She fucked up... big time. She never made mistakes during her work, NEVER! And now it happened... Her first mistake would be her last. A terrible chain reaction. A methane explosion knocked her against a wall and damaged the ventilation and now the room filled with chloroform. She tried to get up bit all she felt was a sharp pain in her entire body. At least that will be gone in a minute. Everything will... There was an alert going off but she was alone in the building right now. She stayed longer to get this experiment done. Her coworkers trusted her working on her own based on her flawless record. It would take too long for any rescue personnel to get to her. This is the end. She sent a last prayer to god. Nothing unusual for he she's a devout christian. Asking Him to make it quick and to take care of her parents. She took a bit but could think of anyone else important to her. What a sad life... and then it was over.

All surrounding darkness and then a light. The end of the tunnel? No. It's the sun. She looked around. The sun on a cloudless sky burning hot onto an endless landscape filled with nothing but sand. This can't be heaven. Hell maybe? But why her? She lead the most boring life absent of any sin. She was still a virgin for god's sake! Arceus? Why did this name pop up when she thought of the Almighty? Was his true name revealed to her in the afterlife? She took a few steps in this seemingly endless desert. What did she do wrong? Her scientific career? She wanted to learn more about His creation. Or is this not punishment? The hot sun was actually feeling pretty good on her black scaly skin. Wait a second... She looked down on herself. Her body looked different, strange in fact. weirdly long fingers and toes ending in claws, a long tail and weird ribbon-like growths at its base. And all that covered in small and smooth scales, black, purple and pink. The pink ones even seemed to glow a bit from within. Apart from these oddities her body looked strangely... sexy. A pronounced (yet completely smooth) chest, narrow waist and hips and thighs to die for. Well if she didn't do that already. Is this supposed to be the form of her soul? But what now? Should she just accept her punishment or whatever this was? It felt to good to be one. The warm sun on her skin and sand under her feet. She couldn't recall when she had her last vacation. Might as well... She layed down on her back, arms, legs and tail spread out catching as much sunlight as possible and dosed off.

"'am,'am... Hey! Ma'am are you alright?" She opened her eyes and looked at a strange creature. It stood almost twice as tall as her, was covered in green scales with a tail, weird kite-shaped wings on it's back and red transparent domes covering it's eyes. A demon? She jolted backwards. "What in Arceus's name are you?!" The green dragon thing looked confused. "Woah, calm down... I'm just a Flygon." "A Flygon? What's that supposed to be?" It looked even more confused. "I'm... a pokemon... Like you?" Pokemon? Wasn't that a kid's game? Card's or video games, she wasn't sure. Something else was taking up most of her attention was drawn to something else. A scent she noticed even before it woke her up. She couldn't remember ever smelling something like this before but it filled her mind with one information basically screaming inside her head: MALE. And this information awakened more thoughts, more... desires. A part of her was weirded out by this kind of attraction she felt for this creature but it was overpowered easily by these instincts. She wanted him... she needed him! She approached him swinging her hips with every step. "Say... Flygon, was it? Did you have something special on your mind waking me up?~" Flygon blushed and answered nervously. "W-what? No I just saw you laying there in the middle of the desert. I thought you might need help." "Oh, what a gentleman~ I know exactly how you can help me..." Her long fingers started stroking his chest which made him even more flustered. "M-ma'am, I d-don't know if... we..." "It's alright, darling. Let me take the lead." She breathed out with a low moan and suddenly the air seemed to be filled with a purple haze. Flygon breathed in and his pupils widened. "Now be honest, darling. I cought your eye, didn't I? That's why you approached me. Don't worry,you can tell me everything~" Flygon seemed somewhat absent-minded. "Y-yes..." "Hmm... And what exactly cought your attention? My hips perhaps?" "Y-your tail..." Odd, but she can play with that. "My tail, hm? Yes, it sure is shapely, isn't it?" "I-it is..." She held the side of his head while breathing out more of this purple gas. "Hmm... Such a good boy~ For telling me the truth you've earned a reward. Do you have something on your mind?" "W-well..." She looked down between his legs. "Oh, don't worry, darling, your body is already telling me exactly what you want." She gently pushed him which was enough to let Flygon fall on his back in this state. Crawling on his belly she took a look at his penis emerging from a slit between his legs. It was larger than her forearm. "Oh, what a big boy you are~" The scent emanating from it was addictive. She started stroking it and rubbed her lengthy snout against it taking in the aroma. Flygon threw his head back and moaned. "You like this, don't you?" She felt her lower body burning. She wanted to take it, wanted to impale herself on it so badly. She wanted it to fill her insides and quench her thirst. But this time reason prevailed. She didn't know much about this place yet. Would she get pregnant with some kind of demon spawn if she went through with this? She put away her desire for mating and went for something different. "...I know what you'll like even more~" She turned around facing him, covered his face in kisses while exhaling more pheromones in between. All the while she used the tip of her prehensile tail to wrap around his shaft and started stroking it. Flygon's entire body was shuddering. Clear precum oozed in copious amounts from his tapering tip until it got too much. "Ha-hahhhhh!!!" Warm, sticky semen sprayed into the air as if his member was a garden hose. It splattered all over her back and she reveled in the sensation. "Such a good boy~" She gave him one more kiss before climbing down from his exhausted body and laying down next to him. "You look like you could use some refreshments. You don't know of any kind of settlement nearby, do you darling?" Flygon was breathing heavily but answered. "I... come from village... far in southwest... courier flight... want to take rest... at oasis... to the east... not too far... new village there..." He pointed in the direction. "An oasis... I'll go check that out. You recover a bit for now. I wouldn't mind you to visit me there later~ See you around, darling." And with that she left the Flygon behind and went into the pointed out direction.

Getting away from him caused her mind to clear up a bit and she thought about everything that happened just now. What where these urges? Why did she think and act like this? This... Flygon was far from human? Was he a demon? Did she also become one? He said they were both pokemon... Is that what these games ate about? Children shouldn't see that! She tried remembering everything she heard about it. Weren't some people saying it was satanic when it became popular? Maybe they weren't far off... But if this really is hell and this is supposed to be her punishment, why did it feel so good? Was this a reward after all? Did Arceus want her to do this and enjoy herself? What other reason could it be? "Praised be the Lord..."
Her way towards the oasis was uneventful and as she arrived she watched the developing village and it's citizens from a far. There was some kind of purple ghost. A lost soul perhaps? The black and red fox creatures sure looked demonic. And did this giant dog breathe fire just now. Must be a hellhound! And this scent... She rubbed her legs together feeling desires well in herself.
There was no doubt about it. She was in hell surrounded by demons. She became a demon herself and she knew exactly what kind... A succubus, here to drain every male of their delicious "life essence"! And she would enjoy every second of it...

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Pub: 30 Jul 2024 18:27 UTC
Views: 146