Moonlight beamed down on the shimmering sands as they cooled in the evening as a pair of figures made their way across the sandy slopes of the dunes. The two walked single file as each trailed a small sled behind them, the ridges just wide enough to accommodate them.
The larger, a Zoroark stopped for a moment and took in a deep breath of air.
“I tell ya, there’s nothing like crisp fresh air. No smoke, no dust. This is life!”
The smaller of the duo, a Smeargle quietly sat for a second while she caught her breath.
“Is it much further?” she asked with a slight pant.
“Just one more hill and we’ll be there” said the fox pokemon as he gestured at the next dune in front of them.
The air was surprisingly still for now. A perfect night. Stars stretched through the sky and Zed quietly smiled to himself.
“I love this place”
After a quick respite Sanaa got back on her feet and the two continued up the final ridge. It was deceptive at first, seemingly not too much higher than the rest of the dunes, but as they continued along Saana let out a slight gasp. A huge slope stretched out as it dropped into a deep valley.
“It’s HUGE!” remarked Sanaa.
“Yeah it’s fucken wild” replied the Zoroark. “Nox spotted it the other day when he was doing the rounds. Normally the dunes shift around a bit as the wind works them, but this one is unique. Watch this!”
Zed stooped down and swipped a claw across the side of the slope digging a large depression and kicking up a big spray of sad. Sanaa then watched to her amazement as monents later the sand began to shift and slowly make its way back to it’s original spot until the the hole had completely reformed.
“How is it doing that?!” Sanaa asked as she squatted down and ran her fingers through the sand, giggling as she drew shapes.
“Not entirely sure yet” replied Zed. “At first I thought it mighta been a giant Sandygast or Pallssand and being the scientist I am I chucked shit at it.”
Zed smirked before continuing.
“It doesn’t react to items though. I also had a chat to Sandy the other day when she stopped in town and she said even unconsciously they tend to maintain their overall shape. I reckon it may be hiding a dungeon or some wonderous cave of riches but I can’t keep the sand off long enough to find out. Dig doesn’t work either.”
Sanaa pondered for a moment before asking “Do you think it might be in any of Aella’s books or scrolls?”
“I’ve asked her to give it a look but she’s been pretty busy this week. For now I suppose it’s a myyyyystery of the deeeesert~” Zed said as he waved his arm across the horizon.

A short time later the pair arrived at the apex of the colossal dune. Zed pulled up his sled and leaned against it.
“So this is super easy! Just pop the sled on the sand, lay down and put your hands around the handles up the top here.”
Sanaa adjusted the sled and looked over at the slope with some trepidation. With a slight gulp she got into a prone position, gripping the handles at the top of the curved front.
“Now just remember slight leans if you want to turn, don’t go too hard or you’ll wipe out”
Zed clapped his clawed hands together “C’mon say it with gusto!”
“OK LETS GO” Sanaa shouted”
Zed gave the sled a shove and Sanaa took off down the slope squealing, wind whipping over her face as the sled picked up speed. Gripping the handles for dear life her tail waved behind her trailing flecks of vibrant paint as she went. She could hear Zed cheering and whooping as he watched the Smearlge fly down the dune.
At the base of the slope the dune gently petered out into a flat smooth valley floor. The sled kareened across it before eventually losing speed and coming to a gentle rest on a smaller dune across the way. Sanaa jumped out of the sled as the adrenalin coursed through her, letting out a cackle of laughed before flopping to the ground and rolling. Catching her breath she looked up to see Zed still at the top of the dune. Taking a deep breath she called out:
“THAT WAS AWESOME” A huge grin spreading across her face.
The Zoroark puffed up his chest before replying
Zed stood across the top of his sled and crossed his claws as two copies poofed into existance beside him. Stretching his arms out his dopplegangers grabbed an arm each before he looked and nodded at each.
“Ready?” Said one, “Set!” said the other “FUCKEN GOOOOO” cried the Zed in the middle as the pair launched him down the slope. Rushing down he leaned into the side and curved across the face of the dune kicking up sprays of sand, zigzagging his way down till he reached the half way mark.
Sanaa cheering as she watched.
He needed far more momentum to reach Sanaa on the other side of the gap, so he quickly spawned two more copies of himself. Both dug their feet into the sand and as he sped past, graped both of his arms and launched him again to boost him.
The zoroark lowered as he sped up, his mane billowing behind him as he hit the bottom of the dune and sped across the basin before coming to a neat stop over by Sanaa. Stretching out a claw as she ran up and high-fived him.
“That was so much fun!” she giggled as the two stopped for a moment.
Looking back at the dune there the sand was already reforming as the grooved and notches began to fill. Sanaa’s paint trail also began to vanish leaving the dune pristine, as if it had never been touched.
Sanaa pondered for a moment before making a terrible realisation. If they wanted to do this again, they were going to have to climb all the way back up.
Sanaa dropped back into the soft sand and moaned
“Aww now we have to walk all the way back up again”
Zed laughed, “yeah nah that’s the trouble with dune surfing.”
He offered his hand and pulled Sanaa back to her feet as she followed him back to the base of the dune.
“Wait, shouldn’t we be going up the other way?” she asked as she pointed to the gentler paths as the wound back up the dunes.
“Nah, let me show you a trick.” Zed replied. As the two reached the base of the big dune Zed stopped and grasped his claws together. Focusing his eyes at the top a shape began to take form. It was large quadruped Pokemon with a huge flat wall of a face. A Bastiodon! The illusion plowed it’s head into the sand and began to charge down the slope, bulldozing the side of the dune as it came crashing down into a pile in front of them before vanishing into the sand.
“Alright quick now get on” Zed beckoned has he raced over and placed his sled on the sand pile.
Sanaa quickly did the same and the pair jumped on their respective sleds. The sand then heaved beneath them as it forced it’s way back up the face of the dune, lifting the pair back up until they eventually reached the top of the ridge.
Sanaa sat in amazement as they were deposited back where they’d started their run.
“So, wanna go again?” Zed asked.
Without even answering Sanaa launched herself down the slope, squealing with delight.

The two spent the rest of the evening going up and down the dune. Eventually though the bitter cold set in. Sanaa shivered as they travelled back up the slope one last time. Zed popped her on his back and covered her in his mane as they made their way back, a pair of illusory doubles trailing behind with the sleds.
“That was sooo much fun” yawned Sanaa “can we do this again some time?”
“You betcha” replied Zed.

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Pub: 03 Aug 2024 01:38 UTC
Views: 139