"Oh, Arceus, how I hate the desert." The Buizel thought as they trudged through yet more sand.
It had been 3 days since they had been forced out into the desert, and to a Buizel, that was hell. Unbearably hot days, dangerously cold nights, and no water to swim and sleep in.
Not to mention, they were dragging around a burlap sack larger than themself with them.
The small township that this Buizel was fleeing from was to blame for that. The bastards just had to figure out that the 'miracle fertilizer' they were being sold was just Grimy Food mixed with water.
In response, a group of townsfolk broke the wheels off the Buizel's cart and attempted to capture them early in the morning while they slept.
With a couple jets of water and sand thrown in eyes, the Buizel managed to escape.
The Buizel was planning on staying in town for at least a couple a months more, dipping before the town figured out what was wrong with their crops. But no, a particularly scientific 'mon just had to have the idea to test the fertilizer and now the Buizel was dying in the desert, down a cart and breaking their back dragging their belongings behind them. It just wasn't fair.
It brought at least a little comfort for the Buizel to imagine the townsfolk in the same position as they were right now. Visions of the townsfolk forced to flee the town after the crops die from the poisonous mixture that had been sold to them played in the Buizel's mind.
Opening the sack, the Buizel pulls out a waterskin. There's barely a gulp left in there. The schadenfreude that was powering the Buizel was now wearing off.
"I'm gonna die in the desert." They thought. "And worse, scavengers are going to take my hard earned riches when they come across my corpse."
Pulling the sack up the tall dune they were climbing, the Buizel sat down on it. "Should I just lie down and die here?"
Their thoughts were cut short when they spotted water over at the horizon. A mirage?
Were they really going to spend the last of their energy chasing after a mirage?
But wait... There were buildings by the water. What had they just come across? The Buizel opened the sack again, spilling Poké to the sand in their haste to pull out a map.
"Oh right! This would be that town that was abandoned because of t-" The Buizel felt their thoughts interrupted by remembering talk they had heard during their travels in the desert.
"No, a bunch of chumps moved into there, started a guild recently, didn't they?" They thought. "They'd have no idea who I am, wouldn't they?"
But what would the Buizel do?
Sell the rest of the fertilizer stock? Did the guild even have crops?
Manufacture a moral outrage and profit off the hysteria? No, that wouldn't work either. They had heard rumors about how... free and open-minded the guild was about certain topics like sex.
"But wait! The ley-lines, the spirits, the ghosts... That place is haunted." The Buizel thought. "They could use someone who could 'interpret the spiritual world' for them. And I'm sure some of the junk in this sack would be 'useful' for mystery dungeoneers..."
The Buizel searched in their sack, and took out some items. From now onward, they would be 'Cato... 'The Great?', 'The Wondrous?'.
'Cato... The Magnificent, renowned psychic, and purveyor of useful artifacts!' Yes. That would do.
Cato tied a loud bowtie underneath their neck ring and placed a straw boater on their head. It was time to get to business.