Tsardom of Bedstviye

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Official Name: Tsardom of Bedstviye
Demonym: Bedstviyite
Type of Government: Tsarist Autocracy
Capital: Novgorod Velikaya
Tsar: Tsar Dmitry IV Tsukanov (Reign 1097 to Present)
Full Title of Tsar: Tsar of all Bedstviyites
Tsaritsa: Tsaritsa Maria Chaykovsky
Tsesarevich: Tsesarevich Vasiliy Dmitriyevich
Language(s): Bedstviyite
Religion(s): Nijiridisian Pantheon: Emiliyanism, Old Chaotics
Ethnicities and Cultures: Bedstviyite

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The Tsardom has a style of Government called by outsiders a Tsarist Autocracy because of the massive amount of power that lays in the hands of the Tsar, but things are more complicated than that. While it is true that the Tsar is the divinely appointed leader, by Millie and the Church, the Tsar's power is check by the Znati (Landed Nobility), and the Church. In the times of a strong Tsar, the power of both of these factions in minimal and the Absolutism of the nation increases, while during the times of a weak Tsar, the opposite is true.

Either way, the Divinely appointed nature of the Tsar has given him near unlimited power over his subjects, of all classes; and this power is only increasing as the power of the Znati is being increasingly culled by the last 3 Tsars, who have effectively destroyed the most powerful and wealthy Znati families by both law and by provoking some into revolt. As a result, there really isn't a Znati family that is powerful enough to pose a threat to the Tsar. As for the Church, their powers have also been reduced by the current Tsar, who has tied the Church even closer to the state apparatus and has taken an even greater role in the Church himself by naming himself Sluga Bedstvia (Servant of Calamity) and the living manifestation of Millie's will upon earth. The Church, unlike the Znati, has gladly accepted these reforms as they see them as the turning of the state closer to their own goals.

This is not to say that there are no other factions in the Tsardom, The Torgovets, the merchant class, plays an important part in society as a whole and the Tsar has granted them special privileges over the years with the founding of the Tsarskaya Torgovaya Predpriyatiye (Royal Trading Company) and the setting up of Merchants Quarters in all cities per the Tsarskaya Ukaz of 1023. Another faction is the Gildia, the many artisans and craftsmen that make up the nation's guilds. Their importance to society is great, and the rights they have been granted have given them great privileges and seen them grow over the years.

Local Governments are usually led by the local Znati, who are to operate under the authority of the Tsar, or the local town councils. Cities are usually given special rights and councils that rule over them as well, all under the authority of the Tsar of course.

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As a society built on the back of its serfs and kholops, the Tsardom is a rather feudal economy that reflects its stratified nature.

Primary Sector

Most of the citizens of the Tsardom are involved in the primary sector.


Serf farmers are the backbone of the economy in the Kingdom, with the main crops being grown being wheat, rhy, barley and buckwheat. Other crops like turnips, potatoes, falx, peas, and cabbage are also grown in the allotted land to these Serfs. The number of mirs are more highly concentrated in the warmer parts of the Tsardom, but are still present in the colder far southern regions as well

Livestock are also an important part of each mir, and many cows, hogs and chicken are found on most allotted serf properties. The Horses of the Tsardom are rugged and have been breed for the most power as possible in light of the muddy seasons.


Mining is a rare profession in the Tsardom, and there are very few natural ore or mineral deposits to work. Instead, most mining is that of stones, and peat for building materials.


The heavily wooded Tsardom is a prime source for timber and logging is an essential industry to the nation. The boreal forests of its extreme south and the broadleaf forests of much of the nation are exploited and replanted as needed. The vast number of trees the Tsardom has is arguably its greatest assets and the Tsar's have long known this and made it a national industry manned by kholops.


Fishing and Whaling are extremely important part of the economy of the coastal towns and cities. The great number of fish that are found around Cape Lyrica is legendary as is the variety. The Tsardom knows how important this fishing hotspot is and often has enforced its exclusive rights by force. Whaling is also important, and several whaling villages have become prosperous as a result of the number of whales found in the Heavenly Sea.


The trapping of wildlife for their furs is an important and profitable trade for many Bedstviyians. Along the (name) river, great amounts of beavers and foxes are trapped and sold for their profitable fur pelts.

Secondary Sector

The Secondary sector is made up of artisans of all kinds and is located heavily in the cities. The main trades are craftsmen, weavers' woodcarvers, bakers, brewers and shipbuilding. The most famous artisans are the Vodka makers, who produce some of the best Vodka in the world.

Tertiary Sector

A rather non-existent sector, given the stigma against Bankers within the nation but while not necessarily part of this sector, trade is vital to the nation and the Tsardom has the largest trade fleet on its side of the Ninisani Empire.

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The Holy and Orthodox Church of Emiliya Parfe is one of the three pillars of society, along with the Tsar and the Znati. Part of the Greater Ninisani Pantheon, the Church holds Millie Parfait, or Emiliya Parfe as their patron Goddess and to whom most worship goes towards. Like many of the other religious authorities under the Greater Ninisani Pantheon, it is organized from the top down; being led by the Velikaya Mystica of Emiliya Parfe, or Grand Mystic of Millie Parfait, who is based in the city of Novgorod Velikaya. Down below him, are Metropolitans, Bishops and Priests. The Grand Mystic is elected by the 6 Metropolitans of the Stolichny Colledge (Metropolitan College) and is approved by the Tsar and Ecumenical Patriarch.

The Tsar, if he wishes, may also appoint Metropolitans and Bishops, but an unwritten rule shared between the Church and State is that the Tsar will allow the Church to conduct its own business in its appointments so long as such individuals are not enemies of the Tsar. Indeed, this rule applies to the Grand Mystic as well. There have been several situations where this bond has been tested and the Tsar has emerged victorious each time.

Overall, the unique aspects of "Emiliyanism" are much emphasis is placed upon Mysticism, Soothsayers and Omens. The interpretation of dreams is a common practice conducted by the local Mystic, who serves as the intermediate between the Mystical Realm and the Spiritual realm and is the second to the local Priest in theoritical power, but in real power is much higher.

There is also a state recognized sect of Emiliyanism known as Staryye Khaoty. This sect represents the old beliefs, from a time before the invasion itself. It is mysterious in nature to outsiders, but to those that have encountered it, this sect comes from the beliefs of a now supposedly extinct faith in the goddess Lyrica, and to many scholars, it is theorized that many of the intial Bedstviyite were from this sect and that some of the older families still practice these rites along with Emliyanism. It is even rumored that the Royal Family itself are avid worships in this sect. Either way, this sect is not considered heretical because they embrace the teachings and practices of Emiliyanism while adding the teachings of the form Lyricanism to it.

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The Army is not the most powerful force in the confederacy, indeed, it is likely the weakest and most out of date; but it is not a force to be brushed aside given the amount of men that can be raised for it.

The infantry of the army are mostly serfs that are levied into combat and their quality reflects this, with most only having basic training in line combat and others relying on polearms. The Leyb-Gvardiya, is the excemption to this and ironically, is likely the best trained and equipped infantry force overall in the Confederacy.

The cavalry is rather standard, all things considered. Nothing special but probably the best part of the army.

The artillery, however, is dreadful by all standards. All modern guns go to the navy thus the land artillery is made up of relics that are essentially handed down to them

The Navy, however, stands as a direct counter position to the Army. It may very well be the finest and most well-trained navy in the eastern half of the Empire and truly one of the more powerful forces in the Southern Heavenly Sea.

It has a long-standing tradition of excellence and while it has been defeated several times by the Eastern Fleet of the Imperial Tsukinode Navy, it has also won some great victories of its own.

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Pub: 01 Sep 2022 13:59 UTC
Edit: 28 Oct 2022 18:09 UTC
Views: 402