Nox was on his way back to the oasis after one of his nightly exploration flights. Spending this much time all by himself gave him the opportunity to think about everything that happened during the day. Tonight he thought about a certain aspect about him and the other inhabitants of the oasis that he somehow managed to ignore up until now. They were all naked! Part of him thought this is natural for pokemon to be but this isn't like the games. He definitely saw more than featureless barby doll anatomy on the others. Yesterday that realisation hit him hard. Since then he always locked his eyes with anyone he spoke to just to not get a glimpse of their privates. Because that's what they should be, right? Private. The others are so laid back about it though. And that's not just talking about the nudity. In those few days he lives here now Nox already ran into other pokemon enjoying their company three times already. Fortunately he moves fairly silent so he always escaped unnoticed. But if he wanted to be a part of them he should probably get more open about his sexuality too. For Arceus sake, he doesn't even know yet what exactly is in his own non-existant pants. All this time he was so busy exploring this new world that he never bothered about it. So to do that was his plan for this morning.
The eastern sky was already getting brighter when he passed the oasis beneath him. In an hour or so the sun would rise. With his plan to finally fully explore his new body Nox definitely wanted to avoid getting cought in the act. Therefore he flew along the cliffside close to the settlement and looked for a crevice hidden from prying eyes but large enough to lay down comfortably. After a while he found a suitable spot and swooped in. He layed down on his back, spread his legs, looked down on himself and saw... nothing. While other pokemons 'equipment' could be easily seen his was hidden very well. He squinted his eyes using the zooming in function of his Scope Lenses and finally was able to spot it. An almost invisible vertical slit right were his purple belly scales turned bright blue on the underside of his tail. Knowing enough about reptilian anatomy he identified this orifice as a cloaca. Now he only needed to find out what's inside. Who knows? Maybe he not only turned into a Noivern but a female one at that. He assumed his voice still sounded masculine but maybe that was just his perception. Well time to find out...
Nox slowly started rubbing the edge of the slit with the tip of his claws. As expected the area was quite sensitive. "H-hah..." Did he turn into a girl after all? He kept going until two of his claws slipped inside and something else slipped out. It was just the tip but clearly a penis. "So I'm a male after all... I can work with that." Slowly and carefully he started stroking the sides of his member with both 'hands'. This certainly had been easier with dextrous human hands but in due time it stood fully emerged and errect. It was pretty long, had a thick base tapering to its tip with a few bumps and ridges here and there. And it was prehensile to a degree. "Great... as if learning to control a tail wasn't hard enough already..." Looking out of the crevices opening Nox noticed that it was already getting significantly brighter. If he wanted to finish this experimentation before any of the others were awake he needed to hurry. He kept stroking with one hand until he felt a familiar sensation. He was about to reach his climax. The tip of his tail whipped around, his hips were rocking on their own, his breathing accelerated and his penis twitched erratically. "Huff... Hah..." Until he unleashed his load all over his face and torso. "HaaaAAAAAAAAA...!!!" Nox closed his eyes and threw his head back in orgasmic bliss. "Huff... huff... amazing..." Until post nut clarity hit. "Fuck!" How loud did he scream just now? He was hidden from sight but not that far from the oasis. He nervously peeked out of his hideout. Everything seemed quite in the settlement. Hopefully they were still sleeping... Hopefully he didn't wake anyone up. Then he noticed the mess he made. He wiped off as much as possible but definitely needed a bath.
Nox waited until he was sure that no one was around and flew down to the oasis dive bombing right into the refreshing water. He cleaned himself meticulously, especially his neck fluff before emerging. He forgot to take off his glasses so with them wet he was unable to see as as he took them off to dry them he ran right into something. Large, orange and very fluffy. "Oh, h-hey Mutt. Hard at work already? Yeah, I just came... came back here I mean and needed a bath. Felt kinda messy -I mean- dirty... uhh... dusty! Yes, dusty. Sandstorms and all that, you know? Haha... Well, sun's rising so I'll be blind in a minute. I should go inside. See ya... buddy." Nox raised his hand to pat him on the shoulder but then decided against it and just scurried away. Mutt the Arcanine who was still busy carrying debris from some of the ruins looked after him confused but then he just shrugged and continued his work.
Back in his current home Nox facepalmed. "Ugh... you idiot..." All he could hope for was that Mutt forgets this awkward encounter faster than he would. He jumped up and grabbed a wooden beam below the ceiling with his foot class. Hanging upside down Nox wrapped his wings around himself and closed his eyes. He figured out that this was his most comfortable sleeping position now after some experimenting.
Seems like it will still take a while until he gets comfortable around the others but he'd get there eventually...