Name: Heather Mason
Face: At first glance appears to never get enough sleep (hardly does) or is on the verge of tears (sometimes is). In public, usually has a subtle but smug grin and is prone to emotional outbursts of happiness or anger, depending on the situation. Has confident neutral expression normally. In private, her face is more wistful or dour if she isn't doing anything. Otherwise it tends to just be serious as she focuses on her task.
Hair: Similar to pic, though a bit more shaggy and messy than clean and straight. It's also slightly shorter, cut just a bit above the bottom of her chin. Naturally black haired, transfigures her hair blonde (this is a silly secret she keeps)
Eyes: Hazel colored
Height: Average height compared to other girls in her class (168cm)
Bodytype: Slightly athletic and rectangular, though working the Hog's Head with all those free butterbeers isn't helping. Mostly goes to her round butt (for now) though, and she does have slight curves and a decent bust hidden by her sweaters.
Complexion: CHEEK FRECKLES, and eye bags. Paler white skin that burns easy which happens from time to time given how often she's outside.
Uniform variation: Most of the (cold) year - any sweater pattern with button up shirt and tie, robe with gold fringe, and a short skirt with either tights or thigh high socks. Sometimes rolls up sweater and shirt sleeves.
Around summer - white button up with rolled up sleeves, tie, short skirt and knee high socks.
Throughout the year - Top button of shirt unbuttoned, and tie loosened.
Casual - Sweater and shirt with short skirt and tights/thigh high socks. In winter wears a dark coat and scarf
Work - Wears stripped slightly unbuttoned button up shirt with loosened tie, dark vest and red plaid short skirt with tights and boots.
Misc: Visible abs and muscles when she flexes, though only slightly as butterbeer pudge is starting to come in.
Body language: In public carries herself with confidence. Also has a good posture and a measured gait from working out. Has a slight defensiveness in her posture too, from her time training with her dad. Tends to play with hair, cock her eyebrows and have slightly dramatic hand movements when talking with friends or patrons. Gets very animated when angry. When alone, shows more hesitancy in her movements and her head is more downcast.
Social: (Claims to be) Friends with everyone - at least anyone who comes into the Hog's Head regularly (You degens know who you are). She considers Matthew one of her favorites though, as he almost always comes in and buys out entire stock just to give to the whole bar. Also loves everyone on the Slytherin quidditch team and the fitness club. Business associate with Megamelons and the Cooking Club. If she had to pick a best friend, it would probably be Aumellia, but she's close with most of Slytherin House, especially the cheer squad members whom she hangs out with regularly. Most importantly, is dating Alice. Ioni and Florana tend to be constant companions of Heather's too, especially at the Hog's Head. Also very close with Addie who works with her at the bar. As far as Hogwarts staff goes, she's respected by the teachers in her favorite classes, and hated by Professor Binns (feeling is mutual). Used to be more of a trouble maker and a constant face in detention with Artie, but these days is far too busy to be getting in trouble (much to the relief of her teachers).
Visibility: Is not an attention seeker but does tend to stand out from a crowd. Helps that most people know her face at least from visiting the Hog's Head.
Engagement: Under most circumstances, she won't cold approach students randomly, but she is friendly enough and will seek out friends/acquaintances/people she knows to say hi and catch up. Is very friendly behind the bar and is usually chatting up at least one person sitting at it. Takes a leading role in the cheer squad and helps out Pen a lot with training.
Quirks: Tends to be laid back and playful, even slightly flirty, in most social situations. Is surprisingly empathetic, and likes to keep things humorous and light hearted. Can and will definitely get serious when the situation calls for it, though can also easily lose her cool and explode in anger if provoked enough. Has a lot on her mind, but tries to keep her issues to herself... not always the best at it and can be caught gazing off wistfully or in anxiety. Has a fear of her own reflection, and will avoid mirrors and such when possible... can be seen looking away or moving quickly past anything reflective. Sometimes suffers headaches and mysterious body pains, especially when exposed to or near dark magic that didn't come from her.
Things your character wouldn't do: Avoids any truly reflective surfaces or anything that shows her own reflection when possible. Dislikes casting incendio or other fire based spells unless necessary. She won't say no to a person who to her seems genuinely in need. And she won't just let actual insults or attacks slide easily. She's loyal though and would not go back on her word/promise. Would never actually bully anyone and will stand up for those in need; however not above playful teasing (like with Addie, whom she considers a cute little brother, or especially Alice)
Animals: She loves most animals, though she doesn't go out of her way to care for them. Exception is stray cats in Hogsmead - Heather always leaves out food and drink for them by the back door of the bar during her shifts. The cats are fond of her, even if it's just as a food source; Heather doesn't complain though.
Misc information that might be useful: Is an avid duelist whenever she can take on a challenge. May not have overwhelming magical power, but makes up for it with her athleticism to weave in and out of attacks. Also trained in basic hand to hand combat and the use of swords and improvised weaponry. Due to her origin, has a bit of talent with wandless magic. Owns and knows how to use firearms as well, and when combined with magic enchantments/enhancements, they are deadly (only uses them in seriously dangerous situations). Post incident with Penny, is dealing with revelation of who she is (Alessa) and what that means. Doesn't know it fully yet, but is bearing the seeds of dark magic eldritch entity. Does NOT affect other students, nor does she tell them (unless they willingly get involved in her life like that, example being Penny).
Writing Hooks
- Heather is a part of the fitness club, the Slytherin Cheer Squad, the H.E.G. and owner/main bartender of the Hog's Head.
- When not in class or clubs, she can be found working the bar most nights. On days off, she can be found hanging out with friends, or exploring the Forbidden Forest to practice new (and potentially dangerous) spells.
- Is a friendly and social person, and behind the bar is a stereotypical friendly bartender, always willing to listen and give (in her mind) sage advice. Is also getting more business savvy as she slowly expands that dinky inn, with a few new contracts already in place.
- To perceptive eyes, can see that her social and confident/funny persona is partially a front, and she is deeply troubled; otherwise doesn't show it and won't talk about it.
- Favorite class is transfiguration, loves to practice transformation spells whever possible; hates History of Magic
- Is American and raised by an adoptive muggle father; though adjusted well enough so far as a transfer, she still is clearly fresh off the boat and is still getting used to the finer points of the larger magic world.
- Loves a good challenge, competition or fight and is the source of her (mis)adventurous nature. Somewhat easy to provoke into anger too.
- Is no slouch at combat, and is fully capable of defending herself and others from most threats. Has wide variety of tools at her disposal to do so (see her edglord combat sheet)
- Is secretly dealing with above SH shenanigans. Again not relevant to anyone nor will she willingly tell them, unless they ask or are perceptive enough to pick up on her emotions and push the subject. (ie - this doesn't matter for the most part unless you willingly want your OC to get tangled up in this mess. In which case I'm cool with it, just ask first).