Name: Faolán O'Dwyer
Face: He tries his best to look friendly, a combination of tired looking eyes and facial scars makes him seem more intimidating then he actually intends to be. Though this does lead to the occasional benefit of people finding his features "Strong and rugged" even if he doesn't always agree.
Hair: Naturally pitch black, and a lot wilder than screenshots of him imply. Most of the time his version of styling his hair is to just shake his head vigorously after bathing or to give it a light brushing if he has to go to something important.
Eyes: Very light blue, can be mistaken for closer to silverish if you look at him the right way.
Height: Among the tallest boys in the class. Standing at 191 cm and having to look down at a lot of his fellow students.
Bodytype: Fitness club does not exist for no reason, and while he goes out of his way to wear several layers to hide it, he's certainly got a strong man style body.
Complexion: He has a lot of scars. The ones on his face the most obvious, though it's hard to find part of him from his shoulders down that doesn't have at least some scarring on it. Some of it looks like it was inflicted by a wolf, the vast majority looks like it came from much more unfortunate circumstances.
Uniform variation: When he wears his class uniform, it's an old hand-me-down, a few worn holes in it, the edges fraying and the color having started to fade away, obscuring what house he is in quite often.. Most of the time, he isn't in his class uniform. Choosing a coat and garb that is much more durable for outdoor wear and more appropriately hides a lot of his features. Wrappings along his arms and stitching applied to the old coat. His sunglasses are always on during the day, he says because his eyes are sensitive to light. At night he is more willing to take them off. Most importantly! He is almost never seen without a scarf of some kind wrapped around his neck
Misc: N/A
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Voice: His voice could be described as gravelly or gritty, always sounding like he just woke up. Words being drawn out longer and spoken slower than most as if he's spending the time thinking about every word, pausing frequently within his speech. When he gets worked up or excited he can get louder and speak faster, his irish accent growing thicker during these moments though quickly returning to normal whenever things settle or someone mentions it.
Body language: He stands and walks with confidence most of the time. Passing himself off as happy go lucky and generally being kind to everyone. It's a rare time to find him hunched over or slouching. Such things slowly change the closer it gets to the full moon. He tends to become much more avoidant and won't talk as often, giving short one word or sentence answers if he can get away with it. He tends to maintain eye contact for longer than necessary, if someone is frustrating he'll do the common tactic of staring people down and if they keep doing whatever is annoying him closing the distance between them until it gets uncomfortable for them.
Social: While he is fairly well known across the school, those that he could consider close friends to himself are few and far between. While his affliction is an "open secret" across the school, anyone who talks about it a lot is avoided by him with haste. This doesn't stop him from being friendly with anyone from the newest first years coming to the common room to those who will be leaving when the year ends. A notable list of those he considers close to himself as Eudaemonia Bluemoon and members of Fitness Club, with occasional fondness for those who are more fully aware of his lycanthropy and have stayed friendly to him.
Visibility: He's hard to miss, by size or by voice. He would have to really go out of his way to hide in a crowd.
Engagement: He's likely to approach other students if he has something to talk about, idle chit chat isn't on a list of common things for him to do. The closer it gets to his transformation the more withdrawn he'll become from people due to finding people irritating and not feeling his best.
Quirks: Easiest described as a human shaped Akita. He's much more protective over his friends and those he cares about over himself. Backing down is never really an option.
Things your character wouldn't do: Faolán would never once admit he is a werewolf, living in permanent denial of the fact that the werewolf side of him is actually him. Even if someone saw him transform and confronted him about it he wouldn't agree with them and say that they were mistaken in what they saw. It has grown to the point that his boggart is himself as a werewolf, the truth waiting to be confronted. He will also never take his glasses off during the day, say no when someone really needs help from him, leave a friend in need, or purposefully bring harm to a magical creature if he can avoid it. If it comes down to violence, he will never be the one to throw the first punch. He's well aware of his size and tries his best to be gentle with anyone smaller than himself.
Animals: Very high fondness for creatures, in many ways more so than people. Most tend to like him in return but the ones considered more aggressive tend to have odd and sometimes anxious behavior around him. No pets due to lack of being able to afford caring for them properly.
Misc information that might be useful: He has repeatedly been described as a himbo by some of my friends Nothing that can be thought of.
Link to my Writings:
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