📗 Vesper soundclips & timestamps
Sound clips, video timestamps, & transcriptions of moments from Vesper streams.
Split from main page at https://rentry.org/tempussounds (see for clips from collabs or other boys' streams)
Contains all my clips that I've uploaded so far (there are more I still haven't uploaded yet), plus some clips not done by me (usually from streams I also worked on). Does not include all clips done by other clipper(s).
See below for key & links to other clips not included here:
- = noted/timestamped but not clipped
- = has been clipped (If there's no clip link, either the other anon clipped it or I clipped but haven't uploaded it yet)
- 🎵 Clip = link to mp3 (clipped by me)
- 🎶 Clip = link to mp3 (clipped by Altyumesoundanon)
- ❓ Clip = link to mp3 (clipper unknown)
- (00:00:00) = video timestamp
- Header # ←click whitespace after header text to reveal an anchor to link directly to that section (or use table of contents links)
Quick Navigation: 🏠 Main Tempus clips page 📃 Themed clip groupings 🕒 Upload History
See also:
📗 Vesper clips by Altyume soundanon 🎶
🧤📗 Postgrad clips ⚠️ [PL/RM warning] by me 🎵
- Solo streams
- Aug 01, 2022 【 Project: Zomboid 】 Can Collecting Simulator #holoTEMPUS
- Aug 10, 2022 【 Just Chatting 】 I'm trying to figure out if 0 is an even number
- Aug 12, 2022【 Powerwash Simulator 】 It ain't much, but it's honest work. #holoTEMPUS
- Aug 26, 2022 【 Powerwash Simulator 】 The prone meta is too strong in this game
- Sep 11, 2022 【 MS Paint 】Fan-requested Tempus Memes: Altare day
- Sep 15, 2022 【 Minecraft 】Oh, hello. I didn't see you there. Like what you see?
- Sep 29, 2022 【 Minecraft 】Casual Diamond Farming
- Oct 06, 2022 【 Minecraft 】Just exploring, please teach me more about this game!
- Oct 08, 2022 【 Diablo II 】Hardcore necromancer run!
- Oct 23, 2022 【 Factorio 】THumbnail unrelated, I just thought it was hilarious
- Oct 26, 2022 【 Just Chatting 】That feel when you're trying your best but you're just a little guy
- Nov 10, 2022 【 Just Chatting 】This is Magni. Ves said I could make the stream page and do whatever I want so here
- Nov 13, 2022 【 Just Chatting 】Return zatsudan, let's catch up! What happened while I was gone?
- Nov 17, 2022 【 Just Chatting 】Testing out the new audio interface, come see if it got better!
- Feb 12, 2023 【 BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION 】 Oh... She just like me fr fr
- Feb 13, 2023 【 Art Review 】 Vesper Noir, but this time he's beholding your beautiful birthday creations
- Jun 01, 2023 【 Hitman III: Freelancer 】assassino di propano will strike again
- Jun 04, 2023 【 Project Zomboid 】Multiplayer madness (?)
- Twitter spaces
- Vesper clips from collabs
Solo streams
Aug 01, 2022 【 Project: Zomboid 】 Can Collecting Simulator #holoTEMPUS
Aug 10, 2022 【 Just Chatting 】 I'm trying to figure out if 0 is an even number
- Ves bullied by SCs 🎵 Compilation of flustered voice clips (includes following lines):
- "Oh no... Nonono, it's fine." +
- "Oh my God..." [sniff] +
- "PLEASE, I beg you, please—! Nonono, we're good, we're good! ...Oh no..." +
- "Please stop!" [sniff] "Please, I'm begging you, please stop! [laugh] "Please...!" +
- "Just stop. Just...just...just stop" +
- [deep breath] [strained] "OK... Oh my God..." [swallow + breath catch] "I've made a huge mistake..." [shaky breath] +
- [deep sigh/moan]
Aug 12, 2022【 Powerwash Simulator 】 It ain't much, but it's honest work. #holoTEMPUS
Aug 26, 2022 【 Powerwash Simulator 】 The prone meta is too strong in this game
🎶Clips from this stream posted by other anon → #31780487
- 0:11:02 🎶 Clip 1 (full) "Filthy rocks! You disgust me!" [spits]
- 0:11:04 🎶 Clip 2 (short) "You disgust me!" [spits]
- 1:20:33 🎶 Clip "MWAH! Job well done."
- 1:20:35 🎶 Clip "Are you ready?" (x2) "MWAH!"
- 2:42:20 🎶 Clip "Filthy. Disgusting. You disgust me, eugh! Get outta here!" [spits]
- 3:15:45 🎶 Clip "Listen, baby...I made a mistake...c'mon, c'mon"
- 3:30:42 🎶 Clip 1 (full) "It's just a kissy noise, right?" [kiss sfx] "There you go."
- 3:30:45 🎵 Clip 2 (short) [kiss sfx] "There you go."
Sep 11, 2022 【 MS Paint 】Fan-requested Tempus Memes: Altare day
- 0:12:19 right there
- 0:16:09 stretchgrunt
- 0:17:52 grumble
- 0:44:03 oh yeah
- 0:46:21 embarrassed grunt
- 1:06:41 way too thicc dammit
- 1:12:54 [sharp inhale, grrr]
- 1:13:10 sussy noises
- 1:22:26 shrimping grunt
- 2:32:23 🎵 Clip "Big, honking...yaoi hands"
- 2:34:37 frustrated growly sigh + now it's too small again + another frustrated sigh
- 2:34:50 embarrassed groans + ok
- 3:18:43 stretching noises
- 3:19:15 ah exhale
Sep 15, 2022 【 Minecraft 】Oh, hello. I didn't see you there. Like what you see?
- 1:42:31 🎵 Clip "This shaft is going where it wants to go"
- 1:46:33 🎵 Clip "Don't worry about it! (Oh my God... It's fine. Just end me, just end me!) It's fine, nah, we're-we're fine"
- 1:47:xx whispered omfg (1:47:09 - 1:47:13) + bunch of embarrassed noises + just wait it out (1:47:45 - 1:49:17) just…. anyways, how's everybody, guys? [awkward laugh] (1:49:38 - 1:49:53.3)
- 2:01:09 🎵 Clip "Look at it...It's so big."
- 2:01:54 🎵 Clip "'Nice shaft, bro,' thank you. Thank you for complimenting the shaft."
- (2:36:53 - 2:40:37) big number good:
- 2:36:53 🎵 Clip "It's gotta have big number because big number better."
- 2:36:57 🎵 Clip "It's gotta have big numbers, like in the thousands and the ten-thousands, 'cause big—'cause big number good!"
- 2:37:11 🎵 Clip "'Bigger number, better person' - exactly!"
- 2:38:10 🎵 Clip "It's like, ohh, big number good! Me caveman, me like big number!" [laughs] "Good number, good number, me like big number!"
- 2:40:26 🎵 Clip "Big number good. Big number make me feel warm and fuzzy inside."
- 2:43:13 🎵 Clip "Sending superchat to give
funny braintea man funny brain chemical" - 3:51:54 pain in the ass tower-climbing groaning noises (I hate this, plz end my suffering, etc.)
- 4:40:04 pretty good, huh? [grunt]
- 4:03:10 🎵 Clip "Just the way I want it. I want to be able to observe but not be observed. To me that's..." [chuckles under breath] "It makes me sound like a pervert, hold on a second..."
- 5:57:20 🎵 Clip "Oh, fuck me! Ohhh, fuck! Oh, fuck!"
Sep 29, 2022 【 Minecraft 】Casual Diamond Farming
- (09:51 - 09:54) 🎵 Clip [sigh/moan]
- (10:56 - 11:17) 🎵 Clip 1 (includes both lines) 🎵 Clip 2 (only 1st line)
(10:56 - 11:08) "'You're a masochist?' Well that's besides the point. That's not something I'm gonna talk about" [laughs]
(11:11 - 11:17) "What I do with my bicycle is none of your business!" [laughs] - (17:37 - 17:41) 🎵 Clip "Oh, thank God! Finally, some good food!"
- 36:30 🎵 Clip "That's the horny one, right? Yeah, that's definitely Dez." [laughs]
- 37:06 "He's already a babygirl"
Oct 06, 2022 【 Minecraft 】Just exploring, please teach me more about this game!
- 0:45:33 [assertively] this bed is mine
- 0:45:44 this bed is also mine
- 0:45:56 this is mine as well
- 0:46:11 this is mine
- 04:6:40 don't mind if i do~
- 0:47:08 🎵 Clip 1 (full) / 🎵 Clip 2 (shorter) "Hello?" [gasp] "C'mere" (x7) "You're mine now! You're MINE!!"
- 1:01:49 🎵 Clip squeeing @ taming cat
- 1:03:44 wh-where ya goin'? where ya goin'?
- 1:07:29 are you a genius?
- 1:08:03 if you sting my cat i will KILL YOU
- 🎵 Clip "I will KILL you."
- 1:12:43 LISTEN I need you guys to focus! [clapping/slapping sfx]
- 1:13:08 DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?! [desk slam] / plz don't leave i wasn't yelling at u / i'm sry i'm sry
- 🎵 Clip "Do you under—" [desk slam] "—STAND ME?!"
- 1:13:39 [while sighing] ok, ok
- 1:15:33 shut up everybody u don't understand [screams]
- 1:15:50 what if i hit you / sry i'm not yelling i'm sry / i have faith in our relationship
- 1:17:01 🎵 Clip "Some down bad atrocious behavior"
- 1:17:12 stay away from the hole
- 1:19:15 why does everybody love dez--
- 1:20:07 c'mon i know he's handsome but c'mon
- 1:22:35 my daughter
- 1:45:35 🎵 Clip "He lacks critical information?"
- 1:54:10 🎵 Clip "Hello? Hello, my darling baby girl"
- 1:55:25 sigh
Oct 08, 2022 【 Diablo II 】Hardcore necromancer run!
Oct 23, 2022 【 Factorio 】THumbnail unrelated, I just thought it was hilarious
- 0:19:33 i'm gonna pick you up
- 0:23:36 "It was like that Gundam meme - it was like 'I came here to laugh at you' - they literally, like, jumped into my Twitch stream to laugh at me"
- ~28m woop sound
- ~29m nonono I fucked it omg […] 'pologies everybody
- 0:33:49 🎵 Clip [frustrated growl]
- 0:37:23 🎵 Clip "Get back to work, you bum!"
- ~45m hrmmmm (growly sigh)
- 0:50:59 but if there's a hole there's a way / I'm not axel syrios
- 0:57:50 why aren't you working
- ~59m singsong sigh
- 1:01:45 "'It's time to lube up'?"
- 1:12:07 is there a reason why it's better if it's longer?
- ~75m put the spambot to work in his factory
- 1:18:28 baneposting / you're a big mag / for you / baneposting never gets old
- 1:36:54 frustrated you're in the way you stupid-- / I hate you!
- 1:40:53 🎵 Clip "These three will join in a ménage à trois"
- 2:05:52 🎵 Clip 1 (full) 🎵 Clip 2 (just the noise) [choked noise + feminine "ah!"] "OK. OK. Alright, that's good. Ignore the—Ignore the...noises. Shut up. Ignore the—Just shut—Just shut up! Just shut up. Just-s-s...[laughs] You didn't hear that. You didn't hear it. OK."
- 2:11:56 🎵 Clip 1 (long) 🎵 Clip 2 (short) 🎵 Clip 3 (noises only) "I fucking love this game!" [strained whisper] "I fucking—" [nibbling + "mm" noises] "I love this game! I-I-I fucking love this game!"
- 2:12:07 "Ah, it, like—something about it, it just fires, like, every neuron in my brain!"
- 2:12:17 "This—this hole was made for me!"
- ~2h15m [strained whisper] ahh I always need more cogs
- 2:20:15 🎵 Clip [whiny crying noises] + "No...!" (x3) + [irregular heavy breathing into hands]
- 2:21:28 🎵 Clip 1 (full) 🎵 Clip 2 (scream+cry) "Oh Je—Oh sweet [wheeze laugh]...Jesus Christ!" [scream] "I can't look at it!" [scream + whiny crying noises] "...I can't look at it!"
- 2:21:57 "I wanna die."
- 2:24:15 i can't, i can't, it hurts too much
- 2:26:03 [sigh] so clean, so simple & clean
- 2:31:43 🎵 Clip "Ooh, baby!"
Oct 26, 2022 【 Just Chatting 】That feel when you're trying your best but you're just a little guy
- 0:10:36 dammit! [whimpy sighing noises]
- 0:25:20 happy sigh
- 0:33:28 mmmm mm-mm-mm
- 0:50:24 I can't, plz, I beg you, no
- 1:00:37 embarrassed sigh/moan
- 1:14:42 laugh (x2)
- 1:21:59 so good & so tasty, mm-mm
- 1:22:34 MMMMMM (impression of tiktok vid)
- 1:39:38 🎵 Clip "Aw, shoot, you're gonna—you're gonna make me—" [sharp inhale] "AAAHHH..."
- 1:53:58 5 minutes / but mom i don't wanna go to the dentist c'moooon / i'm streaming, don't embarrass me in front of the vesties / i can't pause a stream
- 1:57:31 SlappingVesper'sButtcheek / you may slap it once
- 1:59:34 ending bit - what if i don't go to the dentist [gremlin laugh] jk
Nov 10, 2022 【 Just Chatting 】This is Magni. Ves said I could make the stream page and do whatever I want so here
- 0:17:37 🎵 Clip "Good boy"
- 0:53:58 🎵 Clip "GOD I wish that was me!"
- 0:56:31 🎵 Clip "I can fix him!"
- 1:11:59 🎵 Clip "I can fix him! Vesties, you don't understand! I can fix him!"
Nov 13, 2022 【 Just Chatting 】Return zatsudan, let's catch up! What happened while I was gone?
- (1:41:50 - 1:41:54) 🎵 Clip [screams into hands] "I'M SO BAD!"
- (1:42:02 - 1:42:05) 🎵 Clip "AGH~! It hurts!"
- (1:42:23 - 1:42:29) 🎵 Clip [sigh] "Agh, the pain!"
Nov 17, 2022 【 Just Chatting 】Testing out the new audio interface, come see if it got better!
- (0:53:50 - 0:53:51) 🎵 Clip [flustered moan]
- (0:53:32 - 0:54:22) 🎵 Compilation Embarrassed Vesper compilation (more snippets of embarrassed Vesper surrounding the flustered moan above). Includes the following snippets:
Feb 12, 2023 【 BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION 】 Oh... She just like me fr fr
- 0:04:16 embarrassed hoh m-- hoboy
- 0:04:30 embarrassed wibbly noises
- 0:07:15 embarrassed noises
- 0:32:43 hohhh…hoboy
- 0:33:06 [low, just above a whisper] don't make any sudden movements but I think she's fucking crazy, dude
- 0:39:28 [embarrassed, breathy] how do you like the weather uh recently
- 0:40:28 why am I so nervous this is just a…what…
- 0:51:29 [leans into mic] we ask the tough questions here ok
- 0:04:16 embarrassed hoh m-- hoboy
Feb 13, 2023 【 Art Review 】 Vesper Noir, but this time he's beholding your beautiful birthday creations
- 0:06:09 groaning noises
- 0:09:27 delectable? [nibbling noises]
- 0:09:40 they love me! / they hate me / they love me
- 0:13:14 sussy aghhn
- 0:16:30 ohh… [sigh]
- 0:17:25 arm sleves / uUuUUuUgh / slurp mm
- 0:23:02 dad noise
- 0:54:52 ves hehehe / dad noise
- 0:06:09 groaning noises
- 0:55:53 ahh~
- 1:47:44 underwear check? underwear check? no underwear.
- 1:57:50 I'll be LARPING as a hummingbird
Jun 01, 2023 【 Hitman III: Freelancer 】assassino di propano will strike again
- 0:11:24 hysterical laughter
- 0:13:06 hooooooboy
- 0:14:34 this seems kind of fucked up but I'm kind of into it
- 0:50:25 is that piss? disgusting
- 1:42:35 oh FUCK me!
- 1:51:59 🎵 Clip 1 (full) 🎵 Clip 2 (1st moan only) 🎵 Clip 3 (2nd moan only)
[breathy] "Oh~ Oh~ Oh, I missed you so much." [kissing noises] - 1:56:33 ooh a meido / looking cute~
- 2:20:48 frustrated growl
- 2:20:09 excited squeal
Jun 04, 2023 【 Project Zomboid 】Multiplayer madness (?)
- 0:34:05 🎵 Clip (denoised) 🎵 Clip (orig) [strained moans]
- 0:34:18 🎵 Clip [weak] "OK"
- 0:35:23 🎵 Clip (denoised) 🎵 Clip (orig) [pained moans]
- 0:35:49 🎵 Clip (denoised) 🎵 Clip (orig) "OK..." [moans/sighs (x2)]
Twitter spaces
Dec 31, 2022 New years zatsu UwU (unarchived) + Post new years zatsu, very legit ignore any doubters
New years zatsu UwU (unarchived)
- "Dad noises":
Post new years zatsu, very legit ignore any doubters
- 0:38:14 🎵 Clip 1 (first nya only) 🎵 Clip 2 (full) [between fits of laughter] "Nya~ Nyaa~ Okaeri nasai goshijin-sama~"
Vesper clips from collabs
See https://rentry.org/tempussounds#multiple-boys & search for 📗
Quick Navigation: 🏠 Main clips page 📃 Themed clip groupings 🕒 Upload History