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Name: Evalyn Halliwell. Prefers to go by "Eva" or her first name and last initial. Her family name (matrilineal) is well recognized, but she has a less than pleasant relationship with that side of the family (with the exception of her mother) and would much rather avoid talking about it.
Face: Slightly elongated facial shape with features on the softer side, and light freckles on her cheeks and nose. Generally holds a neutral expression, or a slight smile if in a particularly good mood. Doesn't have much of a poker face, and can have a little bit of a little smug/mischievous when teasing someone. Her overall impression at a glance is not necessarily friendly, but approachable enough.
Hair: Shortish, light brown hair which stops just above her shoulders. Pretty soft, with a little bit of volume to it. Likes the idea of long hair but tried it once and found it too much trouble to take care of.
Eyes: Bright, olive green eyes. Can appear more grey or brown depending on lighting conditions.
Height: Slightly on the taller side for girls at 5'6" or 168 cm, but not by enough to stand out in a crowd.
Bodytype: Slim build with slight curves which her clothing choices do not accentuate. Moderate bust and somewhat spindly limbs. Very mildly athletic thanks to her adventuring tendencies, but doesn't do any deliberate exercise beyond the bare minimum required to get the fitness club off her back.
Complexion: Rather pale skin, though not ghostly as she does actually spend a decent amount of time outside. Slight freckles on the cheeks and nose as previously noted.
Uniform variation: Wears a sweater under her uniform robe instead of the standard vest. Rarely takes her uniform outside of the school, both in the interests of keeping it clean and to avoid the long robes getting caught on things. Otherwise, most often seen in a white shirt, pants, and a muted reddish longcoat gifted to her by her father as a going-away present. Almost always wears a lightweight cerulean blue scarf patterned with runic symbols, regardless of weather (she just finds it comfortable).
Misc: Keeps an array of buttons purchased from Alice pinned to her scarf, which leads to her sometimes being mistaken for Euphemia in light of her otherwise similar stature and appearance. The two can convincingly impersonate each other visually, though not conversationally.
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Voice: Literally just Amelia Gething's feMC voice (non-pitch-shifted) from Legacy. It fits well and I can't really think of any changes needed. Generally quite polite and friendly. When angry her tone remains nearly unchanged save for speaking a little bit louder and enunciating her words more clearly, which can be a bit incongruous as she's happy to throw in swears and pointed insults delivered in the same cordial manner.
Body language: Generally maintains a more confident bearing than how she feels internally, but can forget to if caught off guard. Tends to angle herself a little unconsciously when talking to people instead of facing them straight on. Does some hand gestures when speaking, but usually close to her body and not too sweeping. Not the best at eye contact especially when embarrassed, but she tries her best.
Social: Considers most of the students she interacts with to be friends to some degree, especially the other members of the Supply & Demand club, though her closer circle consists of Evalyn Wong, Euphemia, Alice, Haitham Montcroix, and James Page. Thinks well of Margaret Megamelons but rarely speaks to her, as neither party is inclined to initiate conversation. Likes teasing her Ravenclaw housemates a little from time to time especially if she feels it's deserved, but won't go as far as to bully anyone. Generally well-liked by professors on account of her good grades and polite manner, and enjoys chatting with professor Sharp about his time as an auror on occasion. Currently in an intimate relationship with Sebastian Sallow, with whom she was previously close friends.
Visibility: Not too visible thanks to her average stature and generally unremarkable appearance, and she is very okay with that in most situations. Rarely speaks up unless she feels she has something interesting to say or needs to correct someone, but is willing to assert her presence when needed.
Engagement: Pretty friendly by default if approached, but doesn't go out of her way to interact with most people unless she has a particular reason. She is generally quite readily willing to lend a helping hand if asked. If given a reason to initiate conversation (e.g. to ask a question, make a request, or if working together on something) she can usually do so without too much spaghetti-spilling, though she may come across as slightly shy.
Quirks: Often absentmindedly twirls things such as pens and pencils between her fingers. This occasionally extends to her wand, though she is rather mortified at treating such an important item so flippantly and will immediately put it away if she catches herself doing it. Tends to hum to herself softly while working, but not if she is aware of anyone else within earshot. Loves hot drinks of all kinds (particular preference for hot chocolate with mint) and can usually be found sipping one.
Things your character wouldn't do: Will not actually bully anyone or do anything she'd consider malicious. The exception to this is anyone who has firmly cemented themselves as an enemy, particularly if they attempt to harm her friends. Not much of a risk-taker overall, though sufficiently great rewards may tempt her. Very unlikely to turn down knowledge of any sort, regardless of what trouble it might cause.
Animals: Friendly toward animals, though she has no special affinity toward most. Very fond of the owls in the Owlery however and visits them often; usually brings food with her but only hands it out if one of them seems unwell or otherwise in need of special attention (as she can't carry enough to feed them all). Large animals like hippogriffs and graphorns make her a little nervous, though she tries to hide it.
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Writing hooks
- Enjoys singing (sea shanties in particular) and is pretty good at it, but is deeply embarrassed of this fact and doesn't want anyone to know. Instead she frequently sneaks out to the Owlery at night to sing, and leaves a rock enchanted with the Amplifying Charm below so that she can hear if anyone is coming.
- Likes to fly out to remote spots around the valley to read/study, but often gets distracted by any interesting things she might come across (ruins, Merlin trials, pretty landscapes, etc) and ends up exploring instead.
- Active member of the Supply & Demand Club, and co-organizer of the Hogwarts Unofficial Quidditch League as well as being a chaser for the Ravenclaw team.
- Not actively inclined to break rules, but she tends to sort of just casually disregard any that she thinks are stupid and will happily go along with anyone who wants to do something unauthorized as long as they provide a good enough justification. While generally a good judge of risk, this has gotten her into trouble a few times.
- Loves all kinds of esoteric knowledge, whether magical or mundane. Sneaks into the restricted section of the library on a fairly regular basis to pore through old books.
- Experiments with magic a lot and enjoys inventing new spells or recreating archaic ones, with varying degrees of success.
- No combat sheet yet, but in short her combat style favours sneaky sniping and using the the environment to her advantage rather than direct confrontation. Is absolutely willing to open a fight with an Avada Kedavra from stealth, "fairness" be damned.
Fun Facts:
- Her favourite colour is blue-grey, like the colour of slate.
- Likes the idea of being on a ship at sea. Has never been on a ship at sea. Spent a lot of time sitting by the docks when she was young though.
- Her (muggle) father is a watchmaker, and she has a good working knowledge of clockworks and mechanical devices from spending time with him.
- Her mother works at the Ministry, doing important yet rather mundane office work. Though dull, it pays well, which is helpful since her own parents cut her off from the family's wealth.
- Very fond of birds of all kinds. Since coming to Hogwarts, she's become particularly fond of the owls and makes sure to visit them often.
- Generally not a big drinker of alcohol. Favours hot beverages (hot chocolate the most, but coffee and tea as well) and considers the ability to keep a mug hot indefinitely to be one of the biggest perks of being a witch.
- Spent a while studying occlumency and is moderately proficient in it. Doesn't have any particular use for it; she's just really weirded out by the idea of legilimency and doesn't want anyone looking into her head.
- Will read just about anything she can get her hands on, but particularly loves adventure novels and spell books (the older and weirder the better).
- The currant-coloured longcoat she usually wears was a going-away present from her father. It's one of her most treasured posessions, and has been damaged and mended countless times.
- Amortentia to her would smell like a mix of old books, peppermint, freshly fallen rain, and Sebastian.
- She is attempting to learn how to paint, but her attempts so far have been less than impressive.
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