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Name: Ava Boyd
Face: She spends the early morning looking tired or annoyed. Energy picks up around noon then she's got an optimistic attitude and a friendly smile.
Hair: Messy, brown, shoulder length.
Eyes: Green.
Height: 173cm or 5'8".
Bodytype: Athletic. Thin, toned, small breasts.
Complexion: Slightly tanned.
Uniform variation: Skirt with sleeves rolled, tie loosened, and vest unbuttoned. Prefers boots to dress shoes. Typically yellow vest and grey skirt. Basic Hufflepuff robe. Usually wearing several buttons.
Misc: Abs and tan lines.

Voice: Scottish accent that she tries to suppress. Probably talks too loud. Likes to shout when hassling Alice.
Body language: A bit cocky and overconfident. A bit clumsy. Stumbles now and again when walking up stairs in the morning.
Social: Seems to get along with plenty of students now. Captain of a Quidditch team, Prefect, and member of several clubs so is well-known. Dating and loves to be around Amelia Tilmann. Likes to run around the halls with Evalyn Wong on her back. Has had several detentions in the past for hitting bullies and sneaking around at night. Exercises outdoors in the mornings. Hangs around Alice's office in the afternoons. Has a rivalry with Aumellia Goldborough.
Visibility: She's probably recognizable enough and needs to work on her indoor voice.
Engagement: If she sees someone getting picked on she'll intervene. Happy to help the underclassmen with directions around the castle if they look lost. Will loudly chase people around the school trying to get them involved in the Fitness Club.
Quirks: Hates Goblins. Doesn't really try to hide her disdain for them. Short-tempered. Accent gets more Scottish when she's upset.
Things your character wouldn't do: Donate to a Goblin relief fund. Act promiscuously. Bully someone needlessly.
Animals: Likes the furry animals. Hates the furry spiders. Especially fond of Jarvey.
Misc information that might be useful:

  • Passionate about Quidditch. Some say her eyes glow when she talks about it. Loves playing as Beater.
  • Her Patronus is a ferret.
  • Tries to inspire others to be their best. Could probably do a better job at that.
  • Sometimes feels like she's playing a caricature of herself because that's the person people want her to be.
  • Her inflated ego is a mask to hide her low self esteem.
  • Doesn't feel in control of her own life. Feels like things are being gifted to her instead of earned by her own efforts.
  • Never aspired to be Captain. Feels undeserving of it.
  • Doesn't mind losing a Quidditch match but a losing streak makes her consider resigning the title.
  • Struggles to open up and express herself verbally. Can't seem to find the words.
  • Wasn't always happy to be sorted into Hufflepuff but has become very protective of her badgers.
  • Fully aware that her crusade against the bullies led to her becoming one.
  • Not looking forward to summer break. Would try to write everyone but doesn't know what to say and her penmanship is shite anyway.
  • Carries the Prefect pin in her pocket. Has never worn it.
  • Quiet patrols at night give her too much time to think.
  • Enjoys being outdoors and sunbathing.
  • Would like to cook for someone special.
  • Inspired by the people around her and aspires to be a better person because of them.

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Edit Report
Pub: 10 Apr 2023 17:23 UTC
Edit: 23 Aug 2023 20:47 UTC
Views: 640