Powder Suffers a Curse
Huff... Dammit dude... I can't stop thinking about it.
There comes a time in every mon's life where you have to let loose and relieve some stress. For Powder, that day is today. Normally, she can contain herself pretty well, but she hasn't hit it off with any cute girls recently and she's DEFINITELY not ready to start looking to guys for sex, so it was only a matter of time until the pot boiled over. Feeling horny and frustrated, she's too flustered to fix the issue in her own room where others might pass by and hear. Arceus knows she's overheard one too many lewd comments and sensual moans walking around the Oasis guild by now. She doesn't want to be one of those lustful voices in the hot desert winds, especially not so soon after joining the crew.
After some wandering, the rattata finds just the right place. Secluded enough that nobody would walk by and catch her in the act, but close enough that it won't look suspicious as she enters this dusty old building. It's something out of a halloween attraction, this haunted house here. Its walls are lined with cobwebs and its floorboards creak with every step. The foggy atmosphere here lit by unnaturally purple candles would be an unsettling turn off for most people, but Powder is at her limit.
This is good enough, I guess. Sigh.
She stands upright and takes a few cautious steps into the corner of the room she's in, placing her back against the wall and sliding down onto her behind. She looks down between her legs at her needy slit.
When was the last time I sat down and saw it how it is? When I look down there I'm nothing but a regular female rattata. It's natural, I'm just not used to it.
Powder's eyes close and her claws slowly drift down to her crotch...
Suddenly, she gets a shiver down her spine and the whole atmosphere changes.
"Hey. Getting busy in here, huh?"
The air time she got after getting startled like that... When she lands, she snaps to face the direction of the spooky voice speaking to her. Its origin is some kind of moldy bedsheet ghost...
It's a mismagius. And she totally saw me... Fffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuck!
"Are you just going to stand there? You look like you've seen a ghost or something." Looks like this ghost is a friendly one, if a teasing one as well. That's better than angering a lost spirit, but Powder's plans are still ruined and she's red in the face, brighter than a tamato berry.
"I... live here. Uh, not HERE here, at the guild. This house, well I just came here, I was just--"
"Yeah? Mhm. I get it." The mismagius Veg seems pretty smug about this whole situation. It certainly doesn't help Powder feel like any less of an idiot. Alas, this ghost might be friendly, but she definitely has mischievous intent. "I COULD believe you, but you're not wearing a badge." Powder pats herself down, but it's not like she has anyplace to hide a trinket such as that.
I left it in my room...
"Aha, yeah. About that. I was just walking by and um... You know it gets hot out there. I couldn't be bothered to wear that shiny thing all day."
"And you wanted a little relief from the heat?~ Daring! Heheheh... I can help with that, you know." The way this wavy ghost floats around the room gives off the feeling that Powder made a big mistake coming here, but she'll take the bait. Veg is right. Even after getting jumpscared in a haunted house, Powder is STILL feeling horny. Who is she to look a gift ghost in the mouth?
"Um..." She scratches her head with a claw, looking Veg up and down. Even without arms and legs, this specter has to be the most feminine thing she's seen in a while, and that's kiiiiiind of a massive turn on. It's enough to relight the rattata's confidence and set her off like a keg full of gunpowder. "Heh, if you say so. Why don't you show me what you mean?" She wears a cheeky smirk to counter Veg's smug grin and bedroom eyes.
"If you insist~" The ghost's raggedy cloth body flows like it's caught in a strong wind, engulfing half the room in spectral energy Powder doesn't care to look at. There's a ghastly wind blowing complete with ghoulish howls and icy chills. It's a long ten seconds before it slows and quiets down. After all is said and done, Powder opens her eyes to find a very crude plush rattata sitting on the floor below Veg.
It's... accurate, at least.
She takes note of the conveniently placed holes on the backside of the plush.
Creepily accurate.
"Not to doubt your methods, but how does this help me with my... problem?"
Veg giggles like the weird girl in the back of the class. "Watch."
The ghost picks up the plush and starts moving its legs around every which way. Powder feels compelled to move exactly as she sees the plush move, resulting in her stumbling around awkwardly for a few moments.
! It's a voodoo doll?!
Needless to say, it's a very confusing few moments for Powder, but Veg doesn't wait around for a reaction, instead entering and possessing the plush before walking out of the haunted house with the real rat being forced to follow along to a T. They both stop when they're outside. Veg (in rattata plush form) gets on her back, an action that's mirrored perfectly with the real deal, putting both of them in a pretty precarious and vulnerable position that only one of them has to face the consequences of. The spirit haunting the doll leaves, giving Powder control over her own body again for just a few seconds.
"Okay, that was fun. I'm gonna go now!" But before she can roll over and scatter, Veg snatches the plush and puts a pin through its limbs, locking the real rodent in place, legs permanently spread and unable to budge even an inch to protect her sensitive private area. "Ahaha, yeah, it's REALLY cool that you can do that, but I think--" Powder's words are silenced when an X-shaped stitch is placed over the doll's mouth, rendering her mute.
"Oh, don't you worry. I said I'd help, and you're no more satisfied than you were before, so be a doll and let me help you cool off, yes?"
While everything about this situation should instill a great sense of dread... Powder can't help but feel a little wet from all this teasing and these restrictions on her movement. She's never really been into bondage, but...
Hey! She's messing with my head, too! But it feels... good?
Unfortunately, no amount of mmph'ing can deny the fact that she's going to sit here helpless for as long as the ghost says so. The hypnosis has already taken its effect, letting Powder experience the same fetishes Veg herself enjoys.
I can't move at all. I can barely squirm...
This shared sense means this is a cathartic moment for the both of them, being able to live out a wild fantasy thanks to these occultish powers. That doll is lifted up using strands of ghostly hair. "Now that THAT's taken care of, we still have this to deal with. What to do~" The doll's patchwork folds are caressed gently, causing Powder to shudder inside. "I'll just put it in your room where no one can find it. Hopefully I don't leave it in another by accident~"
Powder watches in the corner of her vision as the mismagius floats away, leaving her out in the open for all to see. Eventually, someone will walk by here and find her bound by an unseen spell, on her back with her legs spread. Anyone with eyes can see the arousal building up down below and read the convenient sign left next to her, reading: "Rattata doll, for your pleasure. DON'T BREAK!"
She tries to move once, twice, three times but nothing happens. Her limbs don't even feel like they're CAPABLE of moving anymore, and she can't speak no matter how hard she tries. She's completely locked into this situation, and the bondage fetish implanted in her mind is driving her crazy with lust. That only serves to make her pussy drip with need. It's even WORSE than before she employed Veg's supposed help.
In one way or another, Powder is having her urges satisfied. Who would pass up an opportunity like this?
In fact, it looks like someone's coming right now.