General Details

Do you have a character? If so, what is their species and name?

Cato (Pronounced KAY-toe, Not their real name). Buizel.
Unlike most Pokemon in Oasis, Cato was not once a human.
Con-artist, grifter, shyster, snake oil salesmon, scumbag and other colorful terms have been used to describe them.
Almost always seen with a fake grin plastered on their face, Cato exudes overconfidence and a certain outdated charisma. Cato's entire personality is an act that they seemingly never drop, not even when they are alone.
Cato's very 'colorful' and vain. They're a prettybui, you've gotta look good if you want to sell it.
If you sat down and had a drink with them, they'd be not bad company, but you could certainly do better.
They cannot hold a tune to save their life.

Cato usually likes to be a dom top, but as soon as a partner is taller/more imposing they'll quickly switch to being submissive.

What did they do before joining the Oasis Guild? What do they do now?

Cato was once a lowly street urchin and petty thief. After spending time in and out of jails and slums, Cato met a certain 'mon. This 'mon taught them how to properly be a con-'mon, and together they both worked together to successfully pull low-level scams on their hometown. Fast forward to now, and Cato is full-on con artist. Any classic scam you can think of, they've probably done at some point with varying levels of success.

Cato has never been able to settle down anywhere, their exploits often finding them kicked out of town or them jumping town in the semi-rare case of a successful con.
They often change their entire identity when switching towns, to avoid being recognized from their previous exploits.
In fact, there's few places in the area where Cato is welcome, which has lead them to Oasis.

In Oasis, the con is simple. Pretend to be a powerful psychic, with a side business of selling "rare" artifacts, tools and supplies relevant to a guild, then sit back and rake in the Poke.
Cato will most likely need this to work, as they haven't many options left, besides skipping to another continent.

Where do you live? In the guild hall? In one of the renovated buildings in town? In a shop?

Cato's in a tough spot at the moment. They'd likely take anything that the guild would give them. Even a spare closet.
Cato's no fast-talking jasper that rolls into town beguiling the townsfolk into fulfilling a long list of demands. They're a humble and legitimate businessmon, and they'll take what charity that this here lovely town will be willing to give them.

What does your room look like? What do you keep in there? Do you need anything special?

Room is TBA, but Cato's got a lot of supplies that they've hastily packed into a burlap sack that needs unloading somewhere.

Got the hots for anyone?


Does your character have any dream or goals? Do they have job they'd like to have or something they'd like to do?

Cato is almost purely motivated by Poké. Over the years, Cato's schemes have gotten increasingly ambitious and varyingly morally reprehensible. It doesn't help that they are terrible with money, and often end up back broke at square one after indulging too much in their vices.
There might also be another reason why Cato keeps going on...

What's the first town or 'mon they meet outside of the abandoned town? How do they react?

Not really applicable to Cato, as they were never human, but the 'mon that they worked with a long while ago used to be a human.
They both were very good friends with each other and that 'mon often told stories about his past life, so Cato's got some knowledge of the human world and what life was like. If they had to, Cato could probably try and pass themselves off a former human.
Good luck getting Cato to open up about this period in their life. It would be a difficult subject for them if you were able to break through Cato's whole facade.

What moves does your character know?

Aqua Jet, Mud-Slap, Attract, Thief.
Cato can hold their own in a dungeon if they needed to. Cato's tried to game the system with their androgyny, hoping that Attract would attract Pokemon of all genders. It's got a somewhat decent success rate.

What's everyone's favorite berry?

Cato's usually a fiend for gummis, but they do like the refined and expensive Sitrus Berry.

Everyone knows Mewt but have there been any other Legendaries spotted either in Dungeons or passing through?

Cato has seen plenty of Legendaries out in their travels! They might even tell you a story or two if you spot them a couple Poke to help them remember.

Whats the rarest bit of loot you've seen?

Cato usually doesn't care about rare loot. What they do care about is loot that looks rare, or that they can make out to be rare/interesting/powerful. Making out that something mundane is valuable and selling it for a lot more than it is worth, is more important to Cato, and much more repeatable.

Which of the outer towns would you be keen to check out on a supply run?

Cato's not setting foot in any of the towns surrounding Oasis. Lest they be tarred and feathered.

How did you figure out what moves you have and did you learn any new ones?

Cato's learned most of their moves from TMs, their moveset is tailor made to aid in scamming.

Say there was a Dress-up Party tomorrow, costumes are provided by some random means, what would your character wear or go as?

Cato doesn't need random means to have costumes. They've got plenty stored away for various uses.

Disallowed Kinks

I understand that I cannot stop anyone from doing anything, but here are some topics that I wouldn't be comfortable with.

  • Diapers, Infantilism or anything underage, Scat, Flatulence.
  • Vore and Gore.
  • Hyper, Weight Gain, Inflation.
  • Rape/Abuse. (If you are going to do non-con, at least be creative with it, do hypno or something)
Edit Report
Pub: 09 Sep 2024 10:55 UTC
Edit: 11 Sep 2024 06:40 UTC
Views: 141