How do I get started?

Most important part

There is no wrong way to worldbuild, as long as you're having fun. There is an infinity of ways to approach worldbuilding and they're all valid.

To get started, read and understand the intro document. Once that's done, close your eyes and see if you feel inspired to create something in this setting. If yes, go ahead, do it, and share it with us afterwards!

If no, continue to the next section.

What do?

This cannot be an exhaustive list of things you might do from here, but it might give you an idea of what to work on if that is something you lack.

Pick a location

Selecting where your worldbuilding will happen tends to be a nice entry point. Some possibilities:

  1. A location on an existing planet or solar system
  2. A location on a new planet or solar system
  3. A huge space ship
  4. An orbital colony
  5. An asteroid
  6. A comet
  7. A power station orbiting a star
  8. Something else.

For any of these, you will want to check the Stellar Objects sheet. You can either pick an existing location, or add your own. To add your own, simply anchor a submission with the following format to the lore anchor.

Name: Examplia
Parent: Vitubion
Type: Planet
Short Description: Earthlike planet where the Examplians live.

If desired, you can fill in the optional fields as well. If left blank, the ID will be created by archiveanon based on the name, and the other fields will be filled in if relevant based on the short description.

Write a story
Write a poem
Write a greentext
Write a lore scrap
Make a drawing
Make a map
Write lore


Write about speculative science or technology (biology, engineering, pataphysics, climatology, etc)
Something else

Whatever you do, don't forget about the most important part.

Pub: 16 Feb 2023 03:37 UTC
Edit: 16 Feb 2023 05:37 UTC
Views: 857