A new brew for the askwew crew

by kemokeryu


First Edition (8/11/24)


At long last, Mewt has finished their first batch of alcohol for all the guild to enjoy ! Just make sure you don't drink too much ...


1.7k words, Greentext, Mewt (Mewtwo Y), Chai (Eevee), Powder (Rattata), Zed (Zoroark), Party, No Sex, Drinking, Slapstick


First Edition (8/11/24)


Inspired by: >>>/trash/68051921 >>68154526
Written for: >>>/trash/pmdt/ #10


>After much care, love and craft-mon-ship, Mewt's Mead is finally available at the cafe slash saloon.
>Well, that's not the name /Mewt/ gave it ...
>When the town discovered Mewt's notice that it was ready on the town bulletin board, it was the glorifying title folks from the guild quickly anointed to it.
> ... Much to their dismay.
>But there was no mistake for the bubbling level of anticipation from everyone in the Oasis for Mewt's next bartending miracle.
>A real creature comfort.
>A /human/ comfort.
>One that the initial settlers here had already mourned after their forceful binding to their new monster forms.
>That kind of reverence was far too much for Mewt.
>Even on a good day.
>Mewt could really do with a stiff drink ...

>Evening time.
>The booze must flow !
>And what do you know.
>It's a full house tonight !
>E v e r y o n e · i s · h e r e !

>Of course Zed's first for a serving.
>"Better than a VB /looongneck/ !"
>"Get that up ya !"
>Big boys Jackall and Mutt follow close behind.
>Mewt and Sanaa had whipped up some larger tankards to accommodate their giant thirst.
>The rest of the crew steadily get their drinks.
>And those who weren't on the grog are here too.
>Catching the vibes and filling their bellies.
>It's good eating in here too you know !
>A lone exception from the regular food and drink is the as yet unnamed Glimmora, who instead perched themselves ornately on the saloon's wall, observing the festivities.
>Maybe they're feasting on the raucous energy flowing through the room ?

>Not to be left out, even the smallest 'mons are getting in on the action.
>Dit looks a wee bit comical beside his disproportional shimmering golden bottle.
>Wait, a bottle ?
>Where did you get that Dit ? !
>Watch out or you'll ... !
>* thud *
>Aaand he's out.
>Poor sucker seriously misjudged his alcohol tolerance.
>He miiight have let his reputation for taking bigger things than his guildmates expect go to his head ...

>Newcomer Powder picks up a round too.
>Taking a few sips, she quickly takes a shine to it.
>So much so that she's already downed her whole cup, and is going for another.
>The grog is doing it's job and loosening her up to banter with everyone else.
>Without so many inhibitions, she dares to ask if they're a boy or a girl.
>( It's complicated, Powder ... )

>And then there's ... Chai ...
>Having been scooped up by Zed onto one of his newly minted bar stools, she only juuust manages to poke her head over the counter.
>Her adorable muzzle, twitching ears and wide eyes gaze up at Mewt as they pour a levitating bottle into a round of hovering mugs that Lilith is waiting to collect.
>( Lilith likes the taste, even if she metabolizes the liquor too quickly to feel it. )
>"One tall Mewt Mead please !"
>Mewt, now a little more at ease with his creation's pet name, stares down at Chai with hesitation and concern.

>Most of Chai's other nights at the bar had ended in her uncharacteristically causing a ruckus that she seemed to regret later.
>But in those moments, her confident, flirty side would come out.
>Winding up the recognized dominant 'mons.
>Rubbing her scent on the meeker ones.
>A little incident of "losing control" of her tail.
>But that only happened one time !
>Even Mutt, normally pouncing anything that moved at the first sign of consent, instead settled for giving her some headpats as a means of calming her down.
>Maybe try asking him when you're sober, sweaty.

>"What a lightweight. Mead would kill her!"
>The laughter is from that cheeky Rattata on a table with Vex and Veg.
>Look at you, already fitting in with the crowd and their humor like you'd been here from the start.
>Chai would not stand for this mockery.
>Chai would prove her wrong !
>Turning back to the counter ...
>"One tall Mewt Mead please !"
>She decrees this adopting the most assertive posture her little Eevee body can muster.
>Sitting straight up with her head raised.
>Eyes closed expectently.
>Tail swishing with authority.
>All while enunciating each syllable with much elegance.

>Mewt is amused by this.
>But, as a professional, the only crack in his composure is a subtle smirk as they give her a bow.
>An uncorking, telekinetic tilt and pour later, Chai's poison is ready.
>"To good health!"
>On the other side of the bar Rohan waves Mewt away from Chai and her brew.
>For a few moments she doesn't even touch it.
>Drinking it in, rather than drinking it up.
>She raises herself up by the hind legs to put her front paws on the counter and her nose over the glass.
>The fruity aroma of this nectar fills all her senses.
>Awkwardly clasping the glass between her paws she dips down for a sip.

>"Eck. BLEH !"
>The guild's first critic, it would seem.
>Or possibly not.
>Despite the initial reaction, Chai leans forward and begins lapping up her drink ravenously.
>Not having too much co-ordination, the continual spillages she's making forms a pool under her mug.
>"Whoa, settle down there ... !"
>Zeta remarks sitting beside her and a tired but content looking Twitch.
>They managed to claim the slightly higher stools at the bar.
>A number of other Zetas materialize and begin causing mischief among the rest of the patrons.
>That comment from Zeta doesn't deter Chai though.
>She needs every last drop.
>Yes, even from the mess she's made on the counter top.

>Chai gives something between a cheer and a primal howl after licking her glass and wood beneath it clean.
>"Go home Chai, you're drunk !"
>Powder is /still/ teasing her.
>What nerve !
>It's not like /she's/ doing much better !
>"I am /not/ drunk !"
>Chai protests, spinning precariously from her perch.
>"Hahaha. Prove it !"
>Oh ?
>Is that a challenge Powder ?"
>"OK, rat."
>"I * hic * will !"

>Another dangerous swivel from Chai turns her back with her face toward the counter.
>In her head she psychs herself up to conquor her mortal enemy ...
>Raised surfaces !
>Using all the co-ordination she can collect ...
>She leaps up onto the bartop !
>* scratch scratch clamber *
>Her jump landed short.
>And now she's scrambling to pull herself in with her front paws ...
>While pushing up with her back ones.
>But with the grace of Arceus almighty, she drags herself up.
>All without Zed's help !

>"I'm not sure that'll convince anyone ... !"
>Powder taunts again.
>"* hic * Oh yeah ... ?"
>"I have the finesse of a gymnast !"
>Chai lifts up her front paws off the counter.
>She moves them up to her chest ...
>Then beside her head !
>Balancing on her two small hindpaws.

>It's a sight to behold for sure.
>Even Powder is looking on in shock and awe.
>But this isn't enough for Chai.
>She needs to completely shut up the Rattata for good !
>"And now for my last tri-*hic* ... !"
>Chai lowers her front paws forward to get in position ...
>Then springs up into the air !

> ... Only not in the way she intended.
>Her impaired mind had forgotten to account for one critical detail.
>The wet countertop.
>You know ...
>The one still slick from her drinking accident just before.
>It causes just one of her feet to slip just as she was going to perform her flip.
>Spectacularly, she does turn herself completely upside down, pirouetting 180 degrees ... !
>Riiight off her stage ...
>And tumbling down, as if in slow motion, to the cold floor below.

>* CRACK *
>The poor Eevee lands on the back of her silly head.
>Her body slumps above the rest of her, balancing by her spine, back paws hanging above her head, momentum stopped dead.
>Much like her ...
>Well, OK, she's only really fainted.
> ... Again ...
>At least her tail had the decency to fall between her legs.
>Not /all/ her dignity is gone ...

>"Oh Arceus !"
>"Is Chai dead again ? !"
>Veg hovers down from her soda, where she was quietly watching the entire time.
>Poking the limp creature's foot, she concludes that yes, Chai very much has left the building.
>"Hey Vex !"
>"Give me that Reviver Seed !"
>Vex looks back, incredulously.
>"But I spent so much time in the dungeon to fi-"
>He's interupted by Veg.
>C'mon, Veeeex !"
>Folding at her insistence, Vex drops down to offer her his treasure.
>"Alright, alright, fine, fine ... "

>With this much needed medicine, Veg awkardly opens Chai's drooling mouth and pushes the ressurecting morsel.
>Its odor and outer compounds reflexively cause Chai to chew and give her energy to swallow.
>The small crowd that has gathered around her form gasps and takes a step back as she crumples to her side.
>But looking closely, they see her react with a small shiver and her chest begins moving slowly.
>She's in a dazed, deep sleep now.
>A marked improvement from, uhhhh, being gone.

>"You should put her in my room, to um ... rest."
>Vex tries to rationally resolve this debacle.
>Zed and Zed [Clone #?] bend down to cradle the unconscious Eevee in his arms.
>The real Zed stands up with her, finding a long anticipated opportunity to give her some thorough petting.
>She gives a peaceful sigh in her slumber.
>Hopefully his tender touch reaches her in dreamland.

>As Zed and his most sentimental clone walk off, the rest of the party continues with its own chaos.
>Zed's other clones scurry about with drinks and hijinx.
>Half of the Zetas are now Powders making an indecent scene.
>Sanaa's let the mead go to her head and is also getting a little filthy.
>Dit uses every waking moving to drink, which isn't many since he passes back out almost immediately.

>In the end the whole guild feels like Chai made out alright in the end.
>What's a little bonk on the head if you're fine and dandy the next morning ?
>OK, it's not like she won't feel it at all ...
>But she'll probably pull up less hungover and sick than the rest of this lot.
>Even so, it doesn't stop Powder from having the last laugh.
>"That mead really /did/ kill her !!"

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Pub: 18 Sep 2024 14:53 UTC
Views: 103