Powder Suffers a Dungeon
Does this beach-y place go on forever, or is this a heat stroke?
This strange, unrefined rattata wanders through the sandy shores of a mystery dungeon, unbeknownst to its unpredictable and wild effects. Every step she takes is sloppy, she stumbles every few yards. Her fur is stained with sand and mud from tripping and falling onto the ground a dozen times over. Someone as inexperienced as her doesn't belong anywhere near a mystery dungeon, but here she is, burning her paws on the hot tropic sand.
I shouldn't have left that town. This place sucks. At least there was trash to sift through there...
When she sees a hazy set of stairs clad in monochrome amid arid yellow sand and blue seawater, she doesn't believe her eyes. "I gotta be hallucinating. I'm thirsty as FUCK!"
Her curiosity gets the better of her and eventually she bites the bullet, heading towards the stairs to test their validity. Despite her best hopes and wishes, the stairs are indeed real, as she can feel when she rubs her claws all over them. This proves to have unintended consequences when her vision goes white and she jumps back in surprise as everything fades away.
Oh no! If this is how I die...
She lies on the ground, curled up defensively, eyes closed.
I wanted to go out during a hurricane, or saving someone from a shark attack, or having sex! I'd even take a skydiving accident, just don't let it end like THIS!
It's a long handful of seconds before she realizes dying is taking WAY too long to be worth it, so when she opens her eyes, it's quite the surprise to find that her surroundings have changed. The scenery is the same, but the structure of rocks and mounds of sand are in different positions, something she would only know from looping around the same dungeon floor a dozen times without finding the exit. If she would turn her head to the right a little, she'd find a feral sandslash staring at her. Yep, just like that. Realization in 3, 2, 1...
"Aha! A real pokemon battle, with real pokemon." The thrill is enough to make her forget she's hot and dehydrated. Powder leaps back and postures herself aggressively. She's ready for anything!
Sandslash wants to battle!
Powder starts the fight with the first turn. She feels a powerful energy within her body and smiles as she stares down the probably-feral sandslash. She gets low to the ground and projects this energy out at him!
But all that happens is she shakes her behind a little and bares her teeth 'aggressively'. It only serves to bring out the positive angles of her body. Big and clear red eyes, soft and only mostly dirty fur, and that perfectly curled tail! Seeing her try to charm another pokemon like this is pitiful, if maybe a little cute and 100% NOT what she intended to do.
Captivate! The enemy's special attack is lowered by 2.
Sandslash doesn't seem fazed, being a pokemon not known for using lots of special moves. If anything, he seems more open to attacking her now that she's proven herself a perfect target. He jumps at her and knocks her back with considerable force! "ACK! Hey, stop! I'm supposed to be beating you! AH!"
Owowow! This actually hurts! What the hell dude, I thought I was gonna have some sick moves. What was THAT supposed to do?!
Without much hesitation, Powder flees. She runs so fast the wind almost cuts her face, no doubt thanks to her ability, run away. Line of sight with that sandy menace is broken quickly, leaving him in the dust. Before long, she finds another ominous set of gray stairs, but instead of being weary of their presence, Powder welcomes them without a second thought, and she guns for them the moment she sets her sights on them.
One flash of light later, she opens her eyes to find a vast expanse of nothing but sand and distant mountains. Not a drop of water in sight. Is this the outside world again? Civilization seems so close yet so far. Only the cacti guide her path forward. And the heat of the desert. And the blinding sun. And the rough sand.
"How is this, ANY better!?"