Where does everybody's characters draw the line when it comes to hugs?

tybo accepts hugs without asking. i also accept hugs without asking

no line :)
@fern you can hug fern however violently you want!?!?!?!?!
Huggy the fern
hugging fern.....to DEATH
it would not be the first time..

tropius is too large for a real hug. he will remain hug starved for all eternity...
need to find a big gf for tropius...

@umbreon sneasel would hate hugs. booker is nervous about being squished, but he actually likes hugs as long as he trusts the hugger. testa loves hugs and cooper is uncomfortable with hugs

chespin's the one doing the hugging because wooper can't :(
anyways my answer for that is vague
Chespin's acceptance of one would depend on who it was
if someone initiated it he'd probably awkwardly return it and pull away
if someone he was on relatively good terms with was feeling especially shitty, he might actually offer a hug

(Have to ask Nick first, possibly acceptable if so (midly conflicted).
Amelia is fine with them, but has to like the hugger.)

(Gus would decline a hug on principle, so you'd have to do it unannounced. It's not like he'd fight you off.)
@umbreon Gus would attempt to fight you off, but his heart wouldn't be in it

Adrian would fight you off, even though he'd enjoy it

KFC would be very very uncomfortable. Any form of touching that is more friendly than a handshake is out of the question.

Kiyo obviously doesn't like being hugged by people other than Cassie and Bean. But after the hug punishment maybe he'll be better about it. I guess he likes the feeling of hugs more than the idea of it :P And Cassie is the serial hugger who chases people down to give them hugs c: Bean is kinda in the same boat as booker, where he likes em but is worried about getting squished :]

Trop would deny wanting the hug and act like you're strange for asking but he's kinda touched starved and lonely so he'd secretly want to be hugged

Clara would let you hug her, but would not hug back, and probably ask you to get off if you get too clingy
Supposing that you can even hug Smoke in the first place...He would hate you for life for trying

Pub: 26 Dec 2023 05:19 UTC
Edit: 06 Aug 2024 07:36 UTC
Views: 337