The Bee's Knees

Murder Bee was a man of many talents. His talent that was being used right now was robbing banks.

"BEElieve me, I don't like this as much as you! Now, put the money in the bag."

A couple people screamed as Murder Bee squirted honey on everyone who was in the bank. I mean, he just kept squirting it everywhere. Everyone was just COVERED in his golden goo.

"Wait, ah, crap. I got honey all over the cash. Can't BEElieve this..."

The banker who was getting robbed spoke up.

"Y-you already used "Beelieve"..."
"I'm not that creative, ok?"

Murder Bee left the bank, and the police were already on their way. The security guard was stung by a special "Tranquilizer Bee" and was knocked out, so Murder Bee only had to worry about the police.

Or... so he thought.

"Stahp right dere vellain scoehm! You'll rahb banks no lahnger!"

Some weirdo in a trench coat with the heaviest Irish accent in the world stood before Murder Bee.

"I am Vellaincahnvenience! I'm gahnna give you a right nasty time!"
"I don't BEElieve you, fool! You and what army?"

Suddenly, the Irish man disappeared into thin air, as the winds started getting stronger.

"I don't BEElieve this! He just disappeared right BEEfore my eyes!"

Rain started pouring down, and water started rising.

"Seriously? I just defaced some property... I don't deserve this!"

Murder Bee heard snarls, and he turned around to see a large amount of honey badgers closing in on him.

"W-wait! L-let's... uh... talk about this! W-we don't need to do anything drastic!"

As honey badgers started chasing Murder Bee, he saw some police cars.

"Is that the suspect? And where did all this rain come from?"

The police cars stopped in front of Murder Bee, and the police stepped out to arrest him. Before they could, however, lightning struck a building right next to them. They fired their guns in surprise, striking Murder Bee in the arm, and they also hit some of the honey badgers.


The honey badgers were just about to maul Murder Bee, but the police helped him up and stuck him in the back of the car.

"Jerry, you know you're gonna get a pay cut."
"Shut up."
"You shut up too, perp. Where did all this rain come from? Was it you, freak?"

Murder Bee would've told them that he thinks it was an Irish man with a name he didn't remember, but he was crying from the pain.

Suddenly, the hurricane stopped, and the Irish man from earlier appeared in front of the car.

"Ahh, 'ello, ahfficers! I'm glad you caoehght de wee bastard! I 'ahpe 'e gets de time in de slammer 'e deserves!"
"Stop right there! You're coming with us!"
"Ahh, I dahn't dink dat's gahnna 'appen. Enjahy de incahnvenience!"

The Irish man disappeared once again, and it started snowing around the area. Not only that, but the snow was growing heavier.

"So this guy has weather powers or something!? Let's get outta here!"

As the police car went barreling down the road, a moose jumped in front of the car.

And that was the last thing Murder Bee remembered.

"Hey, I think he's finally starting to wake up!"

Murder Bee woke up in what appeared to be a prison cell. It was a lot dirtier and dingier than what he would expect. There was some hippies in the cell next to him.

"Woah, freaky bee dude! You were out for a while!"
"Where... where am I?"
"Oh, I think we're gonna be... cooked and eaten, I say."

An Asian man appeared from behind a curtain, and he laughed to himself.

"愚蠢的美国人 ! 今天菜单上的奇怪蜜蜂人和臭流浪汉 !"

As the man left, Murder Bee turned to the hippies next to him.

"What the heck did he just say?"
"I dunno man! But he took Starchild a couple of hours ago, and now it smells like pork, so I think he kidnapped us to sell us!"
"Well... I'm not getting eaten today!"

Murder Bee was trapped in the cage! ...And he didn't really have any way to get out. His abilities were not very good for escaping. He would have to gamble, and try and use his bee-lazers to escape.

First, he put a barrier around himself. Then, he selected the cage as the target for his lasers. Finally, he let it rip... and then he immediately stopped it, as he would end up hitting the hippies. Despite his name, he wasn't a murderer.

The Asian man heard the few lasers hit the cage, and he entered the room again.

"为什么我听到噪音 ? 就算是我那傻胖的老婆, 也不会发出那么大的声音 !"
"Have a taste of SUMMA THIS!"

Murder Bee used a lightning bolt and fried the man like he did others. Poetic.

"Dang, funky bee dude! You sent him to the astral realm! So, how are we gonna get outta here?"
"I-I don't know."

Murder Bee didn't have anything better to do, so he just went back to sleep. Will Murder Bee ever escape the Chinese Restuarant? Tune in next time to find out!

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Pub: 16 Sep 2023 01:43 UTC
Views: 449