
Oh yeah, it gets somewhat horny by the end.
I really wanted to write some smut after reading everyone else's.
Like usual, I just write all of these in one go and then don't proofread them so it's really a dice roll of how scatterbrained I am during the act.
That is to say... I hope you enjoy, somehow.

Chai's Best Day Ever

What a beautiful morning. Midday. Evening? What a beautiful whatever time of day it is. An absolutely wonderful.. Saturday? Friday?... Thursday? Okay, this is quickly falling apart. They hadn't actually got weekdays here, after all. A total blessing really.
Chai wakes up like she does every morning. Next to a pile of dust, causing her to scrunch her snout up in a-ATCHOO a sneeze.
"Hi to you too.." Chai mumbles to the accumulated pile of trash. She really should get to cleaning out the place at some point.. But that day was not today.
She yawns as she stretches forward, sitting down to paw at her blurry eyes. She may have gotten a little overeager with the alcohol last night.. She's still trying to get used to all that carbonation. That stuff is totally evil.

Let's just take today slow...

She lays down again, snout over her paws as she.. Yaawwn~.....

Whoopsie, can't fall asleep again..

She gets back up for a second time, this time shaking herself off.

Okay Chai, what's on the schedule today?...

Nothing, really. She could work the cafe for a bit if she wanted, or join Nox for sentry duty again later.. But after nearly falling off the roof four times in a row, she might need a break from that. She didn't really have a set schedule at all. Some of the other 'Mons had tasks and hobbies.. She kept being indecesive and changing her mind all the time. And these paws weren't helping at all. There was that time she wanted to make clothes.. But she gave up pretty quickly after trying to work these things. She's pretty sure she blurted something out about being a bartender last night.. yeah, no chance. And don't even get her started on art.
Chai looks over to the scribble she'd made a few days earlier and cringes.
Siggghhhh... Chai leans backwards, laying spread out as she looks to the ceiling.

It's not like I want a JOB.. I juust... feel like a total freeloaderrrrrr...
Maybe I should just start offering my body to everyone....

She blushes a little as she realizes what she'd just thought, waving her paw in the air.

T-That'd be far too slutty. Best not. E-Even if I'm pretty sure I overheard them talking about needing eggs the other day.. I-I wonder what it feels like to lay an-

She hops back to a sitting position, letting out a little huff. As dopey as Chai was most of the time, she had realized she probably couldn't just run around openly in heat begging for sex. Probably.
It wasn't too bad, really. She had a lowered libido as a girl, and she didn't think about sex much by herself. It's just... Well...
There were a lot of males here. Now, Chai liked females too, don't get her wrong. But most of the females were her own size, and compare that to the males who towered over her.. Well, Chai had always been a submissive, and it was a lot easier to make use of that as a small Eevee.
Well, then again... for females, there was that Salazzle.. but Chai isn't completely sure that lizard was into females. And besides, she was one of the few 'Mons who covered themselves up, so Chai didn't get a full view of cloaca when around her.

Calling a Salazzle a lizard isn't a slur, right?

Then there was Veg, who had apparently done some.. admittedly arousing stuff to Powder, that new Rattata girl. Powder had warned Chai about it on one of their impromptu mystery dungeon runs a while back. Powder was a really good friend, even if Chai wasn't completely sure why the rattata had given her so many compliments. At one point, it looked like she'd used attract in Chai's direction, but maybe she was just confused.
Oh, what does Jackall count as?.. He?.. She?... Honestly, Chai hadn't thought about it too much. Jackall was the resident preacher in her mind, and that was all there was to.. them. Then again, Arceus was probably real here here, wasn't He?

What was I thinking about again?...

The Eevee, completely distracted by her rambling mind, has already forgotten any of her objectives for the day. Now she was just kind of horny...

I wonder what everyones dicks look like... I mean, I usually see their s-sheats right ahead when I walk due to our size differences, but...
Mutt probably just has a normal canine one.. P-Probably with a knot too... Zed would have... I-I'm not sure really. Maybe he has a knot too? Mewt and Nox.. I'm not sure why, but I feel like both of theirs would be tapered... The Zoruas.. maybe like Zoroarks but smaller.. um, I would hope, at least... Oh but then again, they could just illusion anything they want, couldn't they?...

She's not sure when she started panting to herself, but she jolts up straight as she hears someone walk past outside her door.

O-Oh, right.. I'm in the middle of the guild.

She slowly removes her paw from the air, having apparently been moving slowly towards her..
Okay, she really needs some relief. A way to cool off. Some sex.

To be bre(a)d.

By the time she actually leaves her room after calming herself down, it's proper evening. Chai does decide to take up a shift at the Cafe, and she does keep herself together.. Even if she does end up making a mess. Actually, doesn't she always make a mess anyway?
If anything, Chai is just more horny after working her shift. Maybe that's a given, since it's more of the usual 'walk in crotch height of other Pokemon and have enough time to yourself to keep thinking.. things...', but she'd really hoped it wouldn't be that way.
Not that she disliked being horny, but it was a little.. embarassing...

What if I were to lift my tail in public by accident, a-AAAAAAAAAAAA YOU GO BACK DOWN RIGHT THIS INSTANT, TAIL!

Catching her appendage commit unspeakable crimes against Eevee-kind, Chai promptly locks it up in jail. That is to say, she enters her room again, a tad flustered at it's earlier ascent in the hallway.
But staying in her room by herself was clearly not a good choice right now. She'd just keep thinking horny things.

Like, what if I 'accidentally' told one the psychic types I'm curious what it's like to be hypnotized, hahaha...
Okay, that's IT. I've HAD IT.

Chai huffs to herself again. So what if she can't pleasure herself in the guild or one of the houses outside? There's always the dungeon! Admittedly, she hadn't really had a proper chance to go into the dungeon properly recently due to the aforementioned spontaneous arousal around most of the guild members... B-But she could just go alone! Either way, she'd probably want to go alone for s-sex...

Let's just bring the essentials.. um... What do I need for a dungeon again? Um... Oran berry.... Umm... Elixir? No, I'm sure I'll be fine... Oh, an apple! I always forget those... Yeah, I'm sure that'll do.

She walks out of her room head standing tall, having made her choice. She was gonna get some tail and she was gonna do it now! Um.. Give some tail?..
Chai bumps into Nox on the way out, who's likely heading for the night watch. He does open his mouth to speak, but the Eevee "YEAHITSUREISNICETODAYOKAYIVEGOTTAGOBYE" -had been in the middle of a very indecent thought about sex combined with various status effects.
Running out of the guild hall on all fours, she enters the first dungeon she encounters. What dungeon was this again? Oh well, it didn't matter too much. She just needs some private time.


Chai looks around as she comes to. She should prooobably move a bit further in before um.. getting to it, huh? She.. wouldn't want someone to catch her in the act on the off chance a guildmate decides to enter the same dungeon.
Evading most of the other Pokemon in the dungeon, Chai finds a nice little secluded corner to settle down against.

Okay, paws... You might not be good for much, but you better do this one thing for me today or Arceus help me I'll.. Um.. I'll get back to that.

It wasn't very hard. She had already been thinking about it the whole day, so all she had to do was close her eyes, move the paw over, and start thinking about all of the other 'Mons in the guild...
She gasps a little as she finally touches her slit. She wasn't really that sensitive, but it was just so freeing... and she could be as loud as she wanted...

Had the Eevee been less clouded by lust, she'd probably have chosen a corner with a way she could escape were any dungeon 'Mons to find her, or at least told a guild mate to stand guard. And she'd probably have opted not to close her eyes as she moaned out loud so she could actually take notice of their approach before they were right in front of her... And at that point, what Eevee would really be able to resist the wonderful smell wafting in the air right in front of their face? And the paw that's on her head.. It feels so good to just let them lead her...

A few guild 'Mons stood in the guild hall in the morning, preparing for their day, when in half-stumbles an Eevee.
"O-Oh hey! I was just um.. taking a night..morning.. walk and... baath?...." Chai says a bit hesitantly. She says, still a little woozy from... Well, what happens in the dungeon stays in the dungeon.
Now, any 'Mon with a sense of small would be able to tell that this Eevee had not taken a bath. In fact, they'd be able to tell exactly what Chai had been up to, the way she slowly walked over to her room with a satisfied grin and a slow swing of her tail only further confirming the fact.

Chai lays down on her slightly cool floor with a dumb grin, closing her eyes with a sigh. Whew...

Best. Night. Ever....

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Pub: 09 Aug 2024 16:53 UTC
Views: 145