Table of Contents

Chapter One: Isekai

Where am I?...
It's way too bright! Someone pull back the curtains...
How did I even get there? Last I remember, I passed out after I...

The small creature opened it's eyes to a vast expanse of sand. Coarse, yellow sand.

Wait... the desert?!
If this is health insurance these days, I want a refund. I mean, I have sand all over my hands-

Pomf. The sand scattered as the creature fell face-first after attempting to stand on two legs.

Ow. And now I've got sand over my... Wait. My... fur?

The creature brought their paw forward. ...Clench...Unclench...

Surprise, Joy, and that lingering sweltering heat.
Okay, without a proper mirror it's hard to tell, but it looks like I'm... some kind of fluffy creature, brown fur, quadrupedal.
Oh, quadrupedal.

Slowly, the creature stands up on all fours, taking a moment to look around.

Desert. So much desert.
This is clearly a dream, right? It should be... But there's way too much sensation. So then... Is it an Isekai? That would be awesome! But... I hope it isn't one of those where I'm reborn as a mascot and can't even speak to the main character properly. Then again, I could totally mess with them if that happened, so maybe that wouldn't be too bad.
A more immediate problem is... Isn't this totally unfair?! It's way too hot!

The creature starts to realize the severity of their situation. They have absolutely no survival skills.

Okay, when alone in a desert, the direction to go is um... I have no idea. Every direction is just sand. Nights are supposed to be really cold, but I've got fur now, so I'll have to bet on that. So then...
... Eeny, meeny, miny, moe...
South it is.

And so the creature walked. A lot. For like... Three hours.

You know, I could really use some water right now. That would be really-
Oh no, that's just a Maractus.

The creature ran up to the Maractus, panting under the heat of the desert sun. The Pokemon looked back at the running creature with confusion on it's face. Why was it out here, alone, and with no supplies? As the creature reached the Maractus, it stood still. "I..." It froze up. How would it explain it's situation? What should it say?

Oh God (Or Arceus?) Maybe this is a world where wild Pokemon outright kill each other, why did I-

"Are you.. Alright?" The Maractus asked, now properly facing the creature.

Oh thank Arceus.

The creature took a sigh of relief, and shook it's head. "I'm..not sure."

It'll probably ask questions. I wouldn't know how to answer them. Oh gosh, what's the best way to do this? Oh wait, Pokemon? There's always that one thing...

"I... I think I've lost my memory." The creature spoke. The Maractus looked on for a moment, as if thinking over the smaller one's words. "Nothing? Not even your name?" It asked, and "Nothing, not even my name." it got back.
The two stood there for what felt like hours to the creature. Had it made a mistake?
"Well..." The Maractus started. "Want to come with me? There's a settlement not too far off to the North. Maybe someone there knows you. Oh, by the way, my name's Citrus." The smaller creature immediately nodded in response . "Yes!!... Um, if that's alright. Thank you, Citrus."
"No problem." Citrus said, shuffling ahead. "Just follow me, Eevee."

Chapter 2: Interlude

"No, no, no. You can't just call me 'Eevee'! That'd be like me calling you Maractus!" The Eevee protests, almost tripping over their paws as they take a half-sprint to catch up to Citrus.
"Well...What else should I call you? You were the one who said you forgot your name." They answer, sparing a glance backwards to make sure the Eevee is following.
"Oh, right..." Eevee slows down ever so slightly, looking down to the sand in thought.

Well, I could just use my old name.. But it's like... A new chapter of my life! I have to commemorate it! I could even choose something cool sounding! Like um... Maybe something Japanese?
Oh come on, I've seen enough anime to be able to think of something cool. Watching anime's practically ALL I did. There has to be something cool.. Like... Um... No, every thought I have is... way too edgy. Come on brain, work that Eevee magic.
Right. Eevee. Something 'cool' would probably stand out a lot, huh? Yeah, scratch that. An Eevee name... I guess it should be cute instead.
...If I find an Eevee with a title and 'cool' name I am going to laugh my ass off.

Citrus continues shuffling forward through the sand, occasionally stopping to let the lost-in-thought Eevee catch up. He decides to keep quiet about the cute head movements the Eevee keeps doing, as if holding a discussion with itself.

Okay, let's see... Cute name, cute name...
Actually, I guess I could just go with a normal name, couldn't I? Maybe a normal name would actually be better. I mean... It would be my name for a looong time. Probably until I die! Unless I get isekai'd again... Actually, that would make me soooo mad! I get to live in the Pokemon world and then just die again?! I better play this life safe...

"Watch out, that's a-" Eevee, too lost in thought to hear, stumbles on the rock. There's a small yelp of an "Ee-!" followed by a low pumf. Eevee sits back and touches it's nose with a paw for a moment before standing on all fours, acting as if nothing happened, nose still twitching slightly.

Dammit, he saw.

"Um... So, why are you out here anyway?" Eevee asks the snickering Citrus. "Oh, I'm getting water back to the settlement! There's been a drought recently."
"Oh, I see." The Eevee responds, eyeing the Maractus over once, twice... "Wait, where's the water? You're not carrying anything."

And I could go for a drink...

"I absorbed it! It's much easier to transport this way. I have to use some of it up getting there, but it's better than waiting through the entire drought."
"Huh. That's... Kind of cool."
The two continue walking for a moment in silence, until the Eevee speaks up again. "You know, I could really go for a drink." To which Citrus blushes slightly. "W-We are not doing that unless you faint." The Eevee looks at the Maractus in confusion, but decides to stay silent.

Well, now I'm just curious. I'll find out your secrets one day, walking cactus.
Wait, what was I doing?

"Did you come up with a name yet?"


"...No." The Eevee sighs. "How about you give me a name?" Citrus stops for a moment, 'really?' their look says, the Eevee nodding in response. Citrus goes silent, thinking for few moments before speaking again. "How about Amber? Or.. Scarlet?" Coincidentally, the sun was going down. "You're just saying colours out loud, aren't you?" Eevee asks. "Yeah..." Citrus says, Eevee rolling it's eyes. "I'll.. think about it." Citrus continues ahead, mumbling to himself. "Well, I thought they were good."

Right... Back to names then.
I could just steal the name from some media character I like. Noone would EVER know! Well, I'd know, obviously Oh, but what if there are other humans- former humans? And what if they RECOGNIZE it? That'd be so embarassing! Well, there goes that idea... Realistically, I'm probably not the first human turned Pokemon. That'd be waaaaayyy too lucky.
Back when playing Pokemon... Usually I'd just shorten the Pokemon names, or mix the letters around. So... 'Eve'? Or 'Vee'... No, those are both stupid. And Eve is totally a girl name.
Hey, wait a minute...

The Eevee thinks back to the moment they woke up, laying in the sand... Trying to stand up... A very dinstinct heart-ended tail...
"Hey, wait a minute... I AM a girl!" She says out loud, momentarily forgetting about Citrus who jumps ever so slightly in surprise. "Y-Yeah?" He says, stopping. "Oh, no, sorry. I... Forgot." Eevee says, blushing a bit in embarassment. The two start walking again, Eevee snickering slightly to herself.

Hehehehehehehe, I'm a girl. Total score.

The snickering continues enough for the Maractus to seriously consider bringing Eevee to a medic.

Names, names... names... Water...

"Ciitruuuuuus let me drink some wateeeeer" Eevee whines out loud, stopping just short of headbutting the Maractus, realizing that... might hurt. "We'll be there soon enough. The sun is low, so the rest of the trip should be better for you." is his response as he keeps moving forward, now trusting the Eevee to keep pace without having to look back. The Eevee pouts a little.

This stupid desert! It's way too big! Desert... Mmmm... Dessert... Gosh, I could totally go for dessert. Sugar is the best.

"Is sugar real?"

Hehehehe. Sweet.

Maractus is seriously considering getting this Eevee checked up mentally.

That reminds me. I'm a girl, but...

"Hey Citrus, do you... Are you like... Do you... Have a dick?..."
Citrus stops in place, the Eevee almost crashing into his behind. Again. "W-What?" He asks, blushing. "Yeah, like... Are you a guy? Or are you just... Maractus?" Eevee asks looking up at his face. "I...I'm a guy." and Citrus decides that's enough on that topic, already moving ahead, knowing the Eevee will stop pestering him if he stays quiet.

Aw, he's shy! Fine, I'll drop it...
Day 484. I have still not come up with a name for myself, and I have no idea where we are. There's just sand. It's all sand. It's never been anything but sand.
I wish I had a random name generator. Things would be so much easier. I could just hit a button and get a name for myself. But nooo, I just haaave to be out here in the desert without technology. Then again, I'm pretty sure they suck most of the time. I never actually used one while I had the chance to.
Uggghhh I hate being original. What did Citrus say earlier? Amber? That's like, a color right? Maybe I can just use that.
Color...Colour... Are there any good color names for brown? I'm... Not sure. I never learnt any of the colors. Geez, I can't stop thinking about how thirsty I am. Water... Or lemonade... Or cokey cola... Pffff.... I could totally go for some Tea too...
Hey wait, there was that one tea... It was brown, wasn't it? Chai... Chai tea...
Chai... That's... not a bad name! I... I could use that!

"Hey Citrus? I think I came up with a name!" Citrus stops for a moment, looking back. "Well, go ahead." Eevee's tail wags as it catches up with Citrus again. "Chai!" She says, making a small jump in the sand.

Chapter 2 Afterword

I know nothing about Cacti. I just googled that they can absorb water and went with it.
I kept (most of) the intrusive thoughts I had while writing it for that authentic thought experience, only attempting to fit it into the story somewhat proper.
Why was the Interlude longer than chapter 1? I don't know man, shut up.

Chapter the Third: Chai fucking dies (not clickbait)

"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
Citrus sighed. "Please, just give me a break." Chai looked up at him for a moment as she walked.

When he says it like that I want to keep going so bad...

"Fiiiine..." She conceded. Besides, her throat was getting dry again. Maybe constantly pestering your escort isn't such a good idea when you're still soooo thirsty? No, that can't be. Pestering was fun.
Now that she was paying more attention, Chai could see a few Pokemon here and there. A trapinch sticking out of the sand there, a flock of Spearow over in that direction.. It was finally hitting that she really was in a Pokemon world now. But that begs the question...

Are there humans in this world? Not reincarnated like me, but real humans. I mean sure, I can understand Pokemon now, but I AM a Pokemon now. Who's to say I'm not about to get stormed by a 10 year old and his waifumons? I'm not even in the correct route!

"Hey, Citrus? Do you...know what a human is?" She asks hesitantly. "Human?" Maractus responds, looking down. "No, I don't think so. Although.. I might have heard the term coming from the guild once or twice." The Eevee blinked up at him for a few moments, before her tail starting swinging side-to-side.

Guild? As in, a Pokemon guild?! I can be an explorer?! Eeeeee~!

Citrus appreciated the silence as Chai got lost in her thoughts again, seemingly excited about something.

Walking up a steeper hill, the Maractus stopped. Chai looked up at him quizzically, opening her mouth to speak-
"We're here." Citrus interrupted. Chai looked forward as she reached the top of the dune, catching sight of buildings - the settlement. It was very...small.

This is it? Five buildings and a cave. Does anyone even live here?

"You'll find the guild in the cave over there." Maractus says, pointing toward the mountain.

Oh right, the guild!

Immediately forgetting how anticlimactic the settlement was, Chai lowers her body slightly, preparing to run. It was something she had remembered animals did, and it felt quite right in the moment.
Swooosh~ She started her sprint down the dune, speeding forward towards the cave.

Oh, right-

"THAAAAAAAAAAAANK yoooooooooooᵤᵤᵤᵤᵤᵤᵤᵤᵤᵤᵤᵤᵤᵤ" She yelled back as she sled down the sand.
She did think it was a little strange that everything was still so big while walking down the road to the guild. It wasn't something she had thought about much while walking with Citrus, but he had been much taller than her. Maybe that's why the journey was so exhausting.. Even if she did get some energy back with every new distraction.
In fact, it's only at the crossroads that she remembers just how thirsty she was. She had been so excited about the guild earlier she hadn't even thought about the huge oasis, just waiting there.

I sure hope there isn't a charge for this...

Chai thinks as she laps water from the Oasis like a... Pokemon without water in the desert. Well, yeah.
In fact, she leans over way too much, and ends up falling right inside. "Eep-" Splash


She flails like crazy, inadvertently pushing herself further into the Oasis. "Hel-" Cough "AAA-" Sputter


Zed walked out of the ruined home, wiping his brow. Another hard morning of work meant he was ready for some midday paperwork. But... What are those sounds coming from the Oasis? Better check it out, lest it be a wild 'mon here to ruin his hard work.
What he finds is a small Eevee in the shallowest part of the Oasis, flailing like no tomorrow. "Mate," he begins, but the Eevee seems far too distracted to respond. He reaches over with a claw, picking the Eevee up by the scruff. "Mate, you're good. Ease up." he says calmly, putting the Eevee down.
Chai coughs water for a bit, before looking up. Like, straight up. In fact, she has to back up a bit to look that much up. "Th..Thank you." She says, clearing her throat a little.

Bleeeh, the first thing I do is nearly drown. Good job, Chai. Note to self: Avoid the... um... construction worker... Zoroark.

Chai squints at his hat for a moment, before deciding to take her leave. "Well, um.. See you around.." She mumbles a little, before sprinting away.

Ok Chai, so you had a bad start, that's fineeee! Happens to everybody! At least you finally got to drink some water! That was pretty nice! (Until it wasn't). You can make a new first impression in the guild! That was just a trial run! You just have to impress the guild-mates and leader instead, who cares about some random construction worker?!

She pads into the cave, nervosity replaced by excitement.

I wonder who the guild leader is. Oh well, I'll just ask the first Pokemon I see. Maybe I can be guild leader! Pff, no, not at all. That sounds boooring! I mean, deciding things could be fun, but there's probably like, paperwork... Yuuuck! Actually... Even if I wanted to, I'm not sure I can write like this...

Looking down at her paws, Chai walked right into something.... Fuzzy. And Orange. Wiiith black stripes. Thaat's an Arcanine. Holy shit he is big.
Chai blinks up at him as the Arcanine turns around. "Um..Hi..." She says nervously towards the smiling canine. "I want to join the guild."
Mutt pauses his browse of the mission board as something bumps into his hindleg, turning around to the sight of a small Eevee. She seems nervous, how cute. "Of course you can join the guild." He says smoothly. "I'm Mutt." He continues, leaning his head down slightly. Chai backs up a little as 'Mutt' leans down. He seemed nice enough, but the size difference was a little intimidating. It was also a little arousing. "I'm 'Vee- I mean Chai."
"The guild has plenty of space. Just pick a room, and Zed will fill you in on the details later. He should be back any moment now." Mutt says, standing back up with a slightly smug smile. Did you know he can smell emotions? Chai doesn't. "Let me know if you ever need some relief." He finishes, turning back to the mission board.
Chai blushes and turns away immediately, totally not looking at his sheath for a moment because wow she really is just at that height huh? That is to say she does NOT do that and instead walks down the hallway to where the rooms supposedly were.


She chooses the first unoccupied room as her own, settling inside. It was a bit dusty, and not very clean.. She'll fix it up later. For now, she just wanted to rest until she met 'Zed'.
She settles on the floor, curling up around herself in a puff of fluff. It was a position that felt strangely natural, somehow.

Chai is woken up when her door opens, her ears perking up to the silhouette coming inside. That must be the guild leader! It looks like a Zoroark...Wearing a hat...


Ch.3 Afterword

Yay, Chai is finally at the guild.
I hope I did the other characters justice enough. Tried to keep their parts quite short as I'm never sure how to write another person's OC.
I mean, I'm not really good at writing, but you know that at this point.
I didn't proofread this part either, so don't forget to rate one star and flame me in the thread.

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Pub: 16 Jul 2024 20:10 UTC
Edit: 01 Aug 2024 00:52 UTC
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