KFC aggie lore 2023-11-06


I came up with the torchic that couldnt use fire moves in 2010 right around the time I played BRT


I made an outline to a story that takes place 250yrs in the future from the gathering. I wrote it after getting really baked but as I read it back the next morning I thought it was too sad to make into a story


@KFC was it the world war one?
that one was batshit insane lol I loved it


ah right
was it even more insane than this one?
well, I'm saying it's "insane" although not really, it was just very different
we really need a cloverguild iceberg lol


I always liked the idea of an old guy desperately clinging onto an old past he cant remember as the world slowly falls apart around him
but for this group that is way too dark


I do have a story planed that is set in the future
also I still need to get around to drawing future KFC


I assume he would be a blaziken?


if he evolves, does he get his eye back?


@toge yes. and the scarf is tied around his waste sort of like a belt and the clover badge is the buckle
@toge he loses his hands tho


aura mastery increasing your life span is based on those monks who control their bodies so well they can stay alive while their body mummifies


@KFC KFC should have roasted his master on his deathbed by telling him he sucks at aura

Pub: 06 Nov 2023 08:05 UTC
Edit: 06 Aug 2024 07:36 UTC
Views: 244