Name: Madison Rout
Face: Thick eyebrows and thin lips. Lots of contrast with fair skin, maybe it works together
Hair: Is it wavy? Is it curly? Who the hell knows, it's shoulder length though! Many a comb have been lost in the line of duty, only they and God knew the truth, now only God knows. Rumors says that one has lived, but not to tell the tale, as it now lives as a hermit.
Eyes: Hazel
Height: I insist that I was tall growing up and that I'm still tall now, but it's below average by most accounts in the menagerie of Hogwarts Students from London
Bodytype: B? Thin, and I walk weird because my ankles are messed up so I walk kind of like mewtwo or on the inside part of my feet
Complexion: Moles/dark spots on arms, light skin otherwise. I don't like the asymmetry they add, and they don't add enough contrast to make them aesthetically uneven. No one else notices
Uniform variation: I take my arms out of the robe sleeves and try to push them over my shoulders to make it like a cape. Sometimes it falls off my shoulders and instead just looks dumb or like I don't have arms because of the limp noodle sleeves hanging by the side.
Misc: Did winged tips exist in 1893? They do now

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Voice: Speed up slowly while talking a lot, and I get accused of mumbling a lot because of it. I think that they just aren't good at listening at the right pace
Body language: Talks a lot with my hands, for directions, size, emphasis. Been doing it so long that it's a sort of second language, some of the gestures only link up to words in such a way that makes sense to people who have been around me long enough and myself
Social: I consider most all people to be my friend, but I'm terrible with names. If you've ever been in a store heard someone say "Hey, [your name]!" and turned and waved before knowing who said it, and not really knowing who said it afterwards because you didnt know where it came from, that's a common occurrence. Of course (You) the reader are one of my closer friends, are you free this weekend to hang out?
Visibility: Tries to push the dresscode when possible, but is really terrible at knowing where the line is. Wants to have unique fashion but in practice thinks most things are too tacky or gauche on myself even if I'd like it on others, so I wear simple clothes.
Engagement: I find talking in groups way easier than 1 on 1s, with groups you can play off of eachother's talking or hang back if you have nothing to say. One on ones are harder for that. I don't think there's any such thing as an awkward silence though, silences are okay.
Quirks: I forget to take breaths when I dont know how long a sentence is going to be so I sometimes have to gasp or take deep breaths mid conversation. Typing in run-on sentences isn't bad english, it's just stream of consciousness how I think.
Things your character wouldn't do: Nothing
Animals: Love animals but but can barely tell them apart. There are four species; lizard, fluffy, frog, and bug. Those are the only ways to group them, and any in a group are interchangable.
Misc information that might be useful: I have a jar of sand that (is supposed to) has a bit of dirt or sand from all different students from their hometowns beaches. Most of them probably just grabbed a bit of dirt from the quidditch field and lied, but I don't know that.
Also partially blind in left eye. Iunno how that's supposed to tie into anything, but just fun fact.


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Pub: 13 Apr 2023 03:41 UTC
Views: 504