Mycroft Germaine, Gryffindor

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Name: Mycroft Germaine
Face: An overall angular, slim face, but not without some softness. On expressions and demeanor, see body language.
Hair: Chestnut color, kept in a sidepart.
Eyes: Steady green eyes.
Height: Tall.
Bodytype: Lean and wiry.
Complexion: Nothing of particular note.
Uniform variation: A typical uniform, kept tidy and the sleeves are occasionally rolled up when deep in work.
Prefers to wear the cloak over his shoulders, letting the sleeves dangle.
Misc: None.

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Voice: Pleasant enough voice speaking in a deliberate manner, bearing hints of the Devon accent. Cusses in spotless French when truly upset.
Body language: Prone to speaking with his hands in small gestures, or clasping them together. Usually keeps a slight smile but can otherwise often be mistaken for appearing stern, thanks to furrowed brows. Rarely slouched over. Has a faraway look in his eyes when in deep introspection, purses his lips while doing the same. Also likes to look over the rim of his half-moon spectacles, head tilted slightly forward when regarding someone he's speaking to.
Social: Few, far from being secretive, he remains more to himself unless rattled out of his head by others. Amicable to teachers, though detention has been given for an adventurous disregard of school rules before.
Visibility: Not more or less than most other students.
Engagement: Likely. Despite appearing more of a private loner, he's intrigued by his fellow students and perhaps in the way he can help them.
Quirks: Rolls his wand between his hands idly. Organizes anything of interest to him (from school work to news and other things) in a worryingly growing "Zettelkasten" system. Loves food, considers it a regular necessity to sneak into the kitchens for a second breakfast or the like, but still finds a way to remain as almost gaunt as he is.
Animals: Rather neutral toward most of them, fascination with some of the rarer magical creatures. A definite dog person, as well.
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Writing hooks
Mycroft is a passionate duelist and will rarely turn down a friendly spar.
He spends idle time staving off boredom by cultivating plants, magical and non-magical.
He can be swayed by the thrill of discovery, especially if it requires "out in the field" work.

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Pub: 10 Apr 2023 18:50 UTC
Views: 372