Chai's vacation in purgatory

Lapras Bay
Verdant Town
Cedar Valley
Frostwind Pass

Long ago the four nations lived together in harmony.
Then, everything changed when the Oasis Guild established.
Only The 'Vee, master of none of the elements could stop them.. But when the world needed her most, she vanished.

Okay, that was funnier in my head.
Well, this is still all in my head because I'm still just thinking to myself, but... Whatever!!
It's not like anyone would even get that reference, everyone is a Pokemon!
Ahem. Okay. Let's get back to the real problem at hand. At Paw.

Big ol cave
"WHERE THE HELL AM I?!" Chai shouts out into the cavern.
She was in a bind.
Who could have guessed.

'I'll just pop out of town for a quick dungeon'
'Oooh it'll be great I'll learn to fight Pokemon and stuff whoop-dee-doo, look at me.'
WRONG. 'Quick dungeon' my fucking ass! Now here I am in the middle of NOWHERE, POPULATION: NONE.
Or well, me. I guess. Involuntarily.
Aaand probably some wild Pokemon.

Turns out sand is unpredictable, much like life.
The only fortunate factor of the quicksand she fell into being the dungeon underneath.
She does not want to think about what would've happened were that an actual sinkhole without escape.

Hopefully, the dungeon exit puts me somewhere safe. But...

The Eevee noses up the little pouch she'd 'borrowed' from one of the corners of the guild, using it as a bag.

2 Apples and an oran berry.
My life savings...
Why do I never bring orbs?
I could've just took an escape orb from someone at the guild. I'm sure they wouldn't mind.
Vex probably has hundreds of the things, that crazy Larvitar. Er, Pupitar. He sure evolved quick.

Another sigh, the Eevee looks around the area. It's very... cave-y.
Actually, it's just a cave.

Well...I guess I'm here now.
Wait!! Maybe this is...

Chai bites her paw a bit too sharply, yelping.

Yeoowcchh... Yeah, no..
Whyyyy couldn't this one be a dream?

She whines a little to herself as she shakes the paw for a few moments.
Having surveyed the immediate area, the little Eevee stands up on all fours and looks ahead to the next room.
Taking one step, then two, she begins her ascent.

This is going to be a looong dungeon.

Edit Report
Pub: 03 Sep 2024 10:55 UTC
Edit: 05 Sep 2024 16:00 UTC
Views: 213