Wisp slowly blew into town. His clawed feet hovered just above the ground as he floated, his white ghostly fur pale in the bright light of day. Small fonts of icy flame burned across parts of his body as they slowly mended his form. A frenzy of power and violence had ripped its way across the sandy grounds just outside of Oasis the evening before. His psychic creator had become consumed in emotion and resentment and became a maelstrom, only being stopped by the combined efforts of the town and locals. In an effort to stop it his own doppelgangers had joined the fight as the Ley Energy of the ground itself was being sucked up. With its defeat the entity had blasted out a font of energy that had found its way into everyone standing there, including the copies.
Wisp was one of those copies. Unlike the others though he had already been developing a conscious of his own. It was his doubts and internal strife over his own existence that had made him a target.
As the resentment that had formed in Zed escaped it found its way into Wisp, twisting his form transforming him into an avatar of ghostly hatred. A hatred he had quickly turned lose upon the aptly named vexation Vex.
Yet now as he despondently floated he felt none of that. He had gone back to grappling the question of his new existence. He was no longer a part of Zed’s collective consciousness.
“Zed” he muttered.
The others had spirited him away as he fought Vex. Wisp wondered if he was even still alive.
His musings were interrupted by a cacophony ahead. It was the Cafe. A large crowd of revellers was there.
As Wisp rounded the corner he caught sight. The place was filled with Zoroarks. It was his brothers, the other clones who now, thanks to the explosion of Ley energy now had permanent physical forms.
They were drinking. It was daytime and they were drinking! Inside the cafe Mewt was scrambling to serve the Zoroarks as they clamoured for more Mead, clearly lacking the fortitude of their progenitor. Several others were more interested in Nidorina, shamelessly flirting and vying for her attention. She was very clearly enjoying it though, cheekily pecking one on the cheek and wiggling suggestively as she trailed off before his brothers began to roughhouse him out of playful jealousy.
Wisp took a seat as a frazzled Mewt floated over to him.
“Sorry about this lot, you must be new in town. Can I get you anything?”
“Berry smoothie” Wisp replied
Shortly after Nidorina brought him his drink before giggling and flirting with the Zoroark crowd again. Wisp quickly downed his drink. He wasn’t entirely sure if he even needed to eat or drink but it felt good in the moment.
Spotting one of the more sober Zoroarks he asked “hey what did you guys do with Zed?”
The darker grey Zoroark replied ”he’s in his room, fed him some meds and came here. He’ll be roight!”
“Tell you what, you boys enjoy yourselves, I’ll go check on him”
The Zoroarks cheered as he left before returning to their mayhem.
Wisp began to make his way back to the Guild Hall. It was a strange sensation. This was his home, this is where he knew he lived, and yet he’d never actually been inside. Zed’s memories messed with his own as he trudged, feet on the ground this time as they left an icy trail.
Finding himself in front of Zed’s room he steeled himself and walked in.
There Zed lay. He looked somewhat peaceful, his chest slowly moving the only indication he was even still alive. Wisp closed the door and took a seat on the floor and simply watched for a while.
What would happen when he woke up? Will he wake up even?
Wisp sat for a while and just watched and ruminated on how he felt. There was a strange air about it all. He could feel that they were still connected some how, even now something inkling in his being that the Zoroark in front of him, and the ones back at the cafe were all interlinked still, though it was weak.
“What are we going to do?” he wondered aloud to himself and Zed.
Several days passed as Wisp tended to Zed, but eventually the Zoroark did stir.
“Fuck me what happened”
The Zoroark rose groggily. Looking up and around at his surroundings he spotted the white Zoroark in the corner. “Who the fuck are you?” he asked.
“That’s a pretty good question. For now you can call me Wisp though.”
Wisp handed him a chilled pitcher of water which Zed drank greedily, licking his cracked lips.
“How long was I out for?”
“About three days” Wisp replied. Wisp offered Zed some food and then began to relay the events that had transpired. Zed losing control, the storm, the battle with Vex and his evolution.
Zed chuckled at that last part.
“So the little shit finally got what he wanted. He’s a big shit now”
The two laughed together at at the cheap shot.
“So what about you?” asked Zed as he chewed on a large berry.
“Well I was kind of hoping you’d know”
Zed sat there thinking for a bit before getting up. Walking over to the table he picked up one of the many spare badges and tossed it to Wisp.
“Well you’ve got a spot here always.”
Wisp sat for a moment as he ran his claws over the badge as Zed began to walk out.
“I’ve got a lot of work to catch up on. Some of that’s gonna be on myself. I’ll see you around”
Wisp spent the rest of the day wondering the town until he found an abandoned house. It was broken and rickety but had a solid foundation. As he walked around inside he felt an odd nostalgia.
Neither he nor Zed had ever been in this place before, and yet he felt as if he knew it. Taking a seat in the corner he mused for a while. A smile spread on his face as a thought came to mind. He was going to pursue this new mystery, that would be his goal and in doing so, find himself.