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Niamh's spotify playlist! Feel free to check it out!

Roleplay with an AI version of Niamh with Yodayo's Tavern! You must be logged in to access NSFW content.

Profile theme music for thinking.
Profile theme music for listening.

Can you hear them? That incessant tapping just at the absolute edge of your faculties? The scratches? The whispers? They're always there. Please make them stop. Please. They tell me to do horribles things; to just let them take over. They gnaw away at me in the night and I don't know how much longer I can take it. It hurts. I just want to go home.
- Hastily written scrabble on a piece of paper found in containment cell 315.

Totally Normal Stairwell

Profile Information

Name: Niamh Campbell (Pronounced NEEV)
Face: An outwardly friendly face with a button nose and thin eyebrows.
Hair: She has long hair but it is almost always in a bun or braid.
Eyes: Hazel bordering on gold.
Height: 165cm
Bodytype: Petite but this is most often hidden by layers of thick robes and scarfs.
Complexion: She has two small moles between the left corner of her mouth and chin. She always appears slightly puffy and red in the face as if she is sick or just recently crying.
Uniform variation: When in class she will wear traditional school robes with a Hufflepuff trim along the edges and cuffs. Below the robe she typically wears a white collared shirt, long skirt that matches the robe color, a Hufflepuff striped tie, and utilitarian boots. Outside of school she will wear an extremely thick striped robe that looks like it has been patched and mended many many times, a hand-knit scarf with the house colors, and knitted finger-less gloves.
Misc: In darkness her eyes appear to disappear into shadow or glow a bright gold. She has large scars around her wrists and ankles from metal shackles.

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Voice: Niamh has a definitive Irish accent however it is faded and crossed with dialect and colloquialisms from other languages and regions; as if she has not been in Ireland for a very long time.
Body language: Niamh has trouble with eye contact and a generally meek demeanor unless she has been drinking or gets excited.
Social: She is in a relationship with Haitham Montcroix of House Slytherin. She enjoys distracting him from his focus on Quidditch and feels safe around him. She is more open and friendly when Haitham is present but will quickly fall back into a guarded persona when he is away. Frequently found inside the Hog's Head Pub alongside friends like Matthew, Mathias, James, and Heather.
Visibility: She will generally meld into the background of any scene fairly easily unless animals are present. (See below)
Engagement: Unless she knows a person well she will not approach them first. However she will go along with almost any invitation or plan she is invited to engage in.
Quirks: Any loud noise she does not cause result in a shudder. She grows visibly uncomfortable any time someone is behind her for an extended period of time. If possible she will always pick a location with something solid behind her. Niamh will also constantly be fiddling with her robes and gloves to ensure her wrists are always covered. Such quirks are less used when Haitham is present. (See above)
Things your character wouldn't do: Unless it is friendly competition she will avoid physical conflict at all costs. She is highly defensive of her house members however if it comes down to yelling she will go along with the other party.
Animals: Niamh is outwardly friendly towards all animals but they all seem to hate her. Actively hissing or growling if she is present.
Misc information that might be useful: She will not outright say anything about her time before Hogwarts but may allude to events in the past. All bets are off on the Quidditch field and she uses it as an outlet for pent up anger and frustration. (So far the record is 16 hits and two knock-outs.)

Niamh's Student Profile
Niamh's Combat Report
Niamh's Yule Ball

Quick Stories (Please ignore this I am still writing this story!)

"Hogwarts" Niamh whispers between the thick bars of the tiny ventilation hole near the ceiling of her cell, "What is that?" She shifts her weight unsteadily on the wobbly wooden desk pushed against the stone wall. The pitiful thing could barely be called a desk; four thin wooden pegs of off-size and  a slab of thick gnarled bark on top that made for an awful writing surface.  Her surroundings were not an improvement;  cold stone on all sides with only a small straw cot to sleep on. Dark, damp, uncomfortable.
"It is a place where all of the great Wizards and Witches go!" the wavering voice on the other side of the bars. "My Ma and Pa would always talk about going there! We should go when they let us out!" Niamh loved hearing the stories from Simon about such magical places but her heart knew they wouldn't be leaving. He was new to the cells, only just have arrived a few months prior. He still had hope.
Edit Report
Pub: 11 Apr 2023 20:53 UTC
Edit: 30 Dec 2023 06:18 UTC
Views: 728