Euphemia Outfits

Name: Euphemia, called Euphie by friends.
Face: Soft features. Often has a blank expression, particularly when she gets lost deep in thought. Has been told she has 'DSL's but pretends she doesn't know what that means...
Hair: Short blonde hair that reaches just past her chin as in picture.
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'3"
Bodytype: Slim and generally unathletic but with a um... Peach.
Complexion: Pale with freckles on her cheeks and across the bridge of her nose.
Uniform variation: Long black skirt and grey Ravenclaw blazer. Always wears a Ravenclaw scarf, always...
Misc: Wears a lot of the buttons from Alice's shop pinned to her scarf.

• ───────────────── • Voice: Speaks with a quiet voice and a vaguely posh accent. Never swears and always tries to be polite. Sometimes raises her voice if frustrated/passionate about something without noticing how loud she is being and gets embarrassed when she does.
Body language: Tries to make herself seem small, has very little confidence. Fidgets anxiously. Usually struggles to maintain eye contact and will stare over your shoulder. Sometimes stands very close to who she's talking to because she doesn't want other people hearing her voice. Easily embarrassed and blushes a lot.
Social: Despite being shy she is generally liked by most but also doesn't really fit in anywhere in particular. Is on the periphery of several groups whilst never fully being a part of them. Latched onto James (figuratively and literally) as he was friendly to her early on when she was struggling to make friends and she felt comfortable with him. She is also quite close to the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team who have been very supportive of her and made her Captain - she finds the idea of her being in a leadership position somewhat ridiculous but she doesn't want to let the team down so she tries her best. Often gets peer-pressured into joining new clubs. Teachers and staff love her as she does well in almost all classes and doesn't cause any trouble.
Visibility: She tries her best not to stand out, shrinks away behind friends if there's too many people around
Engagement: Very shy. Struggles with being overly self-conscious. Might reach out to people if she thinks they are of a similar mentality to herself.
Quirks: If someone is talking to her about something mundane she often ends up gazing into space as her mind wanders to deeper thoughts... Also stares at people with an intense and mildly uncomfortable gaze, doesn't realise she's doing it.
Things your character wouldn't do: Doesn't like taking big risks, doesn't like hurting people, generally follows the rules and respects authority. She can however be pressured into doing things she wouldn't normally do, as she is a complete push-over.
Animals: Likes animals, especially cats. Doesn't hate spiders, but hates wasps.
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Writing hooks

Prompts that make it easier for writers to come up with situations to write about featuring your character.

Loves a lot of the custom goods that Alice sells.
Is good at Arithmancy and often gets obsessed over certain predictions that she has made from looking at the numbers. Gets in a strop if one of her predictions doesn't come true and has to go back over her calculations to try and find out 'where she went wrong'.
Goes on hikes through the surrounding highlands as she finds being outside in nature calming and allows her to process her thoughts.
Has a favourite spot in a quiet corner of the library near a section of Arithmancy books (they make for dry reading even by her standards so nobody ever comes to get them).
Visibly uncomfortable in crowded, noisy places but especially at a formal social gathering (like the Yule Ball aaaaaaaaah)

Euphemia Profile

Euphemia Aesthetics

Euphemia Combat

Edit Report
Pub: 10 Apr 2023 18:31 UTC
Edit: 19 May 2023 16:54 UTC
Views: 617