Ethyrian Confederacy

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Official Name: Ethyrian Confederacy
Demonym: Ethyria, Ethyrian
Type of Government: League
Ethnicities and Cultures:

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The Confederation itself is more like a league than an organized body of states under one government. The whole purpose behind the Confederacy was to provide mutual defense and assurance in the aftermath of the Luxiumite Invasion and the collapse of the neighboring states. In this capacity, the Confederation can hardly be called a Confederation as it is merely a term used by the member states to describe their military, political and economic cooperation. The only instance in which a central government is formed is when a state of emergency is called by at least 2 member states, whereby the Confederacy typically places extra military authority into the hands of one of its sovereign princes until the threat has subsidised.

Member States

Each Member state is unique in its own right.

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Geography: General Overview


Geography plays a major role in how societies develop and how they operate. As such, to properly understand a nation, it is wise to understand it's Climate, Terrain, Topography and Geology to see how it impacts the people that live there.

Climate and Geology


The Confederation has three different climates within its lands, all sharing the Monsoon type in different forms. The Northeast of the Confederation is of a Sub-Tropical Monsoon variant. Most of the nation has a continental monsoon climate, encompassing the North and the Central parts of the Confederation. In the far south, the Confederation has a subarctic monsoon climate.

The north is on a geologic shield while the south is marked as extended crust. This means that the north will have more igneous and metamorphic rocks (granite, diorite, andesite, basalt and the like) on the surface, while the south has sedimentary rocks originating from either the sea (read: limestone) or from eroded mountains. In terms of mineral resources, the north is probably reasonably rich, while the south will have most of its deposits come from whatever that get washed down and deposited by water.

Per Member State

For a more in detail geographical look into each state, follow the hyperlinks:

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Economy: General Overview

The decentralized nature of the Confederacy, it's different climate, biomes and topographic features; along with the cultural differences between each member state has led to the economies of each state being rather different.

Per Member State

To see how the economies of each member state work, follow the hyperlinks:

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Diplomacy: General Overview

The Confederation generally conducts its diplomacy as separate entities, especially inside the Empire itself. There are few instances where this is not the case, as in the event of external war, all member states are called into it. Interior wars happen from time to time as well but are generally rather tame compared to the rest of Ninisani. An agreement that all members uphold is that in the event of a civil war in a member state, the status quo faction will be supported by the Confederacy. This has led to interior stability that realms like Pomerania wish they could have.

Per Member State

To see how each state handles its own diplomacy, follow the hyperlinks:

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Culture: General Overview

While each state in the Confederacy has their own distinct culture, customs, traditions and religion; there is some degree of unity upheld by the practice of Pan-Ethyrian Games, Ethyrian Religious Festivals and cultural diffusion.

The Pan-Ethyrian games are held every 5 years in the capital of one of the member states, where athletes from each state participate in competitions ranging from Archery to Swimming. These games were started in 1005 VTE.

Pan-Religious festivals are held every year, where the goddesses of Ethyria are worshipped together on October 8th. The practice of celebrating the birthdays of each of the goddess in Ethyria is practiced across the realm as well.

Per Member State

To see uniqueness and richness of the culture of the people from each state, follow the hyperlinks:

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Pub: 01 Sep 2022 13:43 UTC
Edit: 02 Sep 2022 11:53 UTC
Views: 537