Gift Crafting and other Affection Levelling Sources

You finally got bored enough to delve into affection levelling.

This guide will aim to give you general pointers on how to approach crafting with gift autism in mind, as well as other sources of affection points.

If you're a casual and just want to do whatever, spare yourself the trouble of reading any further and craft up to 2 nodes.
Use whatever you feel like using, but try to avoid using Keystones in the 2nd node, so you could potentially get 2 gifts for 1 Keystone.

Gifts have varying preferences per student. For the purposes of this guide, I will be listing out the terms and their affection values below.

Preference Gold Gift Purple Gift Student Reaction
Normal 20 60 🙂
Liked 40 120 😃
Favorite 60 180 😆
Beloved 80 240 😍

Later on, event shops will have random gifts available for purchase.


Aim for the third node as much as possible, while aiming for gift nodes along the way.
Third node is the only place where you can craft purple gifts. Not even the Radiant nodes in the first two nodes could drop them.

My node priority looks something like this:
1st and 2nd node:
Flower > Shiny > Radiant > anything else
2nd node has specialized gift nodes that yield a certain subset of gifts. I'll leave it to your discretion over which node to prioritize.
Sample node: Dandelion

3rd node:
Flower > Radiant > Shiny > anything else


Assuming you diligently do the dailies, you can only get up to 17 Keystones every week.
Gacha rolls not used to spark get converted into Keystone pieces at the end of the banner. 1 roll = 1 piece, so 10 rolls will net you 1 crafting chance.

Unfortunately, these are the only sources for keystones, at least for f2ps.
Use these scarce resources wisely.

Crafting Fodder

You have noticed that you need to sacrifice certain materials to be able to progress to the next node.
For simplicity, let us say you need 40 points to be able to unlock each node, with each node having restrictions on what you can use to sacrifice.
The available materials that can be used and the points they give are as follows:

T1 = gray, T2 = blue, T3 = gold, T4 = purple

Material Points Usable for 2nd node Usable for 3rd node
Keystone 20 8 when for 3rd node Yes -- (Yes in JP)
Keystone Piece 2 0.8 when for 3rd node Yes -- (Yes in JP)
Eligma 8 -- Yes
T1 Furniture 2 Yes --
T2 Furniture 4 Yes --
T3 Furniture 8 Yes Yes
T4 Furniture 20 Yes Yes
T1 Tech Notes, BDs, Artifacts 1 Yes --
T2 Tech Notes, BDs, Artifacts 2 Yes --
T3 Tech Notes, BDs, Artifacts 4 Yes Yes
T4 Tech Notes, BDs, Artifacts 10 Yes Yes
Gold Gifts 4 Yes Yes
Purple Gifts 10 Yes Yes

You can mix and match the fodder you will use. It is up to your discretion how you will manage your resources for this moving forward.
You can opt to use the barely-used artifacts sold in the JFD shop. It's up to you.
I would strongly advise against using keystones as crafting fodder.

Material Fusion Chamber

Prioritize getting and using Gold/Advanced Fusion Keystones. Buy out the stock in the JFD shop.
Then use these to craft Gift Choice Boxes.
Assuming you are only focusing on a single student, use any Normal affection gift as crafting fodder.
Using 2 Normal gifts to yield 1 Favorite gift is still a net affection gain.

Cafe Headpats

Headpats give 15 affection points.
Remember to headpat your students, /bag/.


Lessons give out 15 affection points, similar to headpats. Getting a BONUS doubles the affection you get.
The building rank of the location also influences the affection points you get.

At Building Rank 11, you get 20 affection points.
At Building Rank 12, you get 25 affection points.

Getting lucky with getting a BONUS at Building Rank 12 will net you 50 affection points.
It's a nice boost.


Shut the fuck up Arona.

Monthly Gift Package is pretty straightforward.
10 Gift Boxes, 5 Gift Choice Boxes, 1 Luxury Gift Box.

Monthly Crafting Package gives out 15 Advanced Fusion Keystones.
Use the random Crafting Materials you get alongside it as Fusion Crafting fodder, and that basically equates to 15 Gift Choice Boxes.
You also get 10 whole Keystones for crafting even more gifts.


I believe your greatest enemy in affection levelling is getting burnt out.
You could spend days, even weeks before that little funny number increments by one, and then the cycle repeats again, each one harder than the last.
There will be days where you only get 2 gifts from crafting, sometimes none, sometimes you get 2 purple gifts.
In the end you only have yourself and your studentwife to push yourselves and keep pressing on.
Remember this is a marathon, not a race. Move at your own pace.
Godspeed you magnificent autists.

Image Summary by anon

Here's an image version made by another baggot that provides a gist of whatever was written here, with less autism.
bag affection guide

References and Other Materials

Pub: 15 Oct 2023 05:53 UTC
Edit: 04 Dec 2023 21:54 UTC
Views: 7334