Nick aggie lore 2023-11-06


@Nick are there any Nick/Amelia secret lore?


  • @linoone Nick and Amelia are originally from a different creative writing project which is absolutely impossible to find online at this point. The characters changed significantly from there, though - they're really only similar 'in name only'.
  • More interestingly, I suppose, earlier drafts of Amelia were significantly more paranoid/slow-to-trust (which makes a certain amount of sense given one or two things in her still-unrevealed-mostly-because-I-haven't-gotten-around-to-writing-anything--for-at-least-eight-months backstory)
  • One of my draft ideas for the Amp Plains was vaguely (extremely so) mongol-inspired with nomadic civilizations due to constantly-shifting mystery dungeons and a now-ancient-history completely-collapsed empire, but that's still vague-canon.
  • Not sure I remember anything from earlier drafts of Nick at the moment.
  • Current iteration Nick was illiterate with regards to the native language when he arrived (but that's not really secret; I think I've said things about it). One of my ideas involved the two of them finding/tracking down a phrasebook/dictionary/translation manual written by a previous human in order to help overcome that.
  • I was also thinking of going into how the ability Flash Fire works (except I misread it, so I'm not sure if it's canon that it works oddly, or if I should just scrap that idea).


that's some pretty cool secret lore!!
what was the writing project?
a fanfic?


@linoone something like that, yeah.


I'd like to write about themes relating to evolution at some point. (My team would probably evolve at some point, but probably far in the future relative to where we are now)


@nick yeah, let us the time to appreciate their cute forms first :>
I wanna still b able 2 hold nick


@nick ninetales can live 1000yrs however Luxray...


@kfc Exactly! And most of the guild doesn't fare much better.
(So how does someone deal with the fact that they're going to outlive almost everyone they know?)

Pub: 06 Nov 2023 07:29 UTC
Edit: 06 Aug 2024 07:35 UTC
Views: 244