Worm 3: The Final Wiggle (pw: wormintime)
Golden Age Scenario
No Drop-In. You are part of this world.
Endbringer Target cannot be chosen as a drawback
The Slaughterhouse 9 do not exist in this AU however the relevant drawback can still be chosen. It simply attracts the attention of the most deadly villain group in the AU instead.
No Gifts
No 25 pt powers. However, 20 pt powers via the Conspirator path are allowed.
No Second Trigger Unlimited Shard Works
Villains can choose to create a villain group on par with the 9 (dread conglomerate)
Characters with Worst Day Ever x 3 + Humble Beginnings do not survive the first day
Characters with Worst Day Ever x 2 + Humble Beginnings can survive the first day if they take a superpowered Follower or Budding Shard.
Protectorate Heroes
John Cox CN The Rooster + FOLLOWER Peter Hill CN Speed Freak
->FOLLOWER Jed Steele CN Golden Boy
Nikkita Arete CN Triumph
Bethany Zellenin CN Nemian
Matt H. Cataway CN The Undertaker
Other Heroes
Victor Myers CN Uroboros
->FOLLOWER Carla Jackson CN Pyrrha
The Dread Conglomerate
Dr Charles Carter CN Dr Hurtsteal
The Big Cheese
Ashley Blaketon CN Maw
Mayuri Tomone CN Kyōrinrin
Other Villains
Freya Ward CN Hindsight
Murr Derby CN Murder Bee
Minerva Kim, Hailey Chang, Faith Osborn, Maxine Baker, Edith Lee
->NEMESIS Katie Ingqvist / Fury
Mayuri Tomone CN Kyōrinrin
Kassandra Lettice CN Athena
Alby McCullough CN Villainconvenience
Alexis Miller CN Shinobi
Alexi Liddel CN Vorpal
Rance Rayford CN Hyper Storm
Caspian Cook CN Roachbait
Martin Gigant CN Arsenal King
Oliver Rodriguez
Just Get Therapy Bro (Vorpal)
The Bee's Knees (Murder Bee, Villainconvenience)
Girls Just Want To Have Fun (Assorted Koreans)
Dinner With The Family (Triumph)
Sépulture Inachevée (Undertaker)
Rooster's Teambuilding (The Rooster, Triumph, Undertow, Murder Bee, Undertaker)
Homecoming (Vorpal, Triumph, Uroboros, Pyrrha, Hyperstorm)
Applying for membership in the Dread Conglomerate (Pestilence)
Material Girl (Bitchy Asian Girls)
Casual Combat (Triumph, Arsenal King)
Courtesy Call (Chimera)
Weight of Reality (Triumph, mentions of others)
Southern Charm (Geyser)
Man Made Horrors (Mr. Theseus)
Fresh off the Plane (Kyōrinrin)
Less Than Zero (Bitchy Asian Girls)
The Doctor will see you now (Dr Hurtsteal, Nemian, mention of Edith Lee)
Undertaker Protectorate/Ward Relationship Chart
Rayford's Relationship Chart
Alexi's Relationship Chart