/bag/ Newfag Guide

No, it is not too late to play the game. The best time to start is now.
Not just a reroll guide. Rerolling means resetting your account to get a better roll of starting characters.
Scroll to the bottom for my last edit date. This guide is not outdated.

How to tackle the minigame: use the wiki's guide or the rentry guide.

Top Tips (tl;dr)

  • Match colours (e.g. red enemy = use red units)
  • Read the story (it's fun).
  • Rush through normal missions to unlock cafe upgrades and game modes. Don't worry about 3*'ing too much.
  • Splurge your AP. 1 AP = 1 Account XP, so dump stamina to level up. Use it on the current event or rate up event (e.g. 2x normals) if you can. (tip above takes presidence)
  • Take advantage of the school bonuses and use Crowd Control (CC) in Bounty
  • Join a club. There's no clan tryharding or an obligation to talk. Newfags are very welcome.
  • You can pat girls' head (Arona and Ayumu included!)
  • Only roll with a spark after your initial rolls. Don't leave things to chance
  • Take your time. It's a bonsai game, if you're stressing out you're doing something wrong.
  • Do the rotating gamemodes (Total/Grand Assault, Joint Firing Drill, and Final Restriction Release). It's free shit. Free!

Downloading/Setting up the game

JP - Play Store | App Store | QooApp

Global - Play Store | App Store | QooApp

Emulators - LDPlayer | Bluestacks | Mumu | Nox

I personally use my phone, but for certain raids I use Bluestacks for Global and LDPlayer for JP. Feel free to choose whatever emulator you want.

JP is region-locked for payments, follow this guide to bypass the restriction.

If you're using BlueStacks: version Pie 64-Bit is the version without the ads.

If you're using LDPlayer: follow this video to remove ads.

If you're on Linux:

  1. Install waydroid with their bash script
  2. Install libhoudini
  3. Patch libhoudini with this bash script (source) (if you play on global), because the game crashes on launch otherwise
  4. Download Blue Archive

If you are on xorg you need extra steps to start waydroid inside weston first.

You can't choose which server you start on, so if you wish to start somewhere else you'll need a VPN for it. Ctrl + f 'How do servers work? What server am I in' for more.

The only server to avoid would be Korea's server, as raids are much much MUCH more competitive there than any other, leading to a potentially detrimental experience. Otherwise, pick whichever you want and you will be fine.

Make sure to crank up the memory allocation if you're using an emulator.

If you want the game in something like "tablet mode" (which lets you see more of the screen (some visuals are cut off at default resolution)), consider changing your emulator to the resolution 1440x1080.

For comparison:

As an aside: payment options can be dodgy on JP if you want to be a whale depending on your (payment account's) region. These situations are more complicated. Ask about them in the thread.

I saw that the game has a 'censored' version. Am I using it?

The censored version is exclusive to Korea.
There is also a tell on the app icon which one is the censored one.
Look for the T

Game crashes and fixes

This will mostly cover emulator only problems.

If you experience crashes while playing the game, you should fiddle around in the settings menu. Try the following one at a time:

  • Make sure you're playing on the 64-bit instance of your emulator
  • Crank up the CPU/Memory allocation in the emulator settings
  • Lower in-game framerate and quality
  • Switch between software and hardware decoding

You can always switch emulators if nothing works.

I keep getting "Server failed to process request. Returning to title screen.", what do I do?

Certain countries are blocked from playing Blue Archive, hop on a VPN if this applies to you.
You only need a VPN to login the very first time you log in or to buy stuff.

Alternatively you need to reset your network, see this video on how to do that.


The game allows you to reroll your first 10 roll up to 9 times called Precision Recruitment. There's an ingame tutorial for this.
Because Precision Recruitment is a separate system, this means that you're essentially (re)rolling twice when making an account: the first moment on your first 10 roll, the second moment on the actual gacha banner.
Banner = rate up of a specific student, usually a new one. The student that you roll for basically.

For Precision Recruitment: Save your first 10 roll, and Retry until you used all attempts. If you get a better roll save it. Make sure to pick the one you like most at the end!
After Precision Recruitment: Spend all your rolls after the first mission (1-1). After that you can reroll.
Make sure to claim stuff from missions and your mailbox too.

I recommend using all your rolls after 1-1 even if you don't reroll, just so you have something to work with.

BA has sparks, not pity.
Sparks do not carry over between banners.
Ctrl+f 'Is there pity? What's a spark' for more

Your very first roll guarantees a single 3* student from a pool of only the release roster (students released on 2021/02/04) on the 10th roll. You can roll more than 1 3* if you get lucky enough.
no, you can't get Ako on your first 10 roll.
Rolling in 10s guarantees at least one 2* student so it's better to roll in multis.
Generally you roll on the current rate-up banner(s), but you can also use the Regular Recruitment banner.

The Startdash banner is a new account banner that guarantees a 3* (if you buy the ticket with real money). See below for more.

What are good units to roll for?

(Reroll Targets)

Being farmable means you can unlock the student by farming her node(s) for a long period of time. See this section for more.

Or alternatively:
Use the reroll list of the wiki.

You can always ask /bag/ for advice.

What about units who are only blue or gold (1 or 2 star)?

Good 1/2 Star Students
(this is outdated, I'll get to this eventually.)

How do I reroll? (global only)

How to reroll
Menu Tab (top right) > Account > Reset account
For JP the method is outlined here.

It takes like 5-10 minutes to get from the tutorial to this point (I think).

What can I get from the Startdash (the paid ticket)?

You get 1 ten roll, which guarantees a 3* unit of a set pool.
Startdash pool

Should I reroll?

For your waifu? Of course. But besides that?

Rerolling makes the game easier, but the game is pretty easy as is. It's like going from normal difficulty to easy.
I personally didn't reroll and don't recommend it, but I have the advantage of being a day 1 player (and a dolphin that buys the monthlies). The reward for having a fully meta roster is also pretty negligible. You might get 1,5 extra rolls from raids and 6 extra rolls from pvp per month from tryharding, which isn't a lot when you get 100 rolls per month from events/raids/whatever (source (image version)).

That being said, there is a definite advantage to rerolling. Having a noob-stomper like Hibiki or Iroha makes the early phase of the game a lot more manageable, and having a buffer like Ako or Himari makes endgame content (raids) a lot more doable.

Choose for yourself.

Is there pity? What's a spark

There are 2 ways in gacha games to guarantee a banner unit: spark and pity. With a spark you roll X amount of times (200 in BA) before you can redeem a guaranteed copy of the unit. With pity for every roll past Y rolls without getting a highest star unit you get an increased chance to roll one, up to a 100%.

BA has sparks, not pity.
1 spark = 200 rolls = 24,000 gems

You can only spark units currently on banner.
Sparks do not carry over between banners, so whatever Recruitment Points you have left over gets turned into crafting mats when the banner ends.

How many rolls do I get? How often do I get a spark?

You get 12,000 gems (= 100 rolls) on average per month as a f2p (source (image version)), which means it takes 2 months to get a spark. There's a lot of freebies lying around for new accounts though.

What should I do after my initial rolls? When do I roll? Do I roll without a spark?

After your initial rolls, which is the first 10 roll + the rolls after mission 1-1, you want to save up for a spark before rolling.
Do not roll without a spark, because you can get fucked really hard.
After that do whatever. You can follow a banner guide or roll for who you like.
Make sure to always have 1,5 sparks ready for the anniversary banner + free 100 roll banner. They happen roughly every 6 months (late January/early February and late July/early August).

I have X amount of rolls into the banner, but I already rolled the banner unit. Should I keep going?

Play it by ear. It's always nice to save some extra rolls for the future, but as a rule of thumb I'd say above 150 rolls you just keep going.
It depends on whether you like or want the other girl too (if applicable).

I just got a ten roll ticket! Do they expire?

The only tickets that expire are the 3* guarantee ticket you can buy (with real money) during anniversaries and the 10 roll ticket you get from the Grand Raid.
You get a notification if something in your inventory expires soon, and you can see when they expire in your inventory and in the gacha menu.

I have a 10 roll ticket from the Grand raid and a regular ticket, which one is used first?

The one that expires.
If you have 2 tickets that expire it prioritises the one that expires first.

I got the banner unit at my 200th roll. Do I claim her or do I get the other banner unit that I don't have?

Sparking a dupe (copy of already owned unit) gives you 100 elephs (equivalent to 500 eligma) of that unit + 50 eligma. If you don't want the other unit(s) on banner claiming the banner unit is totally fine.
That being said: I strongly recommend claiming an unowned unit. Having a bigger roster gives you more options and some units increase drops during certain events.
They're also your precious students. Don't be an asshole and leave one unclaimed.

For clarity sake: eligma = generic pink currency you can use to buy specific student shards (or elephs).

Is it worth to roll for dupes?

No. Dupes are not essential to upgrade your units like they are in other gacha games.

I want to prepare my rolls ahead of time, is there something like a planner I can use? (very natural question I know)

Read the top right on the first sheet for instruction.

I want both banner units.

Don't claim your spark until you roll 1 of them or hit 400 rolls.

Predicted future banner schedule for Global. Things can change, but this is generally what it should look like

You can also check JP's banner list for all the upcoming banners. Add 6 months to any of the dates and that should be around the time it happens for global.

For the actual guides, use:

Team building

In general your team consists of 1 tank, 1 healer, and damage dealers (DPS).
You want to match the colour of your enemy with your attack type (e.g. red unit good into red mob).

This google doc (image version) tells you what students to prioritise, just go to the 'Teambuilding' sheet (or click on the imgur).

Attack type (colour) > Role (tank/dps) > Environment mood > EX and skill levels > Star level. Iori might be the strongest starter in the game, but mismatching her against red units makes her do 1/4th of her expected damage.
For healers, buffers, and tanks you can ignore their environment mood and attack type.
Always run full teams (6 students).
Supports (role) =/= DPS. They SUPPORT you by bringing CC. They do not deal good damage. Example: Suzumi does not deal good damage, as she is a support (role).

For PvE (normal and hard missions, bounties, commissions) you want AOE units. If you're having trouble with a boss, bring in a strong single target (ST) DPS instead.
At the start you run an evasion tank like Yuuka or Tsubaki, who are the best at tanking damage early on. Eimi is also a solid option thanks to her self-heal EX and very solid early damage. The damage type/colour of your tank matters little, since their job is to tank damage. PvE mobs deal neutral damage, so armour types don't matter either.
After you get access to T4 bags, you can run more orthodox tanks like Hoshino or Haruka (or Tsubaki, because she's still really good).
Serina (1*) is a very good healer. Having a low cost EX heal AND a free heal on her basic skill makes her a really solid option. Striker healers like Koharu, Kokona, Mari (sports), Mari (Idoru), and Rumi are also pretty good.

Put your tank in position 2 or 3, because if you put her on the edges there's a bigger chance your unit on the other side takes aggro.
There are strategies where you put certain units on the edges for better angles, or in the middle for better reach, but that's often times irrelevant. Try out what fits for you.

If you have one, I'd recommend using Tactical Supports. They can carry a lot of the missions by themselves.

Your units have different environmental moods (affinity) depending on the terrain. While this isn't a major concern early on, once you have a big enough roster you can try swapping around some units.

The sub skill of supports (or specialists) don't stack with each other if they have the same description (e.g. double ATK sub skills don't stack). If they are the same, the level of the support in the right slot's sub skill will be used. Not the highest level one.
For raids the strongest support combo is (generally) Cost Recovery + ATK/Crit DMG sub skills. Don't have cost recovery -> use crit DMG + ATK.

This google doc provides a more comprehensive and up-to-date guide to team formations.

What does the leader position do

It shows you her funny leader animation at the start of every battle, her chibi in the overworld, and is the girl that appears on your victory/defeat screen.
That's it.

Is the auto team formation button good?


Match colours, and bring a tank and healer.

Levelling your roster

Post your roster on /bag/, it's faster this way.

Level up whoever you're using at the moment. It's easier to max out 3 students to 3777 (EX/basic/enhanced/sub skill) than 1 student to 5MMM (M = max lvl).
It's best to keep small rosters, so keep things at a 1-team-per-colour scale. You use each team for all content related to their colour.
For example, you use the same 4 characters in your red team for all the red PvE missions, the bounties, and the red raids (Kaiten, Hieronymus, and Greg).
Once you have more resources you can branch out to a wider roster.

You only need 2 healers and tanks at the start, since you need to use at most 2 teams in the missions. Their attack types don't matter either, you only need to use the right DPS.

A good start to every account is upgrading your Serina to 2* (with ligma), she's your best friend early on.

Tier list for every unit in the game (in Japanese (scroll down nigga)). (image version 1, sorted by tier) (image version 2, sorted by tier and school)

Guide for skill targets, and what a good threshold is (e.g. do I 3444 or 5747 this girl?).
Raid unit guide (with skill priority and unit notes)
PvP tier list

While the best units are the ones in a high tier, be aware that BA is a game of niches. Every student has a niche they shine in.

You level up your EX and regular skills based on raids and (to a lesser degree) PvP. You can get by with only levels and equipment in PvE stuff.
You get the biggest impact investing into your DPS. Upgrading your healers or buffers is also good, since you can use them in every damage type/colour. Tanks are generally fine with just levels and gear (specifically the 2nd equipment slot), so you can skimp out on the rest.

Early on you prioritise: Levels > Gear > Skills

If you want to plan ahead with your investments, you can use the /bag/ resource planner (forked from Justin's planner) to see how much you exactly need.
There's also the Korean arona planner that does much of the same.

Seeing your cool stuff
If you want to know how much AP it costs to upgrade a student's gear use this link.

How much ligma/elephs does it cost to raise my student's star level to X?

blue archive wiki eligma
Taken from https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Shop#Eligma_Section

From 3* to 4* it costs 300 eligma.

If you've played other gachas: upgrading their star level does not require you to roll a copy.

What do I do with my student fragments and my eligma?

If you can upgrade a student's star level with their fragments you should.

For the generic eligma you should save them up until you know what the fuck you're doing. You can learn which students are strong from the few links above.
Posting your roster in /bag/ and asking for help is probably faster. Do it.

Can I brick myself levelling up a student (e.g. Priconne)?

No. At most you brick yourself by levelling a bad character.

Can I unequip my items after putting it on someone?

No. lol.

Should I upgrade the equipments on my specials?

Generally you prioritise strikers, but it depends.
For the DPS (e.g. Hibiki, Iroha) upgrading the first item and watch is good.
For healers you only need to upgrade the amulet.
For buffers you can keep everything at tier 1.
For CC you only need to upgrade the amulet, but only if there's a Wakamo hovercraft raid or if you want to do Insane Hod
It's a pain to farm hairpins so don't give these to specials outside of Ako and Himari (you'll use them for almost every raid until EoS).

Specials grant 10% HP and ATK + 5% DEF and Healing to strikers (source). So while it's somewhat useful to max out a special's gear at some point, prioritise the students that are on the field. Unless if it's an exception like Iroha, who can solo carry a mission.

Give me an actual list of girls I should max out

UE40 the anniversary units, Ako, Kisaki, and Himari.

Normal and Hard missions

Puzzle gaming. Look at youtube videos (e.g. "Blue Archive Mission 3-5") or use the wiki if you don't know how to solve a puzzle (lol). For the wiki click on a mission and go to the 'Strategy' section, the solution is there!

Your goal is to go as far as you can in the normal mode for the cafe upgrades. They drop every 3 areas at mission 5 and boost your daily AP recovery (this means 3-5, 6-5, ...). It's fine to 1* a few missions, first time rewards only need the clear.

Don't forget to actually upgrade your cafe and max out the comfort level.
Ranking up the cafe
(press that button if you see an orange dot)
More comfort = more AP/energy.

Recommended levels are a meme for missions, ignore them. You can beat missions 10-20 levels underneath the recommended levels.

You can cancel the special ability of the boss and elite mob with a well-timed CC. This is especially handy against the elite shield mobs, who get damage reduction during their ability (which can cost you precious seconds).
CC in BA

If you have trouble with the boss you can charge your EX bar to 10 the battle before. They carry over between battles.

If you hit a limit with your progression, switch over from normal to hard mode. Keep going until you hit a wall there and switch again. Alternatively, drain your AP for a level-up (1 AP = 1 XP) before trying the same stage again.
You can refresh a specific hard mission, or hard node, once a day for 3 extra sweeps. This is handy during rateup events, though I don't recommend doing this as it costs pyros.
Farming a hard node for equipments is better than its normal counterpart.
Don't ever farm Blu-ray Disks (BDs) in missions, the drop chance (2-5%) is abysmal.

Every stage drops stuff 2 and 3 tiers down of the respective equipment (e.g. farming t5 boots also drop t3 and t2 boots). The lower tier stuff have a lower drop rate however. Additionally, the left item also has a higher drop chance than the other 2 items. Example:
19-1 drop rate
(drop chance for 19-1) ((source))

It's better to farm the equipment on their respective tier instead of trying to farm a higher one. E.g. don't farm t6 watch stages if you're trying to level up a watch from t2 -> t6 . Farm t3, then t4, etc.

(JP only) Once you get to the Blue missions, grab tHasumi from the permanent event. She's a FREE UE50 blue unit, and the stats she gets from the gun helps a lot. Global gets this early August 2025.

Should I sweep my stages?

There is no benefit to manually doing them.

What equipments do I prioritise when I farm?

T4 bag for Tsubaki > T7 badge for Yuuka > Hats/Gloves > Watches > Rest

How many mission areas are there?

26 in Global, 28 in JP.

Go as far as you can in Normal missions, and when you hit a wall switch over to Hard mode and do the same. Stuck on both = time to sweep.

Farmable units

Thanks to hard missions, events, and the raid and pvp shops you're able to unlock and upgrade some of your students (see this for a full list of them).
Unlock and max out every farmable unit's star level. Having more options is a good thing to have in Blue Archive.

For a 3* you need 120 shards to unlock the student. A hard node drops on average 1 shard every day, so it takes 4 months to unlock a student.

What hard nodes should I farm?

hard nodes to farm, wife is elder god tier. be urself though
If you have to choose between farming a student that you own vs someone you don't own thats higher on the list: choose the higher one.
Example: you prioritise farming Iori (unowned) > Chise (owned)

Someone's made a student insight doc, check it out for a more detailed explanation on farmable units.

Should I farm a unit I don't own?

Yes. With enough shards you can redeem her through the student list. The caveat being that it can take several months before you can actually redeem a specific student.

Do I prioritise unlocking all the characters or should I max out the good characters first?

Up to you. There are good arguments for both options, it's very dependant. I personally lean on unlocking -> maxing out the good units first, going from top to bottom.

Should I keep farming a unit I maxed out?


Should I redeem X? Or wait for a spook?

Just be yourself.
It's more efficient waiting for a spook (non banner girl appearing through the gacha), because a dupe only gives you 30 shards if it's a 3*. This effectively means you lose out on 90 shards by redeeming. You also need to consider if you have the mats to upgrade her afterwards.
However, if there's a raid/content you want to clear or want an easier/comfier time it's fine to redeem.
If you think she's cute it's also cool to redeem.

Follow your heart.


Your daily mats farm.

School > Damage type (red) > Environment mood
The bonuses are team-wide, so make sure to bring a good (ST) DPS for the rangers. E.g. Aru and Azusa. Try to find a balance between a functioning comp and the team bonus
Blue units work too.
The black ranger's special skill makes the target receive 50% extra damage, so you could try to cleanse it with someone like Mari.

sIzumi is pretty good for bounties, definitely recommend unlocking her early on from the permanent event archive.

With a well timed CC you can cancel the rangers' special ability, so if you start to get melted make sure to use your CC abilities to cancel their skills!
CC in BA

Always go for the highest tier you can clear. It drops lower tier mats as well, so there's no reason to farm a lower level. (see the wiki for percentages)
You won't lose a ticket if you retreat, so you have infinite retries.

Which bounty area do I sweep?

If you need to ask, distribute your tickets evenly.
You could also do 1 area a day, and rotate through the different areas each day.

What do I get from the Bounty shop?

See the shop section.


Ignore this until you can clear commission H (recommended level 65, but doable way below that), thank you.
Only farm commissions during rate up events if you meet the above.
Reports > credits
You'll run out of reports before you run out of credits. Consider changing your spending habits if the reverse holds true.

Commissions is comprised of two modes: Base Defense and Item Retrieval.
Base Defense is a wave defense against small yellow armored enemies. You want to bring your best AOE yellow students and at least one tank. A useful trick is to use Serina to move your tank further ahead so they take 100% of the aggro from the waves of bots. This also prevents your tank from running behind your team.
sHifumi is surprisingly VERY good here, able to solo carry your run. Regular Hifumi also works as an okay way to stall, giving you much needed breathing room for your tank.
Anyone you'd use for (indoors) Chesed works here. Think about Momoi, Cherino, Iori, Junko, Nonomi, Moe, Tsurugi, Sumire.

Item Retrieval is a single-target blue challenge with a strict time limit. Bring your best ST blues, but ST yellows work fine too if you're lacking good blue students. There is no need to bring a tank or healer to this mode.
Any DPS you'd use for (urban) Shiro & Kuro works here. Think about Izuna, Haruna, Wakamo, sAzusa, Chise, mAris.


The place you get mats to upgrade your Exclusive Weapon (EW)/Unique Equipment (UE).
If you're not sure how to tackle it look at a youtube video. A common tactic uses Serina EX to reposition Tsubaki into their team, preventing most aoe from hitting your backline.
Not worth farming until you clear at the very least B, and even then only once you start hitting 5*s on your students. When you hit ultra lategame you can start skipping out on them, but don't neglect it too much.

Feel free to skip during farmable events.
With the small monthly you reduce the AP cost per ticket by 5, and with the big monthly you reduce it by 10. Buying both means that scrims become free to do.

Total Assault (Raid) & Grand Assault (Raid 2)

Do them when available.

Welcome to the endgame content of BA, your biweekly PREMIER source of BDs, technotes, and elephs.
The first thing you want to do is join a club. The second thing is borrowing the strongest unit for the raid. Congrats you just beat the raid.

Read up on what the boss does and how to tackle it with the raid guide.
Alternatively look up some clears or guides on YouTube. E.g. "Blue Archive Binah Guide".

Do the raid when available. The raids are tiered in difficulties, so look at the recommended level for a difficulty you can do. Unlike in missions, the recommended level really is the level I'd recommend doing the respective difficulty (e.g. if level 51 do Hardcore, where the recommended level is 50). Some raids are harder than others, so it's fine to do a difficulty lower.

Up to Hardcore you can borrow someone's hypercarry who can beat the raid by herself, just build a decent supporting team around her.
Don't try Extreme without a mock battle if you're below the recommended level.
You can do Extreme at level 70, Insane at level 80, and every difficulty above off of vibes. This generally applies to most raids.

If you're an elite raid gamer, it's good practice to set a time you'll stop resetting for a high score and finish the raid. Getting a cool gamer score is not worth losing a ticket over. My advice is 15-20 minutes before the ticket ends.

If you need to change formation in the middle of your raid battle use the Lobby button.

See the shop section for what to buy.

Groggy/stun meters are the small bars underneath the boss' HP bar. If applicable, they only fill up if you use the correct damage type.
E.g. For Binah (yellow) I can use Mika (yellow) to fill the bar and stun the snake, but I can't stun the snake with Aru (red) no matter how much damage she deals.

If you use a ticket before reset, the ticket will still be active after the reset (assuming it's not the final day). You'll lose the 2 tickets from the previous day though, so don't do it last second.

I've also made how2raidba where I link to videos of teams used in the current global raid. It's intended for players that can comfortably do INS or challenge torment, but it might help get you some ideas.

Useful links that aren't english:

https://arona.ai/graph & https://arona.ai/egraph - raid ranking of the JP server (in Korean). Left is Total Assault, right is Grand Assault
https://www.bluearchive-ranking.com/ - statistics of students used in a specific raid (in Japanese)
https://kamigame.jp/bluearchive/page/142954441589444800.html - includes rank ranking of JP server somewhere but I can't navigate moonrune websites so good luck

I forgot if I started a mock battle or a real run, help!

In battle, at the top left of your screen it shows if it's a mock battle. If there isn't a notice: it's a real run.

Should I save my raid coins?

No. There's a limit on every item you can buy, and the shop refreshes before a new raid. Don't be a retard.
You don't lose your coins after a refresh.

In Grand Assault/Elimination Raid I saw that there's a 10 roll ticket, does it expire?

Yes. The ticket expires at the end of next month. So it has a time limit of ~40 days.
Example: the ticket I got from the Grand Raid of February expires on the 31st of March.

If there's a Grand Raid happening, can I borrow more than 1 student?

You get 1 borrow per ticket. This means that if you use another ticket by doing a different 2nd raid you get another borrow.
You can't reuse the same borrowed student on the same day.
Example: If I start a raid, I can borrow my friend Alex's Ako for that ticket. If I then start another raid on the same day I can't borrow my friend Alex's Ako again, but I can borrow my friend Blake's Ako.

I'm lazy, do I lose my ticket if I don't log in/miss the first day of Grand Raids?

No, the tickets stack.
You can save your tickets until the last day and sweep the raid. You still need to clear it at least once, so don't be lazy.

Can I see my past raid rankings?


Joint Firing Drill/Joint Exercise


I usually make an mspaint for teams to use for JFDs in rentry.org/how2raidba, so check that out.

It's commissions but with a unique gimmick. The gimmick changes every time, so no 2 drills are the same.
You can read up on what each of them do in the wiki. or on schaledb.
If you don't know what to do against a gimmick, look at a few videos. If it's ongoing: filter by 1 week upload date and you should be good.

You can borrow students for this challenge, so being in a club is very helpful if you want to get a good score.
There are no rankings (like raids), and higher scores simply give you more coins/credits per clear.

The tickets for Joint Firing Drill (JFD) work differently than the ones for raids. Unlike with raids, you will not waste a ticket by retreating in battle. You'll only waste the ticket if you give up entirely (in the stage menu) or the sixty minute timer on the ticket runs out.
Once you have used up an entire ticket (3 clears), you are able to sweep your remaining tickets.

It's not worth it to hyperinvest into someone for only the JFD. Just take the L, do a lower difficulty, and move on.

If you're feeling lazy you can auto stage 1/2/3.

Look at the shop section if you need advice on what to buy.

Tactical Challenge (PvP)


The goal of PvP is to match your attack type with the enemy's armour type, while mismatching their attack type with your armour type.
Example: you put your Tsubaki against their Shun, while matching your Iori against their Yuuka
Use the following tier list to build your team around.
General advice is to use a double tank setup + Shun, with good supports. Tsubaki and Yuuka are usually your goto for tanks.

You can skip the battle if you don't like to be in pain.
You can target people up to 70% your current rank (rounded down). E.g. Rank 21 guy can target rank 14 guy, but not 13.
The pvp coins claim reset takes place 10 hours after the daily reset, which is why it's better to do your pvp battles AFTER the pvp coin reset. This is because your rewards are dependant on what rank you are at the moment you press the button. Basically do pvp at the same time as your 'login after X' daily mission.
If you find yourself with 3 pvp coins in your mailbox, that's from winning a defence. Good job.
No, you can not turn off the auto button in a pvp battle.

At the end of the pvp season it's common courtesy to change your defence to something bad so that people can claim the rank 1 season gem rewards.
Take advantage of this fact, and change your defence once you're done. Be Kind.
When the new season starts, you can rush for the (season) ranking rewards right after maintenance by refreshing your pvp tickets. Be fast to get to rank 1, because a lot of people will do the same.

Fury of Set (Limit Break/Final Restriction Release)

The monthly tower gamemode. It gives no pyros so no one cares, but it gives free shit which is nice. Make sure to claim what you can, the rewards reset every month!
Read this guide first, it tells you everything you need to know.

general recommended levels for set

https://rentry.org/how2raidba for videos to clears.

IMPORTANT: you don't have to clear the floors 1 by 1. You can just jump ahead to the highest floor of the section.
do not do it one by one.

A quick 101 on what Set does


The place where u buy stuff and rub Sora's forehead.
The only items that rotate are the artifacts in the credit store. Everything else including the student elephs stay the same.
You can see when a shop refreshes on the bottom, they refresh on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.

Normal shop (or credit shop)

Buy out the artifacts/OOParts/funny looking objects in the normal shop at the bottom every single day.
Buy the enhancement stones only if you need them.
Some people say the XP reports are decent to buy in the shop. I think they're hot shit. Feel free to buy them if you want to.

Eligma shops

You max out your wife. After that? You max the alt of your wife (she has an alt right?)
Otherwise bring Serina to 2*, and then you upgrade the strongest units in the game. Generally this means you post your roster in the /bag/ general and ask for help. It's faster that way.
The anni students (beside sHoshino) are mega worth to upgrade here, so buy their shards. sHoshino functions more like a tank/support, so you should upgrade your DPS over her first.

Don't use your eligma for farmable characters if you can, they're quite literally farmable.

Ignore Eligma shop 2.
It has some good stuff in it, but eligma is a really rare resource better used on elephs.
Do not brick yourself and buy the secret note here. Do not.

Raid shop

For me, Hanako is SSS tier. Buy her elephs NOW

Don't get the secret tech note until you actually need it. You use it to bring your regular skills from 9 -> 10, which aren't a bottleneck until you're well into your BA tenure. Besides that you're free to buy whatever you need.
I personally recommend buying stuff for the current and next raid.

  • "idk what to buy, which BDs/technotes do I pick?"

Gehenna/Millennium/Trinity. They're the 3 biggest schools, and they have a lot of meta students. You'll always be needing their mats. Always.

PvP shop

pvp shop tier list
Utaha is the best character in this shop, as her UG makes her a top pvp support and makes her very effective in the Wakamo Hovercraft raid. She requires a lot of investment however, which can be a bit rough as a new player.
Don't buy the reports or credits, they really really suck. You can buy the drinks and farm commissions for a better efficiency
Consider bringing Shizuko to 3* when a Shirokuro raid is approaching. If you're planning for INS+ you'd probably want her maxed or at the very least 5*.

If you ever want to unlock any of the 3*s available that's fine, they're just very very niche. Don't expect them to be good.

In case you didn't realise, you can refresh the pvp shop with pvp coins, NOT with pyros. This way you get to buy out the pvp drinks 4x (also known as pvp refreshing)
How to refresh the shop

Joint Firing Drill/Joint Exercise shop

Elephs > whatever > artifacts

I'll go over every item, just know that this shop is a lot more nuanced. You can pick anything and it'd be decent.

  • Artifacts
    Buy them when you absolutely need to. Even though you can't get these artifacts through bounty, there are a lot of events where you get a decent haul. There's the occasional morsel from raids too. Use https://schaledb.com/item to see who needs what artifact, and buy accordingly.
  • Reports
    The safest option if you don't know what to pick. They're purple, they're FREE*, and you'll always need them. They're REALLY expensive though, so you usually skip them in favour of the other options.
  • Shards
    Tsurugi > Eimi > Sumire.
    Eimi is a solid tank, and Sumire and Tsurugi are both yellow aoe dps frontliners. Unfortunately, there are better alternatives to Eimi, and the only place Sumire and Tsurugi shine in is in (indoors) Chesed as a 2nd or 3rd option.
    I personally prioritise buying them out since elephs are hard to obtain, the shards are nice to have, and because I don't have much need for the other options.
    If you buy them out, eventually you'll no longer need to buy them too. Eventually.
  • Fusion stones
    With the fusion stones you can convert a surplus of a certain type of mat into a different mat in the crafting chamber (the 2nd one). It really helps bridging the gaps in your stash at a decent price.
    I'm personally using the gold ones to convert gifts into the ones I need, but most of the time you won't need these things. They're very handy when you need them, so having a decent stack of them can come in handy. About 100 of each would be my recommendation.
    Once you start limit breaking (a lot of) girls, buy the lower tier ones because holy fucking AIDS WHERE ARE MY ARTIFACTS
  • Secret tech note
    They're okay. If you need them they're handy. I usually buy them, but I'm 3 years into the game.

Mastery Certificate/Expert Permit shop

(After you hit MAX level, 1 AP = 1 Mastery Cert)
expert permit priority
You buy the shards so that you save some ligma.

According to this korean post, the priority is:
Credits > Limited Elephs (that you need) > Pins (if you need) > Eligma > Reports
Everything depends on your needs at the time though, and you can just buy whatever you want.
You can't unlock/redeem limited students through this shop, so don't buy them if you don't have them (or plan to).
The gear blueprints are a godsend though. Everything about this shop is honestly. Thank you, John Nexon.

  • "Can I redeem limited units if I buy their elephs?"


how2read (not to be confused with how to read)

Bounty shop

Every month a new shop, save your stuff for (good) artifacts only. This means non-JFD artifacts.
You can get BDs/technotes from the raid shop, so I strongly recommend not buying them here.
It's fine to skip a shop if you don't need anything from it that month. Try to limit your purchases to t4 artifacts too, since your bounty coin income is about 1600 coins a month as a f2p.

Support shop

We used to have a different system for bounties/scrims, where you got 2 tickets per area instead of the global tickets we have now.
When we got the change you could exchange your old tickets into the current one.
This was done during the 2nd anniversary.
The shop is still here.
I have no fucking idea why.

Crafting Chamber


For an in depth guide on how 2 craft.

Material Synthesis (the normal one)

Radiant (purple mats) >= Blu-ray Disks > Furniture (if not capped yet in cafe) > Flower (gifts) >= Shiny (orange mats) > Rest

Don't do the tier 2 and 3 nodes if you're strapped for mats. If you need to ask if you have enough: you don't. I personally only throw in mats if they have an excess of 200, and only artifacts, BDs, and tech notes

In case it wasn't clear yet: you get furniture to cap the energy generation from your cafe. Yes, you are supposed to craft whenever you have crafting keystone.

Quick crafting sucks massive cock (only 1 preference = bad), but if you're really really lazy do whatever.

Don't use crafting keystones for node 2-3. If you want to go to node 2: use t1-2 mats you don't care about. T3-4 mats you don't care about for node 3. Not crafting keystones.

For the T3 node (only do this if you're a oldfag/whale): Diamond (secret tech note) > Flower > Radiant > Shiny > Abundance (credits) > Mystic (elephs) > The Rest
The only reason to farm t3 nodes at this point is for the gifts, you'll have enough of everything else to spend it on getting here.
You can spin the wheel with the Radiant, Abundance, and Mystic options for more entertaining results. I personally always get assmad doing them, but they are very entertaining.

Material Fusion (the new one)

Trading your garbage away for the freshest sneaks
Do not get the raffle ticket, the choice ticket is the one you want. Raffle tickets give you a random item, if you prefer these seek help.

You can dump excessive mats from useless schools (like Red Winter, Shanghai, Arius, and SRT) into a better one. The useless schools only have 1-2 characters you want to max out anyway. Gaps in your artifact stash can also be helped bridged.

You can also trade your useless furnitures away for a specific one you want, which is pretty neat. If it's worth the purple fusion stone is for you to decide.

You're able to combine your raid statues into a display one, which let's you see your past raid rankings. If you're attached to your gold/plat statues, you can use the bronze statues too.

Misc. info

Feel free to use the speedup tickets, you'll have a billion of them lying around.
There has never been a 2x event on the crafting chamber, so there's no point in saving your keystones.
You do not need purple keystones to craft secret tech notes.


(the story ones, not 2x ones)
Go to https://justin163.com/planner/events
Fill it in, it'll tell you what to do.

Important stuff to know

Always do story mission 1 first, just in case there's a welfare unit.

The highest bonus will be saved, so if you 1* a quest stage with the max bonus then 3* it with a different team, you can sweep the stage and get the highest bonus. This also works vice versa (first 3*, then 1* with max bonus).

Stage 1 drops 20x and 15y.
Team with 100% bonus for x clears stage 1 with 1*
Stage 1 now drops 40x and 15y (1*)
Team with 100% bonus for y clears stage 1 with 1*
Stage 1 now drops 40x and 30y (1*)
Team that's not dogshit clears stage 1 with 3*
Stage 1 now drops 40x and 30y (3*)

You unlock the welfare/free unit by doing the story missions (the very 1st one). Do this before you farm the quest stages.

I can only clear up to stage X. What do I do?

  • Do the story and farm the highest stage tier you can sweep (again, go to https://justin163.com/planner/events)
  • Buy out the high priority stuff from the shop first (Pyroxenes > Ligma/Elephs > Artifacts > BDs > Technotes > whatever > Furniture)
  • Buy from T4 -> T1 (lower priority than the one above)

What you're supposed to do is a case by case scenario though, since some events are pretty shit to farm, or some artifacts and schools are worse than others. In general I'd say: school mats of Trinity/Gehenna/Millenium are good and artifacts that you CAN'T buy in the JFD shop are also good.
You can always ask in the thread on what to do.

Always go for a cafe upgrade before you do event stuff if you can.

Regardless, you're pretty fucked so gl bro

The event features characters from the main story, but I haven't read that part yet. What do I do?

They're usually very minor spoilers, but if you'd rather not get spoiled just do the story missions but skip the story. You get the gem rewards and occassionally a welfare unit too, and you can always read the story later. Go to Story > Replay > Event Story for this.

I have X shards of this event's welfare unit but I can't claim her wtf!

how2get welfare

Aoi event (battleship version)

Use https://schale-inventory-management.terry-u16.net/
Image tutorial of how to use the site (see https://arch.b4k.dev/vg/thread/497612802#p497623343)

How do I read old (and archived) events?

in case you were blind
Clicky this

Hoarding before an event

Generally only do this for 2x Account XP events, 3x campaigns, if the week before it is dead, or if it's a really good farming event

You can save up some extra AP right before an event to splurge on the event. This way every AP you spend is worth several times its normal value, vastly outweighing the small loss you take from missing out on daily regen AP (if you are saving for several days).

If you want a specific guide, use:
how to hoard AP guide
(the old one for preservation sake)

If you don't understand either of these guides hoarding isn't for you. Stop. You're harming yourself.

Bounties/Scrimmages: if and only if (I.F.F.) you buy the monthlies, you can save those extra tickets by not doing your bounties for a fat bonus during rate ups. Be aware that your free daily tickets will go to waste, but the bonus you get outweighs the 6 tickets you lose out on.

Whaling for dummies

pakeji value
Buy out the new player gems first, the numbers are crazy.
If you're planning on being a dolphin, like all gacha games the best value pakejis are the monthly/bimonthly ones. More bounty tickets, making scrimmages AP free, and a good pyro income.

The 1 dollar Serika is nice, but pretty unneeded.

I personally don't like the AP pakeji, but I've seen a lot of people mention positive things about it. It's your choice.

I'm not a big spender so I can't give too much of an opinion on the other packs.

For the anniversary selector: Ako > Himari > Ui > Shun > Kokona > Mine > Cherino/Iroha > Atsuko > rest

I bought the monthly but I forgot when, help!

Open the pakeji shop, it'll tell you how many days you have left.
You also get a notification the moment it expires.

Main story stuff (spoiler free)

Playlist with every story in it: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTpD-lAtY-jDTdS-KXfVpkfbYmCqkK77z&si=gwMoF9AYgseE9wKT

Total earnings from the main story:
total pyros story
Don't read the volume F sheet too closely, it has some spoilers in it.

The canon timeline, also known as the release schedule.
If you find something odd about certain parts of the story you probably missed a small detail from an earlier event.

Main stories:
Volume 1 C1-2 > V2C1 > V3C1-3 > V4C1 > V3C4 > Decagramaton C1 E1-12 > V2C2 > Volume F > V4C2 > V5C1 > V1C3

Including the events (I recommend watching the promotional video before starting the respective event):
PV1 > Volume 1 C1-2 > Izuna event > PV2 > V2C1 > Cherino event > Hina's momotalk (lol) > V3C1-2 > Trinity Summer 1 > Gehenna Summer > Shunny event > Bunny Chasers > Decagrammaton Story 1-2 > Hot Springs event > V3C3 E1-9 > NY Problem Solvers 68 > V3C3 E10-25 > Wakamo Valentine event > Ui event > PV3 > V4C1 > Michiru event > Decagrammaton Story 3-4 > V3C4 E1-10 > Abydos summer > Decagrammaton Story 5-7 > Hyakkiyako summer > V3C4 E11-25 > ASS club event > Sports event part 1 > Sports event part 2 > Decagrammaton Story 8-12 > V2C2 > Christmas nurses > NY Gourmets > Aru's momotalk (lmao) > PV4 > Volume F > Maid gamers > PV4.5 > Rumi event > summer SRT > summer Trinity 2 > Meru event > Trip-trap train > V5C1 (first half) (second half) > Decagrammaton Story 13-16 > Camping hackers > dress Hina event (Hina animation) > PV5 > V1C3 E1 > dress Aru event > Umika event > V1C3 E2-7 > band ASS event > V1C3 E8-27 > Say Bing (PV animation) > V1C3 E28-end > Sheside Outside (PV animation) > Qipao Russian event > Kisaki event > Trinity Idoru event > Decagramaton C2 E1-12 > Pajama event > Millennium EXPO > Decagramaton C2 E13-?? > Juri event

You can also read it by volume.

The Wakamo event is a bit tough, since it features EX challenges from events before it, so it's fine to those stages for later.

You can borrow students for Volume F, which helps a ton. Make sure to join a club for this!

If you're at the Conquest portion of volume F, you only need to follow the "1" to progress the story.

Completing volume F gives you a new login screen, and so does reading the epilogue of Volume 4 chapter 2.

You also obtain a special item from Volume F that gives you 1200 gems. It's a one-time consumable.

Can I change back my login/title/opening screen?

login screen location

WTF I'm stuck in the story help! It's at volume 3 chapter 3 episode 24 (v3 c3 e24)

Example clear, every newbie gets stuck on that. I'd recommend attempting it at level 40-50

What does D.U. mean?

District of Utnapishtim.

Misc. stuff

You can rub people's heads after you unlock their L2Ds. This also counts for NPCs (e.g. Arona, Sora, Rin)
Yes. You really can.

Total newbie pyros

Open this link, it's a lot.
The vol F sheet has spoilers, so take care.


1 AP = 1 XP. Your level is tied to how much AP you spend, so there's no real way to level up faster.

MAX level is reaching the current level cap (90).

Recommended levels

Each level difference grants 2% damage taken/given to both sides (up to 20 levels for a total of 40%).
Example: if I'm up 10 levels above the recommended level my students deal 20% more damage to the enemies while taking 20% less damage, while my enemies take 20% more damage and deal 20% less damage.

This mechanic is a meme for normal and hard missions, but is pretty important for raids.

Relationship levels

The max level is 10 below 3*, 20 at 3-4*, and 100 at 5*.
The wiki's affection calculator is a pretty good resource to calculate your affection with. Make sure to actually scroll down.
There's also the korean version of the calculator, and there's also a spreadsheet that provides a detailed breakdown of how affection works

Maxing out affection/bond/relationship level

Use https://rentry.org/bondarchive (image version)

It's a small guide on maximising your wife's affection level (the autistic minmax way), and it has some neat info as well. I'd recommend skimming through it at least once.


Need a friend or two?
Add a couple of /bag/ bros from the friend google doc.
If you want to help a future newfag or would like to put yourself up there, feel free to add yourself to the spreadsheet by filling out the form. Entries will be automatically removed after 30 days. It's also completely anonymous, so don't worry.
Alternatively, post your friend code (NOT UID) + server in the 4chan /bag/ thread. You can find your friend code in the ID card menu (main screen > top left (your name) > ID card).

If you want to e-stalk someone, you can find out their borrows + affection level by using https://arona.icu/searchFriendDetail (Chinese)
You can even use it to check the exact affection progress of yourself!
no, this is not me. Junko bad.


The title you show in raids/pvp is different than the title you display to your friends.
See this on how to change both.


Any AP that crosses the max limit (999) gets sent to your bank. It expires in 7 days, so make sure to spend it at some point.

You can 3x refresh/recharge/refill your AP for 90 gems a day, which is kind of good. Whether it's worth it is for you to decide. There's a good argument to 3x refresh during 3x events, events with a good welfare to farm, or 2x account XP weekends. It also helps you level up faster, which is a power in itself.
I'd generally suggest not to, because Blue Archive isn't a "grind" game. Most rewards are locked behind events/gamemodes, which means time spent playing the game, and I value gems a lot more as gems = rolling.
It's your choice though.


Max every area, then do whatever. You get access to the better tier BDs/tech notes, more tickets, higher eleph drop chance, and a higher affection gain by maxing an area, so do that ASAP.
You can obtain up to 7 lesson tickets at total area rank 80, so max out all areas. The fastest way to do this is by levelling all of them up one level at a time.
Example: you raise the Schale office by 1, then Schale residence by 1, then Trinity by 1, etc.

For the Schale areas: at rank 10 you unlock receiving choice tickets on top of the regular drops when you're doing your lessons. Pretty neat.
The max rank for an area is 12.
At Lesson Area Level <10 you get 15 relationship points, Level 11 it's 20, and 12 it's 25.
When you get a BONUS, it means that students receives double the affection points.

Normal Missions

The XP your students are supposed to get when you manually farm a node gets converted into a grey activity report while sweeping. At certain breakpoints this gets converted into a higher tier report.
This part I'm a little unsure about, but I think it's every 5 sweeps you get a blue report and every 30 sweeps you get an orange report. So ideally you'd sweep in multiples of 5 or 30.
It's a pretty negligible trick though.

For every level below the recommended level you'll start doing 2% less damage while taking 2% more dmg, up to 20 levels. If you ever wonder why it gets so hard progressing, that's why. This is compared between student and enemy level, not Sensei level.
Very important to keep in mind is that you can ignore the recommended level. Until you actually can't get further, ignore it. Otherwise you block yourself mentally, instead of the game stopping you.

One-time per battle skills can happen once in every battle.
E.g. You're doing 1-4 with Tsubaki, and in 1-4 there are 3 enemies you have to fight. For every fight in 1-4 she can proc her heal once for a total of three times.

Daily and weekly missions

Doing stage 1 of commissions for the daily mission is pretty worth. 20 mastery certificates for the price of 5 AP? That's a steal. Doing the weekly commission is kind of decent (3 orange reports for 75 AP), although I don't do it personally.

The weekly missions reset on Sunday (the reset from Sunday to Monday).

You can save weekly missions for several days during the week, in case you want to claim it on Friday instead of Tuesday (e.g. saving the extra AP to use on 2x hard instead of 2x normals). It doesn't carry over to another week though, so use it before the weekly reset.

It's worth it to do the 20x missions + 3x hard nodes daily, even during 2x commissions.

If you spam tap, you can skip Ayumu's gem dialogue.


If you switch out from the L2D, on (birth/holi)days your assistant gives you a unique dialogue if you tap her.


You can headpat a girl again after 3 hours from the last time you did, giving you 4 opportunities every cafe reset.

There is an increased chance for a specific girl to appear if you have her interactable furniture in your cafe (source). Get to it.

Stacking (de)buffs

You can stack several (de)buffs with the same descriptor/effect, but only if they're in different skill slots.
E.g. I can stack Akane's EX skill DEF down with Maki's basic skill, and sAzusa's sub skill. I can't stack Akane's DEF down with Noa's, Hiyori's, or Mine's DEF down as they are on the same skill slot.
There is some nuance here: sHoshino's ATK buff EX stacks with Himari/Kotama's ATK buff EX for example (because technically the way the buff is applied is different), but generally (de)buffs in the same skill slot don't stack.
For more, see this.


Grab tHasumi (expected early August 2025 in global), sAyane, and sShizuko from the permanent events. They're all really good to have, although you might want to unlock sShizuko and sAyane's 3* with the expert permit shop first. Fubuki is good too at 1*.

Momotalks/relationship story

If you want to read someone's momotalk, you can use https://blue-archive.io/archive for it. It's in Chinese though so use an MTL.


You can have floating images of Yurizono Seia in the /bag/ thread with 1 simple trick! (read the top of the rentry)
also has some other cool /bag/ stuff that Enhances your Experience, like links to the aggie, birthday timers, and countdowns.
I definitely recommend having it.

[redacted] script for /bag/

It works. If you know you know.


Is it too late to play?


When is a good time to start?

The best time to start was yesterday, the second best time to start is right now. This holds true for any bonsai game.
If you're playing the game for a specific girl, I'd still suggest playing now even if she's limited. Better to find out if you like the game now than wait and be disappointed later. You also get more time to farm a spark.

Should I buy an account?

I've seen bought accounts get banned, usually because they're botted. If you're willing to risk losing everything go for it, but otherwise I'd strongly recommend starting fresh.

How grindy is BA?

It follows every gacha formula of having a lot of stuff to do in the first week/month, but after that you just do your dailies and log off. Dailies can take 5-20 minutes.
From my very limited experience playing other gachas (Arknights, Limbuuuuuuus companyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, some old mobile phone games), I'd say it's definitely on the very low side for daily maintenance. The sweep mechanic helps a lot in this regard.

You can 'grind' a bit more trying to get to the latest cafe upgrade, or by trying a raid difficulty that's above (or at) your level. The reward for doing so is nice, but not significant enough to feel bad about skipping it.

Is the game f2p friendly?


You get 12,000 gems (= 100 rolls) on average per month as a f2p (source (image version)), which means it takes 2 months to get a spark (guaranteed copy of banner unit).

PvP, event challenges, and raids (BA's endgame) are also all very accessible. While there are tiered rewards for PvP and raids, the difference in rewards between the top and the average is incredibly negligible.
For reference: the top rank raid reward (plat) only grants 200 more gems (= 1,67 rolls) more than the the average reward (gold).

Why do the girls have halos? What does it do? Why is there a giant halo in the sky? Why do certain girls have certain characteristics of certain gods from mythology? Are the schools based on mythology?

Don't worry about it.

How do you choose your student wife

You don't choose her. She chooses you.
The best way I can describe it is that everything just 'clicks'. You might not find her for months, maybe even years, and that's okay. You'll know when it happens. Yes, I am being cringe.

just b urself.

I'm AP capped! What do I spend it on?

Current story event > 2x/3x rate up > Hard missions > Normal missions > Commissions
Commissions are only worth it during campaign events, and only if you can farm the orange report, which are available at level H+. The credit commissions are decent too, so if you're poor you can sweep them.

I don't have any credits/reports what do I do!

You pretend nothing's wrong and do the same what you're already doing.
You can get pink reports in the Joint Exercise Shop, and you can get reports AND credits from the Mastery Certificate Shop.
You can also buy reports in the normal shop for credits, but I personally think that's bad (opinion).

I just missed the X banner, will she get a rerun?

Students attached to a story event get a rerun, including limited units. Otherwise the chance is pretty slim.
Look at this section for future banners.

If it's a limited unit those seem to get a yearly rerun. Anniversary units can only be rolled during anniversary banners.

I have X amount of gems. Is it enough for Y banner?

Use the pyro planner!!!!!!!!!

I want bunny Asuna (bAsuna), how do I get her?

She's in the permanent pool, so if you want to you can (re)roll for her.
She's also farmable in the grand raid shop.

Should I join a (/bag/) club?

Yes. It's 10 AP daily, an extra source of credits, and it lets you borrow hyper invested students for Total Assault, Joint Exercise, and Conquest.
See https://rentry.org/holdingthebag for /bag/ clubs.

No one cares if you don't use the chat or can't lend out "good" students. You're there as a piggybank for the whales to earn some extra credits.
You passively get money from putting up borrows, so make sure you fill out all the slots available.
See this on how to add borrows

Do 2x/3x events apply on the first time clear rewards?

I wish they did too.

I can't beat X what do I do?

Go on youtube and look at a video. You'll find that is the answer to a lot of problems in life.

What is UE / EW?

Unique Equipment (UE), or Exclusive Weapon (EW) in Global.
It's the gun.

UE30 is the first, UE40 is the second, and UE50 is the third star upgrade of the gun.

What is UG / UI?

Unique Gear, or Unique Item in global.
It's the 4th equipment.
You can find out what gift you need for the t2 upgrade on the wiki here.

How does X stat work?

See this link.

How do servers work? What server am I in.

There are 3 game versions right now: JP, Global, and CN.
JP is Japan, which is ~5 month ahead of Global.
Global is divided in 5 different regions: Global (= EU), NA, Asia, Taiwan, and Korea.
CN is the Chinese server, which is behind JP and Global by 2 years.
You can only join clubs or add friends from the same region.

If you wish to start in a different region for Global, you'll need to set your VPN to a country of that server before you create/start your account.

how to find out your server

When did X change get added

You'll have to manually look for it.
Go to https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Events, open an event, and underneath Event Summary > details you can find new additions.

Where is the AV room? (Hanako mission)

Schale office > Schale theatre room. It's bottom left.

How long does it take to reach max level / how much AP do I get a day?

You can calculate how long it takes here
At the bottom you can see how much AP you get from every source.
The current level cap is 90.

How do I get a coloured name in my ID? I see accounts that have this.

It got patched out. You used to be able to add a hexcode in your name for it, but the method got patched. The colour stayed.

What is Blufes/Bluefes/Blue fes?

Blue Archive festival, it's the anniversary banner where the 3* rateup is doubled (3% -> 6%).
The base chance to roll the banner unit is still the same (0,7%), but you also have a 0,3% off-rate chance to roll previous anni units through spooks.
For future reference: 200 rolls means you have a 75% to roll the banner anni and a 45% for the off-rate anni. With 400 it's 94% banner 70% off-rate.

I got a pop up of something expiring but I clicked away too fast, help!

It's either event currency expiring, a grand raid ticket expiring, your recruitment points from rolling expiring, recruitment points being converted to keystone pieces, or your monthly pakeji.

When is the affection check?

1st of every month in the 4chan /bag/ thread starting from 16:00-17:00 UTC, so don't be late!
Only exception is January, where it's on the 5th.
affection rentry archive

How do I access exhentai? (the panda)

Step 1: Delete cookies from exhentai
Step 2: Go to e-hentai, make an account, log in, and go to their forums
Step 2.5: Have that account for a few days, probably 7 days? who knows
Step 3: Hop onto a US VPN
Step 4: ugh nnnnhhhghghghghnhnn I'm gonna uuuOOHOHOAHOHAHAHAAAAA
Step 5: Guh.... Phew.

What gun is X using?

Hit "expand all"


In case you didn't see it already, most stuff is inside the bagguides rentry. Use it.
It also includes the chibi extraction and posing guide


Thanks for reading my guide. If you have any questions, comments, contributions, and/or feedback go to the 4chan /bag/ thread and add how2playba in your post (so I can find it in the archive). Anything is much appreciated.
Shoutout to the newbaguide writer, who specifically made the 'Downloading/Setting up the game' section, and added + edited stuff in the 'Team Formations', '(Re)rolling', 'Commissions', and 'Firing Exercise' sections.
Also like to thank some guy who was probably really assmad for this meme
Big thanks to all the guides I'm linking (and stealing from) as well. Your contribution is truly appreciated.

If I stop updating this guide (or the other guide) for longer than a month it's safe to say I died. Not planning on dying, but you know.

One day I'll shamelessly plug something here that's close to my heart.


  • levelling section
  • Addition of skip to boss for normal/hards
  • JFD buy list (might as well)
  • How 2 hoard AP (it's still too difficult)
  • step by step reroll
  • good 1 and 2 stars
  • make mac and cheese
  • migrate everything to catbox
  • priority list welfares
Pub: 26 Sep 2022 19:47 UTC
Edit: 08 Mar 2025 23:09 UTC
Views: 94867