Corona del Espíritu

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Official Name: Corona del Espíritu: Reinos de Fantasma, Casavieja, Granada, Castellón and Groenlandia
Demonym: Fantasma, Fantasman
Type of Government: Monarchy subject to Fueros
King: King Fernando V de Alba (1114 to present)
Queen: Queen Urraca de Aguilar
Crown Prince: Infante Alfonso de Alba
Capital: Ciudad Real
Language(s): Espíritus, Pingüí
Religion(s): Nijiridisian Pantheon: Espíritu Santa; Petri Verd
Ethnicities: Fantasmos, Alcalan

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History of the Crown of the Espíritu

The history of the Kingdoms under the Crown of the Espíritu is rather complex, but also interesting.

Lands before Obsydian Invasion

Prior the Obsydian invasion, the lands of the Crown were formally under Syrenia and Solaria, but largely unpopulated and mostly controlled by Marcher Lords with little allegiance to either nation. It thus is no shock that when the Obsydian Invasion came, these Marcher Lords were quickly overrun by the Great Horde and there is little recorded history about this era at all, given the destruction of most of it shortly after the Obsydian Invasion.

Alcalan Era (and rest of their history.)

After the Obsydian Invasion, the worshippers of Petra Gurin were divided into two (or three depending on interpretation) separate groups. One of these groups were the Pingviinit, who were settled in the frozen south in their own Kingdom by Pomeranius and eventually united with Wælseaxna peacefully by the marriage of Queen Annis of Wælseaxna to King Petteri IV. These people started their own language, known Pakkanen Pingviini and called themselves Pingviinit.

However, there were other states that emerged for Petra Gurin as well, one being in the modern lands of Fantasma. They spoke a language much similar to the Pélates called Pingüí, and their Kingdom was known as the Kingdom of Grenlàndia. This kingdom had a large population of what were known as "Pingüins Fantasma", a sect that alluded to the rise of a Ghost Goddess in the future that was friends with "Petri Verd" (Petra Gurin) and spoke Espíritus.

They were tolerated by the Kings of Grenlàndia and the Alacalans, which was a horrid mistake as when the Ethyrian Migration came. The national hero of Fantasma, Ramiro the Blessed, rose up in revolt and declared himself to be the divinely prophesized "Liberator of the Fantasmos". He quickly won a great victory at Castro del Río in 641 and then crushed the Alacalan King Pere VI at Oviedo in 642. With Pere's death, the Kingdom was sent into anarchy with two rival claimants making their claim on the throne. Reduced to what is basically the current Fuero today after the Fantasmos conquered the rest of the Kingdom, the Kingdom would never recover despite the civil wars and dynastic changes in the North. This continued until future King Ramiro III married Queen Maria of Alaca in 889 and united the Kingdoms.

Rise of the Kingdom of Fantasma, the Four Kingdoms, The Tyranny and the Age of Anarchy

The first Kingdom, and the namesake for the people of the Crown. Fantasma was founded in 642 after the victory at Oviedo when Ramiro the Blessed was crowned King Ramiro I of Fantasma. Much of the Crown's current land was under his control. His reign was, however, a somewhat short one as he was killed in a hunting trip a mere 16 years into his reign at the age of 45. However, he accomplished much in his short reign, founding the capital of Ciudad Real, joining the Empire, getting the first Archbishop of Granada appointed, completing the Lex Ramirius, and constructing many castles across the land.

His Kingdom was divided between his sons, Sancho, Alfonso, Ordoño, and Fernando. Sancho would become Sancho I of Fantasma, Alfonso would become Alfonso I of Casavieja, Ordoño would become Ordoño I of Granada, and Fernando would become Fernando I of Castellón. All of these sons would rule mostly in peace with each other, aside from several wars between Granada and Castellón and the Order of the Four Kingdoms, which would see the ruler of Fantasma recognized as the feudal lord of all of the Kingdoms was a time of peace.

This delicate balance of power would however be cut short in 694, when Ramiro II of Fantasma died young and his young son, Fernando I was quickly assassinated by his uncle Alfonso I of Fantasma. The outrage at this caused the other Kings to refuse the oath towards Alfonso, and war would erupt because of this. Alfonso was a talented general and had briefly managed to reunite the whole former lands of his grandfather together. He was a brutal King that executed all of his cousins and his reign was known as "The Tyranny". His tyranny, and the dynasty of Ramiro would end however after Alfonso and his sons were all assassinated in Granada on the orders of the archbishop under the charges of Blasphemy and Treason. It was an event known as the Granadan Vespers in 708 and it would plunge the nation into a twenty-year Age of Anarchy, where 3 different Kings would rule a reduced Fantasma and Casavieja; and both Granada and Castellón would crown their own Kings in defiance.

This period ended when the nephew of Alfonso, also named Alfonso would take the throne in 732 as Alfonso II of Fantasma and Casavieja.

Three Kingdoms Era and the Age of the Dukes.

With three separate Kingdoms now ruling over the lands, all of which were greatly weakened by civil wars and a plague, power fell largely into the hands of powerful nobles for 100 years.

The Three Kingdoms Era, also known as the Age of the Dukes, is a time that the Crown has largely demonized in recent years but was also a time of relative prosperity within the Kingdoms. The weak Kings that ruled during this period were subject to the wills of the aristocrats that controlled much of the land. It was during this time that some of the most classic Fantasman stories emerged in, and the arts blossomed during this period. It was also an age where the foundations for the future united crowns was founded, indirectly, by the military reforms and economical reforms of the later years of this era.

But this era, in truth, was also one of great weakness for the nation, who also saw itself under interference from the neighboring Tsardom and raids from the Kossacks. The inability of the Nobles to stop this outside interference led to the end of their power at the hands of the King of Granada,

Uniting of the Kingdoms

Fernando III. A brilliant King, he was able to peacefully subdue his own nobles shortly after his reign started in 842 before marrying the Queen of Fantasma and Casavieja, Urraca in 846. His army, largely made of mercenaries, was able to also inflict a defeat on the Tsardom in 851 at Lezuza that would end the Tsardom's interference in local politics before then pressing his claim on the Kingdom of Castellón, which he got through his mother, in 854, defeating the Castellónian Army at Villarrobledo and being crowned the King of Castellón in the same year. 854 would be the last year where the Crowns of the Espíritu would be disunited and the succession rules were changed to prevent this from ever happening again. Fernando the Great, as he was now know ruled until his death in 880 and was succeed by his son, Alfonso IV.

Joining the Confederacy and Union with Alcala

In 881, the Crown of the Espíritu joined what is known as the Ethyrian Confederacy with the Kossack Hetmanate, Tsardom of Bedstviye, and Kingdom of Szczerbiec as a means of assurance in the aftermath of the Luxiemite Invasion and the loss of many of the northern lands of Szczerbiec as a result of it. It was a landmark event for the region and along with Fernando's reign, marked an age of true stability of the nation as it did the other nations in the Confederacy.

The payoff of the reforms under the later years of the Age of the Dukes were finally also seeing great returns, as expansion to the north was conducted in 907 by Ramiro III, and more cities were (re)founded during this era. It was also the union with Alcala that also brought great wealth via trade thanks to access to the sea. This age of prosperity would last 70 years, till the death of Sancho II in 961 without an heir.

War of Succession

Sancho's death started a 5 year war of succession between two claimants, Pedro de Moncada, the Duke of Velada, and Alfonso de Altamira, the Duke of Talavera. Pedro was the legitimate successor to the throne, but rather unpopular. After being crowned Pedro I in Granada, Alfonso revolted and gathered his supporters. Mercenaries from Pomerania were hired by Alfonso, while much of the Royal Army supported Pedro. It was a rather brutal war, with both armies looting the lands and killing many civilians. Several indesicive battles were fought, until at the decisive battle came at Mondéjar. The Pomeranian mercenaries were able to rout the Royal Army and Pedro himself was slain in the battle. His infant son Sancho was quickly proclaimed as King, but it didn't matter as Alfonso quickly was able to capitalize on this disaster and install himself as King.

As an act of clemency, he adopted the infant as his own son, but stripped his family of their holdings.

Century of Tranquility

Since Alfonso V took the throne till the Great Fatherland War, there has been stability within the realm, with the scars of the War of Succession healing in time. Aside from minor wars against Rosebuta tribals to the west, it was a time of great peace and growth. The arts flourished under the Altamira dynasty and many of the legendary Fantasman adventurers came from this time. This has been called the Century of Tranquility and represents yet another highpoint in the history of the Crown.

Yet like all great things, it would come to an end and its end was transformative for the nation. For the greatest threat in national history was about to strike the Kingdom from the north, and this threat would nearly bring the Kingdom to its knees.

The Great Fatherland War

Note: This is a summary of this legendary war. Despite it being recent, the lines of truth are blurred in this war.
In the year 1058, an army numbering according to some sources nearly 500,000 strong (like 150,000) came marching down from the north into the Kingdom. It was the Holy Army of Vox from the Holy Kingdom, and the destruction of the Fantasmos as a people was their ultimate goal. Their coming was a shock to King Ramiro IV, who did not expect the invasion from their massive northern neighbor. The two nations had an uneasy relationship for many years but had lived in peace. Ramiro called on his allies in the confederacy, and the Tsardom answered the call as did the Szczerbiak. But the Kossacks, much to the shock of the Fantasmans, did not and actually joined the invasion in hopes of plunder.

Like a wave of destruction, the Akuman army wiped out every living soul in its wake, destroying villages, massacring civilians, and executing prisoners. They destroyed the cities of Lupiana, Fontanar (Capital of Castellón), and Estella. When the Army of the Confederacy finally was able to battle the Akumans and Kossacks in 1059, it was utterly crushed at San Vincent, with all three rulers dying in the chaos and 60,000 men being killed wounded or captured. The victorious Akumans would soon capture the holy city of Granada, the holiest city for all Espíritu Santans, and completely ravaged it. The Cathedral itself was plundered, with the bones of many saints being scattered and the famous divine dress, from Reimu herself, being put to the torch. May 29th, 1060, the date Granada was destroyed, will forever be etched into the memories of Fantasmos as the worse day in their whole history.

All hope by this point seemed lost. Little stood in front of the Akumans from destroying the Kingdom and killing every last Fantasmos in the process. The road to the capital was wide open, and King Akumanus VII lick his lips with anticipation on delivering the killing blow to these foul and wicked people. But in the darkest hour of the Fantasmos arose, its most legendary hero arose to save them from utter destruction. Don Miguel de Alba otherwise known as "El Salvador". Helped by Akuman disorganization and the drunkness of them on victory juice, Don Miguel was able to rally what was left of the army and raise more men, some 30,000 in total before taking the fight to the Akumans. Declaring it a Crusade and according to even witnesses, with Reimu's intervention, he quickly was able to destroy several small Akuman forces before meeting the main one, some 80,000 strong at San Salvador de Saldaña on June 14th, 1061. In an stunning battle, he was able to nearly totally destroy the Akuman Army, which according to survivors was blinded by light the whole battle and he captured the King himself. Miguel, now declared King Miguel I by his men, quickly deposed the weak King Henrique II and established himself as the King of Fantasma, Casavieja, Granada, Castellón and Groenlandia. Still using Akumanus as his footstool as he would until Akumanus died in 1084, he was able to liberate the rest of the nation by 1062 and then brought his crusade to the lands of the Holy Kingdom, where he vanquished the sons of Akumanus in a series of battles and forever banished the Holy Kingdom from the Northern Plains and back across the White River. The Holy Kingdom sued for peace as did the Kossacks, who had been defeated by the Tsardom and the Szczerbiaks. Thousands of pounds of gold were to be paid by the Holy Kingdom to the Fantasmans. This gold would go on, not only to rebuild the destruction, but to build many marvels of engineering within the Crown for years to come.

Up to present

Miguel reigned until his death in 1080, and since his rise to power, the Kingdom has once again entered an age of prosperity and peace. Miguel's grandson, Fernando is the current King, and he is a wise and peaceful ruler.

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The Holy and Blessed King of Fantasma, Casavieja, Granada and Groenlandia is a divinely appointed ruler who's right to rule comes from his devotion to his people, the honoring of the Fueros and the blessing of the Church. The King has to properly balance these three aspects, along with the secular powers that be like the Aristocracy, to have a prosperous rule

A Fuero is a granted or acknowledge right that certain regions hold. These are often shown in the local laws, which the King must respect and continue to grant these people their ancestral rights. Should the King violate these rights, he would be in danger of forfeiting his divine right to rule and the murky waters of this has led to civil wars in the past. The most notable region subjected to a fuero is Groenlandia, where the Pingüí live peacefully under the rule of the King. Another more recent region is that of Tierra de Rosas in the north, where a small community of Pélates were settled upon the destruction of their state.

The Judicial System comes under the dual power of the church and state, depending on the crime. For some crimes like desecration of the dead, both the Church and the State appoint their own judges that work together to settle the fate of the wicked.

Duchies and Counties


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Fantasma's economy reflects its state: Feudal in Nature but with its own unique twist. The economy is a mixture of Guild-based economics, state sponsored industry and old feudal practices. What this means is that Fantasma, while not having a "Modern" economy, is more than adequate of meeting the needs of its people from its own production and trade.

Primary Sector

For most nations, the Primary Sector is the heart of their economy.


Subsistence Farming is the most common occupation within the Kingdom. Long days of toil and hardship are the way of the live for these families. From their fields, comes rye, buckwheat, barley, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, onions, lettuce, falx, peas, tomatoes, and beets. Crop Rotation and the cultivation of Livestock are universal for these farmers in order to get the most from their hard toil. In the warmer parts of the nation, Apple Orchards, Pear Trees, and Cherry Trees are commonly found. Blackberries, raspberries and blueberries are also commonplace.

Livestock, while usually found on the family farms, can also be found in much larger Stud farms, typically dedicated to Cattle and Horses. The Casaviejian Horses are widely known for their speed and agility.

In the colder regions of the Kingdom, Agriculture is much more restrictive, being largely restrictive to crops that can be grown in that environment, such as Rye and Buckwheat. These regions also tend to rely much more on the hunting of game, and fishing, which can sustain their smaller populations and poor soil fertility.

Fishing is very common in the Fluvià River and along the Maximus Ocean. There is also a notable whaling industry operating out of the South as well, hunting the rich whaling grounds nearby.

The Ice Trade is also an important part of the economy, with the south in particular finding much profit in it.


Logging is an important industry for the Kingdom that is widespread. The effects of clearcutting in the past for agricultural land has reduced the sizes of the broadleaf and mixed forests of the heartland but there are still vast amounts of timber, in particular the boreal forests of the south and the broadleaf and mixed forests of the north that are ready to be exploited. Some efforts have been made to regulate the clearcutting but have been unsuccessful and it is unlikely that this will become an issue for a long time.

Trees such as maple, birch, oak, larch, spruce, fir, and pine are common.


Mining is a rather lucrative but dangerous industry for those employed in it. It is rather common within the hills of the North and Northwest, from which Iron, Bituminous Coal, Tin, Lead, Gold, Sulphur and Silver can be found in large amounts. Smaller amounts of Mercury, Manganese, and Nickel can be found as well.

Some gemstones like Rubies, Moonstones, Obsydian, Onyx and Opal are found in decent amounts in these regions as well, making prized jewellery. Other minerals such as limestone, granite, diorite, andesite, and basalt are found in quarries across the nation.

Secondary Sector

The Kingdom's secondary sector is largely made up of artisans and is dominated by trade guilds. Some of the more notable and important trades are metalworking, carpentry, brewing, baking, shipbuilding weaving and construction.

State owned/funded key industries are also an important part of this sector, in particularly regarding weapons and armor making. The way it usually functions is the state sponsors the local guilds to help improve their output.

Tertiary Sector

Usury is considered a grave sin in Fantasma, and banking is forbidden but trading plays an important part in the economy overall, both within the confederation. The prized highly crafted arms, armor and jewellry the Kingdom produces are shipped across the Empire and overseas as well. Other services such as those of artistic means are valued and supported within the Kingdom.

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The worship of the Espíritu Santa, Reimu is a central part of the lives of every Fantasman. There are few cultures within the empire that place such a great emphasis on their faith and the practice of it like Fantasmans. Properly orthodox with the Ecumenical Patriarch and following the same overall structure as other nations, with the Archbishop of Granada being the head of religion within the state. He has the power to appoint clergy on behalf of the Ecumenical Patriarch and holds the executive religious power in the realm.

The Archbishop is also one of the most important political figures in the realm and the politics between a King and the Archbishop can make or break a King. A wise King keeps the power of the Church in check while also following the advice of the Archbishop.

But like most of the other churches, the Church of Espíritu Santa is uniquely different but also similar to other churches in the pantheon. While we are not going to compare and contrast, it is important to understand some of the theology and practices of the faith. There are 6 holy sacraments that every Fantasman holds to be dear.

  1. The Sacredness of Marriage
    The sanctity and mutual union of a man and a woman in matrimony is considered to be one of the most holy things in all of Fantasman belief. As Reimu was left by her beloved at the altar, Fantasmos make up for it by protecting and honoring the institution itself.
  2. The Sanctity of the Dead
    As the living pass into the afterlife to join Reimu, they are considered to be purified from all sins through the prayers of the living. Praying to the dead to be at peace in the afterlife, as well as calling upon the intercession of the Saints is an essential part of Fantasman life. The protection of graves from robbers also a crucial part of the faith, for the despoiling of the dead would be considered the dead being sent to Hades. Anyone who desecrates a grave is given the most severe punishment possible under law.
  3. Penance and Redemption
    Acts of Penance, such as Pilgrimages, fasting, self-denial, days of prayer, and even crusades are crucial to the cleansing of the soul on earth from mortal sins. Redemption comes from faith in Reimu, but penance is a showing of this faith.
  4. Holy Relics
    Holy relics are considered to be a piece of Reimu's love towards her people and the touching, collecting and care of them is considered to be an important part of life and religion. From the bones of saints to relics of Reimu herself are said to have miraculous powers, that can even bring true connection and interaction with the Goddess herself.
  5. The Sacredness of Love and Self Sacrifice
    Love and Self-Sacrifice are essential to life. To love one's neighbor, family and strangers are considered holy rites and true forms of Reimu's love displayed. The act of self-sacrifice is also considered to be the most noble deed a man can do, as to die for Reimu, and his people, whether it be under the banner of a crusader or just from an treacherous villain. Many Martyrs and Saints died in the act of self-sacrifice.
  6. The interpretation of dreams.
    The interpretation of dreams, which are considered to be messages from Reimu as extremely important as well. Many desicions in a Fantasmos' life come from these interpretations, which are seen as oracles of truth.

(Expand on the following: Examples of Relics, Examples of Holy Sites, and Saints. Need map for this.)

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family centric, traditional families, value of virginity, communal. loving and caring. Traveling.

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The Ejército Real is one of the more underestimated armies on the continent and their consistent ability to defeat raiders and enemy forces that dare trespass within the Kingdom is overlooked by many unjustly.

The Infantry is of a high quality and is drawn by the allotment system, like the Szczerbiecians, but unlike them, it is considered to be a point of communal pride to be part of the infantry and the allotted men undergo training every year. They fight in the traditional line tactics as most armies but they have particularly excellent light infantry and riflemen that are some of the best on the eastern side of the continent.

The cavalry is of relatively good quality, with light cavalry in particular being of a rather high quality in particular thanks to the traditions surrounding them.

The artillery, however, maybe be the best of the best on in the eastern half of the Empire and rivals Pomerania in pure quality. The guns are all modern and the tactics used are as well.

The Armada Real is a relatively powerful force regionally that is not as powerful as their counterparts to the east. Mostly dedicated towards port and trade defense, the Navy doesn't often encounter a real threat outside of pirates operating from the wildlands to the west.

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Pub: 01 Sep 2022 13:55 UTC
Edit: 28 Oct 2022 18:10 UTC
Views: 416