I've been trapped in this mystery dungeon for weeks, and there's a monster wreaking havoc just around the corner.

If it weren't for Secret Power, I wouldn't have been able to last this long. All I know is trying to escape that way only led to me ending up in another mystery dungeon. Time went by a lot faster after the first few days I spent living off of dropped items and fruit, hiding in my own pocket space between space where no one could get me. Confrontation never seemed worth it, I knew I was a fish out of water, too weak for the sort of fights I would get into if I stepped into the open and invited the drama. What would happen if I ever got caught and fainted, I wonder? Would I wake up outside of the dungeon with a sore body, or would I never wake up at all? The uncertainty is why I've spent so long here waiting for an opportunity to arise. I could be taking this more seriously than I have to, and whatever god put me here knows I've thought about how poetic it would be if there's always been some really simple way out of this, but I can't say it's been the worst experience "living" here. There's plenty of food and the added risk keeps me on my toes. That said, I've been counting on a chance coming soon and I'm starting to think I should've spent less time wishing for it, because if this is what I got, then I definitely wished too hard.

It was something I saw with my own eyes, but only through passing glimpses. Its rough stone hide could grate diamonds into dust, let alone the gentle fields and delicate flowers it tramples underfoot. It could be seen through the bushes turning trees into lumber with the strength of ten bears, soon taking its rage out on the world as even the earth itself shook. I nearly fainted from the aftershock I felt following the rearranging of the ground I stood on. Even within the safety of a hidden space accessible to no one but me, I found myself being ripped out of it before its collapse, something I'd never seen in the countless days gone by waiting for a rescue. When so much force is put into what looks like a leisurely stroll for this beast, I can only imagine what would happen if it turned and had I been too careless while repositioning. Would it have seen me and torn me in two, or ignored me to fight bigger battles?

I can never get too close. The ground constantly quaking with every stomp ensures that there's no way for me to safely approach without losing my footing and stumbling into the dirt. Instead, I walk the path of trodden ground, letting the dungeon's inhabitants who once gave me a great deal of trouble, now fainted, give me cover as I move. It quickly became a simple task which always led me to the stairs where I'd find the stomping returned and a new path being carved.

Now the walking mountain is dancing in a field of flowers, a single blossoming tree in the center. As it fights, I wonder. Does it have a name? Does he have a name?
I can't be certain this mysterious new pokemon is someone I should be introducing myself to, and the thought of that seems all the more foolish when I see him picking a fight with an army of armed fairies. He speaks like an outlaw, and fights like one too, but he also has a bit of innocence in his speech. The enemy of my enemy may also be my friend, or so I've heard.

There's a sudden flash. I'm blinded, everything in sight is a blur but I can make out the giant watching as all the tiny pink dwarves begin infighting, no doubt just as disoriented as myself if not more so. One manages to catch him by surprise with a swing of a hammer meeting his back. His retaliation is tenfold. With just a single roar, the person behind that mountain is gone and in its place is only a monster again. Spines of earth shoot out of the ground and toss everyone around him away. A sea of pink recedes in waves, and it's coming towards me.

One of those earthen bludgeons ends up shooting out of the ground right beneath me, hitting me with enough force to make me black out, if only for a moment. Tumbling away until the force behind the attack is lost on me, everything feels sore. Someone's near, one of the pokemon that I used to take great care to avoid whenever I left my hideout, dazed but not yet unconscious. She looks a lot less intimidating like this. I contemplate leeching some of her strength with Pain Split, knowing she must be better off than I am right now, but I just can't bring myself to. Call me overdramatic, but when you've dedicated your life to helping others, you start to take your own personal code very seriously. Do no harm, as they say. Looking back at the imposing kaiju, I get the distinct feeling he won't notice if one of these little pink dwarf people got a bit of special attention from the only licensed medical professional in this mystery dungeon. He'll just fling her around again anyway. Heal Pulse it is, but before I can perform render aid...

Suddenly, lots of shouting. More than what's normal for a battle. It's loud and bombastic, enough to make me cringe from the way my ears amplify every last syllable. Something about evacuating, a danger threatening to destroy the entire dungeon, needing to help those who can't get out on their own, a portal?
All, save for the portal, sound pretty bog-standard for a medical drama. I was never a "real" doctor, but being a veterinarian in a world of talking animals makes me overqualified for this job. It's right up my alley. The rest is a blur. I lose sight of the giant who led me here in all the chaos. All these pokemon who I used to see as risks seem to be ignoring me as I drag as many of their friends to safety as I can. Seems Audino is fae enough to be accepted in all this ruckus. Just when I thought it couldn't get any louder, a scream echoes throughout the dungeon halls as it loses its structure. By now, I know it's time to leave, and after helping the fairies through the gap in space that is for once not made by me, I leap into the portal behind them without a second thought, wondering where it might leave me.

Wherever I end up, whoever brought me here, for whatever reason... thank you for this chance. I won't waste it. From now on, my services won't be limited to just cats and dogs. I'll be the nurse everyone needs me to be!

Sigh. Now that I'm done pretending to be the main character of some shoddy fanfiction, where am I?

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Pub: 07 Sep 2024 23:09 UTC
Edit: 08 Sep 2024 03:01 UTC
Views: 146