Zed wiped his brow. The sun was beginning to blaze as it beat down over the town. Midday had arrived and it was time to down tools.
“Cheers bud” he chirped as he reached a clawed hand up.
“Yeah sure” replied the large white Vulpix with a sigh.
The fluffy ball of ice had been cajoled into coming to the worksite with the allure of self discovery but had instead found himself being used as an oversized ice-pack for a workman who spent most of the morning probing him with questions, some of which he really didn’t feel like answering.
Sensing his annoyance the Zoroark chucked
“Ease up mate, I did say I’d have something for you.”
During the morning the Vulpix had watched as Zed had set about erecting a new section of wall at the back of the dilapidated building that was to become a new Post Office with a dozen or so Illusory copies of himself. Now that the work was done they had all begun to disperse save for one.
It walked over, looked the smaller fox pokemon in the face and gave a cheeky wink before bursting into a puff of smoke and a loud POP. As the smoked dispersed a small shadow emerged. It was another Vulpix, this one however had a rich scarlet coat and soft coloured eyes.
“What?” blurted the Alolan Vulpix as the Zoroark hefted him out of his mane and place him on the ground.
A sultry voice sounded from the red fox in front of him
“Howdy there big guy!” she giggled as she began to circle around him and brushing her body up against his.
The white Vulpix was perplexed, he was sure this was an illusion but every thing about her felt real, even down to the smell.
The smell. She had a sweet intoxicating aroma to her as she looped in a figure eight lifting her tails and flashing a slightly glistening vag before rounding back and nuzzling up to his face.
“You know I’ve been needing a nice big boy like you. Why don’t you come quench my fire?”
Before he could answer her another fox appeared beside her to the right, this one was another Alolan like him.
“Oh forget her, it’s too hot here! Come with me, we can share our body chill in the shade here”
Then another on the left. Another behind. Suddenly he was surrounded by an entire pack of swirling red and white vixens.
“Enjoy yourself now” smirked Zed, bringing a clawed forearm across his face as he began to vanish behind it.