image description

Name: Penelope Catherine Warwick
Face: Pale skinned, with freckles across her cheeks and nose. Face is usually set in a relaxed or happy expression. Open, is a good way to describe it, though she has no problem displaying other moods when she feels like it - she won't normally bother hiding her expressions.
Hair: Copper-red hair usually held in a thick braid that she either lets fall down her back or drape across her chest. WHen out of her braid it falls in loose curls.
Eyes: Bright emerald green eyes (Wears gold-rimmed half-moon spectacles)
Height: Penelope is short, roughly 5'3 (161cm)
Bodytype: Penelope is petite and slender. Almost delicate-looking.
Complexion: Makes use of beauty-potions to keep her freckled skin from gaining unseemly blemishes like pimples. Has three faint scars across her left eye - as though something with claws had raked them down her face - starting at her hairline and falling to about an inch under her eye.
Uniform variation: Wears practical clothing - a white, shift-like shirt, brown leather laced vest, and a short blue jacket, closed across her chest, but also shows her vest and shirt, even when closed. Normally wears black or blue trousers that she tucks into knee-high leather boots. Usually wears a black scarf and a green sash around her waist. Doesn't go anywhere without her enchanted bycocket hat/storage, a single orange feather in the band of the hat. has a pair of black leather gloves for the chilly highland weather.
Misc: Penelope has a strange glowing mark on her pelvis that she refuses to speak on at the moment unless you're already in the know.

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Voice: Has a normal tonal range, but a posh accent from her upper-crust upbringing (An anon in a previous thread mentioned that they thought she might sound like Queen Tyr'ahnee which I kinda like).
Body language: Will speak with her hands when she's excited about something. Can convey entire thought processes with an expression. Cocked eyebrows and subtle smirks are a favorite.
Social: Penelope founded the Hogwarts Expeditionary Guild and was named Guildmistress. She considers all her Guild-Mates her friends and worries for them when they're out on a 'project' without her.
Visibility: With her bright-copper hair and distinctive feathered hat she's relatively easy to spot.
Engagement: Penelope has no trouble talking to people though she might be a little reserved if she knows them to be of a different social group than she is. She'd be more likely to talk openly to friends, H.E.G Guild-Mates, and those she's interacted with previously.
Quirks: Penelope tends to ramble when she's excited - usually about an academic subject (the more rare and esoteric the better) and will lose track of her thoughts as her mind races with possibilities. Has been called a Mad-Scientist before.
Things your character wouldn't do: Use the Unforgivables - or other obnoxiously Dark magic - she considers such a crutch to cover for a lack of real skill in magical combat and has never had trouble defending herself with her preferred fighting styles. She's also uncomfortable when another woman flirts with her.
Animals: Penelope likes magical creatures, but not to the degree of, say, Poppy Sweeting. She'll fight to defend them, and care for them if one ends up under her guardianship. She has a cat that she entered Hogwarts with named Magus, a family Owl (named Archon) her mother purchased after her Hogwarts letter was delivered, a Graphorn that she saved from poachers that she's named Hob-Nob that she keeps alternatively in a specially enchanted armoire or a capsule for quick deployment usually stored in her enchanted hat. She also possesses a Mimic (treasure chest form) that she keeps chained closed in her hidden laboratory, and a Devil's snare that she's been cultivating. Penelope is an animagus, taking the form of a ginger Kneazel with bright green eyes.
Misc information that might be useful: Penelope is a powerful witch, but can be both scatterbrained and hyper-focused. When she 'gets serious' she can, in some subtle way, seem scary somehow - like you don't know what she might do but it's doubtlessly going to be bombastic and dramatic.
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Writing hooks
Penelope is the Guildmistress of the H.E.G and has final say on membership, and 'projects' though she's accepting of most ideas and is keen to explore any and all possibilities and encourages her members to come forward with both.
Penelope is incredibly intelligent, scarily so.
Penelope can go 1 to 100 really quick. From sweet little scholar to murderous combatant.
Penelope is a budding Enchantress keen to invent new artefacts.
Penelope's favorite classes are Charms, Defense, Runes, and Arithmancy - she likes talking the shop of advanced magical theory.
Penelope likes to tutor her peers and is open to do so at almost any time.

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Pub: 13 Apr 2023 05:36 UTC
Views: 519