General Details

Do you have a character? If so, what is their species and name?

Sanaa is an amnesiac, she basically only remembered the basic stuff on how to function. Sometimes she gets phantom feelings from her past life. The only thing she's sure about is that she was human before she came here.

At her core, Sanaa is a people pleaser. Give her a task and she'll be happy to do it if you ask her nicely. There's not really much to Sanaa, she's the most uncomplicated you can get and she knows that. Along with losing her memory, she lost all sense of who she's meant to be. So when she was assigned her roles, she clung to that, and held on to her sense of obligation and helpfulness.
She works hard to complete what she is asked to do, often to a point of overwork. She doesn't charge Poke for her work, not to guild members at least. She's cheery and agreeable to everyone.

She figures if she's helpful, and does enough for the guild, she'll stand out as a valued part of the community and all her troubles with her struggle to define her identity will go away. It's fortunate she ended up in Oasis and not in a place where'd they take advantage of her desire to please.

Sanaa isn't just cheerful all the time. Sometimes she does feel down. A lack of identity, the unfair expectations she puts on herself, dealing with the fact that she had an entire life before this and she doesn't remember any of it, save for a few tantalizing vague flashbacks, it weighs down on her. She never lets that fully outwardly show, though. She forces it back down, and goes about her day as best as she can, and failing that, she blames her bad mood on something trivial, like messing up making a pot, to avoid inviting questioning.

In case that last paragraph sounded depressing, just know that Sanaa's a good 'mon. Her helpfulness is a genuine part of her, and all she would need to break her more harmful habits would be to be helped through it. She's loving, creative and all round a decent person. And I don't intend to focus too much on the negative aspects of her, but it's there for me (or others) to explore if I feel like it. Though, if she was pushed to her absolute limit, I think she would have the capacity to be quite nasty and snappy.

Sanaa is inept at courting other Pokémon. She's bashful, and is either too subtle or blurts out what she's thinking awkwardly.

She appeared a couple weeks after Oasis was founded, in the surrounding desert. After walking across the desert and getting her bearings, she was found by Mewt. It was also Mewt who gave her a role and suggested the name she would later take.

What do did they do before joining the Oasis Guild? What do they do now?

Sanaa has no idea who they were before they joined the guild. She's currently the guild's artist, with a few different trades. She does painting, either on canvas or just general painting buildings and objects. And she does pottery, making pots, cups, and bowls, and also decorated tiles for decorating buildings. It's her job to make the guild area look nice. There is room for her to learn other creative trades, but she's content with what she is doing at the moment.

What's your favorite kinks and why?

Kinks... Sanaa wouldn't know if she had any kinks yet. Closest thing is that she likes to snuggle up to 'mon, and that can even be platonic.

Where do you live? In the guild hall? In one of the renovated buildings in town? In a shop?

Sanaa lives in a small shop out in the town. It's two rooms, one as the storefront/workshop and the other is a very basic bedroom. It's close to the oasis, as Sanaa needs a supply of water for her craft. The outside of the building is covered with streaks of green paint. (It's some sort of instinctual Smeargle thing, they mark territory with their tails.)

What does your room look like? What do you keep in there? Do you need anything special?

Sanaa keeps a comfy and simple bed made of straw and cloth scraps. On a shelf, Sanaa has a few books. Some are about pottery and painting, there's a couple about writing in Unown letters and other Pokémon languages and the rest are cheap, tacky Pokémon romance novels.

Got the hots for anyone?

Sanaa's got the hots for more than half the 'mon in the guild. The question is whether she'll be confident in pursuing them.

Does your character have any dream or goals? Do they have job they'd like to have or something they'd like to do?

Sanaa's taking slowly and doesn't really have a dream or goal in mind. She's content with her role as it is at the moment. One thing that she's interested in is seeing the world outside of Oasis. A bigger conflict she has is whether she wants to know who she was before she joined the guild. She still kind of wants to know, but she's made a lot of progress in carving out a life for herself, and would learning who she was ruin that?

What's the first town or 'mon they meet outside of the abandoned town? How do they react?

Sanaa's never been outside the town. She's met plenty of travelers who have come into the town. Sometimes they buy or commission something at her shop.

What moves does your character know?

All Sanaa knows she can use is "Sketch", but she hasn't used it as she hasn't had a reason to.

Bonus Information

Shop Floorplan

Alt Tag

Here's a very rough floorplan of Sanaa's shop. The shop is located near the oasis and was an abandoned building prior to Sanaa taking it over. The old building had some sort of furnace outside, which Sanaa has repurposed as a kiln.
(The sketch was quite rushed, there's no scale or windows marked out, and I would have provided an outside view of the building, but I'm not sure what style the buildings in Oasis are constructed in.)

What does Sanaa think about her guildmates?

(Note, Sanaa would basically be fine with any of her guildmates, if it isn't mentioned that she's into a character, it's possible that she doesn't know enough about them yet.)


The only 'mon Sanaa's been intimate with, at least sober. She's quite into Zed, though due to him being a guild leader, he's busy a lot of the time. The times that they do share together, Sanaa enjoys very much.


Sanaa's acquainted with Mutt. Mutt helped dig out the passage to the portrait room in the guildhall with her.


Never met.


Knows from the Cafe. Kinda creeps her out a little.


Knows in passing. Finds him pleasant enough. Is pretty sure something happened between them during the mead party. Doesn't particularly mind that much what happened.


Has a great deal of respect for. They welcomed her into Oasis and gave her a name and a role. Gets along well with them. They're not bad looking either.


Has probably seen them at the Inn. Never met.


Gets along well with. Taught him how to write with his tail. Would like to spend more time with him. He's cute in a dorky way.


Gets along with her. Was also sure that something happened between them at the mead tasting, is quite interested in following that up.


Hasn't met.


Met at the mead tasting. Sanaa doesn't really remember much from that night. Is possibly interested in finding out who she is.


Has never met personally.


Hasn't met.


Acquainted. Appreciates the help given after the mead tasting. He seems a little grumpy lately, though.


Hasn't met.


Has probably seen around, though she's probably not realized that he's not another Zed clone.


Gets along well with. I imagine they help each other out with supplies from time to time. She's hot, but Sanaa's pretty sure she's straight. Sanaa respects that.


Gets along very well with. Probably considers a her a friend. Sanaa can sometimes find herself thinking that she's kinda cute.


Met very briefly. Wants to know more about him.

Sammy and Otta

Acquainted. Sanaa frequently visits the bathhouse due to the messy nature of her craft.


Has seen them around the place. They seem interested in the portrait room.

Disallowed Kinks

I understand that I cannot stop anyone from doing anything, but here are some topics that I wouldn't be comfortable with.

  • Diapers, Infantilism or anything underage, Scat, Flatulence.
  • Vore and Gore.
  • Hyper, Weight Gain, Inflation.
  • Rape/Abuse. (If you are going to do non-con, at least be creative with it, do hypno or something)
Edit Report
Pub: 18 Aug 2024 07:45 UTC
Edit: 18 Aug 2024 07:50 UTC
Views: 210