Want to include your fellow students in the things you write? Having doubts about being able to portray them? Look no further! It's the...
"Who is that" /hpgg/ writers resource!
What is this? A thing for people to fill out that lists visible traits and general mannerisms about their characters to make it easier to use them in writing.
Filled out entries:
Evalyn Wong: https://rentry.org/o52ukx
Jacob (Jake) Wellman: https://rentry.org/au3z9
Cora Enright: https://rentry.org/CoraEnrightWritingSheet
Faolán O'Dwyer: https://rentry.org/FaolanWritingSheet
Matthias Herdorum: https://rentry.org/MatthiasWritingSheet
Margaret Megamelons: https://rentry.org/MargMeg
Ava Boyd: https://rentry.org/AvaBoydWriting
Adrian "Addie" Cross: https://rentry.org/AdrianCrossWritingSheet
Gloria Gains: https://rentry.org/94kvzu
Mycroft Germaine: https://rentry.org/MycroftGermaine
Aumellia "Mel" Goldborough: https://rentry.org/AumelliaWriteUp
Haitham Montcroix: https://rentry.org/HaithamUraniumFever
James Page: https://rentry.org/Jameswritingstuff
Niamh Campbell: https://rentry.org/wef3k
Penthesilia Parley: https://rentry.org/ogqwg
Euphemia https://rentry.org/uq9auo
My Appletrundle https://rentry.org/MyAppletrundle
Evalyn "Eva" Halliwell: https://rentry.org/EvalynHalliwell
Heather Mason: https://rentry.org/t9dat
Madison Rout: https://rentry.org/SoggyTroutwrite
Matthew "Matt" Russel: https://rentry.org/MatthewRusselWritingSheet
Penelope Catherine Warwick: https://rentry.org/8rksv
Florana Summerbee: https://rentry.org/FloranaSummerbeeWriting
Garland Stephald: https://rentry.org/wap742
Logren Wight: https://rentry.org/fa2y3
Ioni Lacroix: https://rentry.org/p7rxf
Artorias Draco Black: https://rentry.co/ArtoriasBlack
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Name: Your characters name here so we know who this is about.
Face: Does your character look friendly? Gaunt face? High cheekbones? Just vague details you'd see at a glance if there are any that might be good to know.
Hair: Describe your hair! If your hairstyle isn't a 1:1 match to the ingame hairstyle this is where you can convey that. Also useful for characters who wear their hair in braids or similar, go ahead and clarify what it'd look like when it's released. How long it is, volume etc.
Eyes: Eyecolor!
Height: Tall? Short? Medium?
Bodytype: Keep this as vague as you'd like, but if you want to compare your character to a fruit this is where you'd do it.
Complexion: Details on visible skin like face, hands or arms. Scars, moles, discoloration...
Uniform variation: Long skirt? Rolled up sleeves? Scarf? Is it a hand-me down? You get the gist.
Misc: Any visible physical trait not listed goes here.
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Voice: Loud? Fast talker? Accent? You get the gist.
Body language: Sweeping hand gestures, faltering steps, confidence, fidgeting, eyecontact...All the things you can glean from the way your character carries themselves. Includes stuff like posture.
Social: How many friends they have, how known they are to students and staff alike. This is where you get to list your (possible) detention feats and get to mention any close friends your character is likely to be around.
Visibility: Would you spot this character in a crowd easily or do they fade into the background?
Engagement: How likely the character is to approach other students and under which circumstances they'd be less or more likely to.
Quirks: Noteworthy behaviour.
Things your character wouldn't do: Big things to avoid that aren't obvious. The way they react to certain things, actions they wouldn't do...
Animals: How fond they are of creatures, how fond creatures are of them etc. Any info regarding pets and animagus form/behavior goes here too.
Misc information that might be useful: What it says on the tin!
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Writing hooks
Prompts that make it easier for writers to come up with situations to write about featuring your character.
(Name) is passionate about Quidditch and likes to talk about it.
Can often be found tending to creatures near Care of Magical Creatures class.
Likely to be confrontational in (situation here)
Visibly uncomfortable in (situation here) etc.
Fill this form out by copy/pasting it into a new rentry for me to link here or just post it in the thread and I'll paste it into rentry to add it.