Adrian Cross

Adrian Cross

Name: Adrian Cross, often nicknamed "Addie".
Face: Usually looks friendly, will smile at anyone he recognizes or if they do the same. Rather soft features.
Hair: Blonde, pretty thick! Good for a tussle or pulling on, has been shoulder-length for a long time but recently cut it shorter and more neat. Matches the recent pictures of him (like the one attached above).
Eyes: Light blue bordering grey.
Height 172cm (although he has noticed clothes feeling a bit smaller, so not done growing quite yet! Definitely not a cope..).
Bodytype: Ottermode, bit on the scrawny side though and not very heavy. Could probably be picked up fairly easily.
Complexion: Pale, no scars, but does have some moles and is easy to colour in a blush. This often makes it look like he's running a fever.
Uniform variation: Usually a white shirt with black/green tie and trousers of darker colour, with the normal Slytherin robes over that unless it's a more casual setting where he'd be in his jumpers (as seen during cheerleader practice).
Misc: N/A

Voice: Calm, well-spoken with a bit of an upper class flair. Will sometimes stumble over a word if he's feeling compromised.
Body language: Depends on who he's talking to, if he's embarrassed he'll probably break eyecontact frequently, but usually he's quite easy-going even with new people. Keeps a healthy posture.
Social: Dating Cora Enright. He likes and tries to get along with everyone in the Slytherin Quidditch team, as well as the Fitness Club Gravitates towards fellow Slytherin in general but still has people he considers friends in the three other Houses. Teachers have been mildly concerned about his irregular class attendance until recently.
Visibility: Usually hangs back and observes.
Engagement: Quite likely to approach someone if he knows them, or if they look a bit lonely. He understands that pain. Otherwise he keeps to himself.
Quirks: Can get surprisingly firm and demanding depending on circumstance. Like if he feels he or someone he cares for is threatened. Often rubs the back of his head when feeling embarrassed over something.
Things your character wouldn't do: Probably wouldn't speak his mind if he knew people would think less of him for it, too worried he'll end up alone. Only exception would be to someone he trusts implicitly. Wouldn't intetionally jeopardize a friendship/relationship if he can help it.
Animals: Overall quite apathetic to them unless circumstance encourages otherwise. Does love Hippogriffs however! Wants it to be his Animagus if he ever mastered that ability.

Writing hooks:

  • Will often be wandering the outside of the castle later in the evenings, especially on clear nights. Enjoys the solitude and quiet.
  • Has recently been set down a path towards the Dark Arts and finds himself unable to make sense of it all, will sometimes lose focus and seem a bit distant. Only Matthias knows of this for now but anyone who goes to the Forbidden Forest and the surrounding area will have a chance of spotting Adrian there occasionally. Dressed in heavy robes and an Oni mask.
  • Awful at flying, but loves Quidditch and his team, will do anything he can to ensure he goes to every match and practice session.
  • Will occasionally help Heather stand in at the Hog's Head Tavern as a helper/barkeep.

Student Profile

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Pub: 10 Apr 2023 17:38 UTC
Edit: 17 May 2023 19:05 UTC
Views: 601