Name: Aumellia Goldborough, sometimes nicknamed "Mel" or "Mellie"
Face: Sharp, feminine features, marred only by a small scar running along her right eyebrow. Lips usually curled into a confident smirk that doesn't quite make the jump into looking smug.
Hair: Long hair, coloured dirty blonde, styled into a purposefully messy bun, in a mostly successful attempt at sporting stylish bed head.
Eyes: Hazel.
Height: Fairly tall at 176cm.
Bodytype: Athletic, with well-toned muscles brought forth thanks to her time with the Slytherin Quidditch team and the Fitness Club, though her feminine curves still shine through, as does her reasonably plump bust.
Complexion: Pale skin marked by a few small moles, two on her left cheek and another near her left eye. There is a pleasant natural pinkness to her lips.
Uniform variation: Wears a gold-trimmed Slytherin robe along with a standard school uniform underneath along with a green vest. A Slytherin scarf is added to her uniform during the chillier months, and she discards both her robe and vest during the warmer months.
Misc: Visible abs.
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Voice: Her voice is confident and firm, with proper volume control depending on her surroundings and circumstances. Keen ears might notice that her posh Londoner accent leaves something to be desired in authenticity, and when angry or otherwise agitated, her peasant roots make themselves known with how her accent vanishes and swearing becomes much more common in her vocabulary.
Body language: There's an aura of relaxed self-confidence about the way Aumellia carries herself. Surprisingly casual and laid-back while keeping proper posture. As if she had all the time in the world to do whatever it is that needed doing.
Social: As a member of the Slytherin Quidditch team and of various clubs, Aumellia is well-known across school, for good or ill. The ill coming mostly from students from other Houses angry that she's so good at keeping the Quaffle away from them. Despite that, she holds no ill-will towards students from other Houses, and outside of the occasional competition, she's cordial, if not outright friendly towards them. She has a softer spot towards the Badgers, with most of her non-Slytherin friends coming from Hufflepuff.
Visibility: She knows how to make herself known and how to make herself invisible in a crowd. Though she finds the latter much easier when surrounded by other Slytherins.
Engagement: While idle chit-chat isn't a priority for her, she's happy to engage in conversation with anyone who approaches her, though she's quick to excuse herself if the conversation proves dull or she is simply not in the mood for such things, the witch valuing her alone time as well.
Things your character wouldn't do: Screw over or harm someone who didn't have it coming to them. Bully or harm younger students. Be needlessly cruel to House Elves.
Animals: Aumellia likes animals just fine. Will often pet the errant cat or Niffler that roam around the school grounds, though most of her affection is reserved for her own pet cat, Scarface. Detests the idea of killing animals simply for sport rather than self-defense or sustenance.
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Writing hooks:
-Accomplished potioneer, referred by Professor Sharp as a "prodigy" more than once.
-Runs a small, clandestine potion operation where she sells potions that are prohibited inside campus to students with the Galleons to spare.
-Can often be seen travelling the Highlands searching for ingredients for her potions.
-Keeps her Muggleborn heritage a secret as best she can. The slips in her posh accent and the copious amounts of coin she exchanges for Muggle money at Gringotts to then send back to London being the biggest giveaways.
-Often goes on longer expeditions outside of the Highlands during school holidays/long weekends, often coming back beaten and bruised but triumphant.