Affection Check

What is the affection check?

It's in the name, checking up on the affection of your studentwife. Originally starting out as a simple joke it snowballed into the monthly check it is now. From a certain angle you could say this acts as a benchmark to show your progress as you climb to 100 truly proving your commitment to your studentwife. The climb to 100 aside there's also making sure she is completely and yes, that includes having to do Set.

When is it?

On the 1st at start of every month with the only outlier being January due to the holidays. The time it starts is 8am PST/11am EST usually remaining open for 14 hours.

I have a question abo-

You know what my ritualpost is. You know the general has many Sensei that are on the climb. What I'm saying is ask in the thread. There's no secret guide to loving your student...well there is gift crafting guide to help steer you in the right direction but you know what I mean. Follow your heart and give her all your love!

Hall of fame


Previous checks

2024 -
January Febuary March
April May June
July August September
October November December
Note: February had a different host.
Edit Report
Pub: 01 Mar 2025 15:31 UTC
Edit: 02 Mar 2025 06:45 UTC
Views: 75