rock wall.
Most of us live in the Guildhall but we're working on fixing up the town and refurbishing the buildings and houses. Meanwhile few of us have taken to working regular jobs around the town. So far we're looking for a Postmaster and a Quartermaster and next week hopefully someone to manage the Bathhouse if any of those catch your fancy.
We're at a Crossroads between 4 towns on the edge of the desert. Verdant Town to the North, Lapras Bay to the East, Frostwind Pass to the South and Cedar Valley to the West. A long time ago this place used to be a crossroads for trade caravans heading between these places but disaster struck and they've more or less been cut off save for a few intrepid travellers and the occasional flying courier. They’re willing to trade but for now what we can get from them is a bit limited as they’re not keen on sending caravans again without proper support. )
What's the point of a saloon if we have a cafe?
Timeline highlights
Early Era (Year 0 - ???)
Zed is the first to roll up
As he starts investigating the town he comes across a merchant in the ruins hiding
Apparently some ferals from a nearby gate jumped him and took his supplies
Zed offeres to fetch them back for a cut to which he agrees
He then clears the dungeon and brings the supplies back
As night falls he sets up camp in the settlement when some other mons start to show up
He welcomes them to oasis and asks if they wanna help fix the place up
I'd say Zeta wouldn't be first day, but they would be there within the first week.
Character Profiles
Zed - Zoroark♂
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Dominant (15/15)
Position: Top (15/15)
Nipple rows: 1
Before joining the Oasis Guild
Used to be a tradie doing various odd jobs for cash in hand from farming to electrical work.
Current Activity
Now does as much handyman stuff around the guild as his clawed hands allow in addition to the odd dungeon run.
When in dungeons likes to heavily abuse items, cheese fights and generally be as much of a ninja as he can.
Living Space
For Zed he lives in the guild hall, first camping in the main atrium with the others but later finding a nice room in some dormitories further back in the structure. He frequently spends the night in other peoples rooms or passed out in the orchard.
The room is very spacy with a few extra beds for teammate/shananigans, a few shelves for trophies and odds and ends he keeps from his dungeon runs and exploration, a nice big water vessel and a dozen combs for hair.
Hots for anyone?
He's a deviant and eyes off just about everyone with a pulse. He has a bit of fondness for Aella though.
Pregnancy, Corruption and Cleansing, Stepping/Footplay
Most of the things Zed really cared about were in his old life and having lost that has left some emptiness he never thought he'd have to deal with. That being said he’s not exactly in a rush to get back home as this basically is a total dream. For now he’s just trying to get as strong as he can and enjoy the new world he’s in.
Zed wears a lot of hats around the town, often at the same time thanks to his illusory copies. Anything to do with the towns infrastructure is usually done by him and a work team of clones in the morning. The real one can usually be spotted wearing a hard hat and a high-vis vest but talking directly to any of them will allow him to hear you. From midday when the sun becomes too oppressive he’ll retreat back to the Guild Hall to do paperwork, check on the status of anyone in dungeons, and meet with anyone who wants to see him. Afternoons are usually spent either training or running a dungeon/rescuing mons who’ve run into trouble.
Something you're learning to deal with
The Illusions were surprisingly intuitive. Pushing them to my limits was a bit of work though. Same for the psychic stuff. I'm putting it down to all the binge watching anime and fantasy stuff. Not having human hands was by far the biggest hurdle. I'm also missing a lot of my old upper body strength and even though augmenting both with psychic gets me by I still go to pick heavy stuff up or mess with intricate things and fumble them which sucks.
Technology you miss
I miss my car. It was fully sick, had a turbo, subwoofers the lot! I also really miss the internet. As for getting by I've been messing about with using illusions to be music players. The trouble is sometimes I can't remember exactly how a bit of music goes and it gets a little haywire or skips around. I do wanna use that to put on a show for festivals and stuff someday. I also miss hot showers. Gonna make a bathhouse at some point.
Skills you've learnt
Lots to do with my abilities, I've been training to hone this body and replicate all kinds of showy stuff. I've also had to figure out a few gaps in construction that other people usually took care of like scaffolding.
First 'mon they met
The first town outside Oasis Zed visited was the one in the Grasslands on the northern edge of the desert on a supply run with Mutt. The first mons he encountered there was a set of Bisharp guards with a Kingambit. They were met with some suspicion but a little small talk, a sack of Poke-coin and the promise of trade was all it took to get in their good books.
Flamethrower, Detect, Psychic, Shadow Ball
Psychic allows him to augment his Illusions, Flamethower has obvious utility, Detect for dodging and Shadow Ball for screaming anime attack names when nobody who was human is watching. He’s been toying with the idea of swapping that for focus blast and going all in on the Kamehameha’s.
Legendaries you've spotted
I've seen 3 of the 4 Muskadeers (that little dork Keldeo still eludes me) at the bottom of some of the deeper dungeons. Each one has been a royal pain to fight.
Rarest loot you've found
I've found all kinds of odds and ends but by far the rarest thing I've seen was a Pokeball.
I keep it on my shelf but so far I've been unable to open it. I think that means there's nobody inside but I haven't been game to test it yet. Don't want to turn someone into a missingno or something like that.
Which town would you check out
So far I've only been to Verdant Town and Cedar Valley so down the road I need to line up a trip to Lapras Bay and Frostwind
How did you figure out your moveset
There was something of an inkling in my mind for the ones I wanted so I experimented for a while and their basic implementations more or less fell into place. Working on the advanced applications took some time, particularly Psychic. I would sit for a while and just work my imagination until I had something I knew I really wanted to with my powers. Then it was practice practice practice. The exception to all these was the Focus Blast I just learned earlier. That was from a TM disk, once activated it fills your mind with all the experience you could ever need to use the move. Memories that aren't your own yet you feel like you lived them. Unfortunately the cost was the loss of all the Knowledge and experience I had using Shadow Ball. Relearning that one is going to take some practice and I'm unsure how that's going to go without using its own TM disk. It should be possible though.
Workplace Reward
Zed and Sanaa go sand-boarding
Zed and Sanaa resting together
Mutt - Arcanine♂
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Dom (12/15)
Position: Top (12/15)
Smooth Chest
General Details
Mutt isn't his real name, but it's the best he could come up with on the spot. He's a big guy, friendly too.
I imagine him with a scar running horizontally across his face, above the snout but below the eyes, from fighting a strong 'mon in a nearby dungeon.
There's going to be some awkwardness meeting with him since he can smell emotions now. (I'm not kidding, Growlithe can do this, it's so weird.)
Before joining the Oasis Guild
Mutt used to your run-of-the-mill gas station clerk with company to speak of. Highschool friends had drifted off and his family had been whittled away by old age and chronic diseases.
Despite that depressing reality, he tried to make the best of it by improving his life one step at a time, going to the gym, eating right, getting sleep, introspection and all that other stuff people tell you to try.
Honestly? Being isekai'd is probably the best thing that could've happened to him. New friends and family. A clean start.
Current Activity
Nowadays he's working a delivery 'mon, running messages back and forth with his Extreme Speed.
Living Space
Mutt is a big 'mon. He needs a big space to call his own, so he'd choose to live in one of the larger buildings in town. Something like like an cleared out storehouse.
It's very welcoming. and as lavish as it can be while living in an abandoned town. There's colorful clothes hanging from the ceiling along the walls, as well as fragrant dried flowers that give it a pleasant smell (and mask the scent of sex to others).
There's his bed made from soft grasses plucked from nearby the oasis and covered with a soft blanket. A few hay piles with similar blanket coverings for guests to sit on. Besides that, there's just jars of water and food, and shelves with knick knacks inside.
Hots for anyone?
Plenty. Mutt didn't find anyone sexually attractive at first, they were funny animals he'd never seen before- but his new body had a much higher sex drive than before, and unable to deal with it himself, he stopped caring about the animal part.
He's got eyes on the eevees, zorua, and Dit, they're cute. But he's also eyeing up Mewt. He's feminine looking and big enough to take his meat.
Breeding, BDSM, Body Modification
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Switch (5/15)
Position: Switch (8/15)
Smooth Chest
General Details
I never really got a nickname, so you can just call me by my species. I don't mind.
Before joining the Oasis Guild
Before joining, I was a builder. I used to dig tunnels and soften hard materials with my acid.
Current Activity
Actually, I still do that, I'm just taking more hazardous jobs and splitting my time with guild work. On missions I'm a specialist who only takes jobs that are easier for small soft-bodied poison types, or where I can use my talents modifying dungeons to make exploration easier. Um... I also take jobs where my stomach is needed. Like when rations are scarce! Or... um, when team wants me to carry an outlaw back inside me...
Oh! My fetishes! I forget how open this guild is about that sometimes! I guess I'm a bit of a voyeur. I like cuddly and sweet things. I love being squished and stepped on! It's really a wonderful sensation, pokemon with solid bodies don't know what they're missing out on. Oh, but I don't like it if pokemon are mean about it. And um... Yeah, that's all.
Author's notes
He also loves vore and being fed. He'll never admit it though. The acids and poisons in his stomach can be surprisingly gentle when he tries, lulling pokemon into a light headed tingly stupor. Though he can stuff himself to impressive size, he doesn't actually gain wait easily. He's easily embarrassed by how much he has to eat to keep up with his poison production.
Veg - Mismagius♀
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Switch (9/15)
Position: Switch (6/15)
Smooth Chest
General Details
I was thinking her name would be Veg, based off of her ID in the census.
Before joining the Oasis Guild
Didn't do shit prior to getting Isekai'd, you don't think she jumped at the chance for pokephilia for a REASON?
Current Activity
She generally takes shifts in the cafe and goes on dungeon runs, half to help out because being able to phase through walls makes her cracked at delving into places and getting the drop on people, and half to look for cute dungeon mons nobody will believe or look for.
Living Space
One of the abandoned houses on the map
Like the rest of the house, it has a spooky and foggy aesthetic, with candles, strange orbs acquired from dungeons, and shackles on her bedroom wall that look a little TOO cleanly polished compared to everything else.
Hots for anyone?
She's kind of a pervert, so I'll just say generally yes.
Hypnosis, bondage, and possession also seem like pretty cool kinks for a ghost type.
Author's notes
I have a thing for exhibitionism, but that's a little pointless when nobody wears more clothes than a scarf or bowtie.
She just wants to chill and haunt people.
Something you're learning to deal with
I often accidentally phasing through a lot of things I'm trying to touch, being able to be intangible is a lot more surreal than Danny Phantom made it look.
Technology you miss
Computers. I really like computers, and have since a long time, and chances are there's no fucking way they'll be replaced without finding some sorta old world ruin like the power plant and looting its contents. Maybe getting away from the modern internet is a good thing, but living without video games is pretty fucking tough.
Good thing I've already completely covered the lack of porn by hypnotizing dungeon mons to fuck each other at times.
Skills you've learnt
I got really good at using my weird flaps for arms, which is pretty important when working at a cafe.
First 'mon they met
She flew over a Sandile chilling n the ground and checked to see if it knew english.
Hex, Hypnosis, Icy Wind, Mystical Fire
Favorite Berry
Oran berries, they've saved my ass so many times in the games, and I often pretended they were senzu beans from Dragon Ball whenever I used them.
Rarest loot you've found
There's this strange little necklace I found under my floorboards that's always cold to the touch, and it never has trouble phasing through walls with me, it's probable haunted, but you know, I'm also haunting it, so that's no concern.
Which town would you check out
There's other towns? I may need to check those out, I like it here, but there's not a lot of things to buy when I don't feel like heading to the dungeons.
How did you figure out your moveset
Mismagius are said to have cries that sound like incantations, so I just sat in my house, howling a bit until I learned Hypnosis and the Cofagrigus in there toppled over, asleep.
What would you wear for a costume party
(There's not a lost of dress up options for a floating ghost witch thing, but I could definitely see Veg painting a Yamask mask to look like a hockey mask and dressing up as Jason Voorhees, she'd definitely rock a machete.)
Dit - Espurr♂
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Switch (7/15)
Position: Switch (7/15)
Nipple rows: 1
Before joining the Oasis Guild
Before was a NEET who survived off of NEETbux, and likely would've an heroed before 35.
Current Activity
Now does generic psychic type duties, telepathic short & long range coms, levitating heavy shit, and mind rock breaking. And if needed, mindrape interrogations and ripscanning.
And maybe, crossdressing in a cafe or something.
Currently works in Veg's cafe when not running coms for multi team dungeon explorations and other psychic duties
Living Space
Guild hall, which is probably the building to not die from heat in, being quite fluffy and native to a much colder environment
Somewhat spartan and disorganized, but everything is within reach, or really telekinesis range, from the bed (more a basket with a few fluffy towels on top of a side table, perks of being a foot tall)
Several brushes are in the first draws of the side table, which are used for getting sand, dust and cum out from my fur without using my ration of water for cleaning, second draw contains several dresses and other feminine clothes. Also records of my experiments and training with my psychic powers are under the clothes
Hots for anyone?
Mutt, knots are hot & got claimed for his harem when I showed up
Size difference, knotting, crossdressing
Dit's already living the dream, fat knots to suck, cute 'mons to fuck, and mystery dungeons to explore
Something you're learning to deal with
There are holes in my skull straight to my psychic organ, which leaks extremely strong psychic energy if I dont keep it covered with my ears, its like walking around with a woman's grip on a live grenade
My fur is also rather thick, very nice to touch and pet but terrible for the hot climate we're in and its also a massive chore to take care of, dust and sand are constant annoyances and build up quickly
Technology you miss
Airconditioning and tap water, are the things I miss the most, and are very unlikely to be replaced without a semi or fully industrialised society. Not having a watch is a little annoying, but sun & moon dials are adequate replacement until the parts for a proper clock tower can be sourced, bought, delivered and assembled
The replacements for airconditioning are lacking in fine control and wide area of effect, unless your house is built into a mountain or partially or fully underground where the temperatures are more stable
Skills you've learnt
Psychic sonar, telekinetic levitation, telepathic communitcations and PCM & PCCM, and how to do a faggy dance to summon rain
First 'mon they met
A feral Sandile, nipped at my tail, and I reflexivly used disarming voice on it, and booked my ass out of there
Fake Out, Disarming Voice, Confusion, Rain Dance
Stories to Tell
A few funny things on the Psychic Radio that got said/leaked by new or careless 'mons or just 'mons shitposting, it must be something about instant communications that life is just drawn to shitpost and be/pretend to be retarded on
One time an Elgyem was ranting to a Xatu, who absolutely did not care, about how Tauros ass was the sexiest thing in the world and then this stupid Elgyem got psychically DDoSSed by a load of Beheeyem who then ranted for a few hours about how Gogoat ass was the sexiest thing in the world and how much information could be gleamed by shoving a metal rod up a Gogoat's ass, completely shutting down long range communications until they got bored, shit was wild
Legendaries you've spotted
Haven't seen anything, but I did hear of a pack of Phione that floated through Lapras Bay
Rarest loot you've found
A Detect Band, but it got destroyed when an Aggron tunneled through it
Which town would you check out
Frostwind Pass sounds pretty cool, would also be a nice change of pace from the desert heat
How did you figure out your moveset
Fake Out, you kinda just make a loud noise and boop/punch the snoot, works decently well against anything you can touch
Disarming Voice, scream like a girl but cuter and gayer, this one took a while for be to actually be able to do without wanting to drown myself
Confusion, I was kinda just dicking around and came up with the idea of psychically projecting nonsense equations into other 'mons brains and it worked
Rain Dance, this one I used a TM for, it really just downloaded itself into my mind with the minimum experience required to actually pull it off, I would've taken a hard pass if I knew how much of faggot it would make me look
Mewt - Mewtwo Y⚦
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Switch (5/15)
Position: Switch (5/15)
Breast rows: 1
~4'9" (11" w/ horns and halo)
General Details
A Mewtwo stuck in their Y form! Although, they're not very good with their psychic abilities..
Before joining the Oasis Guild
They used to just be your usual Neet, just kind of coasting through life not knowing what to do with themselves, aside from learning a little bit about a broad variety of topics, mostly to keep their mind busy.
Some of their favorite subjects were bushcraft, medieval technologies, culture, and foods, and anything involving the creation or working of metals. So, kind of a renfaire nerd, despite never being to one.
They got isekai'd in a.. kind of embarrassing way. They were fidgeting with some marbles while watching a YouTube video on something about viking sun stones, when the chair they were tilting back in slipped out from under them. Marble went straight down their windpipe. Dazed from the impact and from the panic of choking, well.. That's just how it goes sometimes.
Current Activity
Now though, with another shot at actually doing something with their life, they'll be trying to help out however they can around the guild, trying to be useful to everyone so that they don't end up slipping into the background and stuck back in their old ways again.
Mainly, they'll be trying to help build and maintain important infrastructure for the guild, and later, the town. They'll also be taking shifts working at the Cafe, and going out on scavenging missions alongside their standard guild jobs, their specialties being retrieval of items and mons alike, and escorts.
Living Space
Mewt would probably live in one of the other buildings, about an equal distance between the hall and the cafe, nice and centralized for what they'll be doing.
It's a bit spartan, for now, mostly just a couple small piles of some natural resources to patch up the building with, with a couple stacks of loose and woven grass, reeds, and sugarcane leaf near where they sleep, which is a finished example of some of their work, a large cushion filled with small balls of fibers.
They plan on getting some shelving up, and a proper table to work on eventually, but that kind of wood is a bit hard to come by, outside of dungeons, in the desert. The previous occupants did leave a couple pieces of mostly intact pottery, however, which is being used to store some drinking water, and one has a little reed starter growing in it to plant near the oasis when it's ready.
Mewt doesn't really need anything too special, but they are trying to make a parasol to keep the sun from cooking them too much while they're outside.
Hots for anyone?
Not quite yet, but I would wager they'd start taking an interest in some of their cafe coworkers before too long, once that gets up and running.
(Update; 9/25) After some time, Mewt's been developing a few crushes here and there! We wont be putting names to them (That'd be spoilers!) but it shouldn't be hard to suss out who they're into.
Possession, Transformation, Oral play
It's a bit early to say Mewt has any specific dream to go after, but they do have some goals and such to work on. Namely figuring out how their new body works a bit better, and working on their psychic abilities so that they don't have quite so much feedback. they'd also like to find the materials to make a basic loom and start producing some simple clothing for anyone that would want any, since they've taken a bit of liking to weaving so far.
Something you're learning to deal with
My weird like, head tail tendril thing. I have a bad habit of whipping my head around towards sounds or people talking to me, just always been like that, but now it ends up with me either whacking things with it or smacking myself in the face..
Technology you miss
i miss my music sooooo bad. i was one of those people that needed to have something on all the time to keep their mind occupied, and that hasn't really changed.. actually it's a bit worse with the whole psychic thing now. lotta passive noise, even kinda hurts sometimes.
Skills you've learnt
uhmm.. well, i've gotten actual practical experience for a lot of things instead of just technical, like, reading or watching. but, for a new one entirely, uh, socializing? i guess?
First 'mon they met
The first mon they met was actually not long after they first woke up, it was a trapinch just kinda chilling in the side of a dune. Mewt was a bit cautious about engaging with it, but it seemed harmless enough after a couple questions from a distance. they had a short conversation which led to Mewt getting some directions towards the highest easily accessible area to scout from, which is how they spotted the Oasis.
Mewt knows
Confusion, Laser focus,Psycho cut, Focus Punch, Psych up, and Brutal swing.
Favorite Berry
Oooh, that's a hard one.. cause I love Wepear and Pecha, but Sitrus and Razz are really good too, same for Pinap and Hondew...
hmmm. Yeah, I'll say it's Hondew. They're just so good.
Stories to Tell
A story? Hmm. I've never been that good with telling stories, memories kinda spotty with what it keeps, but uhm.. well, I did see something kinda weird the other night when I went out for a scav run in the dungeon nearby, a few floors down there was a whole line of wild mons just like, standing there, perfectly still, staring at a wall. I left them alone, and came back later to check if I'd missed anything on the floor and they were still there, but like, a couple were missing.. it's like they were broken or something. there Were a couple ghosts on that floor, so i'm wondering if that had anything to do with it.
Legendaries you've spotted
I haven't seen any quite yet! I'd really like to run into another of what I am though, so I can ask them a loooooot of questions.
Rarest loot you've found
Probably those funky sunflower seed berries I picked up the other day! Normally I come across a good bit of berries in a general area, but.. there were only a couple of those, and I couldn't find whatever plant they came from nearby. Very strange situation, that was.
Which town would you check out
Hmmm.. okay, I might head north or west and see if I can get information on any other towns past those, then. Prooobably north. If not I'll just pick up supplies there, I guess.
Gotta get my wanderin gear together first, though!
How did you figure out your moveset
Well, Confusion came uh, kinda naturally, just because I had no idea what I was doing and trying to lash out with my psychic powers with no real uh, plan or strategy. Brutal swing was another that was mostly instinctive, because I noticed my head-tail-tendril-thing had a decent heft to it, so I figured I could swing it at small groups of wilds. Aaand it just worked! :3 This one's my favorite.
Laser Focus and Psych-Up were a bit harder, I uh, noticed that some of the wild mons were doing weird stuff and getting stronger from it, so.. I just kinda tried mimicking what they did for a while. It wasn't working very well until I found some slow pink thing that looked kinda.. lost. It just kept doing some "???" thing, so I got to practice on it for a while, and figured out how to copy the boosts. So that's Psych-Up. Laser Focus was a similar thing but like, with some karate muppet looking thing using some crazy move that seemed like it made it knew Just where to hit me. That was uh, not a fun fight, but I learned a lot from it!
I haven't picked up any new tricks just yet, but I'm excited to see what else I can do!
What would you wear for a costume party
(Cooler for an easier costume, Robo-Ky for my real answer. :3 )
What does your character's voice sound like?
Similar to Shizuru from Yu Yu Hakusho's english dub. VA; Kasey Buckley
While we're on character voices... how about character themes?
Buy my mixing tape? Tis fire! :3c
Twitch - Zorua♂
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Switch (10/15)
Position: Bottom (4/15)
Nipple rows: 6
Before joining the Oasis Guild
See Story below
Current Activity
As for the now getting that Brothel Inn up and going will continue to be a main focus with my partner Zorua along with the usual guild stuff. Hope he had a better day 1 than me.
Living Space
See Second Story Below
Post renovation we should have some stairs that leads up to more rooms. The only thing worth of note in mine is the large bed, a mirror for practicing my transformations, and a desk that contains a small book detailing my life before arriving at Oasis as well as the customers kinks and fetishes.
Hots for anyone?
Maybe. Possibly. We'll see as we continue to develop.
Pretty standard vanilla stuff although I do like the idea of transforming into others to fulfill my partners fantasy i.e. wanting me to take the form of a friend/enemy they want to fool around with/hate fuck. I'm sure that wouldn't come back to bite me in the ass and get me in trouble with the guild...
Nox - Noivern♂
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Straight
Role: Submissive (5/15)
Position: Switch (10/15)
Smooth Chest
Penis is hidden in a slit when not in use
General Details
His voice doesn't sound very deep but definitely male.
As a stuck up nerd he's pretty nervous around other pokemon (another reason why he likes his solitary job) but in time will warm up to others.
Before joining the Oasis Guild
Was a nerdy college student. Knew his stuff but kinda ruined his grades by playing video games late at night and being way too tired during the day.
Current Activity
Now works as the guilds night watch when not on missions, nocturnal lifestyle + flight + excellent sight (further enhanced by scope lense glasses) and hearing + built in alarm siren makes him perfect for that job.
Enjoys doing more physical tasks compared to the desk work he's used to but also provides his vast knowledge whenever needed, dungeon exploration and fighting scares him a bit still.
Living Space
At first Nox would be fine with any shelter from the sunlight. He'd prefer a room for himself but would accept a roommate if necessary
Later on he'd love to have a room on the upper levels of the guild hall with a window large enough for him to fly in and out of.
He'd definitely need curtains to blot out the sun during the day and some wooden beams right below the ceiling to hang from upside down while sleeping. Otherwise he'd like to have a desk (with a perch stool thingy) for his notes. He'd like to note down everything he discovers during his nightly exploration flights. Maybe even drawing maps of the surrounding area and star maps. For that he'd need paper or parchment or whatever pokemon use and something to write with (Octillery ink and a feather, maybe one of Aella's?). Maybe some shelves and a pin board to sort his notes. Other than that just decorations like potted plants.
Hots for anyone?
He needs more time to get used to his own body and those of the others, so no hots yet. But he adores Aella and Eevee and admires Aella's talent for organization (he is way messier with his notes). All in secret of course.
No sexual experience yet (looking at porn and jerking off doesn't count), very nervous at the mention of it, he's bi with strong preference for girls (way too stuck up to ask anyone out though), dreams of finding the one true love quite often.
Nox wants to research the stars. Back as a human he actually studied to become an astronomer or astrophysicist. Now that he's thrown into another world with a completely uncharted night sky it's kinda like a dream come true and a lot of work ahead of him. Releated to that he'd like to find more Scope Lenses and try to repurpose them into a proper telescope for his room.
Other than that he dreams of a romantic relationship but knowing how he is around other people that will take a long time...
Something you're learning to deal with
His wing arms of course. He worked out flying pretty fast but they definitely don't offer the same motoric skills like human hands did. And then there's his tail. He can control it precisely if he's focused but it also has a mind of it's own at times. Especially if he's feeling strong emotions it starts whipping around on its own. And his enhanced hearing. Loud noises don't bother him much since he is pretty loud himself at times. But he hears a lot more than he wants to. Someone was brought into Mutt's room again? He hears everything...
Technology you miss
Going from playing video games several hours daily to literally nothing hit him pretty hard. He copes with it by thinking that he's living inside a video game now. Part of him also enjoys living in a less techy world. Everything seems to move at a much slower pace.
Skills you've learnt
Turns out his tail tip is way more precise than his wing claws. So by observing and getting some tips from Sanaa he's using that to write and draw maps now. Other than that he's pretty good at flying already but practices tricky maneuvers every night.
First 'mon they met
The Sandslash in his arrival story. Didn't go too well but not too bad either as the first encounter with a dungeon psycho.
Despite having an evolved form he starts at level 1, so just going by bulbapedia he knows Gust, Supersonic, Absorb and Moonlight.
Stories to Tell
As the guilds night watch Nox sees pretty weird stuff now and then. He won't tell anyone about other pokemon sleeping habits or who snores the loudest but what he might tell someone are the spooky things he has seen.
Sometimes we spots pokemon walking through the village in the middle of the night but when he approaches and tries to talk to them they don't respond and keep walking. Then they vanish as they walk around a corner or Nox briefly looks elsewhere. He still doesn't know who or what they are. But one of his less concerning theories is that Zed creates and dismisses illusory copies in his sleep.
Legendaries you've spotted
I swear I noticed something powerful flying through the sky one night. But it was gone as quick as it came. Maybe a Cresselia or Lunaala?
Rarest loot you've found
My scope lense was a very lucky find. I haven't been in many dungeons after that...
Which town would you check out
All four are fairly easy for me to fly to. Maybe once I don't have to update my maps I could do delivery flights like that Flygon that shows up now and then
How did you figure out your moveset
Super Sonic was the first and kind of instinctual.
Gust was pretty easy to figure out, just a strong flap of my wings.
Absorb I discovered when I first ate a berry. I had the overwhelming urge to ram my fangs into it and suck out it's juices. That's how I eat berries now. Just a weird quirk like upside-down sleeping. Of course I eat the remaining berry too afterwards. Wouldn't want it go to waste.
Moonlight was interesting. One night I ran into a sandstorm during my flight. Had to land and was scratched up pretty bad. But after it was gone the dim light of the moon felt really soothing. I spread my wings to act as a solar coll- I mean lunar collector and healed myself. Pretty cool.
Chai - Eevee♀
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Submissive (2/15)
Position: Switch (3/15)
Nipple rows: 1
General Details
An airheaded female Eevee.
Before joining the Oasis Guild
See Story below
Current Activity
She's quite fond of both staying home by the guild and venturing into requests. Due to being quite weak in nature, She'd often have to team up with a Partner for the more difficult missions. She also ventures out on requests solo from time to time, even if only to submit to a wild Pokemon. Frequently seen blushing around any male Pokemon.
Hypnosis & 'Bad end' kind of go together. I like the idea of losing control and being completely at the mercy of another, while still being 'aware'. and of course domination and all that stuff, and the idea of being hypnotised to act like a wilf pokemon for a while sounds super cute! It's like petplay, but better. At the same time, I like the wholesome stuff too. I was surprised to see so many others write handholding, but I totally agree. Gentle, chaste kisses are also adorable.
Chai doesn't have any immediate goals, but she has a few things she would like to do at some point.
She wants to travel and see the world on a kind of self discovery journey, but is waiting to get stronger and better at survival first, which will likely take a while with the way her mystery dungeon runs usually go. Also, she likes the easy sex access in the guild.
Another thing she'd like to do is maybe open up a small clothes/accessory store someday. She really likes fashion, but she's extremely bad at it, and it seems like sooooo much effort, so she hasn't got around to it yet.
Something you're learning to deal with
Chai cannot control her tail at all. It's something she could likely learn to do, but she's considering letting it be 'free' for the fun of it, even though it's frequently a cause of embarassment for her.
So far, she's been too distracted by other things to think about the fact that she'll likely have a hard time gripping anything now, and she'll likely be less thrilled to use pens and such with her muzzle.
Technology you miss
Chai is constantly in a state of wanting to quote Vines. While she does have a bit of a hard time having to spend the WHOLE day doing something instead of just sitting in front of a computer, she finds the new world so thrilling that she doesn't really feel a need to for it anymore. In fact, Chai is quite happy about clocks not being a thing anymore, since she can laze off just a little longer without feeling bad about it.
Skills you've learnt
Other than walking on all fours, not really.
She's still working up the nerve to actually 'fight' other Pokemon in the dungeons, since that's a pretty big step to someone who's never been in a fight before.
First 'mon they met
Realistically, she probably walked right past a few buried in the desert without realizing they were living creatures, or she was just too lost in thought. The first creature she does notice is a Maractus called Citrus, who she reacts to with surprise and slight excitement. Well, it's all in part 1 of her story.
Helping Hand, Tail Whip, Tackle, and Growl, since she's low level.
She wants to get Charm/Attract to... test them out, and probably shadow ball so she doesn't have to be in the vanguard.
Favorite Berry
Mago! Chai has a massive sweet tooth. She'd love Custap's if they weren't also bitter... Yuck!
She has to force herself to swallow down Oran berries, which are everything BUT sweet. Arceus is a big meanie sometimes.
Legendaries you've spotted
Not that Chai's seen! If she did, she'd either have gone missing attempting to follow it to ask it loooads of questions, or she'd make it a big deal when she got back to the guild!!
Rarest loot you've found
Um.. I found an Oran berry once! What?! What do you MEAN they're like, the most common loot possible?! THEY RESTORE ALL YOUR HEALTH, THAT'S INSANE!!... Pouting, Chai lobs it away in the corner where loads more sit, Foineeee, I haven't found anything rare yet. I'm still just barely venturing into the beginner dungeon by myself..
Which town would you check out
Verdant town maybe? Sounds very homey! Chai can totally imagine laying down in the grass on a nice sunny day and just dozing off out there... Actually, Lapras Bay could be nice too, there's probably loads of fun stuff at a coastal location! Just... She might need a few more swimming lessons first, lest we want that disaster again. What, supply run? Chai was just thinking about vacation destinations!
How did you figure out your moveset
Tackle is literally.. well, a tackle. Same can be said for Growl, and tail whip which she might have discovered while uhm.. absentmindedly swinging her tail around.. um.. she's still getting a hang of that thing.
Helping Hand(Paw!!) just kind of.. worked out one time when she partied up for a dungeon.
Full arrival story
Chai's Best Day Ever
Chai's vacation in purgatory
Ray - Relicanth♂
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Switch (9/15)
Position: Switch (9/15)
Smooth Chest
The male Relicanth has no distinct copulatory organs, just a cloaca, which has a urogenital papilla surrounded by erectile caruncles. It is hypothesized that the cloaca everts to serve as a copulatory organ.
General Details
I'm on the small side for a Relicanth, but males tend to be smaller than females, ok?
Name/nickname unknown; he's really indecisive on a new fitting name. The species name should work fine for now, not like you see them every day.
The only reliable time he uses Head Smash (or a weaker version of the move proper) is when he lets out his suppressed autistic rage at losing his human hands at the bottom of the Oasis pool, and slams headfirst into the hardest underwater surface.
At least it might open up a hole to a dungeon or ruin entrance.
Before joining the Oasis Guild
Was a sickly brainiac isekai'd into the Longevity Pokemon; death unclear.
Current Activity
Almost died again after waking up in the desert, but made it to the Oasis with the help of some Water Guns, a specialized swim bladder that many fish mons have for floating on land (not at Levitate levels), and some fin grease.
Has done a few explorations in aquatic/semi-aquatic dungeons, and tends to lean on Water Gun. He's still working on embracing Head Smash/Rock Head and freezes up using it in combat.
As far as the Guild, Relicanth mainly just hangs out in the deep end of the oasis hole itself and tries to help with anything involving irrigation and water supply. He not-so-secretly hopes the gem and blotches on his side are an actual treasure map to some relic in this world.
Something you're learning to deal with
Having subpar eyesight, some sort of extremely weak electrosensory organ in my nose that only works up close, and more! These don't surprise me as much as annoy me. I know I can, if not make them work better, make my mind use it better.
But having four limbs swapped out for six fins? I can't lie, it makes me wish I used my hands and feet more when I had them, not just sitting at the computer or gaming couch.
It's not the worst trade. Out of all the fish Pokemon to wake up as in a desert, at least I'm primarily a Rock-type with some land adaptation.
Speaking of, I do still have wrist bones in my fins. My pectoral fins basically feel like stubby arm-legs. Those, plus whatever Pokemon-specific extra water bladder (on top of my weird oily swim bladder) connects to my mouth saved my ass dragging myself around on dry sand.
Now, I'll probably have to venture into some deep trench dungeon and ask around, find others of my kind to confirm it, but this brought me to an interesting line of thought.
I need to test out my moveset, because I may have turned not just into a purebred Pokemon but one with a Relicanth mother and compatible father.
I wonder if it has any connection with your human soul and family? If my mom would have turned into a Relicanth and dad from the Swampert line, does that explain having slightly more robust "landwalker" adaptations, maybe a predilection to ground-type moves, than a native-born marine Relicanth might?
Technology you miss
...I miss having fingers and a keyboard to play roguelikes with...yes I know we're in one right now...
He pretends to be above worldly affairs like romantic and sexual relationships, but there is a reason he ended up reborn in a Guild like this. In this life and the previous, he is entirely fixated on a specific, perverted desire.
Like talking about how "a partner with Thick Fat would be optimal for aquatic dungeon exploration" and how "scientifically, his high-pressure adaptation makes it safe for a heavy, blubbery Pokemon to sit or fall onto him."
Or how "it's okay that all those guildmembers got incapacitated into morbid obesity from the Alcremie monster house, they can just swim the weight off with me, it'll be easier for them to float now!"
He wants to be amphibious and learn to use his powers to be on land/solid dungeon ground longer and interact with the fellow guildies more
But he also has an instinct to swim as deep into the oasis water itself as it goes. Especially at night, when the depths leading to the underground aquifer system seem even deeper than in daytime...
He is very interested in seeing if there is someone in this world capable of crafting custom fish dentures. What's the point of having a toothless mouth only good for sucking...microscopic food...anyways?
Uh...Rest? Water Gun? Mud Slap? ...I'm still working on the headbutt stuff.
Zeta - Zorua♀
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Switch (7/15)
Position: Switch (8/15)
Nipple rows: 4
Uses illusions to appear either way
General Details
If this was a D&D game, Zeta would definitely be a charisma caster, and probably a bard. They're friendly and easy to talk to, with an eye for detail and an ear for music. Under their charismatic facade, though, Zeta is a chronically insecure people-pleaser whose self-worth is tied up in a need to always be 'useful' to others.
Zeta isn't all that great with illusions at the beginning, which annoys them to no end. They're actually a pretty decent singer, though, and would be better with instruments if there were any actually designed for quadrupeds.
Before joining the Oasis Guild
(subject to change) As a human, Zeta wanted to be a performer, but eventually settled for a middle management position. Very hands-on, but otherwise unexceptional, in a company that expected constant quarterly growth. They accidentally walked into traffic after their entire team was laid off.
Current Activity
After arriving, Zeta mostly entertained in bars and taverns for a while, before being run out of town in an embarrassing incident that they'd rather not talk about. They wandered the desert for a bit longer before finding the Oasis.
Right now, Zeta is doing setup for the for the "inn" along with their partner, plus some entertaining, dungeon running, and whatever else they can get their paws on.
Living Space
Initially, Zeta holed up in one of the guildhall's smaller dormitories. Nothing much to speak about it. Once the Inn is finished being refurbished, though, they would move to a much nicer room there.
The first thing that almost anyone would note is that it's a decently soundproofed space when the door is closed and the curtains are drawn. Not to a modern extent, but it does muffle the noise when practicing or engaging in 'other' activities.
The bed is formed out of a large cushion (for their size, at least. Mutt would still probably have trouble fitting fully on it). A couple of brushes and combs for help with grooming sit nearby, as well as a jar containing a mixture of crushed fragrant flowers and oil. A small nook nearby has a drinking water basin with a rudimentary plumbing system attached to it.
And then the rest of the room is (or will eventually be) cluttered with trinkets and souvenirs from the places they've been, various pages of sheet music and accounting formulas for the inn and possibly the guild in general, perhaps a carefully-sealed jar of ink, and maybe an instrument or two if they finally find useful ones.
Hots for anyone?
They were already kind of a furry before being turned into a Pokemon, so yeah, kind of. Not sure yet who in particular, though.
This one's kind of obvious. Interest in different forms, materials, et cetera. Works especially well for Zorua.
For the most part, it's mechanically interesting to imagine how all the different pieces fit together. Maybe some other things as well. It pairs well with a lot of other kinks, too.
I just think snouts are hot. I'm not sure I can provide a better explanation. Also, it fits the character well on a thematic level.
It's still too early for anything concrete, but vaguely, I guess? Zeta wants to get better at using their illusions, as it annoys them that they can't do anything major with such an important part of their new form. They also want to help the town grow and have some adventures.
If they're not in a dungeon, Zeta can be found all over town most days, helping with whatever needs to be done. They can be found most regularly in the evenings, alternating between entertaining in either the guildhall or cafe, and administrative/other work for the inn.
Something you're learning to deal with
Having a snout is a bit of a weird experience, but it's kind of neat as well. Had to re-learn how to walk the first few days, as well.
Technology you miss
Dit is kind of a substitute for the broad range of communication technologies I've been used to all my life, but not fully. And I'd hate to overwork the guy, either.
On the other hand, although it might be a bit odd to say it, it's actually kind of nice that pokemon society is so much more disconnected than humans were.
Skills you've learnt
Bunch of dungeoneering stuff, and illusions. ...Ok, still working on that one.
First 'mon they met
A Drillbur who was part of a construction crew in a medium-sized town en-route to the coast. He was friendly enough, but Zeta didn't reveal that they were a human, and the two of them didn't interact much more than getting their bearings. And the events of a couple days later ensured that they wouldn't.
Scratch, Fury Swipes, Feint Attack, and a pretty terrible Extrasensory.
Legendaries you've spotted
I thought I might've seen a Mew flying above the desert one time when I was out there, but I'm pretty sure that was just my imagination.
Rarest loot you've found
I was fighting a wild Probopass deeper in one of the dungeons, and it dropped its hat at the end. Never seen that happen before. Doesn't seem to do anything, but it makes for a neat decoration.
Which town would you check out
Honestly, I'm happy to go where ever people need me to. Lapras Bay might be a bit...tricky, though. So, uh, maybe stay away from the East for now...?
How did you figure out your moveset
Scratch and Fury Swipes were mostly just a case of using my claws, and then just sort of...pouring more energy into it? It's hard to explain how it feels. Feint Attack was sort of just an extension of that logic.
The one I'm having trouble with is Extrasensory. It feels like a completely different way of focusing the energy. Maybe one of the guild's Psychics would understand it better.
Aella - Pikipek♀
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Straight
Role: Dominant (5/15)
Position: Bottom (11/15)
Smooth Chest
Cloaca (With optional labia/anus as a substitute on preference)
General Details
A Pikipek named Aella.
Sharp. Sassy. Condescending. Workaholic. Autistically OCD. Very passionate about both her work and her hobbies.
Can be sweet-talked into being more kindhearted, welcoming, and intimate, but that OCD never goes away. You have been warned.
Flying seems to come natural for her as well, but doesn't typically do it outside because it gets her tired and threatened with heat stroke due to the high temperature and humidity of the area, and she don't like that. (Would have said sweaty, but birds don't sweat).
Wears sexy secretary glasses. This is very important.
"Where/How did she get those glasses?"
Shut up. Glasses are hot. She has them because they're hot.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
"How do they stay on her face?"
I said shut up.
Before joining the Oasis Guild
Her younger days are a blur, even to her. She doesn't remember too much further beyond being taken in by the Oasis Guild. She has a knack for writing with skillful penmanship using that beak of hers, believing herself to once have been a successful, celebrated author in the past. Her extreme precision and speed when writing and occasionally sketching is unparalleled, making her incredibly talented at taking notes, writing stories, and even drafting things like portraits or blueprints when necessary.
Current Activity
Nowadays she spends her time chronicling guild and town events, gathering the knowledge and creativity of the world, both fictional and not, through written works, and archiving everything into meticulously organized categories. Bookkeeping doesn't sound like much, but it's important! In the free time she does end up with, she frequently spends it by herself partaking in her creative endeavors of writing fantasy tales of grand adventures and splendors. From her perspective, getting to create her own adventures with her imagination is far superior than getting down and dirty out in the fields, as real adventurers get scuffed, sweaty, and filthy, none of which she finds at all appealing... at least, that's what she tells everyone.
No, she does not (normally) write smut. Yes, she can be convinced to do so. She just needs the right... inspiration.
Aella is the bookkeeper of the Oasis Guild. Though she does not run the library of the town, she is very well acquainted with whoever is in charge there, as it's one of the few places in town that she frequently visits.
Living Space
Where else would she live? Aella lives and breathes her profession. She lives where all the records are (which I'm assuming the guild has a records room of sorts).
Shelves of books, articles, and trinkets from another era, all waiting to be read, studied, deciphered, you know, all that good stuff.
Spacious for someone as small as her, especially vertically where her flight capabilities come in handy, but anyone bigger than 2 meters might find the lack of elbow room uncomfortable.
The room itself is not too difficult to get to. In fact, it's right next to, or maybe even connected to, the Master office where the Guildmaster(s) reside.
Books haphazardly laying around at times during focused research sessions, but more often than not are meticulously organized. Writing, art, and research supplies and tools are always neatly stowed away when not in use. All of which are very important to her and her studies. There may even be things found while tidying up that have unknown origins; if Pokemon (or something other than Pokemon) existed in this area before we arrived, then surely there must be things left behind by them to learn about, such as who they are, what they did, and, most importantly, what happened to them.
"Do you need anything special?"
B O O K S.
And sticks. For nest. Assuming there are trees in this particular oasis. I like sticks. ᴾᵉᶜᵏ ᴾᵉᶜᵏ
Hots for anyone?
Not quite. Too soon to tell. She's far too focused on her research, both for her own sake and the guild's, along with her own personal fantasy stories.
Of course, that could all change if given the opportunity to.
As the author, it's hard for me to pick a favorite among the many things I love. If I had to pick one, it'd have to be Master/Pet relationships and everything that comes with it; a collar, a new name, forfeiting some/most/all rights as a person, along with their individuality and freedoms, to another, leading by a leash, kept in a cage, taken out for walks, being made to relieve themselves in specific areas/times or even out in public like a common animal, casual sexual use, marks or brands to show further signs of ownership, the whole nine yards. All of this while the Master still cares for their pet like anyone would a real pet. I don't find any enjoyment in unnecessary abuse. Small punishments for incompetence or disobedience is fine, but nothing too brutish. Bonus points if the Master is cute, especially so if they're smaller than the pet. I absolutely love it because of how seamless it can be integrated into someone's life; an entire kink with many different subkinks, to keep it both fresh and flexible, that can turn it from a simple fetish to an entire lifestyle depending on how far the two involved are willing to go.
As for Aella's kinks, it'd be easier to name the things she wouldn't enjoy in some way. Aella is very flexible with what she's willing to go with, no matter how innocuous or depraved the acts may be. So long as they don't involve underage or underage-adjacent kinks (i.e. diapers) or permanent bodily harm (i.e. limb removal), she'll likely humor anyone who approaches her with the right attitude. What constitutes as the "right attitude" however isn't so simple. If you're looking for a quickie, you'll be turned down in an instant. There's numerous other guildies that will provide that sort of instant gratification. Even though she's very open to adventurous experimentation in the bedroom, she prefers those who aren't afraid to work for it a little. Show a bit of effort and catch her interest.
She does not have much of a sex drive compared to many of her contemporaries, rather using the sexual exploits as fuel for her inspiration for stories. If asked how she does it, she'll likely go on a ramble pairing things together that make sense only to someone like her. It's the reason she'll play along with even the most revolting, deplorable, and degenerate of kinks; she'll find inspiration in just about anything, and experimentation allows her to discover things she would never have otherwise.
Master/Pet, Bathroom Control, Facesitting
Aella has a strong desire to find out about herself. How did she get here? What was she doing here? And what exactly is this place? All of that she feels can be accomplished by learning about the place that she's found herself in and the Pokemon around her. Having access to the guild records and the library archives provides her a massive boon in her search for answers.
Keeping things organized is something that just comes naturally to her, so she's already working with activities she enjoys. She also has easy access to writing tools that allow her to do even more things she loves doing, that being writing fantastical stories or non-fictional documents and record keeping. Were it not for her amnesia (and the less than ideal weather), this would be the perfect dream job for her.
First 'mon they met
Aella has not actually ventured outside of town since arriving; there's still so much to learn about both the oasis and the Pokemon who call it home. She only leaves when she really needs to... and, despite her pride and attitude, she's actually not very strong. She knows her limits; she must have passed out and woken up here for a reason, and weakness is a possible factor. As a result, she doesn't know anybody outside of the guild and a few acquaintances within the town, and on the rare occasion that she will travel outside it most definitely will not be by herself - the last thing she needs is passing out from heat exhaustion or something and not waking up this time.
Bullet Seed, Drill Peck, Hyper Voice, Screech
As one can see, she can get loud when agitated, and it isn't too difficult to push her to that point. If Anger Point was possible on a Pikipek, she absolutely would have that. A prime Toucannon in the making.
Stories to Tell
Tales of her past? Unfortunately not. Aella's a victim of amnesia, and cannot remember anything prior to waking up in the oasis. It's one of the reasons she takes her research of the world around her very seriously. She doesn't seem to be 'making' more stories either, as she's always buried in her books, rarely venturing outside of her room unless it's for guild-related business or accessing information at the local library; if anything, it's more likely that others will have stories to tell about their encounters with her, given her serious, brash, and seemingly abrasive personality. It's just her work ethic, though, and while it can come off as intimidating to some, she means well.
For fictional stories, however, that's another matter. She loves to write them, and she has no shortage of ideas, both written down and to-be written. Anyone on her good side has very likely heard of at least one of them from her if they've even shown a modicum of interest (for better or worse).
Jackall - Type:Null♂
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Switch (8/15)
Position: Top (14/15)
Nipple rows: 3
Penis changes shape depending on current held memory drive
Balls are significantly big, like two baseballs
Gentle Femdom, Voyeurism, Femboys
Jackall wants to meet Arceus, as he believes he can fully answer all of his questions.
Ever since he came to this world, he's always felt this significant connection with Him to the point where it can sometimes render on borderline obsession.
His role in town is often... unclear, as he can sometimes be seen around others with a firm helping hand whenever they may need it.
Usually however he's mostly found in the middle of town or on a road corner "preaching the good word" which sounds admittedly less like gospel and more the questionable rants of a maniac.
Something you're learning to deal with
Sometimes, this body just feels like it... doesn't belong. My features feel so out of place and Frankenstein compared to everyone else, and the cognitive dissonance I feel is just STAGGERING sometimes, like I'll just be there and then all of a sudden it feels like I'm shifting out of reality.
The helmet I wear is admittedly a double edged sword, It looks intimidating and makes me feel a little better mentally but it IS a little hard to eat and drink, as well as making my voice sound more monstrous than intended, not to mention I can't take it off.
I suppose my dream of eating ass and pussy are yet further pushed away. Them's the breaks I guess.
On the brighter side, this body is much more durable and stronger, and I can do things I never once thought were possible.
The hefty size increase and addition of a knot to my junk is also a surprising change but a VERY much welcome one.
Technology you miss
I miss the Internet. And TV. And processed food. ESPECIALLY soda.
Skills you've learnt
Despite being quadrupedal, I found out that I can still grip and hold things with my weird hand talons. And thanks to the lack of indoor time wasting hobbies I mentioned above, I've decided to take more outdoorsy approach, like whittling.
First 'mon they met
Their first experience with meeting a pokemon was when a feral had attacked and tried to make off with his bag containing his memory drives, dispatching them in a fit of rage.
Jackall's current moves are Crush Claw, Iron Head, Scary Face, and Shadow Claw.
What would you wear for a costume party
Probably some sort of makeshift crusader armor combined with high priest robes, in the colors of Arceus himself
Vex - Tyranitar♂ (Formerly Larvitar♂)
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Switch (11/15)
Position: Top (15/15)
Smooth Chest
General Details
Was literally born in the ground above the guild hall, ate his way downward until he fell through the ceiling and fell on some poor soul
Before joining the Oasis Guild
Used to work at a museum. Went to the gym to try to improve himself, but felt he wasn't making any progress, is hoping to use this new life to become the person-or in this case pokemon-of his dreams.
Living Space
He kinda just ends up sleeping wherever he pleases at the moment. He still respects if people don't want him around, but he doesn't have much of a care for privacy.
When he does end up getting his own room he keeps things pretty plain expect for things to help with his training.
Hots for anyone?
Too hyper-focused on getting stronger to really think about relationships, but does like people who are serious about work.
Don't have kinks at the moment, but will shame others for having strange ones
Last post had his goal, but as for jobs he most does dungeon and food runs, with some cooking at the café every now and then to learn how to make a decent meal.
Something you're learning to deal with
My rock-like body makes it really hard for me to feel much heat, but I still prefer to be around nice cool areas. My small body is also deceptively strong , though part of that is from the massive amount of training im constantly doing. Being small still sucks though, can't reach as much as I used to.
Technology you miss
Besides the usual stuff an introvert would miss, I actually miss the taste of meat, someone please gimme a magikarp to roast soon.
Skills you've learnt
Digging, cooking, using my whole body for attacking, and im getting good at seeing through illusions ZED, FOR THE LAST TIME I'M NOT FALLING FOR YOU'RE SHIT. DO YOU WANT TO BE STOMPED IN THE FACE AGAIN? BECAUSE I WILL DO IT.
First 'mon they met
A feral sandshrew in a dungeon that he creamed with a Stomp to the face. Was an instant KO.
Tackle, Rock Throw, Stomp, Outrage
Legendaries you've spotted
I have heard rumors have Pokemon having terrible nightmares in a place where the sunlight never shows itself. I can make a good guess of which one live there....
Rarest loot you've found
I've gotten a strange box from a pretty tough dungeon, need three keys to open it and I ain't got a clue where to find them.
Which town would you check out
I wouldn't mind checking out Lapras Bay, if for nothing else then just to see an actual Lapras.
How did you figure out your moveset
Mostly just a case of "feeling" it, and I have. My new moveset for the moment is Stone Edge, Earthquake, Crunch and Outrage
What would you wear for a costume party
Organization Xlll coat, even though the arms would just be swaying in the wind. I even found some cool pics [1] [2] too
Unnamed Eevee♂
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Submissive (3/15)
Position: Bottom (4/15)
Smooth Chest
size difference, kissing/cuddling/handholding during sex, dubcon
Favorite Berry
nanab berries are underrated
Sylphie - Sylveon♀
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Switch (11/15)
Position: Switch (10/15)
Breast rows: 2
Cuddling, Teasing
Sylphie's goal is to make the town a thriving hub for Pokemon and wants to befriend as many as possible. She wants to help the other guild members on their adventures and rescue lost Pokemon in the desert.
First 'mon they met
The first mon they met was a Sandshrew coming to the Oasis for water. After cautiously confirming they were friendly and a bit of small talk, Sylphie tried to recruit them to the town, which they declined.
Sylphie's current moves are Draining Kiss, Wish, Charm and Heal Bell.
Rohan - Zoroark♂
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Switch (10/15)
Position: Switch (10/15)
Nipple rows: 1
General Details
I named Rohan that randomly, i'm bad at choosing names so i just ran with it, it has no meaning (As of now, may do something with it later)
His amnesia could be fixed because rather than having normal amnesia, his brain locked most of his memories as a self-defense mechanism
Before joining the Oasis Guild
Rohan used to work as a line cook and enjoyed it very much, being quite proefficient at it, while his hobby was baking, alcohol production and models (He will scream at you if you call them toys)
Living Space
Rohan prefers not having much stuff in his room, he ain't a dragon type after all, maybe a small desk, a pile of hay and enough shelves to keep a small army of models (If he can find any)
Rohan is a vanillafag and tries to not act upon his deeper instincts, but his illusions are not helping him, discovering new "things" (Still deciding what i'm fine with lol)
Discover more of his past, the few snippets he remembers anger him because they don't make sense and knows there's missing gaps.
General guild work.
First 'mon they met
A bugmon, surprised but with enough metaknowledge he'll understand he got isekai'd to the pokemon world
Shadow claw, punishment, low sweep and night daze
Sanaa - Smeargle♀
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Switch (6/15)
Position: Bottom (4/15)
Nipple rows: 1
General Details
So, I've gotten myself a role in the guild and I'm happy with it, but I've had a couple nights to think and I've found that I don't remember anything from my previous life. I think I was a human but anything other than that is lost.
The thing I'm most concerned about is my name. I've just gone by Smeargle, but I feel it would be best to have one. Coming up with a name for myself is such a big decision, does anyone have any ideas? I know I've been asking a lot, but you guys seem to be good for that sort of thing. I've checked and I seem to be a girl, if that helps you with the name. Thanks!
Sanaa is an amnesiac, she basically only remembered the basic stuff on how to function. Sometimes she gets phantom feelings from her past life. The only thing she's sure about is that she was human before she came here.
Current Activity
If anyone needs any pots, tiles, or paintings done, be sure to visit Sanaa. I'll be working hard to keep this place nicely decorated!
Something you're learning to deal with
All things considered, I think I got a good deal. I'm bipedal, I've got hands, though stubbier than I remember, but there's not too much I've needed to get used to.
What I haven't gotten used to is my tail. While it's convenient to be able to paint with, if I don't keep it under control I end up getting paint everywhere. My workstation is a mess because of this.
Technology you miss
Being an amnesiac is a curse, but also a blessing judging by what other guildies miss. I don't remember any technology, but sometimes I swear I get these phantom tastes of food I used to eat. Not that the food is bad here, but it's probably different to what I was eating in my past life.
Skills you've learnt
Obviously there's painting and pottery. I don't think I was either a potter or a painter in my past life, but I enjoy them, even though I'm still learning.
Legendaries you've spotted
I haven't really been out much in dungeons, so no, I haven't seen any.
Rarest loot you've found
It's not exactly my loot, but sometimes customers come in with precious stones that they want me to incorporate into a design. I don't get to keep them, but they are neat to see!
Which town would you check out
All of them. I haven't left Oasis since I arrived, so visiting another town would be interesting. I have no idea what to expect and that's exciting!
How did you figure out your moveset
I was told by Mewt that I could use "Sketch" to copy any move from a Pokemon after they use it. I haven't used it yet because I don't know if it is permanent, and that's a big decision to make.
What would you wear for a costume party
This costume is a little tight, but I like it!
I am the mighty Sanaa Libre!!
Zed and Sanaa go sand-boarding
Zed and Sanaa resting together
Sanaa Lorepage with additional general details
Lilith - Salazzle♀
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Straight
Role: Dom (14/15)
Position: Bottom (2/15)
Smooth Chest
Has a cloaca.
General Details
Aren't we all pokemon? Well the bird, Aella I think, mentioned that I'm a Salazzle. My name? Hmm... Call me Lilith!
Before joining the Oasis Guild
Before I landed here I had a doctorate in biochemistry and was working in a research center of a large pharma company.
Current Activity
Chemistry does seems to work different here but I can still put my knowledge to use. I prefer to call it alchemy though. I can make Max-Elixiers or nutritional supplements simply called Zinc, Iron or Protein. Oh, and some alchemical bombs with varius effects called Orbs. Well... That's the stuff I make for the adventurers but I also have certain other products...
Living Space
I don't have a room for my own and honestly? I don't really need one. So far I managed to stay every night together with another pokemon and I'm not planning to change that. I'd like to have a room dedicated for my work though, a laboratory if you will.
My laboratory? Hmm... I'd need barrels or other containers for a variety of berries. These seem to be the best reagents for most applications. Though I'd love to experiment with other fluids in the future too~ ... A-anyway, I'd also need glass tools and lot's of flasks. We've got a lot of high quality sand here. With my fire we could try to make some glass. My that hunky hellhound could help me out~... Hmm? Oh, I was just thinking. Glassblowing yes, might be hard with a beaked snout like mine. Maybe that soft, green ball looking guy could help. He looks like he's good with his mouth~
Hots for anyone?
Hahahaha... Do you want the complete list? That might take a while...
In response to Mewt's "Out of morbid curiosity, kinda."
Zed looks pretty handsome and seems like a cool dude. I can also think of a lot useful applications of his duplicates and transformations. Doesn't count for my Poke Index project though.
Then there's Mutt. I have a thing for big and strong boys~ He also seems very eager for action. I wonder what my pheromones do with him~ Oh, also he's so fluffy!
There's also Dit. I have a thing for cute little boys as well~ His telekinesis might be fun to experiment with.
Okay, next there's Gulpin. I'll admit his looks might be a bit lacking but he seems to be a friendly guy and I'd love to find out what that mouth of his can do~
Alright, let's move on to Nox. He's...
You know what? Let's cut this short. Anyone male regardless if citizen or visitor catches my eye. There are some cute girls too but it's not quite the same. Hold on...
You look kinda like a cute girl but that distinctive scent...
Your name is Mewt, right? I've heard your kind is very rare. I'd love to learn a lot more about you~
What's this question doing here? I like it.
Hmm... Hard to choose. I like to experiment so I'm open for most stuff. But if I had to choose my favourite... I want to have as much fun as possible! Lot's of participants, lots of... fluids and the entire room filled with my pheromones... Yes, that would be perfect~
I think that Arceus sent me here for a certain reason. But I also want to continue my research. I can think of ways to combine both. I want to get to know all kinds of pokemon on a very personal level and note down descriptions of their... features in some kind of pokemon index.
Something you're learning to deal with
I love my new look and managed to control it perfectly right from the begging. Truly a generous gift from our Lord. I'm just not sure if He might have exaggerated with the mental aspects a bit. These... urges... Whenever I walk past a male pokemon I just want to... jump him and.... ahem, yeah, you know the rest. It takes my full focus and restraint to keep it at some flirting. But as he shows even the slightest bit of interest for me... Then it's over. He WILL be mine to play with~
Technology you miss
Not really. I rarely used it for entertainment. The food here might be a bit bland but probably way healthier without flavour enhancers and whatnot. A computer to save data from my experiments would be nice though, oh, and a centrifuge but I can work without thay for now.
Skills you've learnt
Well, the stuff I'm doing here isn't real chemistry anymore. Just mixing random substances and looking what happens without any logical system behind it (you know elements, molecular bindings and such). It's way more like alchemy but I'm slowly figuring it out. And then there's my new favourite hobby... Let's just say I'm getting pretty good at that too.
First 'mon they met
Before I came here I met a very cute Flygon. He visited me here later and we had a great time before he had to carry on with his duty.
Zed helped me with these. Apparently I can use Smog, Ember, Sweet Scent and Disable.
Favorite Berry
The Spelon berry. It has a very pleasant shape and texture and a nice firmness too. Oh, wait. You meant favourite by taste?
Stories to Tell
Oh, I could tell a lot of interesting stories but I'd need to ask my many... friends if I'm allowed to share them.
Legendaries you've spotted
Legendaries? Like super rare pokemon? I guess not. But I'll do my best to find them at some point... for my collection~
Rarest loot you've found
Since I mostly stay at the Oasis all loot I see and work with is provided by others. The rarest one I worked with was a One-Room-Orb but I couldn't figure out how it works or how to replicate it yet.
Which town would you check out
Oh, I'd love to visit all of them at some point but for now I've got enough work here.
How did you figure out your moveset
Sweet Scent was the first. Basically my pheromone breath. Even female pokemon like the smell but it does so much more for males~
For the others I needed advice from other former humans who have more experience with the games.
Creating fire with my hands is incredibly useful for my alchemy. I can also breath more dangerous substances than my pheromones. Poisons that can either damage other pokemons bodies or their minds to a point where they are unable to use some of their moves.
What would you wear for a costume party
Powder - Rattata♀
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Gay
Role: Switch (4/15)
Position: Bottom (6/15)
Nipple rows: 3
Tomboyish masculine demeanor but still visibly female, begrudgingly accepts being called a girl.
Before joining the Oasis Guild
She has been a bit of street urchin since spawning in the world.
Current Activity
Creating and selling cracked wonder orbs. Still trying to figure out how to get Attract to work on other girls.
Living Space
Her room at Oasis.
Hots for anyone?
There are some urges that can't be satisfied with food. Powder has a strong urge to pick up girls, a remnant of her time as a human male. This often fails miserably, since she has no idea what makes a girl attractive to others when SHE is that girl, and doesn't want to accept that the subby little rat she is differs from the strong and handsome guy she imagines herself as.
She's attracted to girls, but will fold if guys are a little assertive.
She would never admit it, and probably doesn't feel good in the moment, but the sensation of being completely unable to control her sexual desire is a massive turn on that loops in on itself. Whether it's a natural estrus cycle or forced onto her by other means, she's going to need someone to help her sate her heat.
Orientation Play
Being a human male turned female pokemon, Powder is a slave to her body's desires. If they sometimes happen to lead her towards males rather than females like her logical mind is attracted to, then she'll be a wet mess trying to deal with those thoughts. Call her gay for having sex with "another" guy or tell her it's natural for females to be attracted to males and she'll definitely cum.
Powder is very susceptible to teasing, be it verbal or physical. The slightest thing can set her off and turn this confident rattata into a very frustrated sex pest. She's also a total novice in bed, easily pushed down and made to do as you please. It's even easier to keep her on the edge until she's begging for release
Gender Bending/TF
In a mystery dungeon setting, I like the having every part of your life changed, gender included. No hands, no soft fleshy skin bits, none of that. All fur, all fours, all female.
Nothing right now. She's happy to coast by on nothing but free food and a very unique living arrangement.
Something you're learning to deal with
Walking is easy when she doesn't think about it., but if anyone brings up the fact that she's a rat with four legs and a tail, she'll start stumbling all over the place.
And then there's everything else relating to her gender. Her position in the sexual hierarchy is completely flipped.
She has trouble knowing what to do and how to react when she's aroused, and if she ever gets far enough in flirting to actually get some tail, she's a complete novice in bed too. Then there's the heat...
Tail Whip, Attract, Captivate, Facade
Unfortunately for her, most of her moves lack any allure when used on other females no matter how often she tries it. Maybe once she's gotten stronger, her moves can be more effective against girls and not just guys she "isn't" attracted to. Right now, she's attracting the wrong kind of attention.
Rarest loot you've found
There was this huge apple I found in some sandy spot in the desert once. It's not that notable but I wasn't expecting something so ripe to grow in the middle of nowhere.
How did you figure out your moveset
I was talking to Lilith about it earlier and she had a pretty unique word for my set of skills. Using them came naturally, but that's not much of a good thing. I ended up egging on a sandslash with captivate my first time in a dungeon. And needless to say, attract hasn't been very useful so far... It never works when I want it to, but it ALWAYS works when I DON'T want it to. Hopefully I can get something better but I'm not as lucky as Mewt or Zed. Even Chai gets cool evolutions.
Powder Suffers a Dungeon
Powder Suffers a Curse
(Temporary name) Vio - Glimmora
General Details
Just kinda hanging out.
Understands speech but is unable to articulate back due to lFanguage barrier.
Kuiper - Alolan Vulpix♂
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Switch (7/15)
Position: Switch (9/15)
Nipple rows: 4
General Details
Kuiper (Probably not his name, but it's definitely someone's name, and it was the first thing to pop into his mind), male Alolan Vulpix.
Responsible hard worker, very friendly if approached, but tends to be quite reserved and soft-spoken. Open to new experiences, but can sometimes let anxiety get the better of himself.
Relatively avid reader, pretty dedicated hiker, and very good at rogue-like games. Mild interest in astronomy. Might've had a cousin or coworker who was into Pokémon, but only personal experience was playing one of the PMD games, and he doesn't even remember it that well.
Before joining the Oasis Guild
Kuiper can't remember what his job was as a human, but is pretty sure it was something paperwork related. Also can't remember how he died, or about 50% of the other things, seemingly at random, from his time as a human.
Current Activity
Upon being isekaied into the desert surrounding the oasis, heatstroke near immediately, passed out, and probably would've died if not for a passing guildmember. Ice types aren't very good at surviving in a desert during the daytime, who knew?
Currently, he works at the Library, and also often the Post Office, since the guild currently doesn't get all that much mail anyway right now but no one else is really doing it. He usually sleeps in the mornings, and then is awake during the cooler late afternoons, and overnight. He can usually be seen inside during the afternoons and evenings, and then often but not always outside at night.
Living Space
The town's library, whether that's part of the guildhall, or a separate building.
Kuiper's living space is in a cool, darker corner of the building. Lots of books. Or, at least a few - it depends on how many the library actually has. Plus some soft bedding and maybe a pillow. There's not much to it.
Hots for anyone?
Too early to tell. Wouldn't be too 'hot' about anything in this body, anyway.
Tails: Honestly that's one of the biggest draws of Vulpix/Ninetales as species. They're fluffy and adorable, and the multi-tail aspect provides significant interest within the PMD/Pokémon transformation framework. Having to deal with only one completely new limb, but six-to-nine. It plays into the other one mentioned as well.
Affection/Praise: It seems like it would be really nice to be pet/brushed/hugged/cuddled as a fluffy (or even not-so-fluffy) creature, and it seems like it would be nice to do the same to others as well. Praise is sort of the same way, but on a mental level rather than a physical level.
...can't decide what to put as a third.
It would be nice to actually be able to go outside and (occasionally) interact with people during the daytime without immediately dying. In general, "not dying" is a pretty decent goal, even if it needs more layered on top of it.
(If it's a separate building, it would also be nice to get one of those cooling towers attached to the library.)
More long term, collecting an archive of documentation about this world and its inhabitants seems like a good goal.
On a personal level, Kuiper is mostly content to "chill", so to speak. Fulfilling work, some interactions, good food, shelter: as long as those needs are met, he'll be pretty happy. Sure, it would be nice to remember more, but...he's not sure that'll ever happen.
Something you're learning to deal with
Aside from the obvious, definitely the tails. If having one is tricky, imagine having six. Making sure they don't get caught in doors is a lot of work. Or drag along the ground and get matted. Or raise too high while walking around in public. Or-you get the point.
Technology you miss
Without a doubt, air conditioning. Absolutely air conditioning. One or two of the buildings have cooling towers that function similarly, and mechanical fans might not be that hard to set up, but they're not quite as much of a replacement.
There also might've been some digital record-keeping systems that would've been nice to have? He's a bit fuzzy on the details, though.
Skills you've learnt
A surprising amount about record-keeping and organizational systems. Also relatively slow writing with claws, how to lap up water from a dish without spilling it everywhere, and how to care for long fur
First 'mon they met
Kuiper hasn't actually been out of town. The heat issues also imply a pretty strict range limitation, given that anywhere he would want to go has to be within a single night's travel.
Absolutely nothing! (Right now, at least.) He could maybe get off a Powder Snow if particularly necessary and not focusing too hard on it.
Favorite Berry
Kuiper's favorite are Petaya berries - he does recall eating something similar a couple times as a human, and the strong bitter-spicy combination is particularly memorable. Rawst are also pretty good, while significantly easier to find.
Legendaries you've spotted
What's a "Legendary"?
I mean, it's pretty obviously a classification of Pokemon, and it seems to have something to do with legends. But legends are just stories. You would think they wouldn't actually exist, then, yeah? But then again, if Mewt is one, and they definitely exist...
Rarest loot you've found
I mean, I can't really say if they're rare, per se, but the library has all sorts of old books! I wonder why the previous inhabitants abandoned them all...
Which town would you check out
I mean, if I could get any further than about a kilometer out of town? Frostwind Pass. It seems like a cool place, from what I've read.
How did you figure out your moveset
I mean, I'd like to think I was a pretty good dancer as a human, but I can't really remember. Not like the skills would transfer very well to this body, anyway...
What would you wear for a costume party
Hm. Something with a cloak. Not quite sure what, but cloaks are cool.
Sammy - Dewott♀ & Otta - Dewott♂
General Details
Hi I'm Sammy by the way. Me and my man Otta are your new bathhouse attendants. Don't be shy if you ever need us to wash your back, hose you down or be a listening ear.
I promise you we are professionals! Between us and Ray we're gonna be the best Bathhouse in the region!
Well we do have a nice cold water pool in the basement, but the Oasis does pretty well by itself. When we're not busy you can probably also find us out on the beach Enjoying some sun.
Before joining the Oasis Guild
We lived in one of the Ice Dungeons as long as we could remember. One day this Zoroark came busting through and started wrecking everyone that attacked him. We didn't feel like getting our asses kicked that day so we just waved instead of attacking. He stopped and started chatting which kind of surprised us. Eventually he asked us if we wanted wanted a job somewhere warmer and we said yes.
Damian - Sneasler♂
Sexuality & Body
Height: 3'11"
Attraction: Straight
Role: Dominant
Position: Top
Nipple rows: 3 (under fur)
Before joining the Oasis Guild
"I was out on my own, not going anywhere. Some life ! Desperately needed a change of scenery, you know ? So I immediately thought I should strand myself out here ! Whoops ... "
It was lucky that Damian made it to the Oasis at all. He endured the harshness of the desert sun and the frigidity of an arid night before stumbling upon this place, exhausted. The trauma caused him to faint at the end of his journey. It was just lucky that Zed and Mutt were here first, with a Reviver Seed to spare too !
While that ordeal is all true, it omits the bulk of his past. Despite gradually learning the town is full former humans turned Pokemon, Damian won't admit he used to be human like them.
Yes, Damian knows he was human too. And likewise, he doesn't remember who he was in his human life. Even though his name seems right, he can't say for sure he it was his a human.
His inner conflict about being a Pokemon now is enough of an insecurity to prevent him connecting with the others on their shared metamorphosis. They mustn't learn of his previous life or his crisis of identity ! The best way to do that is to cover over it by being a good friend and contributing as much as he can to his new town.
Unknown to him, Damian's past life is significant in how he arrived here. He worked on the coast guard in a role assisting the community with navigation, the weather and the occasional rescue. A decent background for a rescue team recruit!
In his own time he tried to build and then pilot his own airship. It was when he was out flying it one day that odd distortions crept up on him and his aircraft, causing it to lose altitude. Rather than crashing, Damian was somehow transformed and transported into this desert. Alone, disoriented ... and monstrous !
Current Activity
After recovering from his desert exhaustion Damian tries to help Zed in construction around town especially because of the utility of his long sharp claws. There is an abandoned store in town in town that he wishes to fix up and run. Otherwise Damian meets all the guild members in town and makes friends with many, takes shifts in the cafe and on night watch with Nox as well as completing jobs on the bulletin board and running dungeons.
Hots for anyone?
There's no denying the horniness in this town. However Damian really enjoys the romantic part. He's flirty and confident but also monogamous. One intense relationship is better than spreading himself too much ! Oh and he's a total dirty talking, moaning, lovey dovey idiot. Just a complete sucker for the gooey stuff !
Skipping straight to the bedroom isn't his style though. Lilith for example is so forward that Damian prefers to deny her instead. It wouldn't be surprising if this turns into some kind of game but Damian wouldn't ever hook up out of that or, even worse, let it turn into a relationship. Push it too far and Damian will shut down the fun for good.
Even so, Damian still needs a ... well ... /outlet/ while he finds the girl for him. That has led him to start contributing romance stories to the library's fiction section, finding a way to write even with his oversized claws. If you ask nicely he might even write you something on the side ... !
- Intimacy, passion, affection, romance
The good stuff ! Handholding, cuddling, praise, heavy petting, the works ! By end you should be panting and purring. Would you have it any other way?
- Pheremones and heat
Bestial attraction and desire ! Losing control and passionate indulgence in each other's base instincts is one of the best parts. But even without a mate Damian can't help but feel the thrill in resisting and finally relieving his rut. Don't forget that a strong scent can almost be hypnotic too !
- Transformation
It may be why you're here as a Pokemon but it is worth making clear this is a perk. Damian has dreams of his body morphing into its current form, both innocent and lewd. Maybe others may see those dreams too someday ?
- Breeding
Hey, that's a while off yet, don't you think ? Still, where do you think all this fooling around is going to lead ? When a mommy Pokemon and a daddy Pokemon love each other very much ... !
- Feral anatomy
Embrace the monster you've become ! After transforming Damian had a new appreciation for the Pokemon form of himself and others. There's so much beauty in their primal bodies !
Of course this extends to the lewd side too. Cloacas and cookies, oh my ! Damian's feline penis has bumps that are more pleasurable than painful like other felines. He'd still get off if he had a canine or tapered dick too.
Author's notes
Sometime soon I'll flesh out this into its own story. I want Damian to be the 3rd resident of Oasis since it works well for his story even though I'm introducing him so late. Hopefully that's fine since I've been in the thread since the first one.
Vex >>68496193
Somehow never running into each other, Damian may know of Vex from other people, but stupid luck prevented the two from meeting
Damian >>68496439
Since Damian fainted on arrival and needed a Reviver Seed to recover my headcanon is that he's either been recovering in one of the guild hall rooms the whole time or has been on the sidelines only passively observing the guild activities. Actually since the phantom Anons brought up the idea of "haunting" the town by commenting without interacting maybe Damian's consciousness was part of those voices as he was in a deep coma. The story I want to write with Damian in the desert should set up how Zed and Mutt discover Damian but he hasn't really met them or anyone else while awake yet.
Wisp - Hisuian Zoroark♂
General details
(KEK, I forgot to actually expand on that earlier because I ran out of steam with the construction yard bit, but no Nina is actually for all intents and purposes a Serperior)
(I should probably also add, when Zed makes copies that are intended to be more than essentially holograms they will copy textures, weight and scents as well which is part of why 9/Nina was able to just fully manifest as an actual Serperior following the incident. She's still connected like all the rest but she can no longer change herself like before).
Formerly Zed clone No.2 but now has his own personality and is autonomous.
Wisp is born
Nina - Serperior♀
General details
Formerly Zed clone No.9 but now has her own personality and is autonomous.
Gin - Alolan Marowak♂
Attraction: Bi
Role: Switch (4/15)
Position: Switch (7/15)
Smooth Chest
General Details
A wandering craftsman, looking for an area to set up shop, hopefully with decent mining opportunities nearby. A bit gruff up front, but quite sweet in private.
Before joining the Oasis Guild
Early on they were quite the troublemaker, known locally as a bit of a delinquent up through high school, getting into fights and having some rather sticky fingers, but they settled down a bit once they got into college, lest they be thrown out and waste all their invested time and money.
Gin used to work in the technical field, mostly being stuck in the IT department, but this left them plenty of downtime to practice and learn about their hobbies.
Hobbies such as Stone/gemcutting, Smithing, and Caving, the first two kept their wallet nice and fat, selling their works online, while the latter was purely for the adrenaline it provided, as a substitute for some of their younger habits.
Although, that would be their downfall, in the end.. and the catalyst for their reincarnation in this world!
Current Activity
Since their arrival, they have mostly just been wandering the continent searching for a suitable settlement to join, gathering the odd trinket or sufficiently intriguing looking stone along the way.
Their latest stop into a village yielded a rumor about an up and coming guild in the desert, situated in the side of a cliff with a natural water source nearby, piquing their interest.
They don't know exactly what they'll find, or what they'll do once they're there, but it's as good a lead as any, and so they set off for the Oasis.
Living Space
Hots for anyone?
Oral play, Overstimulation, Excessive cum, Slit play,
Handholding and small acts of kindness
For now their main goal x is to run a successful workshop, and establish a name for themselves.
Something you're learning to deal with
Their short stature is.. bothersome, compared to their previous bodies build. The old tactics they used to get their way aren't quite as effective, now that they're just a three foot tall lizard.
Technology you miss
Power tools, computers, games.. the usuals for most people, I'd say.
Skills you've learnt
First 'mon they met
A friendly Dunsparce. There's not much to say about the encounter, it was short and to the point. The usual "who are you", "where am I", and "is there civilization nearby" questions were the bulk of it.
Gin's current moveset is; Thief, Bonemerang, Shadow Bone, and Fire Punch.
Favorite Berry
Liechi berries are their preferred snack, the spicy kick really gets their blood flowing.
Stories to Tell
Nothing interesting enough to spend a listeners time on just yet.
Nurse Audrey - Audino♀
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Dominant (8/15)
Position: Top (8/15)
Smooth Chest
Smooth Crotch
Before joining the Oasis Guild
Audrey, or Nurse/Doctor Audrey was once a veterinarian before waking up in the world of pokemon. Sometime after she started getting used to life with sentient animals, she ended up getting lost in a fairy dungeon she wasn't strong enough to clear on her own, so she hid in a safe space she created with secret power to avoid the strange breeze until an opportunity to escape presented itself. It took a while, but eventually, a few weeks passed & she made it out.
Current Activity
Running errands. Getting acquainted with Oasis.
Teach pokemon to have a higher standard of health and self-preservation. Very difficult task.
Something you're learning to deal with
The stubbier legs take a while to get used to, but all things considered she's pretty well off with this new body. You'd think the loss of familiar holes would be a bigger deal, but most of the time Audrey is more worried about tuning out all the new sounds she can hear. Everything is so much louder with ears like an Audino, and the new sensory organs let her make things out much clearer than ever before. Loud noises can freak her out pretty badly if she isn't expecting them, so she avoids fighting if she can. Do no harm, as they say. Technically she never took that oath...
The Doctor knows Heal Pulse, Life Dew, Pain Split, & Secret Power.
She applies Heal Pulse for general scrapes and wounds, Life Dew for poisons, burns, & zaps, Pain Split to relieve the pain of her patients, & Secret Power to create secret bases so she always has a space to give her services when needed.
Living Space
Audrey lives in the many secret bases she hides all over the Oasis guild. They're well hidden, but if you aren't careful, you might slip between some trees or into a heap of rocks which conceal a door leading to a room that looks a lot more spacious on the inside. Her main place of residence is the medical center appointed to her by Zed.
Technology you miss
Gauze, bandaids, hypodermic needles, medical scrubs, it'd be easier to list the medical tools Audrey doesn't miss. If she had to pick one item she wishes she still had... it'd be her DSi, because the 3DS was too expensive at the time she was in her old world. Portable, with games you can carry in your wallet & an excellent battery life, it's no wonder it sold millions!
Skills you've learnt
The most helpful skill she's learned is turning oran berries & their leaves into homemade bandaids.
First 'mon they met
After waking up in the woods somewhere, she spotted a pixie dancing atop a floating flower in a field of color. That little pixie ended up showing Audrey to her village where the Audino was welcomed and learned about the way pokemon live. After getting lost traversing through layers & layers of mystery dungeons, she ended up very far from where she started. She hopes the village is doing alright without her.
Hots for anyone?
Audrey is quite modest compared to the rest of the guild, so she doesn't express her interests as openly as Lilith or Zed. As of now, she isn't interested in anyone specifically, but if she's feeling especially pent up, she won't be picky in who she finds attractive.
- Without any other holes to use, Audrey's only relief is getting others off in any way she can.
Medical Exams/Patient & Doctor
- She has the compulsive desire to solve problems. Playing doctor is her way of satisfying herself.
Shared Senses
- Sharing sensations with someone would allow her to experience pleasure she can normally only give to others. Maybe a psychic-type could help.
Cato - Buizel⚦
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Switch (7/15)
Position: Switch (9/15)
Nipple Rows: 1
Has a penis.
Do you have a character? If so, what is their species and name?
Cato (Pronounced KAY-toe, Not their real name). Buizel.
Unlike most Pokemon in Oasis, Cato was not once a human.
Con-artist, grifter, shyster, snake oil salesmon, scumbag and other colorful terms have been used to describe them.
Almost always seen with a fake grin plastered on their face, Cato exudes overconfidence and a certain outdated charisma. Cato's entire personality is an act that they seemingly never drop, not even when they are alone.
Cato's very 'colorful' and vain. They're a prettybui, you've gotta look good if you want to sell it.
If you sat down and had a drink with them, they'd be not bad company, but you could certainly do better.
They cannot hold a tune to save their life.
Cato usually likes to be a dom top, but as soon as a partner is taller/more imposing they'll quickly switch to being submissive.
What did they do before joining the Oasis Guild? What do they do now?
Cato was once a lowly street urchin and petty thief. After spending time in and out of jails and slums, Cato met a certain 'mon. This 'mon taught them how to properly be a con-'mon, and together they both worked together to successfully pull low-level scams on their hometown. Fast forward to now, and Cato is full-on con artist. Any classic scam you can think of, they've probably done at some point with varying levels of success.
Cato has never been able to settle down anywhere, their exploits often finding them kicked out of town or them jumping town in the semi-rare case of a successful con.
They often change their entire identity when switching towns, to avoid being recognized from their previous exploits.
In fact, there's few places in the area where Cato is welcome, which has lead them to Oasis.
In Oasis, the con is simple. Pretend to be a powerful psychic, with a side business of selling "rare" artifacts, tools and supplies relevant to a guild, then sit back and rake in the Poke.
Cato will most likely need this to work, as they haven't many options left, besides skipping to another continent.
Where do you live? In the guild hall? In one of the renovated buildings in town? In a shop?
Cato's in a tough spot at the moment. They'd likely take anything that the guild would give them. Even a spare closet.
Cato's no fast-talking jasper that rolls into town beguiling the townsfolk into fulfilling a long list of demands. They're a humble and legitimate businessmon, and they'll take what charity that this here lovely town will be willing to give them.
What does your room look like? What do you keep in there? Do you need anything special?
Room is TBA, but Cato's got a lot of supplies that they've hastily packed into a burlap sack that needs unloading somewhere.
Got the hots for anyone?
Does your character have any dream or goals? Do they have job they'd like to have or something they'd like to do?
Cato is almost purely motivated by Poké. Over the years, Cato's schemes have gotten increasingly ambitious and varyingly morally reprehensible. It doesn't help that they are terrible with money, and often end up back broke at square one after indulging too much in their vices.
There might also be another reason why Cato keeps going on...
What's the first town or 'mon they meet outside of the abandoned town? How do they react?
Not really applicable to Cato, as they were never human, but the 'mon that they worked with a long while ago used to be a human.
They both were very good friends with each other and that 'mon often told stories about his past life, so Cato's got some knowledge of the human world and what life was like. If they had to, Cato could probably try and pass themselves off a former human.
Good luck getting Cato to open up about this period in their life. It would be a difficult subject for them if you were able to break through Cato's whole facade.
What moves does your character know?
Aqua Jet, Mud-Slap, Attract, Thief.
Cato can hold their own in a dungeon if they needed to. Cato's tried to game the system with their androgyny, hoping that Attract would attract Pokemon of all genders. It's got a somewhat decent success rate.
What's everyone's favorite berry?
Cato's usually a fiend for gummis, but they do like the refined and expensive Sitrus Berry.
Everyone knows Mewt but have there been any other Legendaries spotted either in Dungeons or passing through?
Cato has seen plenty of Legendaries out in their travels! They might even tell you a story or two if you spot them a couple Poke to help them remember.
Whats the rarest bit of loot you've seen?
Cato usually doesn't care about rare loot. What they do care about is loot that looks rare, or that they can make out to be rare/interesting/powerful. Making out that something mundane is valuable and selling it for a lot more than it is worth, is more important to Cato, and much more repeatable.
Which of the outer towns would you be keen to check out on a supply run?
Cato's not setting foot in any of the towns surrounding Oasis. Lest they be tarred and feathered.
How did you figure out what moves you have and did you learn any new ones?
Cato's learned most of their moves from TMs, their moveset is tailor made to aid in scamming.
Say there was a Dress-up Party tomorrow, costumes are provided by some random means, what would your character wear or go as?
Cato doesn't need random means to have costumes. They've got plenty stored away for various uses.
Cato's Arrival. (Leads into Cato's first in-character post..)
Lore Page
Holden - Malamar⚦?
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Unknown
Role: Unknown
Position: Unknown
Nipple Rows: Squids ain't got nipples.
Genitalia: Unknown. It's hard to tell with squids.
Who is your character?
What do they do now?
Holden is a mysterious Malamar who showed up to town in the middle of the night, seemingly out of nowhere, covered in cuts and gashes.
He hasn't done much since coming to town, mostly milling around in the saloon, occasionally venturing to the Guild Hall to stare at the job board, despite not being part of the guild.
A sort of raggedy poncho-looking thing hangs down his body, covering the glowing spots, and for good reason too. Even taking so much as a glimpse at them starts to give a 'mon a headache. On the rag is a badge- it's small, and unfamiliar to most, except those who deal with unsavoury business. An outlaw might recognize it as a mark of the Sand Continent's baddest bounty hunting guild, although they don't make much business in the parts around Oasis.
Past his edgy exterior, Holden holds a deep, dark secret. The truth is...
He's human too. He has no idea what the fuck is going on, but he quickly understood that if he wanted to get by, he'd need to toughen up- but deep inside, he's barely holding his shit together. His entire tough-guy act only comes from watching too much Clint Eastwood when he was still a human. Unfortunately, his edgy cowboy act means he never gets close to anyone in town, and has no idea he's surrounded by other ex-humans. If only he knew...
He doesn't actually know how to fight. All his success as a bounty hunter was thanks to his gift of hypnosis as a Malamar- one flash from his body, and his quarry would be completely docile. After hypnotizing a bounty, all he'd have to do is tie them up and carry them back to the guild. But the truth is, he's never managed to capture a single dark type.
The reason why he's in Oasis is because the last town he was in run him out. It happens every time- nobody trusts a dark type, and ESPECIALLY not a Malamar. This time, he was accused to hypnotizing all the criminals he captured to BECOME criminals in the first place.
Where do they live?
Holden seems to disappear at random, only to come the next day without a word. Anyone's yet to see him sleep.
He climbs up the mountain and squeezes himself between a boulder and a rock and sleeps there.
Got the hots for anyone?
Maybe. Maybe not.
This man is too done with everything to have the time to be horny.
Does your character have any dream or goals? Do they have job they'd like to have or something they'd like to do?
Glory. Holden just wants glory.
Holden just kinda wants to go home.
Defunct Characters
For mons that were entered into the Census but have not participated in threads as their 'Mon. NOT for any 'Mons who were active but have since stopped participating.
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Dominant (12/15)
Position: Top (12/15)
Nipple rows: 1
Breathplay, outdoor/public sex, rough sex
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Dominant (12/15)
Position: Top (12/15)
Smooth Chest
Oral, Rimming, Somnophilia
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: True Switch (8/15)
Position: True Switch (8/15)
Breast rows: 1
Former male
Everything but the gross stuff
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Switch (12/15)
Position: Switch (7/15)
Smooth chest
TF, Vore, Role Reversal
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Switch (10/15)
Position: Switch (10/15)
Smooth chest
Handholding, Excessive cum, Fat
Reliable info suggests this anon isn't interested.
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Straight
Role: Switch (10/15)
Position: Top (12/15)
Smooth chest
Transformation, Pokephilia (HMOFP)~~
Basil - Snivy♂
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Straight
Role: Switch (10/15)
Position: True Switch (8/15)
Smooth chest
Loan - Crocalor♂
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Switch (5/15)
Position: Switch (6/15)
Smooth chest
General Details
bitch ass site said I would be Impish
handholding lmao, maybe being bitten or clawed or pinned or something like that
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Submissive (4/15)
Position: Bottom (4/15)
Smooth chest
Transformation, Expansion/Growth, Sweat/Musk
Zinnia - Simipour♀
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Submissive (6/15)
Position: Switch (10/15)
Breast rows: 1
Risky, Gangbang, Cumflation
Denki - Raichu♂
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Both
Role: Switch (10/15)
Position: Top (10/15)
Smooth chest
Cute, first stage evos.
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Bi
Role: Switch (7/15)
Position: Switch (6/15)
Breast rows: 1
Both Penis and Pussy
Affectionate/loving sex, Group Sex, Oral
Kayla - Kangaskhan♀
Sexuality & Body
Attraction: Straight
Role: Submissive (1/15)
Position: Bottom (1/15)
Breast rows: 1
Vanilla, Cuddling, Handholding
Partner desensitizes Anon to Pokemon nudity
partner knows you used to be human
knows you aren't used to casual, constant public nudity
knows that if you aren't a pokephile already, your new instincts will make you into one shortly
they decide the best way to help you adapt to your new life would be to both desensitize you to the nudity and cultivate those new instincts, so that you don't have to struggle with conflicted feelings for so long
they start teasing you constantly so that you have to learn that arousal is nothing to be embarrassed about
their teasing also makes your new mating instincts develop much faster
eventually you're a lot less embarrassed about having your genitals on display in public, and have accepted that getting visibly aroused sometimes is just natural and part of life
you also can no longer remember what you found attractive about humans; when you try to think sexy thoughts about humans you just get uncomfortable and kind of grossed out
meanwhile your relationship with your partner has grown to become both sexual and romantic, and even if you could find a way to become human again you wouldn't want to, because you can't imagine a life that's any better than what you have right now
Anon(♂) and Auntie Kangaskhan(♀)
Decide to make a quick visit to Kangaskhan Storage to drop off some items from your latest mission.
Walk over to her hut and as soon as Kangaskhan spots you, she smiles and leans over the counter to ask you a barrage of questions.
Where you've been? How you are? Do you need anything?
Can barely answer her first question before she asks the next. She's always like this, so sweet and motherly-even insists you call her auntie.
Explain that you just need to make some space in your bag and hand her some spare berries to store.
She nods and takes them off your paws.
This should be quick. Since you visit so often, your storage is placed right behind the counter on the bottom shelf. All she has to do is turn and bend over-
Your entire view is absorbed by a pair of plump, puffy pussy lips nestled between two mounds of big, round ass cheeks.
Before you can even look away, a strong, musky scent hits your nose and you freeze.
The smell clouds your mind. A buzzing, warmth steadily spreads out from your groin as your cock slides out of its sheath.
Her cunt looks so inviting... You wonder what it would feel like to just climb over the counter, wrap your arms around her wide, childrearing hips and thrust your throbbing dick into her sopping wet pussy-
"Is something wrong dear?"
Her voice breaks you out of your pheromone induced trance. Only now do you realize you're standing in front of her with a full erection twitching and glistening with dollops of precum.
A hot blush spreads across your face as you stumble over your words trying to apologize but auntie stops you.
"Oh, did I do that?" she asks, a claw over her mouth.
"I'm so sorry sweetie, let me help with that."
She leans down and you try to protest, but the words die in your throat, turning into soft moans as she gingerly wraps her claws around and gently stroke your cock. Her digits are dull and smooth, her palms soft against your sensitive member.
"It's alright dear," she coos in her motherly voice.
Her claws milk you so painfully slow, from the base to the tip. Your hips start to move on their own, trying to rut her palms.
"Everyone gets stiffies now and again~ It's my fault for not being careful," she reassures you.
Your breath hitches as your cock bounces in her soft palms. The building pleasure if the only thing you can think about. It's too much.
"Go ahead sweetie~ Let it all out~"
You don't need anymore encouragement as your balls hitch and your cock spasms, shooting long ropes of cum without a care in the world for where they land. You just let your head hang back, eyes closed and mouth left ajar while she massages the last of your seed out of your cock.
"There there. . ." she coos as he lets go of your shrinking member and picks up a towel from the counter to wipe up the mess.
"You must've been backed up dear, that was a lot you shoot out," she says as if consoling you over a bruise.
She finishes cleaning up the last of your spunk and smiles warmly.
"Remember, if you ever need help with another stiffy, you can come to auntie."
The Fujoshi Gallade♂ Is Trying to Make Me Her Yaoi BF !
be male mon
in the guild for a while
back from successful mission
fellow gallade teammate is boasting about how he took out a gabite
with my help of course
a detail he's vainly neglecting in his grand tale
not that i really mind
just smile and nod along
main hall slowly empties out
just gallade and i are left
he'a still animated and chatty
but even he's noticing the lack of company
"hey anon"
"if it's just us, let's go back to my place"
gallade's always asking the guild to keep the party going through the evening
lol, sure
walking back his tone changes a little
stutters a little while speaking
is grinning and laughing more than usual
settle down, beavis
think about the gossip from gallade's other guests as he rattles on
here we are !
go inside his cozy abode
eat some nice snacks for a bit
chillin' and vibin'
yet he just can't sit still
like an excited adolescent predator trying to stay concealed as their prey naively approaches
until right then as if reacting my inner thoughts
he jumps to his feet abruptly
"do you want to try something cool anon ?"
he blurts this offer out rapidly then sort of freezes
uh, sure, whatever
a flash of relief rebalances him, somewhat
"a-alright! come here ... !"
get up
stand about six feet away from him
"look into my eyes"
uh huh, looking
"do you trust me ?"
his voice is low and smooth now
heh, yeah sure
"do you feel relaxed ?"
i feel relaxed
"do you feel sleepy ?"
it's so late now
i feel sleepy
"will you follow my orders ?"
i'll follow your orders
"bow to me"
i bend forward
"hold there and return your gaze"
i tilt my head up
he's grinning widely
almost psychotically
for his next instruction he raises his left hand in front of his face
"follow my fingers, and don't look away"
they touch and slides along his cheek ...
gently down his neck ...
stroking along his chest ...
down further running across his belly ...
below his thigh ring ... thing
until they stop ...
... at his real ... thing
i can see the tip
it's ... dribbling
he caresses it just slightly
"now anon ... "
hear him take a sharp, deep breath
there's another moment of tense pause as he summons his true intent
" ... touch it ... !"
look straight up his face
there's a stupid confused expression across it
it causes my eyes and lips to scrunch up in the worst pokemon pokerface in all history
his realization turns to horror
and at that point it's too much
i fall down to the floor and begin laughing uncontrollably
oh man, they told me about your little hypnotism trick, but i never thought you'd try it on me !
while rolling around on the floor i hear a heavy thud as he plants himself back down on his seat
peering back from my low vantage point i see him with his head in his hands while shaking it side to side
legs crossed and elbows on his knees trying to conceal his retreating erection
this too is very funny to me
but the laughs settle down enough for me to stand and slap a paw on his shoulder
not the most charming move, but i am flattered
if it makes you feel any better i won't tell anyone what happened tonight
though you should probably know that stories of your previous ... oh arceus ... "attempts" have already spread among the others
the poor traumatized gallade falls to his side and curls up in a ball
hey, and don't worry about your mind control not working
i know one of the guys here honestly likes you enough that he'd play along completely under his own free will !
gallade pulls his hands from his face and stares with regret across the floor
mumbling something i couldn't hear
look don't beat yourself up about it
you should maybe beat off instead of it !
fucking hell
i just can't help myself
that baits a sigh from him
but he also lets out a smile
seriously though we're still friends, alight ?
reach my paw forward for him to shake
he obliges in kind with his right hand
the one he didn't use to play with himself
you'll feel better after a rest and a new expedition in the morning
we can even set you up with a nice dungeon mon if you need lol
"th- thanks"
" ... i think"
it's probably best i leave now
well this has been an eventful day
see you at the hall in the morning
"cool, yeah, see you"
gallade crawls over to his bed of hay in the corner
and one more piece of advice
for your own sake ...
Writer's Page
Eevees'? Mutt's ...
Mutt looks to the outskirts of the oasis
Sees 2 Eevees approaching
Saunters up to meet them
The Eevees are chatting, giggling at each other's jokes and look up to see the massive Arcanine
"Hi. Welcome! What are your names?"
First, the female Eevee replies
Mutt tilts his head, confused
At this, the male Eevee start wagging his tail
"Vees nuts!"
"Got 'eem!"
Both of them fall to their sides laughing
Until they are covered in shadow
Standing over them is Mutt
Staring down with the most devilish grin across his now intimidating maw
Female Eevee shifts to look at her friend, visibly worried
Male Eevee is just gawking up at Mutt's towering form, in pure awe, not noticing he's started to drool...
Writer's Page
Mutt takes Anons mission
put up a simple mission request that any team could complete
specify in the requirements that it needs to be completed by their cutest team
attach some poké as reward + say you will make it worth their while
wait a couple hours
a guild member notifies me that my mission was accepted
get a bit horny thinking about the big tip youre gonna give the cute newbie
the team comes back from the mission
get notified to wait for them at the cafe so they can bring you your item
take a seat at the cafe ogling all the small cute guildmembers thinking about all the fun youll have soon
your train of thought gets cut off as a big arcanine sits at the other side
hes so big he makes you look diminutive in comparison
try to tell him youre waiting for someone but he cuts you off putting the item you requested and your mission request on the table
look at the paper
someone erased the requirements
slowly look up at the big canine
hes licking his lips looking at you
tells you you can go to his place to show your satisfaction
cant say no since he could report back at the guild that you never paid him back and get you blacklisted
plus hes HUGE and could easily bend you over the counter if he wanted
reluctantly go with him
get your back blown out
cant sit straight for a week
you smell like him for a couple days despite taking multiple baths
everyone in the town knows because you put your request in the public sfw board like an idiot
some teams offer to personally complete your requests for ""free"" thinking youre the new town bicycle
A day in the life of Vex the Larvitar
Be Vex, back from a tough dungeon run and looking to relax
Don't feel like dealing with the café crowd today, so go to my room to munch on some gummis I found in the dungeon
Someone comes in interrupting my lunch
I'm already annoyed
Stare at him like the idiot he is, not really paying attention to what he's saying
When it becomes clear all he wants is a toy to "play" with, my blood starts boiling
fuck this shit
Proceed to Outrage the living shit outta him
After im done with his sorry ass I drag him over to Mutt's room for him to deal with
At least I can say my training's paying off
Vex gets Aella a gummi
Be Vex, bored out my mind
Job board didn't hold any good jobs, and you weren't in the mood for training today, so you ended up doing the only thing that came to mind today
Stare at other people doing whatever
Today's target: Aella
Watching her work always brought back memories, and you also enjoyed her work ethic
not that you'd ever say such things
While mindlessly staring, a thought comes to you
You should help her in some way
But how?
think for once goddammit
Go to my room and check through the gummi's that I saved up from all the dungeon runs i've been doing
Bingo, a Sky Gummi
Return to her room, find it empty
Leave the gummi on her desk
Belly decides to make itself known
The gummi is indeed tempting, but it's not for me
this time
Decide to take some food from the café to go
Maybe the relicanth would like some company today, his place is usually cool enough to eat at
Anon visits Mutt in the morning
need Mutt to do another delivery run of some lumber for the post office
head down the hall to his room
hammer the door "Oi Mutt get your ass up I need you in Cedar Valley this morning"
hear a drowsy"5 minutes please"
Dit opens the door and wanders out grumbling various racial slurs
inside Mutt is still on his bed with a trembling Jolteon under his paw
the jolteon lets out a meek "h-help"
throw him a side eye and tell him we'll chain him up in here forever if he pulls the shit he did last night ever again
Mutt gets up to head down to the storehouse but grabs the jolt by the scruff of his neck and trots off with him
laugh at the sight for a second before remembering I have to chase up Dit for the latest dispatches from the towns across the desert
I miss energy drinks sometimes
Guild Board Dispatches
The Smoliv oil rationing will continue, our shipment has been delayed by an additional week due to feral Flygon and Krookodile hunting parties
Priority Job requests:
Flygon and Krookodile hunting - Oasis Guild
Job requests:
Missing Jolteon, last seen heading towards Oasis - Officer Magnamite
BRING SHOVEL - Sandygast
Go into dessert, bring shiny (not a trick) - Murkrow
Outlaws near Oasis:
Sandslash, theft, extortion
Shukkle, bootlegging, indimidation, racketeering
Trapinch, public masturbation
Mukrow, robbery
Reminder, the guild hall is NOT to be used as an orgy pit before to sundown, and whoever keeps cumming on the job board, I will find you and I will mindrape you
Pressed juice is now availiable at Oasis Cafe, it's healthy and tasty!
Kekleon Hardware, for when you need to go hard, accept no Substitute
Back of the Job board requests:
Take me Sightseeing (Special Reward) - F Slaking
Wash my wings, no Electric types - M Corviknight
Bring red gummi - ? Slugma
Balls! Balls! Balls! - M Rockruff
Rock type seeking Rock type - F Gigalith
Decide to take the bait on the Mukrow one
Take a petrify orb and get Sanaa to paint it gold for me
Head out towards the marked location
Out of nowhere the Mukrow swoops in and uses Thief on me, snatching the orb
He taunts me as a fool with the orb in his claws, just before the orb cracks and goes off stunning him and making him fall out of the air
tie him up and drag him back to the guild
throw him in a cell beside the sex pest jolteon
tell him to pay up or I'm going give him to Mutt for the night
Jolteon gets ptsd and freaks out
Mukrow gets scared, hands over the money and I collect 2 mission payments as Officer Magnamite hauls him off to East town
Abandoned mine thread adventure
Due to it's length and being more of a CYOA with multiple OC interactions, please follow the desuarchive thread by clicking the name.
Sanaa just wanna have fun !
"I need to have a little fun. I don't mind... how, I just need a break from all this. Anyone got any ideas?"
Sanaa eagerly looks at her almost constantly raunchy guildmates in anticipation of their likely provocative suggestions for "fun".
Zed smiles and gestures one of his illusions to go fetch something.
Vex, one of the humbler members of the guild, takes this opportunity to ask more of a professional favor, before second guessing the "fun"-ness of his request.
Mewt, also on the more reserved side, innocently suggests cooling off in the refreshing waters of the oasis as the evening sun dips over the horizon.
Swivelling her head to gauge the rest of the town, Sanaa notices a distinct absence of the lusty regulars who normally keep their settlement ... lively ...
Turning back to her audience, Sanaa hunches her shoulders a little and lightly kicks the sand at her feet.
She couldn't help shifting somewhat on the spot as only she felt an awkward tension by this unexpected response ... and now silence.
"I was kind of, uh, inviting ... someone, for ... "
Her voice loses its volume as she speaks, until she whispers at a level just barely still audible ...
" ... sex ... "
Despite the lack of emphasis in her voice, the potency of her proposition caused a flurry of reaction.
Vex immediately breaks eye contact, looking down at the ground, muttering a sincere apology for being a bit thick-headed when it comes to flirting.
Mewt throws back a palm to his face, smiling and laughing at his uncharacteristic misreading of the situation.
If only he had some drinks at the ready for them all to loosen up with.
Meanwhile Zed's eyes widen in realization, mouthing an "Ohhh" to himself.
His illusion mate returns, looking around at the group wondering what he had missed.
Zed takes the ropes for the wooden sleds his illusion had been instructed to bring.
Giving the copy a grin and a pat on the back, it dismisses in a purple puff of mist.
He then strides over to Sanaa, passing her the rope for one of the sleds.
But rather than letting go, he keeps his grip around her paw, smirking down at her as he walks them along the road out of town.
"The dunes out here are my go-to for fun."
"And if you're still full of adrenaline by the time we get back ... "
"We might need to sort that out with a different kind of "fun" !"
Sanaa looks up to see this beast of a Zoroark beaming down at her, his full set of teeth shining in the fading light.
She returns her gaze forward, wearing a totally giddy look herself.
That's one way to knock back the embarrassment from earlier.
Even as the moon rose and they neared the dune's peak ...
Her mind still wandered to irresistible thoughts of becoming Zed's prey ... !
Writer's Page
A new brew for the askwew crew
After much care, love and craft-mon-ship, Mewt's Mead is finally available at the cafe slash saloon.
Well, that's not the name /Mewt/ gave it ...
When the town discovered Mewt's notice that it was ready on the town bulletin board, it was the glorifying title folks from the guild quickly anointed to it.
... Much to their dismay.
But there was no mistake for the bubbling level of anticipation from everyone in the Oasis for Mewt's next bartending miracle.
A real creature comfort.
A /human/ comfort.
One that the initial settlers here had already mourned after their forceful binding to their new monster forms.
That kind of reverence was far too much for Mewt.
Even on a good day.
Mewt could really do with a stiff drink ...
Evening time.
The booze must flow !
And what do you know.
It's a full house tonight !
E v e r y o n e · i s · h e r e !
Of course Zed's first for a serving.
"Better than a VB /looongneck/ !"
"Get that up ya !"
Big boys Jackall and Mutt follow close behind.
Mewt and Sanaa had whipped up some larger tankards to accommodate their giant thirst.
The rest of the crew steadily get their drinks.
And those who weren't on the grog are here too.
Catching the vibes and filling their bellies.
It's good eating in here too you know !
A lone exception from the regular food and drink is the as yet unnamed Glimmora, who instead perched themselves ornately on the saloon's wall, observing the festivities.
Maybe they're feasting on the raucous energy flowing through the room ?
Not to be left out, even the smallest 'mons are getting in on the action.
Dit looks a wee bit comical beside his disproportional shimmering golden bottle.
Wait, a bottle ?
Where did you get that Dit ? !
Watch out or you'll ... !
Aaand he's out.
Poor sucker seriously misjudged his alcohol tolerance.
He miiight have let his reputation for taking bigger things than his guildmates expect go to his head ...
Newcomer Powder picks up a round too.
Taking a few sips, she quickly takes a shine to it.
So much so that she's already downed her whole cup, and is going for another.
The grog is doing it's job and loosening her up to banter with everyone else.
Without so many inhibitions, she dares to ask if they're a boy or a girl.
(It's complicated, Powder ... )
And then there's ... Chai ...
Having been scooped up by Zed onto one of his newly minted bar stools, she only juuust manages to poke her head over the counter.
Her adorable muzzle, twitching ears and wide eyes gaze up at Mewt as they pour a levitating bottle into a round of hovering mugs that Lilith is waiting to collect.
(Lilith likes the taste, even if she metabolizes the liquor too quickly to feel it.)
"One tall Mewt Mead please !"
Mewt, now a little more at ease with his creation's pet name, stares down at Chai with hesitation and concern.
Most of Chai's other nights at the bar had ended in her uncharacteristically causing a ruckus that she seemed to regret later.
But in those moments, her confident, flirty side would come out.
Winding up the recognized dominant 'mons.
Rubbing her scent on the meeker ones.
A little incident of "losing control" of her tail.
But that only happened one time !
Even Mutt, normally pouncing anything that moved at the first sign of consent, instead settled for giving her some headpats as a means of calming her down.
Maybe try asking him when you're sober, sweaty.
"What a lightweight. Mead would kill her!"
The laughter is from that cheeky Rattata on a table with Vex and Veg.
Look at you, already fitting in with the crowd and their humor like you'd been here from the start.
Chai would not stand for this mockery.
Chai would prove her wrong !
Turning back to the counter ...
"One tall Mewt Mead please !"
She decrees this adopting the most assertive posture her little Eevee body can muster.
Sitting straight up with her head raised.
Eyes closed expectently.
Tail swishing with authority.
All while enunciating each syllable with much elegance.
Mewt is amused by this.
But, as a professional, the only crack in his composure is a subtle smirk as they give her a bow.
An uncorking, telekinetic tilt and pour later, Chai's poison is ready.
"To good health!"
On the other side of the bar Rohan waves Mewt away from Chai and her brew.
For a few moments she doesn't even touch it.
Drinking it in, rather than drinking it up.
She raises herself up by the hind legs to put her front paws on the counter and her nose over the glass.
The fruity aroma of this nectar fills all her senses.
Awkwardly clasping the glass between her paws she dips down for a sip.
"Eck. BLEH !"
The guild's first critic, it would seem.
Or possibly not.
Despite the initial reaction, Chai leans forward and begins lapping up her drink ravenously.
Not having too much co-ordination, the continual spillages she's making forms a pool under her mug.
"Whoa, settle down there ... !"
Zeta remarks sitting beside her and a tired but content looking Twitch.
They managed to claim the slightly higher stools at the bar.
A number of other Zetas materialize and begin causing mischief among the rest of the patrons.
That comment from Zeta doesn't deter Chai though.
She needs every last drop.
Yes, even from the mess she's made on the counter top.
Chai gives something between a cheer and a primal howl after licking her glass and wood beneath it clean.
"Go home Chai, you're drunk !"
Powder is /still/ teasing her.
What nerve !
It's not like /she's/ doing much better !
"I am /not/ drunk !"
Chai protests, spinning precariously from her perch.
"Hahaha. Prove it !"
Oh ?
Is that a challenge Powder ?"
"OK, rat."
"I hic will !"
Another dangerous swivel from Chai turns her back with her face toward the counter.
In her head she psychs herself up to conquor her mortal enemy ...
Raised surfaces !
Using all the co-ordination she can collect ...
She leaps up onto the bartop !
scratch scratch clamber
Her jump landed short.
And now she's scrambling to pull herself in with her front paws ...
While pushing up with her back ones.
But with the grace of Arceus almighty, she drags herself up.
All without Zed's help !
"I'm not sure that'll convince anyone ... !"
Powder taunts again.
"hic Oh yeah ... ?"
"I have the finesse of a gymnast !"
Chai lifts up her front paws off the counter.
She moves them up to her chest ...
Then beside her head !
Balancing on her two small hindpaws.
It's a sight to behold for sure.
Even Powder is looking on in shock and awe.
But this isn't enough for Chai.
She needs to completely shut up the Rattata for good !
"And now for my last tri-hic ... !"
Chai lowers her front paws forward to get in position ...
Then springs up into the air !
... Only not in the way she intended.
Her impaired mind had forgotten to account for one critical detail.
The wet countertop.
You know ...
The one still slick from her drinking accident just before.
It causes just one of her feet to slip just as she was going to perform her flip.
Spectacularly, she does turn herself completely upside down, pirouetting 180 degrees ... !
Riiight off her stage ...
And tumbling down, as if in slow motion, to the cold floor below.
The poor Eevee lands on the back of her silly head.
Her body slumps above the rest of her, balancing by her spine, back paws hanging above her head, momentum stopped dead.
Much like her ...
Well, OK, she's only really fainted.
... Again ...
At least her tail had the decency to fall between her legs.
Not /all/ her dignity is gone ...
"Oh Arceus !"
"Is Chai dead again ? !"
Veg hovers down from her soda, where she was quietly watching the entire time.
Poking the limp creature's foot, she concludes that yes, Chai very much has left the building.
"Hey Vex !"
"Give me that Reviver Seed !"
Vex looks back, incredulously.
"But I spent so much time in the dungeon to fi-"
He's interupted by Veg.
C'mon, Veeeex !"
Folding at her insistence, Vex drops down to offer her his treasure.
"Alright, alright, fine, fine ... "
With this much needed medicine, Veg awkardly opens Chai's drooling mouth and pushes the ressurecting morsel.
Its odor and outer compounds reflexively cause Chai to chew and give her energy to swallow.
The small crowd that has gathered around her form gasps and takes a step back as she crumples to her side.
But looking closely, they see her react with a small shiver and her chest begins moving slowly.
She's in a dazed, deep sleep now.
A marked improvement from, uhhhh, being gone.
"You should put her in my room, to um ... rest."
Vex tries to rationally resolve this debacle.
Zed and Zed [Clone #?] bend down to cradle the unconscious Eevee in his arms.
The real Zed stands up with her, finding a long anticipated opportunity to give her some thorough petting.
She gives a peaceful sigh in her slumber.
Hopefully his tender touch reaches her in dreamland.
As Zed and his most sentimental clone walk off, the rest of the party continues with its own chaos.
Zed's other clones scurry about with drinks and hijinx.
Half of the Zetas are now Powders making an indecent scene.
Sanaa's let the mead go to her head and is also getting a little filthy.
Dit uses every waking moving to drink, which isn't many since he passes back out almost immediately.
In the end the whole guild feels like Chai made out alright in the end.
What's a little bonk on the head if you're fine and dandy the next morning ?
OK, it's not like she won't feel it at all ...
But she'll probably pull up less hungover and sick than the rest of this lot.
Even so, it doesn't stop Powder from having the last laugh.
"That mead really /did/ kill her !!"
Writer's Page
Braixen does a job
Chilling in Oasis and enjoying the Beach vibes when I get an itch for some action that just wont go away
Head over to the Job board and see what's available
The local Librarian wants some Never-melt Ice
Not much of a reward but some books to borrow to read on the beach sounds like it could be a nice idea
According to the town map there's an Ice Dungeon in a portal rotation not far from the middle of town
Should be an easy lick
Head in and start turning the place upside down because I have no clue what is nevermelt ice and what's normal ice in there
The denizens of the dungeon are no match for my fire of course, so I chase them about a bit and tease them
Eventually an Abomisnow shows up and gets mad
He's actually a bit of a chore, shitbag had healing items
Eventually wear him down and take a seat on him while he moans
Notice he's wearing an Icy Crown looking headpiece
Jump off, put my foot on his head and snatch it up and put it on
Swear he started to blush, think to myself "maybe I should come back and tease him some more later"
head out with the crown and some other goodies
Later on notice the crown doesn't seem to melt
Take it over to the Library and give it to the Vulpix, he seemed pretty delighted
Grab a trashy romance novel from the shelves and head back to the beach to enjoy the rest of my day
New guild board requests batch
[Jerk of the Skies] - for: Flygon Courier
"A rogue Flygon has decided that the skies around the West of Oasis are his and that I'm an intruder. The Nerve! I cannot do my courier routes with him here, get rid of him, I'm not fussy how"
Rewards: 500p, Fancy Envelopes, Sky Gem
[Boreal Business] for: Braixen
"I had a little run in with an Abomisnow a few days ago in the Ice Dungeon. I have unfinished business with him. Capture him and bring him to Room 3 of the Inn"
Rewards: 3000p, Leather Leash, A Perfect Stick.
[Need for speed] for Impadimp
"I wanna go fast, Fast, FAST! Help me capture the rush of SPEED! I'll be out at the Salt flat East of Oasis, look for the Tent"
Rewards: 500p, 6 Bottles of Carbos, Quick Claw
[Fire and Ice] - Slugma and Bergmite
"Slugma and I are looking to move into Oasis together, but we need some stuff to help us keep our temps comfortable. Flygon was meant to deliver them for us but he can't because of another Flygon. He should be out towards Cedar Valley. Please bring the Heat Rock and Nevermelt Ice to us"
Reward: Diamond, Choice Band, 200p
[Lumber Haul] for 4/Forrest
"We've been short on lumber as Mutt has been busy. We've managed to secure a delivery from Cedar Valley but they need an escort as the Bisharp Guard wont make it through the heat, make sure they get here safely"
Rewards: House Renovation Contract, 5000p
[Spring Flows] for: Nina
"I'm working on a very special project, but for it to work I need special water. I'll give you two canisters I want filled from two springs. One is in the Glacial Dungeon on floor 75. The other is in the Canyon dungeon on floor 64. These will be arduous and the springs are heavily guarded, but I promise if this works all of Oasis will benefit"
Rewards: 10000p, 50% voucher on Inn services, Perfect Apple
A notice was pinned to the bottom of this request.
NOTICE: Management has not approved, nor will be accepting, any coupons or vouchers at this time.
[Ship Repairs] for: Captain Beheeyem
"Seven Rotations ago we recieved a communiqué from Dit that he had come across "the most bangin' juice you space-[word scratched out by 4/forrest]'s ever had!". Intrigued we came and purchased several cases of this brew and it was indeed "bangin'!". However one of us in our inebriated state puked all over the control console. We require spare parts and according to our scans there should be some in the refuse piles around the back of the town. Please fetch us 3 modulator switches and magnet. We would get them ourselves but the local construction crew seems to be very hostile to us for some reason"
Rewards: Vibro Probe (New in box), 70 Space Credits, A free drop off to any location on this planet.
[Fancy Hat] for: Merchant Hypno
"One of my favorite, "trading partners" as recently decided he wants a fancy hat. He specifically wants a felt had surrounded by Sharpedo teeth. I have the felt, now I need the teeth. Alledgedly there is one at the bottom of the Oasis's depths, but there are also likely some in the Beach Dungeon."
Rewards Mixed Orb Grab Bag, 1000p, Enigma Berry
[Storm the Castle] for: Sandygast
"Those Wretched Durants are back, now they've taken over my Grandmother the Giant Palossand! They wont come out and she's super upset. Someone come kick these jerks out, but don't you dare hurt my Grandmother or you can forget about a reward!"
Reward: Full Treasure Chest.
[Missing relative] for Wisp
"A few days ago one of the Zed clones went missing. He was last seen entering the Fairy Dungeon saying he was "going to get us all some pink tail". Nobody has seen him since. As you know we're a lot more tangible now meaning he may be in actual danger. Please find what happened to him and if possible bring him back!"
Reward: Negotiable
[Heatran] for Aella
"I've recieved reports this week that there was a Rogue Heatran in the desert causing havoc. It was defeated by members of this Guild and fled soon after. This pokemon poses a risk to the region, I want someone to find and monitor it's behaviour and whereabouts and report back as soon as possible"
Rewards: Joy Seeds, Pick of 2 items from the treasury.
[Big Needs] for: Slacking
My usual hookup had an accident the other day and I got a man flu real bad, so I'll sweeten the deal. Come help a girl out and I'll make it worth your while.
Reward: 2 Golden Seeds, Silk Scarf.
[Severed Strings] for: Widow Gardevoir
"I'm so alone now. It's selfish but I cannot bear another night alone on this lonely trail. Please, stay the night with me."
Reward: Destiny Knot(frayed)
[Knot now!] for: Lycanroc Dusk (Switch)
"I was just a Rockruff till the town got attacked by that big smoke monster. I evolved during the fight and now my body has gone crazy and I can't even leave my den without embarassing myself. Would you lend a guy a hand?"
Rewards: Rare Bone
[I'm fine too] for: Foragato (f)
"I need dick and I need it in my ass NOW"
Reward: What the fuck you need to pay for this? You already get to fuck me in the ass? Fine! 1 x Crate of Fireworks
Previous Thread Questions
Do you have a character? If so, what is their species and name?
What do did they do before joining the Oasis Guild? What do they do now?
What's your favorite kinks and why?
Where do you live? In the guild hall? In one of the renovated buildings in town? In a shop?
What does your room look like? What do you keep in there? Do you need anything special?
Got the hots for anyone?
Does your character have any dream or goals? Do they have job they'd like to have or something they'd like to do?
What's the first town or 'mon they meet outside of the abandoned town? How do they react?
What moves does your character know?
Is there anything about your new anatomy that surprises you? Anything you're learning to use or deal with?
Is there any technology you miss? If so, can you replace it with something else? If not, how does it effect you? Like not having a clock to measure time anymore.
Are there any skills you've learned?
What's everyone's favorite berry?
Does your character have any stories to tell? Perhaps a particularly harrowing mission? A funny situation back in town? Something unexplainable and spooky in the ruins? The type of stuff you tell friends.
Everyone knows Mewt but have there been any other Legendaries spotted either in Dungeons or passing through?
Whats the rarest bit of loot you've seen?
Which of the outer towns would you be keen to check out on a supply run?
How did you figure out what moves you have and did you learn any new ones?
Say there was a Dress-up Party tomorrow, costumes are provided by some random means, what would your character wear or go as?
Idea for next thread question: What does your character's voice sound like?
While we're on character voices... how about character themes?