Suddenly he felt the cold. His opening eyes were greeted by the starry night sky. "Huh..." Slowly he sits up 'hands' pressed into the ground for support. They closed around sand. Starting to panic he shacked his head and looked around. Sand as far his eyes could see. "What the... a desert?" Was this a dream? But then he wouldn't know it. A lucid dream? He remembered just one way to check and moved his hand to pinch himself. "What the hell!" His three long red claws moved closer to his arm covered in almost black scales with a layer of leathery skin attached to it. Startled he looked down on himself. His arms were transformed into bat-like wings and his spine continued on as a long flexible tail. Black scales covered most of his body. Except for his underside and the inside of his wings featuring purple and bright (almost bioluminescent) blue. Red claws adorned his 'hands' and feet and the white tuft of fur around his neck was pretty much the only thing keeping him warm on this cold desert night.
He recognized this body. It's been a while since he played the games but the names and designs of most pokemon were ingrained in his memory. "I'm a Noivern..." But why? He tried to recollect whatever he could remember. This evening he went into his room booting up his pc to play video games. The roommates had his GF over so he turned his headphones up louder than ususal. He continued playing late into the night like most days but then his memories get foggy. But that's it. He was just a human guy going into college. He was... Who was he? It's gone. His name is completely gone! Why can he remember a random pokemon's name but not his own?
The Noivern started shivering. There were more important problems. It was getting really cold. He needed to move. At first he tried walking on his hind legs like he was used to but his tail made this pretty awkward. On all fours worked out way better but he was pretty slow. It would have taken ages to get anywhere. He looked down at his arms. Time to test these new wings of his. He managed to lift off on the third attempt. Seems like his new body came with some prepacked instincts. He soared higher and higher and soon the feeling of wind beneath his wings, looking down at the ground seemingly freed from any borders and restrictions became addictive. He became more daring trying some tricks and maneuvers in the air. But soon as a cold breeze hit him he returned his focus to survival. He needs a shelter, anything to keep warm.
After a while the Noivern spotted some kind of structures in the desert sand. "An ancient ruin?" He landed close to the entrance and took a closer look at the wall. Strange hieroglyphics featuring other pokemon covered it but he couldn't make any sense of it. What was this world? Was he a wild pokemon? Would human trainers try to catch him? Questions like these ran through his head as he entered. It was still quite cool in here but pleasant compared to outside. As he moved deeper he was still able to make out most detail despite near pitch black darkness. Well no colors but any shape. Just then the Noivern noticed that he had unwittingly started making strange clicking noises. "Echolocation... cool."
The ruins appeared almost labyrinthian in nature with twisting paths seemingly leading in random directions. Then he entered a larger chamber and noticed an object laying on the ground. It looked like a pair of glasses with no bridges. He picked it up and tried it on. The glasses stayed on his snout almost as if helt by a magical force. It felt familiar. As a human he was also wearing glasses. He tried to remember again how he landed here but then he hears a noise behind him. He turns around and notices a figure entering the chamber. Who's that pokemon? He easily recalls this shape. It's a Sandslash.
"Oh, h-hey! Is this your home? Sorry for intruding, I just wanted to... Do... do you understand me?" The Sandslash stepped closer without response. "N-no?" Suddenly it lunged forward claw-first and scratched the side of the Noivern's face. He backed up against a wall. "Ouch! H-hey wait! No need to get violent, just let me leave and..." The Sandslash readied it's claws for another attack. It was about to jumb as... "Leave me beeeEEEEEEEEEE..." An eardrum-shattering shriek traveled through the ruins. The Sandslash held it's head in agony and tumbled backwards. The Noivern seized the moment and dashed back through the hallways it entered from and flew back up into the night.
He wasn't sure how long he was flying by now. Flapping his wings kept him warm but his arms started to get tired. The sun started to rise and bathed the desert in bright light. Almost blinding to the Noivern's eyes. He needed a place to rest. Badly. And then he saw something on the horizon. He squinted his eyes and his vision seemed to zoom in. Were those glasses something special? He flew a bit closer to make sure it's no illusion but it was indeed... "Water!" A sizable pond in an 8-shape surrounded by vegetation. The Noivern approached and spotted other pokemon, a Zoroark, an Arcanine and was that a Mewtwo?! He stayed up high observing them for a while flying in circles above the oasis. They appeared to be way more civilized than that Sandslash, working and talking together. From what he could understand they wanted to build a settlement or a base of sorts. Joining them would be way better than fighting for survival on his own. But how to introduce himself? He needed a new name. Something fitting a nocturnal pokemon... night... Nox! Yes, Nox the Noivern has a good ring to it. Nox kept on circling above the oasis for a while thinking of a polite and friendly way to greet the others, gathered his courage and finally swooped down...