Do you have a character? If so, what is their species and name?
A Pikipek named Aella.
Sharp. Sassy. Condescending. Workaholic. Autistically OCD. Very passionate about both her work and her hobbies.
Can be sweet-talked into being more kindhearted, welcoming, and intimate, but that OCD never goes away. You have been warned.
Wears sexy secretary glasses. This is very important.
What do did they do before joining the Oasis Guild? What do they do now?
Her younger days are a blur, even to her. She doesn't remember too much further beyond being taken in by the Oasis Guild. She has a knack for writing with skillful penmanship using that beak of hers, believing herself to once have been a successful, celebrated author in the past. Her extreme precision and speed when writing and occasionally sketching is unparalleled, making her incredibly talented at taking notes, writing stories, and even drafting things like portraits or blueprints when necessary.
Nowadays she spends her time chronicling guild and town events, gathering the knowledge and creativity of the world, both fictional and not, through written works, and archiving everything into meticulously organized categories. Bookkeeping doesn't sound like much, but it's important! In the free time she does end up with, she frequently spends it by herself partaking in her creative endeavors of writing fantasy tales of grand adventures and splendors. From her perspective, getting to create her own adventures with her imagination is far superior than getting down and dirty out in the fields, as real adventurers get scuffed, sweaty, and filthy, none of which she finds at all appealing... at least, that's what she tells everyone.
No, she does not (normally) write smut. Yes, she can be convinced to do so. She just needs the right... inspiration.
What's your favorite kinks and why?
As the author, it's hard for me to pick a favorite among the many things I love. If I had to pick one, it'd have to be Master/Pet relationships and everything that comes with it; a collar, a new name, forfeiting some/most/all rights as a person, along with their individuality and freedoms, to another, leading by a leash, kept in a cage, taken out for walks, being made to relieve themselves in specific areas/times or even out in public like a common animal, casual sexual use, marks or brands to show further signs of ownership, the whole nine yards. All of this while the Master still cares for their pet like anyone would a real pet. I don't find any enjoyment in unnecessary abuse. Small punishments for incompetence or disobedience is fine, but nothing too brutish. Bonus points if the Master is cute, especially so if they're smaller than the pet. I absolutely love it because of how seamless it can be integrated into someone's life; an entire kink with many different subkinks, to keep it both fresh and flexible, that can turn it from a simple fetish to an entire lifestyle depending on how far the two involved are willing to go.
As for Aella's kinks, it'd be easier to name the things she wouldn't enjoy in some way. Aella is very flexible with what she's willing to go with, no matter how innocuous or depraved the acts may be. So long as they don't involve underage or underage-adjacent kinks (i.e. diapers) or permanent bodily harm (i.e. limb removal), she'll likely humor anyone who approaches her with the right attitude. What constitutes as the "right attitude" however isn't so simple. If you're looking for a quickie, you'll be turned down in an instant. There's numerous other guildies that will provide that sort of instant gratification. Even though she's very open to adventurous experimentation in the bedroom, she prefers those who aren't afraid to work for it a little. Show a bit of effort and catch her interest.
She does not have much of a sex drive compared to many of her contemporaries, rather using the sexual exploits as fuel for her inspiration for stories. If asked how she does it, she'll likely go on a ramble pairing things together that make sense only to someone like her. It's the reason she'll play along with even the most revolting, deplorable, and degenerate of kinks; she'll find inspiration in just about anything, and experimentation allows her to discover things she would never have otherwise.
Where/How did she get those glasses?
Shut up. Glasses are hot. She has them because they're hot.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
How do they stay on her face?
I said shut up.