The CyberVitubia40k AU Proposal/Introductory Document

Section I: Ground Truths

The "Ground Truths" are facts that will be agreed upon during the creation of the AU, and which should be considered as true by contributors. These ground truths are designed to provide a framework for the writers to build upon, while limiting their creativity minimally. Content besides the ground truths will be treated as laid out in Section III

-Space: Set in an AU with a unique universe and galaxy, solar systems, and planets. The focus of the setting is the Vitubian Nebula, a region of the galaxy made unique by the presence of vitubium. Near the core of this nebula can be found Vitubia (Also known as Vitubion, Vitubis, and many other names), the planet from whence multiple civilizations in the nebula originate. The physical characteristics of those components are defined in Section IIa.

-Time: Set ~40 000 years after an initiating event called "The Seventh Trumpet". CyberVitubia40k occurs in 40 000 AST (After Seventh Trumpet). The Seventh Trumpet is an apocalyptic event similar to the Final Yab of the Era After AU.

-Civilization: The development of civilization in the 40 000 years period is undefined and left up to the writers' preference.

-Nature: The nature of the organic lifeforms of the Nebula is undefined and left up to the writers' preference.

-At some point during these years, magic returned to the galaxy.

-No "current time". Stories are written at the date the writer desires.

-Events in Vtuber streams occur in the Heavenly Realm.

-All Magical Energy originates from the Heavenly Realm. Conduits must be used to transfer this energy. Vitubium and catalognauts are such conduits.

-The timeline of Vitubia and the timeline of the Heavenly Realm are not parallel. They intersect arbitrarily, sometimes out of order, sometimes multiple times for the same event.

Section Ia: Q&A

Does FTL exist?

Yes. FTL relies on magic, both for travel and communication. Catalognauts (or other similar Catalog-interfacing magical constructs) are one way to access these mechanics.

Is the rest of the galaxy populated?


What is the tech level?

The upper limit is a tech level aesthetically comparable to WH40k, Star Wars, Star Trek, Dune or other scifi settings.
There is no lower limit. A writer may create a nation with a tech level comparable to the stone age or the middle ages and this is valid.

How much magic is there?

The upper limit is a society with capabilities comparable to the upper limit of the tech level, except everything is powered by magical energy.
There is no lower limit. A writer may create a society with no magic at all.

What is /vtwbg/ in-universe?

/vtwbg/ is a neutral record-keeping organization. Contradictions in the records are the result of biased or incompetent record-keepers, intentional attempts at obfuscation, and magical interference.

Section Ib: Illustrative Examples

NB: These are guidelines for a typical society which engages in infrequent interstellar travel. Deviations from these norms are possible.

-An average upper-middle class individual traveling to another planet in the solar system is roughly comparable to an IRL human going on a roadtrip to another province of the country, in terms of relative expense and time commitment.

-Traveling to a relatively close and developed solar system in the Nebula is roughly comparable to an IRL human taking a transcontinental flight to another country.

-Traveling to the outer reaches of the Nebula is comparable to an IRL human traveling to Antarctica.

-Traveling outside of the Nebula is comparable to an IRL human taking a rocket to another planet.

-The largest mining operations are of planetary scale, likely on a dwarf planet. Think planet cracking, as in Dead Space.

Section II: Physical Definition of the Setting

Section IIa: Galactic Neighbourhood, Galaxy, Vitubia Nebula, Vitubian System

This physical definition is a part of the agreed-upon ground truth of the setting.


The Galaxy is a spiral-armed galaxy of normal size and proportions.


Vitubian Nebula

The Vitubian Nebula is a diffuse nebula found near the core of the [galaxy name]. It is around 40 light-years long along its largest dimension. It contains around 800 solar systems. 100 solar systems are clustered near its core within a sphere of a radius of around 3 light-years, while the rest are dispersed throughout the nebula.

Its blueish coloration, uncommon for Nebulas of its size, is caused by the large amounts of Vitubium found in its interstellar medium.

Vitubian Nebula

Section IIb: New Astral Bodies

New solar systems and planets may be added at the writers' discretion. These bodies' definitions will be compiled to a document, and these definitions will have the status of ground truths.

Section IIc: Anthropogenic Effects

Anthropogenic: Originating in human (or generally, sapient) activity.

The writer may modify these elements as desired, with the following constraints:
-No existing stellar body may be removed from the setting, or destroyed.

Changes to the following are valid:
-Climate (through supernatural effects or anthropogenic climate change)
-Geography (through supernatural effects or anthropogenic climate change)

Section III: Canonicity

Section IIIa: Canonicity of Ground Truths and Written Content

Beside the agreed-upon ground truths established in the introductory document Sections I, IIa, and IIb, there is no universal canon. Written content is non-canon. Two pieces of written content may be contradictory to one another, may be fully compatible, or may be partially compatible. All three are valid. Anthropogenic effects as defined under Section IIc are also classified as non-canon.

Section IIIb: Canonicity of Base Vitubia

The topography and geology of Base Vitubia as defined here is to be considered a part of the setting's ground truth, as established in Section IIa. Besides this physical definition, the planet of Vitubia does not have any lore from the base setting as part of its ground truth. Writers may freely make use, retcon, ignore, or modify the existing base Vitubia lore for their new work, if they wish; this is completely optional.

Section IV: Collaboration

Collaboration between contributors is strongly encouraged, as is using the content created by another in your own original work. Do try to include links to relevant bits of lore that were referenced or provided inspiration.

Stellar Objects

Decisional Rationales



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Pub: 09 Feb 2023 04:40 UTC
Edit: 16 Feb 2023 03:55 UTC
Views: 659