Florana Summerbee

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Name: Florana Summerbee

Face: Round face; almost always a smile on her lips; small "boopable" nose.

Hair: Chocolate brown hair, loosely tied into a bun. If opened wavy, hanging slightly over the shoulders.

Eyes: Emerald green

Height: 164cm/~5,4

Bodytype: A healthy bodyweight but with a little bit of belly visible (not through clothes)

Complexion: Freckled face and some on her shoulders, rosey cheeks.

Uniform variation: White, long sleeve shirt grey checked vest with a Hufflepuff emblem; yellow Hufflepuff tie; light brown skirt; grey thigh high socks and brown mary janes. When in Hogwarts she also wears the default robe of her house.

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Voice: Soft, flowery and soothing voice. Even if she is angry she cant sound mad.

Body language: Mostly reserved, arms held in front of her and is keeping her distance but she is very welcoming and always ready for a hug when she sees someone she likes.

Social: She likes everyone who is nice to her and many appreciate her coloring of the amazing drawings Matthias Herdorum does which made them a great team. Florana is mostly seen in company with her girlfriend Ioni "Puffskein" Lacroix, joking, being romantic or just enjoying their time together. What started with shy flirting on both sides ended in a strong bond between these two lovebirds. Florana is called by her as "Fleur'ana" or "Tarte aux cerises". Two names she can't hear enough out of her mouth.
With time, especially through Quidditch, Florana developed a friendly rivalry with Aumellia Goldsborough which can get wild on the field, but fun and respectful outside the game. Speaking of quidditch, she is one of the chasers for her team so she connects with them too, mostly with the captain Ava Boyd, who is also member of the fitclub and her friend Gloria Gains for whom Florana wishes nothing more than happiness and contentment.
At evenings, Florana often visits the Hog's Head to drink one or two butterbeers, served by her friend and barmaid Heather Mason and regualry shares it with her drinking buddy Matthew Russel. (For some reason she often feels a bit dizzy afterwards)
Outside of school, you can often see Alice ______ tries to sell her something, always unsuccessful and sometimes Florana even gets something for free. And then there's Penny. Florana often helps her to watch after her belongings when she's on an adventure but recently she also want her to come with her on an tour to study new creatures.

Visibility: Because she often wears the regular school uniform, she blends in very good. She also often gets confused with her Hufflepuff classmates My and Niamh.

Engagement: She is shy around new people and those with whom she is not very close but very open to her friends. Tries to help everyone who needs it.

Quirks: After mastering the cheering charm, she can't help but secretly cast it on schoolmates who look sad. When she sees them smile afterwards, she's happy to know that she made that person's day at least a little bit better. She is also very easily distracted by flying animals, especially (bumble)bees

Things your character wouldn't do: She would never use unforgivable curses or harm anyone in the first place. Thats why, if she has to fight, she does it stealthy with Petrificus Totalus or within schoolrange she curses bullies with Tarantallegra.

Animals: She loves all kinds of animals and is one of the first to help when someone needs assistance with them. She has a small pet Bowtruckle named "Jim" who she found in a destroyed tree when he was little. She also has a good relationship with Penny's Graphorn Hob-Nob, which she regularly takes care of, when Penny is adventuring.

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Writing hooks

Descendant of Felix Summerbee, the creator of the cheering charm.
Powerfull witch. She just don't shows it.
Has something of a sixth sense to feel other peoples sadness and wants to help them become happy again.
Wants to see every known fantastic beast in person.
Can understand french accent quite well

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Pub: 13 Apr 2023 05:31 UTC
Edit: 13 Apr 2023 19:42 UTC
Views: 566