Ioni peruses her chinese cartoons
Ioni Lacroix dossier

Ioni Lacroix


Delicate and soft and decorated with freckles and rosy cheeks, almost always dressed with cosmetics to some degree with Rose/peach blush, mascara and lipgloss being favourites of hers.


Ioni goes to great lengths to maintain her appearance and specifically her hair-- she wears it in a single wide French plait, the resemblance isn't unlike a cleverly scored bread although her hair is a pinkish blonde in tone which tends to only show in mild lighting.


Lilac with large pupils and pristine white sclera surrounding them. Her eyes could be considered doe-eyed, seemingly always enthused or alert for no real reason.


On the shorter side at 5ft4" but wears heels, stilettos, pumps, and knee/calf boots which she uses to elevate herself!

Ioni has a mostly modest figure, her bust would measure up around 34C due to her narrow shoulders and a (mostly) healthy diet/lifestyle. However, she does have thicker thighs and a well formed... posterior... resulting in an overall pear-shaped figure. Consequently; there is a notable emphasis on her hips, thighs and calves.

Clocks in at around 54kg/119lb


Ioni leans toward being vain and quite the insecure diva (probably at least partially owed to her impressionable character and growing up in a culture with a strong emphasis on beauty) and her skincare routine is archaic, maybe even a little superstitious... she does her best with mostly muggle concotions due to her only recently becoming familiar with magic (i.e. herbology, potions & tonics etc) but the slight shadows beneath her eyes persist regardless-- giving the impression she might be wearing nude eyeshadow from afar.

Otherwise and perhaps suspiciously; her skin is very well maintained, soft and moisturised with the only visible blemishes being her freckles scattered about her face, arms and chest (a point of contention for her) as well as the occasional subtle mole dotted along her thighs, shoulder and chest.

Uniform variation:

Ioni's favourite style of school uniform is her diamond pattern blazer, a frilled bouse and a previously long skirt which she has since tactically hemmed up a good 1ft. With it now resting just above knee height on a good day, she uses either her white, nude or black pantyhose to preserve her modesty!

In summer she instead opts to remove her blazer and wears just her blouse-- though she does also generally consider the Hogwarts style house cloaks gaudy and unbecoming and would rather wear a cute cape in the style of her own country's iconic school.

Her choice of shoes? assuming she can get away with it on any given day that is, would be one of a few select pairs of classic French pumps she brought from home. These range from slingbacks to low block-heels-- She refuses to consider the inferior school issue flat ballerina style shoes.

Her pink beret is non-negotiable.


Ioni's voice is on the higher pitched side but is soft spoken and typically friendly although unmistakably foreign as a native French speaker... Her english being famously poor as she had to learn a bare minimum to qualify for enrollment at Hogwarts. Obviously, this leaves a lot to be desired and she will frequently resort to hand gestures, ambiguous noises or broken imitations to convey deeper meaning or detail.

She also tends to speak in third person, sometimes referring to herself almost as a fictional character...? curious. There are few people who are able to communicate fluently with her but with enough time spent in her company they will join the Frenglish hivemind at least.

Body language:

Ioni's body language will vary drastically between those she entertains-- her close friends will be subjected to the bubbly whimsy stowed beneath her... 'interesting' character. This almost always include physical contact like handholding, grabbing, poking or hugging as she lacks both self control and an understanding of social norms (especially when particularly comfortable with someone).

Conversely, unfamiliar students at school will be met with a mostly shy or withdrawn Ioni as she fights to build rapport with them. Naturally she struggles to maintain socially 'appropriate' etiquette, with eccentric bodylanguage and timid posture with eye contact being a particular bug-bear of hers, from fear of visible disapproval.

Due to her unique circumstances she functionally relies on at least a small amount of gesturing with not only her hands- but her entire body as a whole when apt meaning can't be conveyed through her misshapen English-- though she is very insecure about having to resort to such extremes, especially in public and often finds it frustrating when having to rely on it.


Ioni is not a social butterfly but is drawn to others' light and repelled by their dark in most cases, but will almost always extend an opening for someone to accept her if she vibes with them unless met with hostility from the get go-- but it should also be noted she is naive and mostly unsocialized even back home, as a result she is often at the mercy of her peers.

As far as reputation goes, she is an anomaly at Hogwarts and that attracts attention by nature but she makes an active effort to avoid attention directed at her outside of what's necessary. The student body is mostly imbivalent towards her outside of the occasional crooked remark slung her way when no-ones looking, but she has been questioned in earnest by her more curious peers.

The professors 'enjoy' unique challenges in teaching her due to the social and educational circumstances Ioni finds herself in but largely find an enthusiastic (though slow) learner. She is encouraged to supplement her studies with frequent revision but ultimately struggles on her own, resulting in her relying on other students who might entertain her on a quid pro quo style arrangement.

One of the first things she did after trying out for the quidditch team-- and failing. She was able to win a position as a cheerleader though! and she now enjoys the camaraderie of the Slytherin team, where she might be found tagging along with in her spare time. She was pleasantly surprised to meet Haitham and feels a particular bond with him considering their shared heritage and interests.

Frequent whereabouts:

⦁ If not found in the company of her quidditch heroes on pitch-- she might be seen clinging with white knuckles to Florana as she rides bitch on her broom as they explore the grand vistas swathed around the valley or alternatively on their many frequent [spoiler]dates[/spoiler] to Hogsmeade's finest bourgeoisie establishments (i.e. that one half decent teashop in town).
Although, Ioni does have a remarkable compulsion to 'play' rough with Zonko's many toys and contraptions and will often drag Florana there at every opportunity-- assuming she hasn't been banned or is en route to her third favourite squat after school hours; the pet shop.

⦁ Having built an earnest friendship with Heather Mason she can also periodically be found enjoying the Hog's Head Inn's menu in the evenings! Enchanted by the unusual atmosphere and intriguing characters it's not unusual for her to have drank her fill of the various offerings... including hard liquors, spirits and wines much to the chagrin of the young part-time barkeep.

⦁ As a budding fashionista and xenophile in a Foregin land-- she finds herself frequently drawn to the Gladrag's tailor shop to peruse the interesting current styles on offer. Due to her pre-existing experience with tailoring her own clothing- she has expressed interest in pursuing an apprenticeship there during her time at Hogwarts but her studies have hampered her efforts lately...

⦁ A sincere animal lover at heart with an uncanny ability to befriend animals; she finds herself compelled to spend time with the (relatively) mundane magical beasts on campus-- exhibiting a particular affection for Mooncalfs, Nifflers, Abraxans, Unicorns and Matagots. If a braver mood takes her however; she has been known to visit local Graphorns in the reserve or even venture into the Forbidden Forest to (with any luck) feed the Wolves or "talk" to the Acromantulas.

⦁ Though not particularly business minded she has been spending more and more time lately in the (dis)comfort of the Supple and Demand Club's office-- having signed a contract to supply... samples...? of herself to Alice for meagre monetary compensation. Blissfully unaware of her motives... but she does get discounted badges with her employee discount.

Intimate friends: Florana Summerbee, Aumellia Goldborough, Alice [REDACTED], Heather Mason, Gloria Gains, Matthias Herdorum, Penny Warwick

Close friends: Adrian Cross, Artie Black, James Page, Euphemia, Haitham Monctroix, Faolán O'Dwyer, Matthew Russel, Ava Boyd

Secretly adores and is waiting for an opening: Camille Frivolle, My Appletrundle, Margaret Megamelons, Faolan O'dwyer, Amelia Tillmann, Artorias Black, Cora Enright, Zachariah Haines, Alan Anderson, Elizabeth Walsh, Niamh Campbell, Penthesilia Parley, Miranda Maygrove, Credic Knox, Yennefer Hallow, Nora Edwards, Atrocius Nefaris, Jacob Wellman, Elsie Evernasti, Maddison Caldwell, Evalyn Halliwell, Evalyn Wong, Flavius Maxentius, Hannah Hare, Logren Wight, ROUT, Samantha Harpis, Homer San

Honourable mentions (pour one out): Jihon Yeou, Hallow Grimm, Alistair Redfield, Octavia "Goblin Gabby" Blackwood, Bart Kun


In terms of her physical appearence her French heritage is reflected in her face quite well, with larger and almost brighter eyes than most and a complexion meeting somewhere between ivory and olive depending on the light. However, her height works against her visibility and she typically measures well below that of anyone around her.

Of all her physical factors the one that will most likely draw attention from those around her is ultimately her bold and foreign fashion sense. Her attire is usually provocative or unconventional in some sense at least by British standards as she isn't afraid of form fitting clothing nor shorter skirts and footwear which is most likely considered impractical for highland lifestyle.

Her signature pink beret however, may also draw attention.


Despite her shy personality she's desperate to make meaningful connections with those around her, though... this tends to be mostly a fruitless endeavor with few people having the tolerance, patience or interest in entertaining a foreigner. Especially one with so much proverbial baggage and innumerable social obstacles in their way.

Ioni will often invent reasons to engage strangers (e.g. playing wizard chess, exploding snap, gobstones or simply asking questions she might already know the answers to) in the hope it might lead to friendship but she draws the line at bad faith actors and bullies.
In general as an outsider she's probably more likely to interact with other outsiders and is especially drawn to foreigners (or at least what she perceives to be foreign looking) who might be in a similar position but also won't discriminate against anyone knowingly.


⦁ She has a conversational habit of speaking in third person when referring to herself due to her fledgling understanding of English.
⦁ Peculiar hand gestures & vocalisations.
⦁ Obsessive toe walking when not in shoes.
⦁ Singing and dancing when no-one is looking.
⦁ Mixing her own fragrances from oils.
⦁ Knitting and stitching (surprisingly decent) stuffed toys.
⦁ Doodling and jotting observations in her diary.
⦁ Fear of heights.
⦁ Fear of water.
⦁ Alcoholism (expect unpredictable behaviour including flirting and fighting words).
⦁ Habitual chest padder (old habits die hard).

Things Ioni wouldn't do:
⦁ Use public restrooms with people present.
⦁ Employ physical violence.
⦁ Enter large bodies of water (in particular lakes and the sea).
⦁ Climb great heights (ladder height or more).


Ioni has an affinity for animals and magical beasts alike and while she doesn't care for any magical beasts personally (yet) she does have a family Rottweiler back home. Her favourite magical beast is probably a tie between Puffskeins and Mooncalves with her favourite non-magical animals being dogs (by virtue of owning one), rats and opossums.

She seems to be very receptive of practically any animal/magical beast and perhaps rather unusually; her affection is almost always reciprocated.

She is not an animagus nor metamorphmagus (perhaps one day).

|Misc: WIP

Writing Hooks:

  • Ioni frequents the Hog's Head Inn (and may or may not be drunk).
  • Ioni is a cheerleader for the tunnel sneks.
  • Ioni is a third wheel and doesn't like being left alone; she WILL try to follow frens.
Edit Report
Pub: 16 Apr 2023 20:57 UTC
Edit: 20 Apr 2023 19:54 UTC
Views: 672