Protectorate/Ward Relationchip Short
The Protectorate
“It’s funny, you never realize how outlandish some people are until you start getting weird yourself. The gang’s sweet, just a little on the stiff side. Big cheers for no mind readers though, am I right? Not that there’s anything slop-shod going on upstairs for me, they’re just… Un-American. That’s all. Leave the psyops to the Russians, we’re more honest over here.”
John Cox (The Rooster)
“See that boy’s- AND I SAY- NOW I SAY, BOY-“
He cuts his stuttered southern drawling for a moment to check who might be around, before continuing more quietly.
“-now that boy needs to loosen up a little. Not good for the heart to be up so early and out so late. Might take him out for a drink with his boy some time, see if he can loosen up.”
Bethany Zellenin (Nemian)
“I’m not too sure how far I trust the little lady… Not on account of the business ends, of course! I ain’t a Red or anything, it’s just the science side that puts me on edge. Didn’t sign up for some yahoo in a lab coat to put me through hoops. But… y’know. It’s not like we heroes have a union if she does decide she wants double shifts from us.”
Nikkita Arete (Triumph)
“It's a bit worrying, anytime I have to team up with her. Swell girl, don't get me wrong- I’d even been to her family’s place once or twice, before all this. It's a swell place, swell people, really. But it's more then a little stressful walking into a fight and knowing I might spend the next 20 minutes playing rodeo clown while she hits her stride.”
He seems about to leave it at that, before bobbing his head for a moment and speaking again.
"She is getting some kind of scholarship for doing this though, right? Some credit hours, at least? The girl gets hit too often and too hard to come out of this empty handed."
“She’s… ey. Don’t look at me like that. Yeah, I know I’m not normal-looking either, but the difference between us is that I only look like a freak. It’s just- come on man. Would you want to sit next to her on a train? How about in a tight, dark little SWAT car, huh?
"On second thought, no. Don’t answer that. I don’t wanna hear it.”
The Ward
“Y’know what’s less funny? Meeting people younger than you and realizing how old you’ve gotten. I keep learning new words that only last a week. Honestly dude, it’s so totally… not cool beans.”
Jennifer King (Blastrix)
“I’m gonna have a talk with her about that costume. A long, loud talk. Swear to God. That…"
He trails off for a moment, considering something.
"Can you still call her a ‘bimbo’ if she’s smarter than you?”
Jed Steele (Golden Boy)
“I’ve heard some folks calling him ‘cockerel’ around town, on account of him being under the Rooster’s wing, y’know? But the word’s not too snappy, so they just shorten it to… y’know. It’s gotta be rough for him in school, is all I’m thinking. Having a fan club chock-full of chicks probably helps make up for it, but still.”